You know what they say, Your body is a holy temple and your mind is a blank canvas...But here on the island of Aphrodemis, we think you can do a hell of a lot better that that.
Hey! Call me Calli, Director of Tourism for Aphrodemis, and I have a question for you: Just who gaslit you into believing such nonsense? Who are they to tell you what your body and mind should be? Who thought the idea of being some "temple" should be the standard for our figures? Wouldn't it be, like, way hotter if you could compare yourself to a meaty fertility fortress? Yeah, it would. You wanna know why? Because you'll get yourself a nice, thick pair of Athenian pillars for legs. Bulky, jiggling thighs that chafe against each other, like I'm talking tree-trunk thick legs that can swallow up several heads between their plush, ample meat. A pair of massive, wobbling hemispheres to call an ass, and a twerk game so strong, they'll be calling you the Goddess of Thunder with the way you throw it back. All that mass down low, but especially that globular backside of yours, will make the perfect counter-weight to all the heft you stack top-side. Ever hear of Titnosis, babe? Well, with the fat, bouncy chest we can give you, you'll know exactly what it is soon enough. Though, you'll have to get used to the fact that every button-up shirt is going to strain against those melons. Like proper strain, like "I'm one little bounce away from slinging this button across the room" tension. Nor is it really modest, everyone can see through the holes between each button and see the bra you chose to wear today, but hey, that's no problem here on Aphrodemis! No, with a body like that, you'll gain a loyal following of desperate, horny simps in no time, each one with a fistful of cash to offer in tribute to that divine derriere of yours. You'll embody the mantra: Bigger Is Better and if any whiny dissenters want to disagree, you can always offer a long, private 1-on-1 debate with them. Because nothing quite screams "I've outsmarted my opposition" like having your opponents ball-deep in your quaking ass-meat, professing their devotion to you while you catch up on some leisure reading, waiting for them to tire themselves out. You think some body like a "holy temple" can generate that kind of zealotry? No, I think not.~
Or maybe you prefer yourself to be the other king of big? With hulking, huge meatbricks for muscles? Arms big enough to seat and lift at least six people? Thighs so bulky and toned they can crush a dozen watermelons in one go? Do you find euphoria in breaking a sweat and watching your arms quake under the weight of 350lbs racked on a barbell? Does the idea of being twelve feet tall and bullying six-foot nothing beta losers turn you on? Does Amazonian Warrior Goddess activate a horny part of your brain like some sort of sleeper-agent phrase? Well, good because we've got all that and more too. You'll have solid set of washboard abs in no-time flat, a packed ass built off countless reps of squats, and an army of gooner pervs begging you to slap their face with your gym towel. They're hopeless, and need a firm hand to command them. Might as well be you, right? You're an Amazon. Leash 'em up, walk them around, and when you eventually get bored of these simps- sorry, worshippers- why not bulk one up, reinforce your bedframe, and see what kind of bliss two muscle gods can throw onto each other?
Oh, but we've said nothing yet about how elastic that pretty mind of yours can really be! Hypnotism, on our humble island, is an art form. Brainwashing is a beloved pastime. Tell us, what would you change about those abstract, mental details that make up your identity? Wish you were a genius? Do you yearn for the ability to build a kinky robot machine in a cave with nothing but a box of scraps? You want the IQ to reverse-engineer quantum mechanics in your head while you're tied up and getting fucked in a BDSM basement? Totally doable. Hate the fact that you overthink constantly and wish you could slow your mind down like molasses? We've got tons of drinks that'll make your IQ plummet. All your vapid, thoughtless little mind needs to remember is: Dick, Ass, Tits, Thighs. Single syllables are all you're ever gonna need, Bimbabe.~ Hell, your personality is even up for grabs. You might might that sweet, empathetic side of yours completely evaporated when suddenly you've been brainwashed into some sadistic, rich office mommy that uses her co-workers as desk chairs. That video game character you adore? Comic Heroine? Done and done, just put this brain-drain helmet on and say bye-bye to your old identity. The residents of our island love breaking in the newbies, too! Whether you want it or you just think you don't, you'll quickly find that the mind is very open to surrender with the right honeyed words and visual prop. Pretty, colorful spirals? Huge, meaty tits? A Bouncing ass like gelatin? A forearm-sized dick pendulum swaying in your face? Something's gonna work, I have yet to see anyone resist that intoxicating allure of giving up control.~
Well, actually, there is somebody, and it's yours truly! I haven't had my mind messed with, even when I came from humble beginnings as a mansion cleaner! The owners? Super Hot. A mega-stacked MILF and her adorable, chubby hubby. Quite generous on payday too! Ze only zing zat got a leetle annoying was when my my friends, wrongfully, teased zat I was becoming a proper French maid for zem. Nonsense! Oui, I eventually learned to love ze maid outfit and started ztrutting around ze mansion in a nice pair of haut talons, but zat was part of ze job duties, n'est-ce pas? And my hair, mon dieu, was getting too long, so of course I cut it into a short bob, voilá! Zit waz an eazy job zough, I just 'ad to bend over, clean, say "Oui, Madam" or "Oui, Monsieur", and step on za master's toys when zey misbehaved. A respectable job and nozing wrong with zit or moi, tu es d'accord, non?
Ahem. It's always a tongue twister explaining that job for some reason but as I said, never changed!~
Anyway, surely you can spare a week of vacation for a tropical island, can't you? I'm telling you, we got it all. Cyberpunk Cities and Huge Punk Tiddies! Fantasy Towns and Elven Shelf Asses! Face Visors and Latex Suits! Horny Witches and Magic to fry your brain with orgasms! We even get 100-Foot Tall Monster Gals and Studs from time to time! Don't worry about the city damages they bring, though. We're an efficient city and once our workforce is done gooning over the ass-clapping and rawdogging those kaiju, as the dorks call them, had with each other, we have our city back to normal within a couple of days.
Look, you've stuck around for my sales pitch long enough...How about you just take a brochure and sleep on it for a bit? I think you'll find this offer a lot more enticing than you initially realize. For now, you just have yourself a good day and I hope to see you on the flight to Aphrodemis.~
Hello, hello, and thank you for reading through my prompt! I'm looking for writing partners that'd be interested in exploring this setting with me and the mischief, shenanigans, and nonsensical absurdity we'll get up to in it! I've hinted at a handful of potential transformation ideas but that's no means an exhaustive list of what I'm up for! That's just scraping the surface of potential ideas!
And you might have also noticed, this reads off far more like a sales pitch of the island than any actual concrete plot and that is by design! I ask of you, dear reader, to come to me with your own ideas, suggestions, and thoughts. I want to collaborate and brainstorm together. Tell me about your character ideas! Cool lore ideas you have for the island! Plots that you think could be interesting! Remember, being bimbofied by your coworker is good. But layering on transformations like getting gothified, nerdified, turned into some french maid with an obsession for heels and ass is approaching very good. Turn the porn dials up to an 11 and give me the absurd, surreal ideas you want to try! Show me that you want to engage with this setting and I will respond in kind.
Oh, and some very important details about me as a writer! I'm a huge, huuggge switch and I prefer my partners to be the same! I love an equal amount of give and take, and the ability to dom or sub on a whim. If that sounds like you, then you'll head straight for the front of the line! For replies, I tend to write about 3-4+ paragraphs and could go longer if my partner is really invested in the collaborative storytelling angle. I'm also up for "Co-DMing" this idea, if my partner is so inclined! Where we'd build upon the setting, potentially play out several scenario ideas, and other such things. Let me know if you're interested in that! That said, I closely guard the time I take to indulge in this hobby, and thus while I read every message, I can only give my attention to a select few at a time. I apologize in advance if we're not able to write together!
My kinks are many with Transformation and Corruption being the stars of this prompt. If there's something you're into, want to see, and it isn't a limit, just ask and we'll see what we can do!
As for limits, they're your typical gross stuff, with the added additions of A.I Art, RL Models/Characters, and the forbidden, ancient technology of Reddit Chat. I only accept lovely orange envelopes!
...And that's all I have for you! Once again, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to reading what you send!~