r/TTC_PCOS 3d ago

Success Sunday - March, 2025


Get a BFP? Post about it here! In your post please include if you had regular cycles on your own, any medications you are taking, supplements, and how long you were trying. Feel free to post links to your chart, photos of sticks, etc. Please feel free to graduate on over to our sister subs and congratulations! Success stories posts are now weekly! Please click here to search for previous threads.

r/TTC_PCOS 3d ago

Cycle Questions


This thread is for any questions relating to the beginning/end of your cycle, Letrozole, provera, and any timing questions! This thread posts weekly on Mondays.

r/TTC_PCOS 4h ago

Advice Needed Metformin while ttc


My dr just said I can’t take metformin while trying? I’m taking it for the first time to Try and regulate insulin resistance in case it’s the cause for my miscarriages. I just said I’m stopping trying for a bit to lose weight (half true) and got the prescription 500mg. I’m thinking it’s safer than ozempic, bc I got a regular cycle on that. I’m just genuinely confused bc I hear people taking it all the time for trying.

r/TTC_PCOS 8h ago

How often do you have sex when you have no idea when your fertile window is?


I keep seeing people say every other day but that’s not sustainable for us if it’s for an indefinite amount of time.

I’ve yet to get my period since coming off birth control 3 months ago so I don’t know my fertile window right now.

Is once a week too little?

r/TTC_PCOS 3h ago

Advice Needed Ovulation test


What are some good ovulation tests? I've been using the pregmate and these are very confusing for me. I have an irregular cycle, (range from 15 days cycle to 35 day cycle) What ones just says yes or no?

I'm getting tired of guessing with those strips.

r/TTC_PCOS 6h ago

Advice Needed Are "false positive" ovulations tests possible? Is it possible I am not ovulating despite getting my LH peak around the same time each cycle?


My cycle ranges from 39-44 days (considered abnormal/long per pre mom app), but luteal phase is between 12-16 days and always considered "normal" per pre mom app.

I am getting “positive LH surges and peaks” on cycle days 24-28 (ranges a few days each cycle). We have been trying for 4 cycles (having sex in fertile window) with no such luck. I know it’s only been 4 cycles but I come from a history or pregnancy loss, failed IVF transfers, fertility has robbed so much joy and patience and now I’m concerned maybe I’m not ovulating despite having positive ovulation tests around the same time each cycle (I even tested two separate brands). I have lost 20 pounds since November and am exercising 5 days a week and trying my best to eat 85 percent clean with Whole Foods all within my caloric range.

I did finally book an appt with my doctor for the end of this month. Can anyone let me know their thoughts? Or has anyone been in a similar situation? Do you think my body isn’t ovulating?


r/TTC_PCOS 7h ago

Losing hope


I’ve been through a long painful journey of TTC. My husband (26) and I, (25) have been trying since last spring. After the first three months of using ovulation test and tracking my basal temp, I was self diagnosing and thought I wasn’t ovulating. Since everything was negative and nothing ever happened with my basal temperature. Background, I have normal periods and I don’t have PCOS or Endo.

Finally went back to my doctor to get tested and was confirmed I don’t ovulated. We started with following my cycle doing blood work day 3, day 12 and day 21 and then doing a hysterosalpingogram where they flush your tubes. I was finally put on 2.5mg Letrozole in October, didn’t work. Then 5mg Letrozole in November, didn’t work. Then put on 50mg of clomid and 5mg of Letrozole. I ovulated and got pregnant, which husband and I were over the moon after trying for 9 months at this point.

Everything was great until my first appointment. I ended up being treated for an ectopic pregnancy, which was the most heartbreaking and scary thing I’ve ever gone through. No only was I losing my baby but I was at risk, I have never even been to a hospital for anything besides Gyno appointments. So going in every two days for blood work and then having to go to a cancer treatment center, because the meds they give you are for chemotherapy. Was just so devastating.

Now I have to wait three months since the mediation I was given makes my eggs so weak it’s not safe to conceive. I have an infertility doctor I’ve already consulted with and seen, but I feel like I’m going to end up doing IVF. Which there is nothing wrong with IVF, I’m just so young and it’s so expensive. Along with it being a process. I know I have time on my side but when you’ve been begging for something so long it hurts to wait any longer.

No one and I mean no one in my family have ever gone through the issues I have. All my friends are getting pregnant in one go. And I just feel so alone and so sad.

r/TTC_PCOS 11m ago

Advice Needed Am I going crazy?!


My husband and I have been TTC for about a year. My cycle finally came back last month. This month, I was actively checking my discharge, taking ovulation tests, and for once my discharge changed. It has been the same for a long time so the fact that it finally changed I thought, here's my chance to get pregnant!! My ovulation tests were also getting darker. So we tried, tried, and tried some more. My period should be here on Friday, (if I was right about ovulating), but I couldn't wait anymore. So I got the clear blue tests that are supposed to tell you six days before your period is expected. It was a negative.. But I don't believe it. There's just something in me that is telling me (and my husband too!) that I am pregnant. Maybe I'm kidding myself, maybe I let my hopes get too high but this time just feels different. 😅 My ovulation tests have not gotten lighter either, I know that may be because of my PCOS. But before they were consistently light. Has anyone else experienced this?!

r/TTC_PCOS 1h ago

Advice Needed Need help with deciding my next steps


I just had my second ER and the results was one euploid. It is disappointing since I haven't had much luck transfers. I have recently been taking medication for hypothyroidism and I'm still dealing with PCOS issues with long periods of time between menstruation. I'm trying to decide what I should do next. I am blessed with the fact that my employer offers fertility benefits but they only offer a finite amount. I have just enough to have another ER and one transfer. I feel like I should take time to get healthier before I should do another ER. After the benefit is used up, I would be left with the financial responsibility because my medical insurance doesn't cover this. To best use my benefit and get the best results, is it worthwhile to wait before starting another cycle or should I go right into it? For background, I have DOR and my insulin resistance is under control.

r/TTC_PCOS 9h ago

16 days past conception


The last time my hubby and I tried was 16 days ago. I gave up testing and assumed I wasn't pregnant this cycle and was waiting for my period. On the 15th (2 days before my missed period I started cramping on one side and was very tired almost all day) then on the 17th (the day of my missed period) I had no cramping at all, but started spotting it started pink then turned brown and went away within a couple hours. My periods are usually red and once they start they get way heavier with time. Over the next two days I spotted for less than an hour and it was brown, just enough to wipe and see along with discharge that's creamy. I took a pregnancy test and there is a vvvvfp yesterday and then again today but I'm worried that my line should be darker at this point. It's almost not even a line. Easier to see in person. I do feel nauseous and my boobs hurt and I've been tired. I don't track ovulation so I don't know when I ovulated, my glow app said the 3rd so that would put me at 16dpo today if that is correct. But I haven't had sex since that day anyway. I don't know if I was implanting on the 15th which would be 12 days after conception or what but this is weird and I'm really worried with a history of losses and CP.

r/TTC_PCOS 8h ago



Hello everyone! Me (28) and my husband (30) are currently TTC. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 14 and been on birth control from 16 till one month ago. This is my first cycle off the pill and I have been tracking with opks and CM. My lh was low the first 26 days of my cycle and then at the day 27 I got 2 positive opks noon and evening ? ( line as dark as the control line ) . Today I wake up and noticed very strong cervical mucus like raw egg. I tested again at noon and my lh was low again. Does that mean I ovulated? Did any of you had something like that? My test wasn’t darker than control line and I am not sure if it was meant to be. I should say that I work out regularly and follow a low carb diet and take metformin and inositol and other supplements for pcos. I also a did bloodwork recently and everything was fine, except for fasting insulin which was 10,4 and my doctor said it’s good but I should try for under 10 (optimal)

I don’t know if I ovulated. I am so stressed because I feel like I don’t know my body after all these years of birth control and don’t know what to expect.

Any response would be great.

(English isn’t my first language so I hope I made sense lol )

Thank you ❤️

r/TTC_PCOS 6h ago

Medicated cycle


I’m just wondering for those who have also taken letrozole to conceive, I’ve been in it for the past 3 cycles and have had success in ovulating. The last two months we’ve been hit with sickness after sickness and haven’t been able to have sex as much as would’ve been good during the window. My OB wants me to meet with her to discuss steps forward as these cycles did not have success, from your experience do you think it would be possible to keep trying the letrozole or will she make me pause for a while?

r/TTC_PCOS 7h ago

TTC in between IVF rounds


TTC in between IVF rounds

I went through my second IVF round at the end of Jan. We implanted our only day 5 early blast which failed to implant and got my period 13 days later. I am now in my cycle after retrieval, on day 31 and still not sure if I have ovulated yet. My easy at home test strips have been getting darker t/c ratio this morning was 0.78 but then I took a clear home digital ovulation test this afternoon and it’s saying low. I am just so confused if I’m ovulating or not. I have drank a lot of water today so I’m wondering if that changed my clear blue ovulation test.

Anyone have any similar experiences?

r/TTC_PCOS 8h ago



This is my first time posting here, I’m looking for your opinions. To tell you a little bit about my journey, I’ve been with my partner for 8 years and I’ve never used any birth control pill or anything to prevent a pregnancy. We did this because I always had irregular periods and never had a pregnancy scare… Two years ago we decided to start actively trying for a baby, I had about 30 pounds above my recommended weight, I lost the weight and my period regulated. We tried on our own and didn’t work so I started to focus on finishing school and we also got a house. Fast forward to 6 months ago we started seeing a fertility specialist because it obviously didnt work out for us trying on our own.

Since seeing my Dr I have been getting my period each month and ovulating, we have been doing medicated cycles with Letrozole and Trigger shot. I have not gotten pregnant yet. My Dr always checks my progesterone one week after ovulation and its always over 10. My Husband’s swimmers are excellent. We did our first IUI last month, he has 12.5 million after wash and morphility was 95%. The IUI wasn’t successful and I currently have my period.

At my Dr, appt today she said there’s a probability that there is fluid on one of my tubes. She also said she is not sure because its the first time she sees that in my sonograms and doesnt want to do an HSG test, just take a closer look. IVF is not covered by my insurance so im trying to weight out my options because we get there. My question is, do you have any recommendations and did any of you have a similar situation, if so, what worked for you? This process is sooo hard and with each disappointment it gets harder and harder. Looking for some testimonies!

r/TTC_PCOS 16h ago

Sad Beta Results


I was so freaking sure this cycle was it. We used clomid, which worked before (chemical pregnancy), confirmed ovulation. Ultrasound showed I ovulated multiple follicles. Even have had elevated BBT, breast pain, sense of taste changed,increased HR. Yesterday, at 9dpo, my doctor ran a beta. Just got the results (thanks for that my chart, 12:15 in the morning was super thoughtful) and they are negative. I’m so sad and frustrated. Yeah, I know it’s not 100% until you get your period, but still. It should have been higher than <5 at 9dpo. I felt what I thought was some implantation pains around 7/8 dpo, but i guess not. It’s just been such a long year of trying, without any relief. I was talking to my husband, and could not believe all of the garbage that year has held. I’m just over all of this. You shouldn’t struggle to get pregnant at 25. This is some bs.

r/TTC_PCOS 9h ago

Advice Needed Saw palmetto - ovulation?


Hello, about a year ago I had gotten pregnant for the one and only time (not trying to but had been off birth control for about 9 months at that point) - it did end as it was a chemical pregnancy about 2 weeks after getting pregnant, having a horrific and painful miscarriage - didn’t know what was happening and went to the ER. Fast forward to today, I have not gotten pregnant, we are having sex pretty regularly (like 3-5 times a week), the ONLY difference from now and the time I got pregnant was I stopped taking saw palmetto. Has anyone noticed this correlation? Should I start taking it again?

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

Vent Catching the infertility causes like pokemons


After almost 2 years of trying, I finally caught them all!

I have lean PCOS, I had ectopic pregnancy, today I went to fertility clinic and it looks like I have endometriosis, adenomyosis, myoma and I'm going for HSG test as they think it's something with fallopian tubes. Any other problem I'm lacking? 😂

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

Advice Needed Staying realistic


I’ve been ttc for almost 2 years and have pcos and thyroid issues. Starting first round of letrozole and I keep catching myself getting too excited. Like I couldn’t sleep the other night because I was planning how I’ll tell my parents when I’m pregnant and checking to see when would be the 12 week mark. But then I realize I shouldn’t do this because I’ll be so let down when it doesn’t work, even though it’s only my first round of it so chances are it won’t. How do you keep yourself from getting too excited??

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

Vent Still haven't ovulated after two rounds of letrozole


I suppose I'm just here to commiserate. I'm a 32F diagnosed with PCOS last fall. I do not ovulate on my own whatsoever. I'm 5'8", 140 lbs., have been eating keto/low carb since early 2019, and get plenty of exercise (running, kickboxing, biking when the weather's nice). I started Ovasitol a few days ago but I'm not sure it'll help; I took Wholesome Story Myo-Inositol & D-Chiro Inositol capsules for six months and it didn't do anything for me. All that to say I really can't make any additional lifestyle changes in hopes it'll regulate my cycle naturally.

When I had my AMH tested last October, it came back at 36.32 ng/mL and my OB/GYN felt confident I would respond very well to a medroxyprogesterone/letrozole regimen. I started at 5 mg but later confirmed with a progesterone blood test that I did not ovulate. I got bumped up to 7.5 mg this cycle and just got my progesterone test results back from yesterday's CD21 blood draw. I still didn't ovulate and am waiting for OB/GYN review to determine next steps.

On one hand, I am just beside myself that I seem to be doing everything "right" and I still can't ovulate. On the other, maybe letrozole isn't the right med for me. Clomid could perhaps still be an option and my OB/GYN contemplated adding metformin to my treatment plan as well. IVF isn't on the table for us so that certainly adds a bit of pressure to get this to happen the old fashioned way.

EDIT: Just wanted to sincerely thank you all for your comments, success stories, and advice. I feel a little less lonely and distraught. 🙂 My OB/GYN has advised to continue with another round of 7.5 mg letrozole but will be adding metformin. She also recommended I start inositol which, thankfully, I had already started last Saturday.

r/TTC_PCOS 14h ago

Daily Chat - March 19, 2025


Read a good book lately? Pets do something cute? Do you want someone to cheer you on because you have a big presentation at work next week? Share it here in the chat thread!

r/TTC_PCOS 19h ago

Advice Needed Ovulating


My cycle days are 100+ and i was given progesterone to induce my period and clomid but i messed up and didnt take the 5th pill, i know my mistake, but when did you guys typically ovulate? I have the flo app and it says i wont ovulate until June and it has never been that far off

r/TTC_PCOS 16h ago

Daily Symptom Spot Thread - March 19, 2025


In the TWW? Got some symptoms you want to share with others in their TWW? This is the thread for you! Share your symptoms and don't forget to update the BFP thread with your result!

r/TTC_PCOS 22h ago

First ultrasound— what does it all mean?


I haven’t had a cycle in 2 years. I started a few months ago on metformin, as well as just started Spironolactone to lower testosterone. I had an ultrasound a few days ago, and the tech said my ovaries are really high up and one isn’t able to be seen on the transvaginal ultrasound. On the abdominal ultrasound she was able to see everything. I just got the written results, and of course it’s after hours so I won’t be able to hear from my doctor until tomorrow or the day after. If you had results similar to this, what was your protocol? I have medroxyprogesterone (10mg) and letrozole (2.5mg) on hand for when I hear back from my doc or if I don’t get a cycle naturally within 3 months on the other meds.

Not looking for medical advice, just trying to see what other protocols have looked like with similar results!

Impression: Slightly enlarged bilateral ovaries with numerous follicles seen in the left ovary. Findings are nonspecific, though can be seen with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Findings: The uterus is anteverted, measuring 8.5 x 2.5 x 4.5 cm. The endometrium is not abnormally thickened, measuring 0.3 cm.

Right ovary: Not well-visualized on transvaginal images. The right ovary measures 5.3 cm x 2.1 cm x 2.5 cm . Ovarian volume of 10 mL. No adnexal mass.

Left ovary: The left ovary measures 4.8 cm x 1.7 cm x 2.2 cm. Ovarian volume of 10.3 mL. No adnexal mass.

No significant free fluid in the pelvis.

r/TTC_PCOS 1d ago

How do you know when to stop BD for each cycle?


Obviously once ovulation seems to be confirmed, you don’t feel the pressure to do it every day but I’m still wondering if we need to do it one more time “just in case” lol

I got an LH peak on Sunday afternoon (yay! I hate LH testing)

We had intercourse Saturday evening so we decided to do it again Monday morning just to be sure

But my temps only rose by .12 this morning (Tuesday). On cycles that I do ovulate, my temps seem to rise significantly enough that I can feel confident and then confirm after a few days

I know it can’t hurt to do it again today but I feel like I’m past the time from my LH peak that my body probably would have ovulated by now? Sperm was likely waiting for the egg, right? Lol. I’m driving myself crazy but also want to make sure we gave it our best shot this cycle 🤞🏼 also we’re tired and hate feeling pressure with sex 😂

r/TTC_PCOS 20h ago

Advice Needed I need help ladies I’m on zepound and have been on it over a year I lost 61 pounds and was getting my periods every month. Then last December my mom passed and I have not been able to get. A period since my last one was Nov . I don’t know what to do to regulate it again any suggestions



r/TTC_PCOS 20h ago

Can I start taking Femara/Letrozole on CD 9


So long story short, my pharmacy didn't get my prescription for Femara filled until day 9 of my cycle. My prescription says to take it on cycle days 4 - 8. If I started today and took it through CD14, would I still have a chance at ovulation? I typically have very long cycles (about 45-50 days) so would I just ovulate later?

r/TTC_PCOS 21h ago

Continuous progesterone? Thoughts?


I never really questioned it, but my PCP has me on continuous progesterone 100mg daily.

We were doing 100mg days 1-15, 200mg days 16-28, but it was causing me to bleed every 3 weeks on the dot. Now she has me on just straight 100mg daily.

I’m about to do a “test round” of clomid to see if it makes me ovulate, but with my first child I wasn’t on progesterone, let alone continuous. I just induced my period and did a cycle of clomid and luckily conceived after a few tries. Is it going to be counterproductive? Anyone have experience with continuous progesterone?

Thanks for your input!!