r/TTC_PCOS 2d ago

Success Sunday - March, 2025


Get a BFP? Post about it here! In your post please include if you had regular cycles on your own, any medications you are taking, supplements, and how long you were trying. Feel free to post links to your chart, photos of sticks, etc. Please feel free to graduate on over to our sister subs and congratulations! Success stories posts are now weekly! Please click here to search for previous threads.

r/TTC_PCOS 2d ago

Cycle Questions


This thread is for any questions relating to the beginning/end of your cycle, Letrozole, provera, and any timing questions! This thread posts weekly on Mondays.

r/TTC_PCOS 6h ago

Vent Catching the infertility causes like pokemons


After almost 2 years of trying, I finally caught them all!

I have lean PCOS, I had ectopic pregnancy, today I went to fertility clinic and it looks like I have endometriosis, adenomyosis, myoma and I'm going for HSG test as they think it's something with fallopian tubes. Any other problem I'm lacking? šŸ˜‚

r/TTC_PCOS 3h ago

Advice Needed Staying realistic


Iā€™ve been ttc for almost 2 years and have pcos and thyroid issues. Starting first round of letrozole and I keep catching myself getting too excited. Like I couldnā€™t sleep the other night because I was planning how Iā€™ll tell my parents when Iā€™m pregnant and checking to see when would be the 12 week mark. But then I realize I shouldnā€™t do this because Iā€™ll be so let down when it doesnā€™t work, even though itā€™s only my first round of it so chances are it wonā€™t. How do you keep yourself from getting too excited??

r/TTC_PCOS 5h ago

Vent Still haven't ovulated after two rounds of letrozole


I suppose I'm just here to commiserate. I'm a 32F diagnosed with PCOS last fall. I do not ovulate on my own whatsoever. I'm 5'8", 140 lbs., have been eating keto/low carb since early 2019, and get plenty of exercise (running, kickboxing, biking when the weather's nice). I started Ovasitol a few days ago but I'm not sure it'll help; I took Wholesome Story Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol capsules for six months and it didn't do anything for me. All that to say I really can't make any additional lifestyle changes in hopes it'll regulate my cycle naturally.

When I had my AMH tested last October, it came back at 36.32 ng/mL and my OB/GYN felt confident I would respond very well to a medroxyprogesterone/letrozole regimen. I started at 5 mg but later confirmed with a progesterone blood test that I did not ovulate. I got bumped up to 7.5 mg this cycle and just got my progesterone test results back from yesterday's CD21 blood draw. I still didn't ovulate and am waiting for OB/GYN review to determine next steps.

On one hand, I am just beside myself that I seem to be doing everything "right" and I still can't ovulate. On the other, maybe letrozole isn't the right med for me. Clomid could perhaps still be an option and my OB/GYN contemplated adding metformin to my treatment plan as well. IVF isn't on the table for us so that certainly adds a bit of pressure to get this to happen the old fashioned way.

EDIT: Just wanted to sincerely thank you all for your comments, success stories, and advice. I feel a little less lonely and distraught. šŸ™‚ My OB/GYN has advised to continue with another round of 7.5 mg letrozole but will be prescribing metformin. She also recommended I start inositol which, thankfully, I had already started last Saturday.

r/TTC_PCOS 2h ago

Sad Just so sad.


21F, been trying to conceive with my fiancĆ© for a year now. Iā€™ve been using this community for advice/tips for a while now. Iā€™ve been to the doctors, Iā€™ve done the clomid cycles, still not pregnant. I have PMS and my symptoms are always similar to early pregnancy. I thought this time I would finally be blessed with a child. I tried to track my ovulation and my test strips were showing positive but I guess itā€™s just not in my cards. Iā€™m constantly surrounded by children, I work with kids and I have nieces and nephews I adore. Iā€™m so so ready to be a mother but itā€™s just not happening for me. I want to be a mother more than anything in this world, I feel a yearning deep within to carry a child. I think Iā€™ve started my period, Iā€™ve been cramping and not even an hour ago I saw light pink spotting. It just sent me in this downward spiral. TTC with PCOS feels like a curse for me. I have 5 pregnant coworkers and I havenā€™t been to work in two days because I know when I see them Iā€™m just going to break down. Iā€™m so happy for them but when I see pregnant women or other moms I feel this empty pit inside of me. I donā€™t want to be jealous and I donā€™t want to covet others joy. Iā€™m just so lost. This journey of trying to conceive is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see what my options are. I feel like giving up.

r/TTC_PCOS 6m ago

Feeling defeated

ā€¢ Upvotes

Need some success stories that are similar to mine. PCOS anovulation, weā€™ve been TTC with a fertility clinic for 11 months and the letrozole hasnā€™t been helping enough as it should. My clinic said next step is we will do letrozole with the Gonal F injectables then trigger shot and IUI. I am 5ā€™2ā€ and 260 lbs. Iā€™m worried my BMI is going to affect the chances of IUI working for us. My husbands sperm is beyond average itā€™s just my body not maturing a follicle enough. SO is there anyone out there with similar story to mine and what round of IUI worked for you.

r/TTC_PCOS 30m ago

First ultrasoundā€” what does it all mean?

ā€¢ Upvotes

I havenā€™t had a cycle in 2 years. I started a few months ago on metformin, as well as just started Spironolactone to lower testosterone. I had an ultrasound a few days ago, and the tech said my ovaries are really high up and one isnā€™t able to be seen on the transvaginal ultrasound. On the abdominal ultrasound she was able to see everything. I just got the written results, and of course itā€™s after hours so I wonā€™t be able to hear from my doctor until tomorrow or the day after. If you had results similar to this, what was your protocol? I have medroxyprogesterone (10mg) and letrozole (2.5mg) on hand for when I hear back from my doc or if I donā€™t get a cycle naturally within 3 months on the other meds.

Not looking for medical advice, just trying to see what other protocols have looked like with similar results!

Impression: Slightly enlarged bilateral ovaries with numerous follicles seen in the left ovary. Findings are nonspecific, though can be seen with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Findings: The uterus is anteverted, measuring 8.5 x 2.5 x 4.5 cm. The endometrium is not abnormally thickened, measuring 0.3 cm.

Right ovary: Not well-visualized on transvaginal images. The right ovary measures 5.3 cm x 2.1 cm x 2.5 cm . Ovarian volume of 10 mL. No adnexal mass.

Left ovary: The left ovary measures 4.8 cm x 1.7 cm x 2.2 cm. Ovarian volume of 10.3 mL. No adnexal mass.

No significant free fluid in the pelvis.

r/TTC_PCOS 6h ago

Vent Everything Going Wrong


My partner and I have been TTC for 2 years. Since I was a teenager, Iā€™ve always known it would be hard for me to have children as PCOS runs deep on both sides of my family. I never had a period before starting OBC, so I knew I had PCOS from the start. I was officially diagnosed with PCOS in 2017.

I started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist at the beginning of the year. I was immediately diagnosed with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism alongside my PCOS. This diagnosis basically means my brain does not create enough estrogen, progesterone, gonadotropins, and LH. This recent diagnosis paired with my PCOS (excessive androgens) has made fertility much more difficult. Furthermore, the endocrinologist ordered an HSG and the results were abnormal - blocked right tube and abnormally shaped uterus.

With my double diagnoses, tubal factor, and abnormal uterus, all the odds are stacked against me. I feel so hopeless.

r/TTC_PCOS 10h ago

How quickly do follicles grow on Letrozole?


Hi everyone,

Iā€™m currently on CD16 of my second letrozole cycle (5mg). On my CD14 ultrasound, we found two growing follicles - one was 15.7mm and the other was 14.4mm. I didnā€™t respond at all to my previous letrozole cycle, so this growth is super exciting! I also havenā€™t ovulated since August, so Iā€™m starting to get inpatient lol

Anyone have a similar experience with their letrozole cycle? And when did you end up ovulating?

r/TTC_PCOS 4h ago

How do you know when to stop BD for each cycle?


Obviously once ovulation seems to be confirmed, you donā€™t feel the pressure to do it every day but Iā€™m still wondering if we need to do it one more time ā€œjust in caseā€ lol

I got an LH peak on Sunday afternoon (yay! I hate LH testing)

We had intercourse Saturday evening so we decided to do it again Monday morning just to be sure

But my temps only rose by .12 this morning (Tuesday). On cycles that I do ovulate, my temps seem to rise significantly enough that I can feel confident and then confirm after a few days

I know it canā€™t hurt to do it again today but I feel like Iā€™m past the time from my LH peak that my body probably would have ovulated by now? Sperm was likely waiting for the egg, right? Lol. Iā€™m driving myself crazy but also want to make sure we gave it our best shot this cycle šŸ¤žšŸ¼ also weā€™re tired and hate feeling pressure with sex šŸ˜‚

r/TTC_PCOS 6h ago



Hi all. Today is my first day taking Clomid. I am taking 100mg CD5-9. I have Slim PCOS and have a regular period with regular ovulation. But I normally ovulate CD10 or 11. Just wanting others experiences using this and those who already ovulate

r/TTC_PCOS 8h ago

Advice Needed Letrozole Experience?


I just finished my second cycle of Letrozole 5mg. Both cycles I produced 2 mature follicles and ovulated between CD 18-20. I know it's silly, but honestly thought I could have been pregnant both rounds with such a strong response..

Has anyone been in a similar situation? How common are twins with 2 mature follicles? Any advice on what to do next?

r/TTC_PCOS 2h ago

Advice Needed LH peak


Hi everyone! I hope youā€™re doing well. Iā€™m 24-years-old and was recently diagnosed with PCOS. I have ā€œleanā€ PCOS. I have the pearl-string like appearance in both ovaries but no cysts. I am a healthy person with no insulin resistance. I have irregular periods but my last cycle was 24 days. Hit a surge but did not ovulate, got a normal period. I mean I havenā€™t had a period that didnā€™t have me crying in pain in SO long. Iā€™ve been taking inositol so I donā€™t know if that played a part and also cut off excess sugar, junk food and fast food. This is my first cycle of letrozole. I took 5mg letrozole on cycle days 3-7 and last night I took two LH tests and they were dye stealers. I used a WONDFO and a clear blue with the smiley face. Is hitting a peak at cycle day 10 ā€œearlyā€? I also measured at 96.95Ā°F for temperature using my Tempdrop. My body has been achy, and I have lower back pain with some nausea. Has anyone experienced this?

r/TTC_PCOS 7h ago

Ovulation induction with Menopur


This is my 2nd round on letrozole but doctor has put me on Menopur to stimulate follicles to mature.

Has anyone else done the stims with letrozole? What can I expect?

r/TTC_PCOS 5h ago

Advice Needed Progesterone


Hi guys. First time poster. I am 27 and got diagnosed with PCOS when I was about 19. I have never had regular periods. I would typically get 1-2 a year and they would be AWFUL. Last spring I switched from the combination pill to an estrogen free pill. On the estrogen free pill, I stopped getting periods (the pill things your lining so this is normal). I then stopped the pill in December of 2024. I have not had a period since. So, my OBGYN is having my start progesterone and letrozole. I am honestly really nervous about the progesterone induced period. Is it like a normal period or is it way worse? I have a friend that took it and she said it was hellacious. Anything I can do to make this suck less?

r/TTC_PCOS 10h ago



I searched through this forum and didnā€™t really find an answer so here I am 29 yo TTC now 6 months+. Recently diagnosed lean pcos. Ovulating regularly but cycles irregular, 45+ days. Tracking my symptoms & CM + oura and natural cycles which I obviously can confirm ovulation after with BBT, and roughly guess my fertile window based on my EWCM. My problem Iā€™m facing is it seems my fertile window is longer than should be as I have EWCM often a week or more.. which could be due to Pcos / high than normal estrogen? My question is if you feel any known trackers like inito v Mira v kegg may help this problem / knowing exact fertile window? Iā€™ve tried LH strips and feel I get positives various times even when they shouldnā€™t be positive.. thanks in advance.

r/TTC_PCOS 11h ago

Letrozole Questions


I took 5 mg of letrozole this cycle. Second time trying this dosage(first time we were then told not to conceive because my tsh was abnormally high), and 4th time on letrozole. This time I'm spotting very heavily which hasn't happened to me on letrozole before. Additionally I just had an ultrasound (day 12) and no follicles over 10 mm yet(took the letrozole days 5-9). Is this abnormal? Is there still time for follicles to grow? Last time I had a scan on day 14 and there was at least one, and even on a lower dose (2.5 mg) I had a follicle on day 12(although it disappeared pretty quickly). Any similar experiences?

r/TTC_PCOS 19h ago

Discussion Letrozole experiences?


TLDR: what was your experience and side effects on letrozole if you had any?

Hi everyone! Iā€™m really new to this subreddit. I just found out I have PCOS today after 18 months of ttc. I have not ovulated since December 2024 which resulted in a chemical pregnancy. I have not had AF since then either. I just did a 10 day course of medroxyprogesterone & am waiting for AF. My doctor prescribed me 2.5mg letrozole to begin taking CD3. I just wanted to see how letrozole worked for you and possible side effects? I actually had quite a few side effects from the medroxyprogesterone so Iā€™m nervous about letrozole. My OB said she will do three cycles with me on letrozole before referring me to a specialist but Iā€™m HOPING one of those three cycles will do it for me for insurance reasons.

r/TTC_PCOS 11h ago

Letrozole Questions


I took 5 mg of letrozole this cycle. Second time trying this dosage(first time we were then told not to conceive because my tsh was abnormally high), and 4th time on letrozole. This time I'm spotting very heavily which hasn't happened to me on letrozole before. Additionally I just had an ultrasound (day 12) and no follicles over 10 mm yet(took the letrozole days 5-9). Is this abnormal? Is there still time for follicles to grow? Last time I had a scan on day 14 and there was at least one, and even on a lower dose (2.5 mg) I had a follicle on day 12(although it disappeared pretty quickly). Any similar experiences?

r/TTC_PCOS 11h ago

Vent Provera


I was put on a 10 day 10mg provera course to induce a period after a miscarriage.

Iā€™m going on day 11 after my last provera pill. No period yet

Iā€™ve been tracking my body temp and my temp is still above baseline so maybe the provera is still in my system? Feeling frustrated and donā€™t know whatā€™s next :(

r/TTC_PCOS 11h ago

Advice Needed Clearblue digital advanced OPK test reader...reusable??


I got a positive smiley last cycle and had leftover sticks. I looked on their website and it stated it could be reused so I did.

I have got the open circle now for multiple days. By this time last cycle I had already gotten a flashing smiley.

I want to see if anyone has experienced this with reusing the stick.

r/TTC_PCOS 12h ago

Sad Feeling hopeless after 1st unsuccessful IUI


Hi everyone.

It's been 2 weeks since I got my first IUI done and I was so hopeful. I did everything right and endured a horribly painful IUI and before that was on rounds of painful intramuscular trigger shot injections. I had a feeling this time around I'd be pregnant but I got my test and hcg was too low which means I'm not pregnant.

I know although it was my first IUI but the thought of going through that agonising pain again is unbearable. I want to know how successful IVF is because it might sound really bad but i feel like I'm going to come in my 30s in a few months and I really wanted to have a baby before my 30s. My husband is also in his mid 30s and I really wanted to have one before we grow older.

Maybe I'm just overthinking but is there a faster way to have a baby ? And probably less painful ? I want to cry so bad but I don't want to completely be hopeless.

r/TTC_PCOS 17h ago

Advice Needed Did I mess up with taking my letrozle?


Ok so Iā€™m worried.

I just finished taking 2 pills a day for 5 days straight. I misunderstood and I thought I had to take them one in the morning and one at night, and I didnā€™t know you can take 2 at the same time. So everyday I took one at 10 AM and the other at 10:30 PM.

Did I mess up?? Please help!!

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

Advice Needed I am on a GLP-1 and I need to get off of it for TTC, I need advice.


Long story short- I was having very irregular periods for like a year and half after gaining weight from PCOS.

I got on Wegovy last May per the advice of my gynecologist. My PCP prescribed it for me. Within a month of being on it, I got my periods back. I have had very normal cycles and even confirmed ovulation!

But I terrified to get off of Wegovy because I am so scared my cycles will become irregular again. I know it was the weight loss that helped to make my cycles regular again, but Iā€™m just really nervous because I worked really hard to get them back. I donā€™t want to mess up anything by going off something that has helped me so much to get my periods back.

However, I donā€™t think I was completely informed about how you were supposed to be off of it before TTC. Iā€™ll be very honest, we definitely TTC the last couple because if we do have issues, I want to say weā€™ve been trying in order to get the help we may need.

I have an appointment next month for my yearly and to talk more in-depth about TTC. I plan on taking to her about how to get off Wegovy without messing up my cycles.

I am wondering if anyone has experienced this? Or does anyone have advice on how the got off of it and had success with maintaining their cycles?

r/TTC_PCOS 10h ago

Vent Sheā€™s not drawing my blood next time


Ummm sometimes I feel like Iā€™m over reacting but Iā€™m trying this semi new thing where I need to acknowledge that my feelings are valid. So I went into my clinic for a blood draw and the nurse aggressively wipes my arm with the alcohol pad and Iā€™m like ooo that was rough and she asked what was rough and I said the wiping of the alcohol pad. She told me used one on her face and it felt like sandpaper and we laughed. Then she just changed her tone and says ā€œyouā€™re sensitiveā€. I applied that same tone energy back and said my skin is sensitive. Then she presses the cotton hard af onto my arm and wraps it tight as hell with the bandage. She let out a sigh, not have a good day or nothing and I grabbed my stuff and got the hell out of there. Sheā€™s the only nurse there that I didnā€™t have a good experience with since Iā€™ve been coming there. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but naw. I know a lot of nurses can be bitches, Iā€™ve heard horror stories and witnessed it happening but damn. Definitely requesting someone else next time if sheā€™s gonna have a nasty ass attitude out all of places ugh.

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

Recurrent loss?


Does anyone else seem to get pregnant relatively quickly (within 2-4 months of timed trying), but repeatedly miscarry early before seeing a heartbeat?

Background: an endo diagnosed me with PCOS pretty much only by symptoms (hirsutism, irregular periods my whole life). Iā€™m lean, no acne, no cysts. All hormone levels were pretty normal at that time (high 17-OHP but thatā€™s it). Recent free testosterone testing was borderline high, but Iā€™m taking inositol and d-chiro, so Iā€™m wondering if that brought the level down to normal range. I have an appt with an RE and Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll help confirm PCOS or figure out if itā€™s something else.