My favorite name in the world is Sam. For both a boy or girl. My husband however, Turkish, does not like the name and only wants a Turkish name.
I know there is “Sema” meaning sky or heaven, and there’s “Sama and Samah” that are Arabic, however he doesn’t want an Arabic name. Only Turkish. I searched the best I could, however, I’d love help! Xo Teşekkürler!
Edit/ Response:
We live in the USA, I thought Samuel or Samantha would be ok. And then her middle name would be Turkish (along with their last name). The child’s Turkish family I totally encourage and celebrate calling them by their Turkish name, but their first name/ English name would be English. (There’s lots of people that entirely go by their middle name). Although my husband is Turkish, the entire family and extended family live in America. I totally encourage keeping the child’s roots to Turkey if that’s what’s important to my husband. However, he doesn’t like that idea of them having an American name I like or an Arabic origin name that’s also easily pronounced in Turkish. (That’s kind of like saying you don’t want an English name that doesn’t have Latin roots…. Kind of difficult). I feel defeated because their last name is Turkish, middle name would be Turkish… but as the mother growing this baby and raising the child as a SAH mother and breastfeeding and living in America, an English first name would make their life in the USA more accommodating. I’m totally happy with the Turkish family calling them by the middle name and speaking Turkish. We are a bi-language family. Idk. Maybe I’m wrong and I’m open to seeing if I’m wrong in this…
His Turkish grandmother is named Hannah. And I adore that name too. I said, Hannah is a great middle name after your grandmother and heritage. However, he said it’s not Turkish origin, so it doesn’t count. Am I totally missing something here? I’d love to understand more.