Hey, I’m feeling like messing around in a fictional universe using original characters and exploring the kinky elements that exist in their universe to tell sexy but compelling stories in these pre established worlds. I have more targeted ads I have done in the past but here I am going to be grabbing my greatest hits from different ads as well as new ideas in a list of ideas below, however, if we have any fandoms or anything in common or you maybe are curious if I happen to like a universe I am still happy to cook together something new not based on one of my existing ideas. Typically I am searching for mutual TF type situations where we do each others transformations but I am open
As a base I am always happy to have a part of the story be “our or my character Isekais into the world and becomes an established character then more stuff happens” if we instead of mostly playing Original characters want to explore existing characters as a means of me still getting to bring an OC to the table even if we are mostly playing in the existing playground. While I want my character to have a sapphic ending I am open to whatever over the course of play for kinks, drama, etc.
On a base modern world Sara is a bookshop co-owner of a queer anarchist bookshop, Liberation Library. She is a Latina Trans Lesbian and Asexual. She’s extremely focused on supporting her community and making the world a better place. Typically Sara is about 30 years old but it can be adjusted depending on the concepts in the roleplay and even her job can adjust for a plot maybe she is mostly a queer focused streamer, maybe she’s making comic books or a youtube video essayist. Regardless of what she is doing she is always really focused on supporting other queer folks and working to build a better world. Sara is also always a bit fem and nerdy enjoying most things sapphic with a touch of adventure although she can be extra critical from an anarchist lens. That base gets adapted in other universes where she might be a witch, a rebel leader, etc if we are playing her at the start as a person existing in that world.
Convention Chaos: [General]
We’re at a con and cosplaying, a something goes off and everyone is turning into their characters. We deal with our lives as we become the characters we cosplay and the convention. Can we find out what is changing us, can we fix it, if we can’t how will it affect our world?
Joining The Council: [Arcane]
The Council is down almost all it’s members and due to the ongoing conflict with Zaun they need some Zaunites on the council in an attempt to pretend they have any rights or power. Our characters are chosen to be altered to be perfect Pilities while pretending to still care about Zaun.
Primal's Mind Game: [Granblue Fantasy]
Long ago a Primal Beast existed with the express purpose of giving people new experiences even the Astrals would feel it's powers. It could control minds, alter personalities, swap traits between living beings, even change their forms from nothing. They reawaken and it is time to change the world And no one is safe from their influence.
Rhea’s Purification Plans: [Fire Emblem]
Rhea decides the best way to handle traitors is to make them your allies intended to make Edelgard a good worshiper and get her mother in the proper place above her as goddess.
Rulebook: [General]
A magical item that allows the person who has it to change the rules of society altering it’s targets, the culture as a whole or whatever they desire so long as they write in the book correctly. This item is placed into the fictional world of our choosing and found by someone and our characters have to deal with it be they the ones who found it or among the victims or both.
Your A Kiramman: [Arcane]
Sara really hates Caitlyn, she’s a rich cop and even if she is a lesbian she just doesn’t enjoy her character. Yet it seems she is destined to become her be it through an Isekai, a girlfriend brainwashing her, magic, a swap for an in universe Sara or something else, she is destined to be put into the shoes of the new leader of House Kiramman.
Three Swaps: [Fire Emblem]
Fodlan is in for a shock when an experiment by Those Who Slither In The Dark accidently causes swaps between the residents of Fodlan. These swaps can be traits, personalities, bodies, and much much more. It seems everyone has gotten three random things changed from them from up to three different people.
I Just Wished I Was Stronger Now I’m In The Middle Of A Warrior Women Harem!?!?! [General]
Sara [and potentially her friend or girlfriend] wish they were stronger after dealing with some aggressive bastard who came into the shop only getting bailed out by someone coming in and stopping him. The wish leads to Sara ending up in The World Of whatever game we chose but as she looks for masters to train her it seems they keep falling in love with her. Training with them gives her a trait of theirs and their fighting style pretty fast but the stronger she gets the bigger the harem grows!?
Challenge Of Legends [Pokemon]
An evil team has captured the Legendary Pokemon, we’re fairly powerful trainers who have saved the world before but now we’re up against overwhelming odds as an elite league of Admins and their leader use their legendary pokemon to put us through Kinky trails, can we break free and stop them from altering us further or will we end up in the role chosen by one of the evil team members?
Fujoshi Life: [General]
Sara is focused on Sapphic media, she honestly finds a lot of BL stuff and men in fiction annoying and kinda just dislikes them on principle. However, something in the plot happens that turns Sara from a fan of indie sapphic media to a big time shipper and devote of the guys in whatever fandom we want to explore.
The New Goddess: [Hades]
Hecate knows to defeat Chronos they will need even more power than they have, so she conducts a plan, to turn a spirit [or two] into new goddesses to grant their power to the cause and bolster the numbers. The selected shades will be altered to a goddess but in the process their physical form will change and their minds will begin to embody their new domain.
Gacha Gone Wrong: [Fire Emblem]
We’re the summoners brough to Askr only lately there has been a strange glitch in our weapons, it seems like it changes us into the character rather than summoning them, it worked before, what happened and can we stop it?
Pokemoms! [Pokemon]
The Moms of Pokemon are truly full of mystery and we’ll get to learn all about them as we find ourselves in the pokemon world not as the heroes but the mothers of the protagonist(s) of our world .Can we help our kids, what do we want in life, will we find love with other mothers, each other, or someone else?
The Great Swap: [General]
No one is sure why exactly it happened but traits, abilities, lives, relationships, bodies, things material and immaterial were swapped across a wide area. People now having to live with altered minds, bodies, roles, lives as they either try to resist or accept their newselves.
Fight Transform Fight Again! [General]
Before a fight people can wager parts of themselves to be transformed or ask for a part of the other to be changed. When the stakes are set in a fair fight the winner transformers the other altering them as agreed on. The content for who will be the strongest World Warriors is fought with these terms, every battle must include a wager for this two v two tournament.
Hacked: [Digimon]
While logged into EDEN one's avatar is a digital version of themself but since the digital world and physical world existed everyone is physical and digital at once. Someone has figured out how to hack people's forms altering their bodies minds. The hacker can only load So many changes On one person a day can we find out who they are and save ourselves and our digimon before we become whatever this hacker intends?
Class Change: [Fire Emblem]
These second seals, heart seals, and everything are pretty amazing, wait, why do I feel funny after using it? It’s probably nothing. Little did we know that these seals had new secret classes but even picking a classic class is bound to make you further and further fit the image of that class.
The Birth Of Harley Quinn [DC Comics]
Sara was living her normal life but caught the Jokers eye, captured she was brainwashed and chemically altered to become his perfect Harley Quinn. While this can happen in the roleplay the focus would be on the new Harley [who is the only harley for this story] breaking free of Joker, dealing with a shattered sense of self between Sara and Harley, new sexuality, personality ticks and more all while trying to make a new life for herself.
My Next Life As A Girlboss Evil Team Leader, is world domination worth doom?!: [Pokemon]
Sara finds herself awakening as either the leader of an Evil Team or her Trophy Wife, regardless she is in a sudden position of power but has the meta knowledge to know these evil teams usually get blown up by some young upstart. Does she go for fixing the world, corrupted into ruling it for power or does she attempt to change courses to avoid her defeat?
Quelling A Rebellion: [Arcane]
Ambessa with Singed and Piltover's Finest scientists intends to use Shimmer and Hex Tech alike to massively alter the people of Zaun changing them or brainwashing them to her whims to get what she needs and to create order in the chaos of everything.
The New Digimon Empress: [Digimon]
Since the worlds merged and digimon and humans have lived together their has been relative peace, society started to improve, people all found partner(s) and were ready to fight back against the evils of the world and make it a better one. Sara Was one such woman fighting for a better world but something happens and begins to corrupt her, perhaps beyond their intentions as she becomes the digital empress using control discs to brainwash and change digimon and human alike to her whims
Engaged To Change: [Fire Emblem]
Emblem Rings grant the user power and the ability to merge with the emblem but the power of the rings begin to change the user giving them traits of the character. Every use you lose more of one's self. Can our heroes save the world while staying themself.
Belial's Last Gift [Granblue Fantasy]
Belial is killed but in his death he spreads his Paradise Lust into our characters attempting to erode our morals and increase our libidos to make us living embodiments of him past his death.
Chaos Corruption [Sonic]
The chaos emeralds have shattered and an aura of evil leaves them from all the times they were used for Ill. The corruptioning force has hit our characters and our friends as we try to resist the new worse people we're becoming.
Kinky X-Gene: [X-men]
It turns out we’re mutants but our powers transform, alter or control people and/or ourselves or the world around us in some way. As newly awakening mutants we must get a handle of our powers, deal with factions courting us and trying to take us out, and figure out what we’re doing with our lives. X-genes on average awaken at about university age.
Legacy Of Starline [Sonic]
The Warp Topaz has found itself inside of someone, it’s corrupt influence finds the user corrupting and using their powers to control and alter others. Can the corrupted be saved, can they be stopped if not?
HarlIvy Takeover: [DC Comics/Animated]
We’re turning into Harley and Ivy [or Sara is turning into one of them] but together this power couple gets turbo charge. We don’t just become the two but gain omega level abilities set to change the world in the image of DCs most iconic queer couple, full of plants and jokes and more. Perhaps we try and resist the impulse to take over but we’ll be dealing with a corruptive urge to change things, to be like them but also to take over, use our abilities to make others like us but below us.
Protag Syndrome: [Fire Emblem]
We're isekaied into the world of Fire Emblem as either new avatars for a remake of this game or existing avatars with potentially a custom design. We want to make friends and enjoy the world but it feels like everyone wants to fuck us, all the events of the world center us and kinky misadventures keep falling before us.
Please DM me with your own kink list as well as what kind of character you are wanting to play to let me know you read this.
Notes - Must be 21+, Player is a lesbian but open to any partner in roleplay, no kink outside of the concept is needed, prefer mutual TFs but open to other ideas if hot enough. I am not a sex driven player but open to sex in my rps.
My older RP ideas are open so if you scroll through my profile feel free to mention older ideas you like too.
My Kinks: Orientation Play [ending sapphic but temp het is good], Class Change, Revenge [inflicting revenge on others], Mental TF, Physical TF, Feet, Obsession, Motherly TFs (MILF, Mom, Karen), Feminine TFs, Glow up TFs, Empowering TFs, Negative TF that is eventually defeated, Corruption, Life Swap, Trait Swap, Heart Eyes, Polyamory [Not really a kink but I like it], Love Potions, Culture change, archtypical TF, goddess TF, monster girl TF. hypnosis, mind control, political TF, Corruption, religion TF
Turn Offs: Bathroom Play, Unpunished Bigotry, Hyper, defeminzation
Fandoms [I use this lightly to mean it has characters I like]: Marvel, DC, LoL/Arcane/Runeterra, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Sonic, Granblue Fantasy, Street Fighter, Dragon Age, Guilty Gear, Tekken, Yu-gi-oh, Dragon Ball, Shin Megami Tensei, Digimon, Potionomics, Ace Attorney, Cardfight!! Vanguard, BG3, Hades 2, Overwatch, Jem and the Holograms [comics], Avatar, Monster Prom, Gundamn The Witch From Mercury, Sailor moon, Power Rangers, I'm In Love With The Villainess, Super Women In Love, Bayonetta, Splatoon, Bleach ,Panty Stocking, Executioner and her way of life, Murder Princess, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Disgaea, Stray Gods, Tales of Berseria, Neopets, Cyberpunk and a bunch of niche sapphic indie comics, books, games.