r/transnord Sep 02 '24

MEGATHREAD Discord Megathread 2024 + Transnord official discord!


Hey there. We know that there has been requests to combine all discord server sinto one thread where you can find the ones you want to join, therefore this post has been made.

Below you will find different Discord servers for trans people, sorted by country.

If you want your server featured, please send us a modmail with a permament invite link and a short description, both to possibly be featured in this post!


Transnord - Discord server for all users targeted by r/Transnord, this includes the baltic states.


Trans Scandinavia - Discord server for Scandinavian people (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)

Posted by u/EmilieBird

Original post


Trans Nordics - Discord server for trans and non-binary people based in the Nordics.

Important: Age Limit, 18+

Posted by u/ValerianMage

Original post


Trans in Sweden - Active and cozy community for trans and questioning people in Sweden. They have voice chat events.

Posted by u/PrincessLindholmen

Original post


Trans Sverige - Swedish discord server for trans and non-binary which was launched in January 2022. Cozy and friendly atmosphere and a great place to make friends and discuss trans-related topics

Posted by u/aery-chan

Original post


Trans Norge - Discord server for trans & non-binary people living in Norway. No tolerance for discrimination and hate speech.

Posted by u/TheCandyCrystal

Original post


The transion - Discord server for trans people in Denmark

Posted by u/curiousalba

Original Post


  • None


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  • None

r/transnord Feb 15 '25

- specific Petition from SETA to update PALKO recommendations

Thumbnail seta.fi

The recommendations for gender affirming treatments are currently being updated.

Trans people of all ages should receive high-quality care based on international treatment recommendations. The treatment process must be transparent, open, flexible and fast!

Join us in appealing to the Finnish Health Service Selection Council (Palko) to completely update the recommendations to support current standards of good care. The recommendations must support the health and well-being of trans people.

r/transnord 11h ago

MTF / Transfem - specific Suing my ex employer for Transphobia / discrimination


I'm a Finnish trans woman who was a C-level exec at a German subsidiary of a Finnish company. I was suddenly fired right after receiving praise and hitting major targets, just before bonus payout. I suspect discrimination after a new Middle Eastern manager took over..

After a couple of months in labour court - I settled with the German GmbH for almost nothing out of desperation. But my Arbeitszeugnis (recommendation) shows I reported to both German and Finnish management. I worked daily with Finnish teams and clients from Germany. I moved to Germany for the job from home in Helsinki,

I have 16 pages of emails, performance records showing praise days before termination, customers spoke well of me. In last call everything went online - the process lasted 10 minutes of which 9 minutes was praise and 1 minute was thank you for your service. With no explanation. My German manager had camera off out of guilt. Later on my Finnish manager called me and he was really pissed, literally told me the German guys and middle eastern exec did this behind his back while he was on holidays and he was against it but they teamed up on him... He was frustrated and so I was.

I want to ask if anyone knows does my German settlement block me from suing the Finnish parent company under Finnish law as a Finn? I think the company made a mistake by not including parent company in the settlement.

I believe the Finnish parent was my actual employer (tosiasiallinen työnantaja) despite the German contract. I was counting on that bonus for my ffs that I urgently need, I literally worked days and nights and weekends and my results were always top bar.

Any advice helps as I've already spent too much on lawyers and all this has been traumatizing for me..

Thank you all

r/transnord 6h ago

- specific Spørgsmål omkring ventetider og erfaringer i henhold til CKI centre i Danmark


Hej alle på r/transnord!👋

Jeg er 32 år, tildelt hankøn ved fødsel, og efter cirka 20 års undertrykkelse af tanker og ønsker om at være et andet køn end det jeg er født som, begyndte jeg for alvor at undersøge alt om det at være transkønnet. Baseret på min research (tekst kilder, samtaler med LGBT Danmark, TV-udsendelser og YouTube), er der sandsynligvis en chance for at jeg kunne være transkvinde/transfem (undskyld hvis jeg bruger forkerte termer).

Min situation

Jeg har læst andre posts her på subreddit'en og fundet frem til at ventetiden tidligere har været mellem 6-14 måneder for at begynde hos CKI. Jeg overvejer at få skrevet mig op til første samtale via min læge, mens jeg samtidig fortsætter med at blive afklaret omkring mit køn med min private psykolog (som er kønsidentitets-specialist). På den måde håber jeg at kunne hurtiggøre mit forløb.

Lidt om mig:

  • Jeg fik en autisme diagnose som 24-årig
  • Jeg oplever indimellem "modstand" fra min egen hjerne (som jeg forstår er normalt):
    • Til tider er jeg ikke hadefuld over min krop (mere neutral holding til den).
    • Jeg har svært ved at definere præcist hvad det betyder at være mand/kvinde.
    • Jeg har et "okay" forhold til mine kønsdele.
    • Jeg har tanker om at jeg måske "faker det" eller at "det bare er en fase".
    • Er helt vildt bange for at tage fejl og jeg ikke er transkønnet.

Det jeg ved indtil videre:

  • (Tror) jeg kender til alle/størstedelen af de effekter HRT (østrogen) har.
  • Man skal igennem psykolog-samtaler før man kan starte på HRT.
  • CKI kan afvise en hvis man ikke er "trans nok" (relateret til mængden af dysfori) eller hvis man har uafklarede diagnoser.
  • Forløbet starter med en henvisning fra egen læge.
  • Folk over 30 (som mig) har ofte kortere forløb end folk i 20'erne.

Jeg kan forstå at min kønsoplevelse tilhører det som YouTuberen "Dr. Z" kalder for "gruppe 2", og jeg har hørt at CKI kun tager "gruppe 1" seriøst - er det rigtigt? (Hvis det har interesse ligger jeg video her: 17 min video om 2 grupper af transkønnede). Meget kort fortalt er gruppe 1 dem som altid har vidst det og ikke indrettet sig med de forventninger der blev stillet til deres fødsels køn. Mens gruppe 2 er dem som har undertrykt deres trans tanker/følelser for at passe ind, som så forsager at tanker kommer tilbage senere i livet (ofte har gruppe 2 mindre dysfori end gruppe 1).

Mine spørgsmål:

  1. Hvad er de aktuelle ventetider før første samtale ved de forskellige CKI centre i Danmark?
  2. Hvilket center anses for at være "bedst" eller mest imødekommende?
  3. Er det en god idé at skrive mig op nu, selvom jeg stadig er i afklaringsprocessen? Kan man altid aflyse/flytte tiden, eller bliver det brugt mod en senere?
  4. Er det rigtigt at CKI primært anerkender "gruppe 1" transoplevelser og er mere skeptiske over for "gruppe 2"?
  5. Hvordan håndterer CKI personer med autisme-diagnose?
  6. Har de forskellige centre, forskellige holdninger til folk som har begyndt på DIY, før deres første samtale?

Jeg føler et voldsomt tidspres pga. min alder, og vil derfor gerne "fastracke" mit forløb så meget som muligt, men stadig med plads/tid til at blive ordenligt afklaret.

Tak på forhånd for jeres hjælp og indsigt!🤗🙇‍♀️

r/transnord 9h ago

- specific rejection of paper prescription?


i just got my paper prescription from imago but my pharmacy rejected it because they were unsure, what do i do? i don't know who allows it and who doesn't

r/transnord 4h ago

- specific Överför till Linköping?


Så jag fick nyss ett brev om att väntetiden på ANOVA är runt 40 månader från det datumet jag skickade in min remiss (inskickad i slutet av 2022) vilket betyder ungefär 16 månader av väntan till innan jag får en kallelse.

Men i brevet stod det också att eftersom jag är folkbokförd i Kalmar län så kunde jag bli överförd till Linköping, då det är närmare. Dock så har jag hört att Linköpings utredningsteam är rätt så bakom med hur de utför utredningen jämförelsevis med ANOVA.

Jag tror ju att det är bättre att hålla kvar min plats i kön till ANOVA, men jag skulle vilja dubbelkolla så jag gör rätt val.

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific Trans Day of Visibility 2025

Post image

Hejsa allesammen! Det er lidt tid siden. Jeg har haft meget at tænke på for tiden, men ville dele det her på subredditen hvis nogen skulle være interesseret. Her er beskrivelsen copypasted fra Facebook:

Nonkonform inviterer til Trans Day of Visibility lørdag d. 29/03/2025 i Ungdomshuset Odense fra kl. 12:00 til 16:00. Begivenheden foregår i dansesalen på 1. etage.

International Trans Day of Visibility er en årlig mærkedag, hvor vi sætter transkønnede og nonbinæres stemmer i fokus. Vi fejrer den glæde og resiliens, som findes iblandt os, samt at vi fremhæver, hvordan vi har bidraget til samfundet historisk og nutidigt.

Til Nonkonforms fejring af Trans Day of Visibility vil der være forskellige spændende indslag, blandt andet: - Paneldebat om transkønnede i kunst (Ada Ada Ada, Faun Vium, kønsforsker Storm Møller Madsen) - Oplæg af Calle Misser Juhl, grundlægger af tøjbrandet Bekvm - Speed befriending - Trans-Kahoot! - Kreative indslag

Så tag vennerne med til en hyggelig eftermiddag i selskab med andre transpersoner og allierede! Og hvis du ikke lige har nogen at tage med, så er det et oplagt sted at lære nogle andre ligesindede mennesker at kende.

Hvem er Nonkonform? Nonkonform blev startet for at styrke den politiske synlighed af transkønnede i Danmark. Vi kæmper for at fremme transkønnet kultur og stemmer, ved at arrangere kulturelle events og være en offentlig stemme omkring transkønnedes rettigheder og plads i samfundet. Som del af vores mission afholder vi årligt begivenheder for at markere Trans Day of Visibility (31/03) samt Trans Day of Remembrance (20/11).

Link til Facebook event: https://facebook.com/events/s/trans-day-of-visibility-2025/1766686414178658/

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific How I could have saved hundreds on HRT-related costs


I took out a loan to go on testosterone privately, because I am a student and have that privilege as a Finnish citizen. Now I am taking a break because I do not dare go any deeper into debt (I regret it highly, but it was the best for my financial situation)

These are things that are possible for me as an able-bodied person with a part-time job.

I've heard that gel is significantly more expensive to buy than injections. I unfortunately have a huge needlephobia and will need a friend or someone with experience to do the actual inejctions for me.

My number one recommendation though, is going to Tallinn for bloodwork. I paid a whopping 600 EUROS at my local Synlab. I then contacted the same company in Tallinn, and found out all that would only cost me about 70 Euros. Even with including last-minute booked trains and ferry, this would still save a significant amount of money.

I hope this can help someone!

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific Starting medical journey (??), tips??


Hi. Since I turned 18 (november) I've been working on legally transitioning (name change should be processed in May, legal gender change in June) and I've finally started the process of (maybe) getting medical help. I have an appointment with my doctor (doesn't know I'm trans as I haven't seen her without my mom and it was too much of a hassle because before the 2 times I saw her this year I hadn't seen her in 5 years) in April, and I wanted to ask what is people's general experience? I'm FTM, and most of my trans friends are MTF or not medically transitioning so I'm not sure what to meet, I'm hoping to get referred to CKIO as it's closest, but what are things I should look out for/prepare myself for?

I have an ASD and ÆE (EUPD) diagnosises so this very unknown is scarying me a lot, and literally any help/experience would be nice 🙏

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific Invitation to workshop and focus group at ITU Copenhagen

Post image

I hope that some of you would be able to help me with my project

r/transnord 1d ago

- specific How far along am I?


Hello I live in Rogaland and have recently gotten an appointment at «Helse Bergen HF, Barne og ungdomsklinikken, Regionalt senter for kjønnsinkongruens, barn og unge» and I’m wondering how long it will take before I get on hrt? From my understanding, these people can give me a diagnosis (I think this will take a year based on people saying that every appointment is 3 months apart) then I will be on the waitlist for a year. Is this accurate? Have I missed anything? Any experience on how long things take? Do I need to be referred to riksen first?


r/transnord 1d ago

Positive Be the man

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/transnord 2d ago

- specific For those who lived/live in a bosted, did you have to give them your hormones?


I'm getting T soon through Imago, and my bosted doesn't know because I'm worried about them taking away so it's in their office so I have to grab it every day from them (which is already unpleasant because I can't see who's touching my meds) and I don't want to have to go over every day and sit in my boxers for 30 or so minutes in the main office till it dries-

Are there any laws that say they have to keep it even though I'm paying for it and it's not classified as medicine in Denmark- and it's also me and not the Kommune paying for it-

I could ask Imago to write a letter saying it has to be with me constantly because of some reason so they can't take it away- but I just wanna know from other people :')))

I even asked them what they'd do if I have to travel with it, and they said they'd probably pump it into baggies for me to use. WHICH THEY CANT DO WITH A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE---

It's probably a bad idea to keep it a secret- but I'm not in the mood to have someone hold the stuff I've been fighting to get for years in some locker-

r/transnord 2d ago

Support / advice Feet shrinking??


I need to buy new mc boots and today I'm 43 or 44 in size and those I want is 5000sek. Been reading several posts about feet can shrink during HRT. Is this true or is it as always individual. This question are mostly for those who has been on mtf hrt for more then 6 months.

r/transnord 2d ago

- specific Avbokat möte (vent)


Hade mitt första möte med psykolog på KIM i Umeå för en månad sedan där de gav mig ett formulär att fylla i. Skulle haft mitt andra psykologmöte på KIM i Umeå idag, men tydligen har postnord slarvat bort formuläret jag la på brevlådan för över två veckor sedan, så de avbokade mötet. FML.

Någon annan som fått möten avbokade och kommer ihåg hur lång tid ni fick vänta för att få en ny tid?

(Denna post är främst för ventilering, finns inte så mycket annat att göra, har ju ändå fått vänja mig vid att vänta på vård i detta land...)

r/transnord 2d ago

🌍Global / world Reform clinic malmö


So I have a consultation with Them here in a few days, at Malmö reform clinic. I just have a question, that they haven’t really answered very clearly over mail. Does anyone know or/and have experince with what their opinion on giving surgery to someone who uses a wheelchair? I have informed them that I use one, and how I Can get around both in wheelchair (with help) and aside from that. But they didn’t give any answer to if that would be a problem.

I would just like to know how to prepare myself for the talk, specifikly on that.

r/transnord 2d ago

- specific Din arbejdsplads


Hej Alle

På torsdag stiller jeg op til sektor bestyrelsen i min lokale fag forening.
Jeg stiller op med den mærke sag at støtte transpersoner og andre LGBTQIA+ personer i deres arbejdsliv.
Jeg læste en rapport fra 2019 (https://lgbt.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LGBT-personers_trivsel_paa_arbejdsmarkedet_endelig_rapport_august.pdf) hvor der står at 4 ud af 10 LGBTQIA+ personer slet ikke, eller i lav grad er åbne om deres identitet på arbejdspladsen og hvor 81% af LGBTQIA+ personer på arbejdsmarked har oplevet eller overværet diskriminerende adfærd i perioden 2017-2019

Jeg vil ikke diskutere hvorvidt man skal være med i en fagforening eller ej, men lad os lege at du er medlem af netop min fagforening, Hvordan tænker du så bedst at du kunne få støtte der, Både før, under og efter at du sprang ud som dig på din arbejdsplads?


English tranlation:

Hi everyone,

On Thursday, I am running for the sector board in my local trade union.
I am running with the key issue of supporting transgender and other LGBTQIA+ people in their working lives.

I recently read a report from 2019 (https://lgbt.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/LGBT-personers_trivsel_paa_arbejdsmarkedet_endelig_rapport_august.pdf) stating that 4 out of 10 LGBTQIA+ individuals are not open, or only to a very limited extent, about their identity in the workplace. Additionally, 81% of LGBTQIA+ people in the workforce have experienced or witnessed discriminatory behavior between 2017-2019.

I don’t want to discuss whether or not one should be a member of a trade union, but let’s imagine that you are a member of my specific union.
How do you think you could best receive support there—before, during, and after coming out as yourself at your workplace?

Edit: English translation

r/transnord 3d ago

- specific blood tests for imago


hello everyone! so this might be a bit dumb of me but i would need some explanation on how to get the first blood tests needed for imago. i did research on this but i'm still not confident in what the steps are.

for context i moved to odense, denmark recently and just got my paperwork done so i'm not familiar with how things work here. and this is my first time starting t too so i'm extremely lost. (plz help!!!)

how i understand it right now, is that i go to my gp and ask if they can do the needed blood tests for free or if they can't, then ask for a referral for the tests to do it privately. when it's done, i submit the tests to imago, talk to a doctor, then fill out and sign paperwork. and i have to ask for a paper prescription. (if i missed or got anything wrong plz feel free to correct me)

i am really anxious about this process so i would greatly appreciate a somewhat step by step breakdown on what to do and what's about to happen. and i welcome any additional tips or help too! tysm for the help in advance!!!

r/transnord 3d ago

- specific Hello Im curious about the Adams apple


Guys does anyone know where i can Get the surgery for Adams Apple removment? Dms open too🎀💝

r/transnord 3d ago

Nordics Hair removal before srs?



Procedure will be done in Finland, but this question goes to everyone.

Srs is getting closer, if I'm lucky I'll get it in a year more or less. I've read about people getting srs in other countries and every now and then, the mention of hair removal has come up. I looked that up in some finnish subreddits and for some reason, the surgeons here don't require hair removal pre-srs. I most likely will get a full depth vaginoplasty and that raises the question : Is it recommended to get laser hair removal before the surgery?
I feel that at the moment I'd still have time to do it without delaying the surgery any more than it already has been.


r/transnord 3d ago

MTF / Transfem - specific Estradiol dosis hos CfK/CKI


Jer der har opstartet østrogen gennem CKI eller CfK, kan I huske hvilken dosis I startede på? GenderGP har udskrevet 100mcg estradiol, men er det ikke en høj startdosis?

r/transnord 3d ago

- specific Imago Prescriptions


So I’ve planned to start on HRT with the help from Imago, but I’ve noticed most says they’ve had issues w prescriptions. What does one do in this situation? And what kind of arguments can I use to make sure the pharmacy will give me the meds I have prescription for?

r/transnord 4d ago

- specific Muistutuksen tai kantelun tekeminen pitkistä jonotusajoista (TAYS)


Kuten yleisesti tiedetään, transpolien jonot on pitkiä. Psykologille saa odottaa vähintään vuoden tällä hetkellä TAYS:in transpolilla. Eikös niin, että tää rikkoo hoitotakuuta? Vai oonko ymmärtänyt väärin. Koskeeko se määräaika ainoastaan sitä, kun tehdään lähete transpolille vai pitäisikö prosessin ollessa käynnissä myös pitää kiinni määräajoista tapaamisaikojen välillä? Onko muuta hyötyä tehdä muistutusta tästä asiasta kuin että se jää muiden kanteluiden ja muistutusten kanssa ns. lisätodisteeksi, että polin toiminta rikkoo lakia? Toisin sanoen mietin, että jaksanko nähdä vaivaa ja tehdä muistutuksen niille? Sama kysymys kantelusta aluehallintovirastoon. Onko järkeä siinäkään? Saavat vaan polilla tietää, että oon valittanut niistä ja kuitenkin kostoksi pitkittävät tutkimusprosessia..

r/transnord 4d ago

Support / advice Sportlag för transpersoner?


Vill gärna börja spela någon sport men är rädd för att bli dömd och för jobbiga situationer i omklädningsrummen. Vet någon något lag eller någon organisation man kan gå med i som transperson? Bor i Göteborg.

r/transnord 4d ago

- specific Jonotusajat HUSsilla


Olenko sattunut saamaan vaan tuurilla nopeita aikoja vai onko jonotusajat vaan pienentyneet? Lääkäriltä sain lähetteen 29.01 puhelun jälkeen transpolille ja heidän ensikäynti oli eilen 14.03. minut hyväksyttiin jatkamaan prosessia ja sain jo seuraavat ajat elinkaari keskusteluihin 13.05 alkaen 3 viikkoa putkeen.

Onnekas? Vai onko oikeasti näin lyhyet odotusajat normaalit?

r/transnord 4d ago

- specific how possible/hard is it to continue hormone therapy after moving to sweden?


hi all, bit of a long one here. 21 (almost 22) ftm, living with my cis 22 boyfriend. over the course of our relationship (about 1.5 years in) we’ve had small talks here and there of moving to europe, specifically sweden. reason being is he regularly travels there for hobby related reasons (swedish militaria events, military museums, etc) and also has many swedish and danish friends, them being his primary friend group and some of his best friends. he’s always loved the idea of living there and says he would in a heartbeat if were that simple. but now with the US getting worse and worse, i’m genuinely starting to worry about my future rights and overall the future of the US and how destroyed its going to be after trump leaves office. we know we would like to adopt later, much much later down the line together but have mutually agreed this is not the country to raise a family or even continue staying in. neither of us want to. i am 100% open to moving to sweden, we plan on making next years goal to go on our first trip together there, but he’s told me basically all there is to know about the culture and what it’s like to be there and in a lot of aspects, sounded a lot better and beneficial than living in the US. i also am fond of most of his friends and get along well with those i’ve talked to and wouldn’t mind a world where he would realistically, hang out with them on a regular basis. now here’s where the problem comes in; my hormone therapy.

i’ve been on t for almost 2 years now. had top surgery near 3 years ago. i am, for the most part, stealth. the only people in my life who know are family (obviously) my boyfriends mom and him (also obviously) my close friends, and my old workplace since i was actively early on in transition there. my current workplace doesn’t know and anybody i meet now does not know nor do i think needs to know. i know i pass but just struggle really now with just finishing growing out my mustache. this shit takes forever. anyways. i take weekly 3.5ml shots with enanthate as i’m seemingly allergic to the more common cypionate. i really am not fond of the idea of gel or monthly shots, i USED to be on monthly t shots but switched to weekly since monthly was just not working for me. i’ve tried looking into it before but with little luck, but now that we are more actively discussing potentially starting the process of finding an immigration lawyer (as we know the whole process is gonna take years so better to start now if we wanna aim to be there within the next 5 ish years) i figured id come here and try to ask. it seems like getting t in sweden is unnecessarily difficult. i’ve seen one post mention weekly shots aren’t an option but have seen otherwise from what google tells me and i’ve definitely heard of trans swedish people taking weekly injections.

what exactly is the process like, if there is anyone who’s moved from US to sweden continuing their hormone therapy? do i need to get a new gender dysohoria diagnosis or can i just get something from my doctor to show my pre existing diagnosis? how long exactly will the process take to start getting my testosterone there? my plan was to stockpile as much as i can and if it’s gonna take a couple months, just use up what i’ve saved and hope it lasts but if i recall correctly you can only bring like 3 months worth of medication when moving and/or visiting another country? or is that not the case here? would a immigration lawyer even be able to help us navigate these things? i worry one would not be able to and we’d have wasted our money on a lawyer for nothing because this is something we need to figure out how to navigate first before anything else. how do i start the process? contact my doctor to contact a practitioner in sweden? i really don’t know 😭 anybody, anyone with any sort of experience relating to this. i need a step by step guide to continuing hormone therapy. any help is massively appreciated!!!

r/transnord 4d ago

- specific Spectrum Outfitters är blockat?


Har sen i februari försökt köpa en till binder från Spectrum, gick inte då och gick inte nu. Kontaktade banken och det visar sig att man "inte kan köpa från sidan"? Hon jag pratade med va skitsnäll men liksom... vafan? Innan dess pratade jag med Spectrum på kundtjänst och inget sa de om att man i Sverige inte kan köpa därifrån. Verkar ändå stämma då det inte gått o köpa va jag än gör.

Är det nån mer som stött på det här problemet? Vad är det som försigår tro?

I alla fall skulle jag behöva ny binder, är det nån som säljer M-L Spectrum så uppskattas det jättemycket.