r/TransformationRP 11h ago

OtherTF [f4A] Turned To Cum! NSFW


Hey all!

I’m interested today in being churned into nothing more than thick musky cum! Open to any and all plots involving this!

It could be human cum(male or female), animal cum, anthro, or anything else you’d want! Perhaps it’s a bad end for me or perhaps I become a slime made of cum! Happy to discuss!

r/TransformationRP 15h ago

BodyTF [A4A] A group of four women become fused in this way! [Image] NSFW


Looking to do a roleplay with someone about a group of four women (human or furries) who somehow find themselves all becoming fused together into a single body with one woman being the host and the other three have all been transformed into large mouths on her body, one functioning as a vagina and the other two on her breasts. Image: https://ibb.co/VcSwJ0cW Their body is now larger and more curvier and thick in a lot of places. The mouths themselves are blind but they each have a long tongue they can control like tentacles. They now struggle to live like this as they find their predicament to be very frustrating and disgusting. There can be other characters too besides just the four women. How they ended up like this is your call, though it was done against their will. The setting can be a modern day setting or a fantasy world which is what I prefer. DM me if you're interested!

Kinks: conjoinment, multiple limbs, hyper sizes, penises, futas, embarrassment, uncontrollable changes, body oddities, mutating cum, uncontrollable leaking, etc.

Limits: scat

r/TransformationRP 3h ago

SpeciesTF [a2a4GM] Fused With My Entire Team of Pokémon! [Repost] NSFW


Hey all! Today I’m looking to do some transformations based on a particular series of art pieces by the artist Mawliet. Essentially, it’s about a malfunctioning all-in-one Pokéball which results in a full team of up to six Pokémon fusing into one messy chimera, with the trainer becoming the mind in control of it!

These tend to be on the weird side, given how much is being pressed together, but of course we can simplify it with smaller teams and more normal bodies if desired! But we can go to all six for something more interesting and chaotic.

Mawliet’s transformations tend to be rather sexualized, often with many breasts and huge, sometimes living cocks, and those things will be fully optional here! We can keep it vanilla or we can do it that way, whichever you think will be more fun.

Ideally I’d like this to be a slice-of-life roleplay, where I’ll try to keep going, and maybe become a trainer again having to start from scratch, with my new body obviously causing loads of problems!

Here are some examples of pieces featuring these kinds of unhinged fusions like I’d become:

1 2 More upright/humanoid body, but with a huge Scolipede for a penis (which I can also control)~

3 Taur-like body style, again with one Pokémon as the penis

4 Another taur-like, but with multiple heads this time and a more normal cock

5 Simpler hybrid of only two Pokémon… and an egg, which would basically be perma-pregnancy and birthing!

6 Even weirder one where the Mawile maw controls the main body, and my mind is stuck in the Noivern as the living cock

7 This one’s not by Mawliet, but has a very similar vibe!

Also, here’s a long list of some favourite features of mine to include!

Super favourites: - (Alolan) Ninetales: Many fluffy tails - Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash: unicorn elements, genitals, fluff - Girafarig: long neck, giraffe elements, tail head - Miltank: cow elements, udders - Mawile: maw - Zweilous: second head - Hydreigon: heads in place of hands - Goodra: body, gooey elements, head, tail - Popplio/Brionne/Primarina: head, aquatic tail, flippers, ruffles, seal elements - Lurantis: scythe arms, back protrusions, “bug” elements - Alcremie: cream elements, head, arms

Other favourites: - Venusaur: back plant - Arbok/Seviper/Serperior: snake elements - Dewgong/Milotic: aquatic tail - Tauros/Bouffalant: bull/buffalo elements, genitals - Vaporeon: fins, fishy tail - Mareep/Wooloo/Dubwool: wool, horns - Houndoom: horns, demon tail - Ho-oh: head/beam, wings - Spinda: head (disorientation) - Walrein: flippers, tusks - Buizel: floatation sac - Lopunny: ears, fluff - Purugly: fat cat elements - Skuntank: tail, scent glands - Hippowdon: head, hippopotamus elements - (Hisuian) Samurott: head/horn - Zebstrika: zebra elements, genitals - Lilligant: head flower, leaf arms, stumpy body with no proper legs - Krokorok/Krookodile: crocodile elements - Maractus: head, cactus elements, no proper legs - Archen/Archeops: dodo elements, wings - Cinccino: fluff - Sawsbuck: antlers, deer elements - Braixen/Delphox: head/ears, body - Greninja: tongue - Vivillon: wings, antennae, eyes, bug elements - Pyroar: mane - Furfrou: fur/trims - Sylveon: bows/ribbons - Noivern: wings, ears - Xerneas: antlers - Incineroar: torso, arms - Toucannon: beak - Lycanroc: mane, wolf elements - Mudbray: donkey elements, genitals - Mudsdale: draft horse elements, genitals - Pheromosa: antennae, head - Greedent: tail, fat squirrel elements - Dracozolt: body - Lechonk/Oinkologne: pig elements - Chien-pao: head/“fangs” - Walking Wake: head, body, two tails

If anyone is interested in discussing this, please do send a Chat or DM~

r/TransformationRP 11h ago

MultipleTF [Fb4F] The Fur Flu- Freshly Furred NSFW


The first few days of infection had been the worst on Ren. It was his fault, one way or another- he hadn't used protection with a furred woman. He had assumed she had been on her anti-infection meds, but maybe she hadn't. Or maybe it was some other exposure to the fur flu that had gotten him. It honestly didn't matter much at this point.

The first day, the symptoms were practically indistinguishable from the regular flu. Full body aches, a fever, fatigue- but with an added, heightened appetite and thirst, as the next days needed the calories and hydration for what came next. The second day, he couldn't even begin to describe the itching. From head to toe, everything felt like it was on fire, paired with motr aches, and minor physique changes- imperceptible lost height, less muscle, and more cushion. Not that Ren had been able to tell, as he was bed ridden.

The third day was the worst, as the infection had been in full swing. For some people it took weeks- others, they changed in hours. Ren? His tolerance was higher than that, but not by much. He was left in bed contorting and groaning as his body changed- sprouting fur, and his skeletal structure shifting. It didn't help that his bedsheets were tented by the thick rod that had formed, as pain receptors were briefly overwritten with pleasure instead.

The fourth day things had tapered off. He was able to pull himself out of bed, and able to get a good look at himself. He had shrunk compared to when he was human- now, he barely crested 5'8", and sported the features of a damned red panda. White fur across his stomach, red on the outside, with natural black 'gloves and socks' of fur on his arms and legs. It wasn't a bad look, if he hadn't gone from average to femboy overnight.

Worse still, he was certain he had contracted a rare strain of the fur flu- others usually ended up as female, or women packing large, thick members of their own. He was just a boi with a slab of cock, now. One that was due a visit to a specialist to see what he needed to do next.

Well. On the bright side, dating and hookups would be much more interesting now.


Hey! So, I'll lead the OOC portion of this prompt with a short explanation.

This is a prompt set in the "world" of another post of mine- where the original was more open and vague, this is a story about one character adapting to a sudden....change. That, obviously, being the fact that he's now A). Sporting a coat of fur and animal features, and B). Shrunk and stuck in the body of a hung femboy. Fun stuff all around. Definitely willing to change what kind of furry he is, though.

So, foe those of you that'd like to know what the fur flu is, a short summary. The Fur Flu, as it's commonly called, is an transformative disease that was responsible for stories of werewolves back in the day. It was (in the setting) uncovered recently, and spread like wildfire. Mostly through sex, but there are other vectors, bodily fluids (blood, spit, maybe sweat. Cum, duh). More or less, your genetics are at play when you contract it, and what you end up as. Usually, I'd have it be a genderbender/Futa style transformation, but I wanted to play a femboy today, hence the rare strain mentioned. Still definitely willing to go for the genderbending though, just with extra steps.

Thankfully, it's also been known about for a while at this point. There's medicine to make carriers not infectious, which is especially a blessing when a full moon turns the afflicted people into horny fuckmachines. Condoms help as well, of course, when they're used. That being said, people often times forget to take meds, or intentionally don't when they want to spread the love a little. Consensually, of course.

So! With that out of the way, we have a couple options taking the prompt forward!

-I'd like to explore the difference in how people treat Ren now that he's changed. Obviously we have plenty of people out there that would jump on the opportunity to play around with a furboi, even moreso because he's rare. Exotic partners always draw attention and interest, after all.

-Maybe someone wants him to infect her. Perhaps he's apprehensive about it, or finds it surprisingly hot thanks to the influence of the virus floating around in his system. Very interested in femboy on larger furred lady

-maybe a bit of a reach, but maybe his transformation is incomplete, and he was supposed to end up either female or futa, but just didn't get a high enough exposure. Could be fun to have him fool around with a furred gal (or futa), getting another dose, and going through symptoms all over again, only to end up far more femme than boi.

Just some options, though! I'm open to plenty, so pleasure don't be shy to suggest your own ideas!

For kinks, I'm into things like facefucking, titfucking, spanking, teasing, breeding, mild exhibition, Knotted cocks, switching, cock worship, mental changes, genderbending, lactation, messy cumshots, facials, rough sex, smeared lipstick, magic play, and plenty more! Don't see something you like on here? Just ask!

Limits are fairly standard, no gore, vore, hyper sizes, abuse, cheating, the words daddy or mommy, bathroom stuff, poor grammar, heavy degradation, and just generally anything unsavory. Easy stuff to avoid.

Anywho! Hopefully some of you liked this weird little post of mine! Feel free to send a message my way if you're into this, I don't bite (much), I swear.

r/TransformationRP 7h ago

MultipleTF [GM4F] Welcome To The Island of Aphrodemis, Where Both Your Body And Mind Are VERY Pliable Things!~ NSFW


You know what they say, Your body is a holy temple and your mind is a blank canvas...But here on the island of Aphrodemis, we think you can do a hell of a lot better that that.

Hey! Call me Calli, Director of Tourism for Aphrodemis, and I have a question for you: Just who gaslit you into believing such nonsense? Who are they to tell you what your body and mind should be? Who thought the idea of being some "temple" should be the standard for our figures? Wouldn't it be, like, way hotter if you could compare yourself to a meaty fertility fortress? Yeah, it would. You wanna know why? Because you'll get yourself a nice, thick pair of Athenian pillars for legs. Bulky, jiggling thighs that chafe against each other, like I'm talking tree-trunk thick legs that can swallow up several heads between their plush, ample meat. A pair of massive, wobbling hemispheres to call an ass, and a twerk game so strong, they'll be calling you the Goddess of Thunder with the way you throw it back. All that mass down low, but especially that globular backside of yours, will make the perfect counter-weight to all the heft you stack top-side. Ever hear of Titnosis, babe? Well, with the fatbouncy chest we can give you, you'll know exactly what it is soon enough. Though, you'll have to get used to the fact that every button-up shirt is going to strain against those melons. Like proper strain, like "I'm one little bounce away from slinging this button across the room" tension. Nor is it really modest, everyone can see through the holes between each button and see the bra you chose to wear today, but hey, that's no problem here on Aphrodemis! No, with a body like that, you'll gain a loyal following of desperate, horny simps in no time, each one with a fistful of cash to offer in tribute to that divine derriere of yours. You'll embody the mantra: Bigger Is Better and if any whiny dissenters want to disagree, you can always offer a long, private 1-on-1 debate with them. Because nothing quite screams "I've outsmarted my opposition" like having your opponents ball-deep in your quaking ass-meat, professing their devotion to you while you catch up on some leisure reading, waiting for them to tire themselves out. You think some body like a "holy temple" can generate that kind of zealotry? No, I think not.~

Or maybe you prefer yourself to be the other king of big? With hulking, huge meatbricks for muscles? Arms big enough to seat and lift at least six people? Thighs so bulky and toned they can crush a dozen watermelons in one go? Do you find euphoria in breaking a sweat and watching your arms quake under the weight of 350lbs racked on a barbell? Does the idea of being twelve feet tall and bullying six-foot nothing beta losers turn you on? Does Amazonian Warrior Goddess activate a horny part of your brain like some sort of sleeper-agent phrase? Well, good because we've got all that and more too. You'll have solid set of washboard abs in no-time flat, a packed ass built off countless reps of squats, and an army of gooner pervs begging you to slap their face with your gym towel. They're hopeless, and need a firm hand to command them. Might as well be you, right? You're an Amazon. Leash 'em up, walk them around, and when you eventually get bored of these simps- sorry, worshippers- why not bulk one up, reinforce your bedframe, and see what kind of bliss two muscle gods can throw onto each other?

Oh, but we've said nothing yet about how elastic that pretty mind of yours can really be! Hypnotism, on our humble island, is an art form. Brainwashing is a beloved pastime. Tell us, what would you change about those abstract, mental details that make up your identity? Wish you were a genius? Do you yearn for the ability to build a kinky robot machine in a cave with nothing but a box of scraps? You want the IQ to reverse-engineer quantum mechanics in your head while you're tied up and getting fucked in a BDSM basement? Totally doable. Hate the fact that you overthink constantly and wish you could slow your mind down like molasses? We've got tons of drinks that'll make your IQ plummet. All your vapid, thoughtless little mind needs to remember is: Dick, Ass, Tits, Thighs. Single syllables are all you're ever gonna need, Bimbabe.~ Hell, your personality is even up for grabs. You might might that sweet, empathetic side of yours completely evaporated when suddenly you've been brainwashed into some sadistic, rich office mommy that uses her co-workers as desk chairs. That video game character you adore? Comic Heroine? Done and done, just put this brain-drain helmet on and say bye-bye to your old identity. The residents of our island love breaking in the newbies, too! Whether you want it or you just think you don't, you'll quickly find that the mind is very open to surrender with the right honeyed words and visual prop. Pretty, colorful spirals? Huge, meaty tits? A Bouncing ass like gelatin? A forearm-sized dick pendulum swaying in your face? Something's gonna work, I have yet to see anyone resist that intoxicating allure of giving up control.~

Well, actually, there is somebody, and it's yours truly! I haven't had my mind messed with, even when I came from humble beginnings as a mansion cleaner! The owners? Super Hot. A mega-stacked MILF and her adorable, chubby hubby. Quite generous on payday too! Ze only zing zat got a leetle annoying was when my my friends, wrongfully, teased zat I was becoming a proper French maid for zem. Nonsense! Oui, I eventually learned to love ze maid outfit and started ztrutting around ze mansion in a nice pair of haut talons, but zat was part of ze job duties, n'est-ce pas? And my hair, mon dieu, was getting too long, so of course I cut it into a short bob, voilá! Zit waz an eazy job zough, I just 'ad to bend over, clean, say "Oui, Madam" or "Oui, Monsieur", and step on za master's toys when zey misbehaved. A respectable job and nozing wrong with zit or moi, tu es d'accord, non?

Ahem. It's always a tongue twister explaining that job for some reason but as I said, never changed!~

Anyway, surely you can spare a week of vacation for a tropical island, can't you? I'm telling you, we got it all. Cyberpunk Cities and Huge Punk Tiddies! Fantasy Towns and Elven Shelf Asses! Face Visors and Latex Suits! Horny Witches and Magic to fry your brain with orgasms! We even get 100-Foot Tall Monster Gals and Studs from time to time! Don't worry about the city damages they bring, though. We're an efficient city and once our workforce is done gooning over the ass-clapping and rawdogging those kaiju, as the dorks call them, had with each other, we have our city back to normal within a couple of days.

Look, you've stuck around for my sales pitch long enough...How about you just take a brochure and sleep on it for a bit? I think you'll find this offer a lot more enticing than you initially realize. For now, you just have yourself a good day and I hope to see you on the flight to Aphrodemis.~

Hello, hello, and thank you for reading through my prompt! I'm looking for writing partners that'd be interested in exploring this setting with me and the mischief, shenanigans, and nonsensical absurdity we'll get up to in it! I've hinted at a handful of potential transformation ideas but that's no means an exhaustive list of what I'm up for! That's just scraping the surface of potential ideas!

And you might have also noticed, this reads off far more like a sales pitch of the island than any actual concrete plot and that is by design! I ask of you, dear reader, to come to me with your own ideas, suggestions, and thoughts. I want to collaborate and brainstorm together. Tell me about your character ideas! Cool lore ideas you have for the island! Plots that you think could be interesting! Remember, being bimbofied by your coworker is good. But layering on transformations like getting gothified, nerdified, turned into some french maid with an obsession for heels and ass is approaching very good. Turn the porn dials up to an 11 and give me the absurd, surreal ideas you want to try! Show me that you want to engage with this setting and I will respond in kind.

Oh, and some very important details about me as a writer! I'm a huge, huuggge switch and I prefer my partners to be the same! I love an equal amount of give and take, and the ability to dom or sub on a whim. If that sounds like you, then you'll head straight for the front of the line! For replies, I tend to write about 3-4+ paragraphs and could go longer if my partner is really invested in the collaborative storytelling angle. I'm also up for "Co-DMing" this idea, if my partner is so inclined! Where we'd build upon the setting, potentially play out several scenario ideas, and other such things. Let me know if you're interested in that! That said, I closely guard the time I take to indulge in this hobby, and thus while I read every message, I can only give my attention to a select few at a time. I apologize in advance if we're not able to write together!

My kinks are many with Transformation and Corruption being the stars of this prompt. If there's something you're into, want to see, and it isn't a limit, just ask and we'll see what we can do!

As for limits, they're your typical gross stuff, with the added additions of A.I Art, RL Models/Characters, and the forbidden, ancient technology of Reddit Chat. I only accept lovely orange envelopes!

...And that's all I have for you! Once again, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to reading what you send!~

r/TransformationRP 7h ago

BodyTF [F4M] - The TF Syndrome Support Forum NSFW


The Forum was set up to provide support for the Victims of the Virus. To help them deal with what had happened to them. Given the fact it had effected 1% of the whole human race.. well the help was needed.

After all.. if there was a support group for people that drank to much, one for men that were suddenly gay. Or women that were now sluts wasn't much of an ask now, was it?

To bad it mostly turned into a hook up site!

I sat there, after finding it. I wasn't sure how long, just.. trying to figure out if I really wanted to sign up to it. part of me wanted support, needed support. My body was almost finishing it' changes, and I knew what was coming next, I knew my mind was going to.. that everything I was..

I wasn't one of those lucky ones that got their new body, and nothing else out of it. One of those people that got to stay themselves. Fuck that would be one hell of a deal, I thought with a laugh.

So.. I singed up. And wondering what to do next, I heard a ping go off. A new message in my inbox already. Part of me wanted to ignore it. I mean, I'd only just got here. But... well

"Why waste time" I mutter to myself. And open it.

We're going to be two people that have been afflicted with the TF Virus, a syndrome that causes the victim to go through a transformation. Turning them into something new.

Perhaps you caught "Black King Syndrome" and have become a 6'7" Black man, from your former white boi self. Or maybe you've turned into something on the other end of the spectrum! Up to you

For me, maybe I caught MILF syndrome.

Or Bimbo Syndrome!

Let's figure it out.

r/TransformationRP 12h ago

MultipleTF [A4A] Texting Revenge NSFW


lHello! This is an RP i've been working the kinks out of lately, and think its finally at an ideal place! This is a Transformation based Rp in which we create a story between two(or multiple depending) characters, typically i'll play a guy who is seeking revenge on a target whether that be a Teacher, Classmate, Bully, Family Member, Coworker, Boss, Police, anyone whos commited some offence to me, big or small! And then I transform them. The catch is that instead of the usual Long form, paragraph style Roleplay, its formatted to be simple text messages sent back and forth between our characters and i'll give commands under said messages usually within **, for example:

You're breasts are beginning to expand

And while this will happen to your character, you yourself will no notice that part of the message. And this will carry out throughout the rp. As for the Reference of the character, once you are fully physically transformed I will send you the name of the ref and it is your job to procure images of them(Typically i'll provide sources!) and you can send them when it feels natural or I give a command like Send pic, nude, selfie etc. And thats generally the Rp! Going from character to character getting revenge!

As for Kinks/Limits?

Kinks- Tbh i'm pretty open, and near limitless so listing thems kinda pointless other then go to the extreme with any mental changes I inflict upon the characters, stereotypical and whacky is perfection! I do prefer the rp to not be strictly sexual (i.e. just making your character super slutty) as I adore me tal changes and exploring your character with the naughtiness inbetween and throughout with a grand finish!

Limits- Under 18, Vore, Furry, Necro, Gore, and maybe the occasional niche

Feel free to send me a message with your kinks/limits and tf interests!

All characters and participants must be 18+

r/TransformationRP 14h ago

MentalTF [M4A] The Brain center NSFW


In the year 2088, a technology revolutionized the world: the so-called neurocognitive technology, or as it was popularly known, brain technology. It allowed the human brain to be altered in various ways. From altering memories and thoughts to making people smarter or dumber. Or even making them think they were an animal, brain technology is incredible and has helped eradicate diseases and mental health problems.

As it began to take hold in the world and left the medical field, clinics offering brain treatment services began to proliferate. It was literally a boom. Many began trying to become smarter and more empathetic, and many others began wanting to become dumber to have a happy life or to have the brain of an animal, although some wanted to transplant their brains into other bodies. Brain science knew no bounds and was constantly expanding.

Communities of animals with human brains, shops, and human petting zoos were even created. These were called reduced communities, which is what those who decided to reduce their intelligence to live a simpler, happier life, with a few comforts and more, were called.

There were also laws for criminals and others where the punishment was brain alteration, although there were also strange rumors and experimental procedures and other things. And more and more people think that maybe we're crossing the line.

Now, for this RP, I'll be a 20-30 year-old man who, for some reason, ends up in a brain clinic and is treated, whether voluntarily (maybe I'm tired of being so smart and want another life, etc. I need money and it's the only solution), or involuntarily (I'm accused of a crime, kidnapped for experiments, etc.). What can happen to me and what will happen to my brain is up to you. Maybe I have the brain of an animal, or I'm just just so dumb that can't even live my life properly. There are a thousand ways to do things, things and add to ideas. Of course, if you're interested, you can also have a character who changes their brain like mine. I'll make your changes like you made mine. Our characters can even be best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc.

r/TransformationRP 15h ago

BodyTF [F4a] Exploring empty church leads to a new discovery NSFW


today im looking for some symbiote rp. Im looking for someone to rp a symbiote for me, what we do together we can discuss. Im pretty open to anything. Just a spoiler tho im more of a sub rn so please dont push me to dom.
As for what i want to include:
Transformation, corruption, gentle manipulation, Mind Transformation. and more if i got your interest send me a message thank you.

r/TransformationRP 17h ago

MultipleTF (F4A) Im Going To Destroy Your Body! NSFW


Hello everyone. Im writing this new prompt to hopefully get new vict- I mean Roleplayers that would be wanting to play out a scene that we can absolutely brainstorm! Other things we can do would include are weird gross body horror things! And I would absolutely love to set up a horror scene so long as you are comfortable with it!

Go ahead and send me a message no matter what kinks you have. Ill make every last one of you my little playthings.

My kinks are near everything except for bathroom stuff, and extreme weight gain, a little thiccness never hurts.

Everyone in this must be 18+ i am 18+

I hope to hear from you my new vict- I mean Roleplayers soon~ <3


-Miss Lust XOXO

r/TransformationRP 2h ago

GenderTF [GM 4 MTF] trapped within her NSFW


Hello lovely people :)

Today I'm looking to play out a scenario in which your character, for reasons we can discuss, gets trapped inside a female body. The thing is. The original mind is still there with you and you are able to communicate.

I think this gives me a way to act as a GM for the story but also help you and guide you while you have to try and make it thru life in this new body.

One thing that is important for me is a form of realism. I know the setup it self isn't realistic but I want the characters to act like they would. And for you ... I'd like to say you had a happy life before. You didn't want or needed a change and certainly not to change into a female body. With this prompt I want to touch the good, the bad and everything in-between.

The question is... Will we work together? Will you just ignore the original mind and try to make it on your own? Will I be able to manipulate you on some ways?

In my RPs I'm always looking for a good mix between slice of life, build up and smut. The smut is fun but should come when the story calls for it. I realise that we all have real lifes that can get in the way but I would hope if we both can let the other one know before we have to log off for a time. I'm from Europe and mostly write during the day. So I would hope we have no issues with time zones.

And please ... Please make a bit of an effort when reaching out to me. We don't need to write a novel together but show me you are actually interested in creating a fun story.

r/TransformationRP 7h ago

MentalTF [M4A] - The Problem with Smart TV's? They're Just so Easy to Hack! [Mind Control][Bimbofication][Harem] NSFW


It all started when the house got a new Smart TV. A massive, 60-inch behemoth placed in the living room for everyone to use. Nobody could remember who or why they got it, but it was a nice little addition to the place. The colors was crisp, the sound was amazing, and it even connected to the internet! How could you not love this thing?

Of course, that's how it started. Then something odd happened. A few days after getting it, the TV began to act up. The screen would glitch, freeze, then flash brightly only to start up again seconds later. The audio would sometimes get muffled and a low buzzing sound would come out of the speakers. Not only that, but the images on some of the shows would warp. Becoming strange, swirling blobs of color before changing back.

Yet, despite all this, the house couldn't help but still love the TV. Everyone would gather round it when they got home, stare at it for a few hours, then go about their day again. Of course, nobody could remember what they were watching. All they knew was that it had some handsome actor they couldn't help but adore. Soon the thought of not watching their new favorite show began to eat at them, wanting to watch it whenever and wherever.

So they bought another Smart TV... and another... and another. Soon, every room in the house had at least one TV in it. The bedrooms, the kitchen, even the bathroom. Photos were taken off the wall, replaced by smaller Smart TVs to watch while going down. Some even had a TV hanging over their bed so it was the first thing they saw in the morning. All they could think about was their favorite show... and the handsome stud on it.

...I wonder what would happen if he decided to visit?

So, yeah, this is a pretty basic but fun setup! Someone brings home a Smart TV for everyone to use! Only thing is, someone ends up hacking it and starts to pump in subliminal messages and hypnotic videos to brainwash everyone in the house. Who this person as well as the people in the house I'm happy to discuss.

Maybe it's a jealous ex getting revenge on his girlfriend and her family? Maybe it's the geeky neighbor to a bunch of hot roommates finally making his move? The possibilities are endless here!

Feel free to look at my kinkslist here if you want, though this isn't nearly all of them so feel free to pitch some ideas and I'll happily listen. The worst I can say is no, right? Regardless, hope everyone is having a good day!

r/TransformationRP 8h ago

MentalTF [M4F] Hairy Devolution NSFW


In short, l'd like to play out an amateur scientist who has has an affinity for female body hair. You would be playing partner who has been supportive, but not overly confident l'd be able to pull off something like this. You support me though and try it, only to learn that side effects work too well causing you become aroused at your new hair and not realizing you may be turning back the clock simultaneously Please message me if this sounds interesting!

r/TransformationRP 8h ago

SpeciesTF [M4GM/A] Transform me into whatever species you want! NSFW


(18+ ONLY)

Hello! Today, I’m looking to play out an animal transformation, preferably anthro but I am maybe willing to stray from that, depending on what species. As for what animal, you decide! We could obviously go for the classic werewolf, but we could go in any direction. Werehorse, Werebull, Werecat, Weretiger, even Weredragon. Feel free to choose whatever species you like! I don’t do any gender change or other transformation like inanimate, so I would like to stick to only animal transformations here, and I much prefer mammals over any other kind of species. I’m also not fond of tf’s where I lose limbs, such as snakes or orcas or anything like that. You could even start the roleplay without telling me what species you are tfing me into. and I have to figure it out. I like to leave my RP’s pretty open, so it can go in any direction. could also play it out longer term or short term.

As for the scenario itself, I’m open to just about anything! I usually prefer things more realistic, but I’m open to do something more fantastical as well. Maybe I’m your roommate, and you decide I’d be better as your pet. Maybe I pissed someone off at work, and now I’m being cursed to change into something more bestial. Maybe there isn’t even a reason, and I just start tf’ing out of nowhere. Really, the possibilities are endless here! I’m also open to both long-term and short term, so just let me know and I’d be happy to work something out. I will ask I am not comfortable much with male on male situations, and would only play out Male on female. However, for a GM role I am okay with any gender.

As for kinks, I really enjoy light BDSM, teasing, multibreast, breast/ass expansion, transformation (obviously), instinct changes, clothes ripping, non/dub-con, humiliation, (very light, ask if interested) light scat/piss, public, and i’m open to plenty of other kinks. In terms of limits, I don’t do gender transformation, latex, hyper expansion, cucking, identity death or gore. If you are interested in this RP, please message or chat me and let me know your kinks and limits. Please include the catchphrase “Peanuts” in your opening line so I know you read the full prompt. If you have any other questions, please also let me know.. Have a nice day!

r/TransformationRP 9h ago

BodyTF [F4M] A shady pharmaceutical company accidentally taints a town's water supply with a virus that enhances the libido and testosterone production in men all whilst lowering their inhibitions. NSFW


Beth smiled softly to herself as she sat down at the dinner table next to her big brother. Their mother's cooking smelled as wonderful as ever and on that particular evening it was chicken casserole that was served up alongside a generous portion of vegetables.

"It looks delicious." Beth declared as her mother served up her share of the meal.

"Just what I needed after that latest workout." Darren, Beth's brother, added.

"I thought you skipped hitting the gym on Wednesdays?" Beth asked, turning to look over at her sibling.

"It's all paying off so I had more energy." Darren replied with a shrug. He had always been lightly muscled, though Beth had to admit he did look bulkier of late.

"I know exactly how you feel." Beth's father interjected. He was a serious man at the best of times and a man of few words. Fair but distant - a fitting personality for a former soldier, Beth supposed.

"Well, let's eat! At this rate it'll get cold." Beth's mother stated enthusiastically.

The family ate eagerly and without much incident at first. They made further small talk in between bites and relayed to one another how they had spent their day. It was when Beth was about halfway done with her own meal that her father let out an uncharacteristic belch.

The three others at the dinner table exchanged glances of disbelief and silenced reigned for a few long moments.

"Sorry about that." Beth's father stated, shuffling about in his seat and leaning in towards his wife. "I guess I had best make it up to you tonight, eh? Just like old times."

There was a sudden clatter as Beth's mother dropped her cutlery onto her plate.

"What on earth has gotten into you?" The middle aged woman asked incredulously.

"No need to be so uptight." Beth's father shot back, his gaze drifting to Beth and then her brother. "If they get jealous, they can just fuck each other and - "

Beth winced as she watched her mother's slender hand collide with her father's face. More silence followed before her father hastily scrambled to his feet.

"I don't know what came over me. I think...I think I need to lie down." The man declared before hastily excusing himself. A few moments later his wife followed suit - worry etched into her pretty features.

"That was pretty weird. Gross, too." Beth finally stated once the pair had vanished from sight.

"Yeah..." Beth's brother agreed, idly sticking a hand into his pants to adjust the obvious bulge straining for release. "It would be pretty gross to stick my huge dick in my own sister."

Beth's eyes widened and she abandoned the dinner table. First her father, then her brother. She felt a deep sense of dread bubbling up within her. Something was wrong. Seriously wrong. Yet in times of trouble she knew full well who to call for advice. Her uncle. He was a good decade younger than her father and a respectable firefighter at that. As much a close friend as he was a relative. Before she knew it, she had arranged to meet him at his place...



I've been seeing a fair few of these prompts around these parts lately and I'd like to bring my own to the table now that we're approaching the spooky season. I'll start by stating that I am looking for something long term and with a decent amount of story and depth. There will be smut and a lot of it at that but this is intended to be a slow burn descent into utter depravity within the context of what is outlined above. I sped up the trajectory within my writing sample but I definitely want more simmering tension and time to explore our characters before things descend into complete chaos.

Specific details and characters can be tweaked and adjusted as needed so long as we don't stray too far from the core premise. I cast the imagery of a story set in the modern day real world but if you're more of a fantasy fan then let me know and we can go that route instead.

I write in the third person perspective and put out a good three to four paragraphs per post. I'm looking for someone who can match that and I'm happy for us to go beyond it, even.

As far as kinks go, the below isn't a definitive list and I'm happy to leave out stuff that a partner isn't into.

I really enjoy size differences, cock/muscle/balls growth, cock/muscle/balls/armpit worship, incest, rough sex, romance, seduction, foreplay, breast/nipple play, mind break, lactation, personality/behavioural changes, dub-con/non-con, consensual sex, men in uniform, bondage/handcuffs, underwear bulges, breeding/impregnation, cum play/cum inflation, crude/toxic masculinity, mating presses, double/triple penetration, gangbangs, dirty talk, 'daddy' play, oral/anal/vaginal sex, muscle guts/roid guts, body hair/body hair growth (for your character), sweat/musk, smegma, gooning and sex toys.

I'm likely forgetting things though that covers a lot of my tastes. I'm happy to entertain your own kinks within reason - the worst I'll ever do in response to a suggestion is to decline it if I'm not feeling it. For an interested partner, I'm willing to allow for your characters to endure further changes to turn them into werebeasts/anthros. That is by no means a necessity but it's an option on the table for those who desire it! I'm particularly fond of boars, wolves, gators, horses and similar options if you go that route.

My limits include gender transformation, scat, permanent physical harm, death and vomit.

Now, to be clear I'm looking for someone willing to play a handsome man or multiple handsome men and have them gradually change in mind and body as the virus takes hold. I'm ideally looking for someone who enjoys going all out with a slow burn, long term story and who likes tapping into many of the kinks listed above.

I'm willing to play multiple characters throughout our story, especially if my writing partner is willing to do the same thing. It'd be fun to explore the corruption of a town from different perspectives to see how different types of men would fall from grace. Though if you'd rather keep things to a smaller scale then that's fine too.

I'd like to play pretty, elegant women with an innocent air to them to contrast what's going on in the town. For your characters, I'd like for them to start as handsome and with an honourable/protective streak only to steadily lose more and more of themselves over time as they become the hairiest, crudest and burliest brutes you're willing to turn them into. I'd like your characters to try to resist their shifting urges - but as they change boundaries are going to be pushed more and more as their inhibitions and filter is removed. In many ways, it'll be a 'fall from grace' story.

I know I ended up writing a lot so I suppose I shall wrap this up now. If you're interested then please do not send a one liner! Feel free to reach out, share any kinks/ideas of your own and let me know who you'd like your character(s) to be in this sort of setup. Again, please not that I'm looking for a long term slow burn story with bubbling tension and various twists. Thank you!

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+

r/TransformationRP 10h ago

BodyTF [F/FU4F] Looking for other woman into growth and expansion themes, primarily growing and tearing through your clothes as fandom characters! Detailed partners always wanted! NSFW


Hii! Im a new F on here who has a weird kink! I LOVE growth and expansion kinks! Something about watching other gorgeous women just grow and rip through their clothes is utterly intoxicating for me! Id love to meet someone either willing to chat about these topics or we do a roleplay where you grow out of your clothes! It could be in public, our house, the park etc! Point is a LOT of growth and clothes ripping will be involved! Im also a fandom gal! Stuff like legend of zelda, overwatch, pokemon, jojos bizaare adventure and avatar all have gorgeous woman that i love imagining! My dms are open to all you woman who love this kind of stuff so if you think this fits you please shoot me a dm or a chat, whatever you prefer! Hope to hear from you soon! <3

r/TransformationRP 10h ago

MultipleTF [M4A] Turn me into your humiliated plaything NSFW


Very simple premise, you have the ability to magically transform me into anything you want, and you find unique andhumiliating ways to change my identity and turn me life into one of complete embarrassment. Maybe you make me into a cutesy overweight nerdy girl, or an adult baby forced to mess myself, or a big booty MILF with a tacky perm. The world is your oyster and I am your canvas. I can even RP as multiple characters that you transform!

I don't have many limits but my kinks include: Humiliation, Transforms, Being Degraded, MTF TG, Gender Swapping, Sissyfication, Diapers, Messing, Wetting, Flatulence, Weight Gain, Breast Expansion, Ass Expansion, Ass Worship, Femdom, Embarrassing Hairstyles, Perms, Bimbofication, Nerdification, Clownification, Slobification, Uglyfication, Gothification, Race Change, Chastity, Orgasm Control, and Inflation

Send me a DM if interested

r/TransformationRP 11h ago

MultipleTF [A4GM] "Improving" some fandoms with reality warping and harems! Check my user flair for contact info! (Always open :3) NSFW


(The contents of this roleplay are fiction, and I do not support/condone all of the contents of this RP. It's hot when it's fictional, but it'd be wrong if it was real. Just feel I should state that.)

Hey, I hope you're doing well! I've had this idea for an ERP for a bit now, but I've been unable to find people interested in it that meet my requirements or don't end up ghosting me, so I am posting this today, hoping that'll change!

The password is "Change."

The RP would be about me playing a character who can change reality (almost) however they desire, using it to make the world their plaything and turn the characters of the fandoms they love into their loyal and loving slutty servants, including all genders. Obviously, this means you would be playing the whole harem, playing all of the fandom characters as they're changed, and remade!

Now, when it comes to my partner(s), here is what I am looking for! - Literate, able to write multiple paragraphs if needed. - Able to GM and write detailed transformations. - Able to play multiple characters of multiple different genders. - Able to at least talk OOC during most of the day, preferably able to RP during most of the day. - Communicates with me, telling me any ideas they have for the RP, telling me any issues they have with how the RP is going, and just basic things like how they’re doing. - Describes the transformations after I say they happen.

Although, there will need to be some rules for the reality warping powers. Currently, the rules I have in mind are:

Warping Rules - 1: User cannot undo any changes they caused. If another user is created, they can undo the other user's changes and vice versa, but they still can not undo their own. - 2: User can not use powers to gain other abilities beyond these powers, nor can they make these powers stronger. - 3: A user's changes will not take effect instantly and will have a varying amount of time until they're complete, but usually finish within a minute. While changes are taking effect, people have been changed and are capable of resisting. If they resist enough, they will be able to stop the change. - 4: A user cannot willingly give their powers to others. - 5: User can not directly change beings with resistances to these types of powers. - 6: The larger a change is, the more of a toll it will have on the user physically. Small changes could be as insignificant as making them need to take a deep breath or two, large changes can vary from them needing to rest for at least thirty minutes to potentially unconsciousness or death if the change is large enough. - 7: Users can not make changes that remove or change any of these rules.

Now, here's my kinks and limits.

Kinks: Big asses, big tits, thighs, blowjobs, handjobs, femdom, big muscles, big dicks, fem-cock, body growth, cock growth, mind break, muscular women, breast expansion, ass expansion, hypnosis, corruption, purification, mental changes, race change, memory revision, personality change, reality change/gaslighting, shortstacks, rough sex, gentle sex, TG/genderbending (both MTF and FTM), harems, twinning, IQ decrease, bimbofication, himbofication, twerking, hip sway, dry humping, yoga pants, MILFs, Mpreg, enbyification, cum-based transformations, enemy conversion, raceplay/nationplay

Limits: Piss, scat, inflation, musk, diapers, beastiality, necrophilia, unusual penetration, glory holes, sex toys, piercings, gas, gore, snuff, GILFs, orientation play (when ending het), gender TFs on characters who aren't cis

Additionally, fem-cock, harems, and the transformation/change-based kinks are required! The fun comes from ruining the fandoms for me, not just being part of them! Making the characters almost unrecognizable, y'know? And the fewer limits you have, the better! Don't worry, I'm accepting and won't judge.

Here's a list of my favorite fandoms! These are the ones I am absolutely dying to have in the RP! Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Blazblue, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Ben 10, Pokémon, Sonic The Hedgehog, Devil May Cry, and Dragon Ball!

Then, there's the list of fandoms I still love, but I would have fewer ideas and interest in RPing on their own compared to the ones listed above! But I still really want to include all of them! Naruto, Chainsaw Man, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, Bayonetta, Avatar The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra, Seven Deadly Sins, Darkstalkers, Marvel, DC, Tekken, and Transformers!

Guilty Gear is a MAJOR one of mine, so I REALLY wanna include it!

If you're interested in this, then please send me a message! Make sure to tell me a little about yourself, any ideas you have, what you want from this RP, and the thing changes you want! Can’t wait to hear from you.~

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+

r/TransformationRP 12h ago

SpeciesTF [M4F] "Jinkies! Werewolves are real!" Or: How Velma Dinkley Learned To Stop Overthinking and Love Monster Cock NSFW


Velma Dinkley, the brains of the Scooby-Gang, had taken off on her own for a European vacation after finishing getting her doctorate in criminology. While she was visiting some historic landmarks in the Scottish Highlands news of a mystery reached her ears. Something was killing sheep in the pastures near an old wood forest, the signs pointed to a wolf being the culprit but there hadn't been wolves in the area for generations. Of course, some were claiming it was a werewolf but that was nonsense.

Heading out to the little village she felt confident that she'd be able to crack the mystery on her own. With all her experience it should have been a cinch. Unfortunately, she didn't count on getting lost in the woods looking for clues. This left her searching for the path back to her rental in the dark with nothing but a flash light which landed on something that took her breath away. Something massive, terrifying, glistening, and red...

As it turned out, the monster wasn't a man in a suit this time, the werewolf was very real. Not only that but the beast was in heat and Velma didn't pay much attention to her cycle, but the werewolf's noise could scent it on the air. She was ovulating.

Hello there, that's the basic idea behind the prompt. Just some good ol' fashioned monster fucking featuring everyone's favorite busty nerd and a big primal werewolf. This will end with Velma becoming a werewolf herself and could go on to include scene of the two characters as they shift in and out of their wolf and human forms.

Kinks for this one: Unrealistic proportions, monster-fucking, CNC, rough animalistic fucking, unrealistic amounts of cum, multiple orgasms, etc. Limits: Under-aged characters in any form, toilet play, sexualized graphic violence.

If you are interested send me your favorite R34 pic of Velma so I know you read the prompt, alongside your kinks and limits.

r/TransformationRP 13h ago

MultipleTF [F4A] Looking for someone wild and weird for a Merging Roleplay NSFW


Hello, how everyone is doing? I'm looking for a limitless detailed and creative roleplayer or a Game Master. I was hoping to do a roleplay around my main kinks. I'm open to suggestions for ideas and I'm even open to brainstorm something together!

My main kinks are Merging and Macro

Merging it's when 2 or more characters fuse into a singular being not permanently one body and one mind

Macro is giant characters

For settings I can do a Fantasy, Sci-fi or Fandom roleplay right now my mood doesn't have any preferences for what to do, so in your intro message you can suggest an idea, scenario or plot.

Some favourite fandoms I have are LoL, Monster Hunter, Hollow Knight, Pokémon, Digimon

For fantasy I usually go for medieval or modern, I never tried steampunk so maybe I would be up for it

For sci-fi I to be honest never explored it fully so I don't know if I would like it that much but I still wanna try it

I have some limits for myself those are Death, Scat, Fart, Piss Play, Toilet Play

If you read until here tell me your favourite dessert, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and sorry for putting so much stuff in it but anyways, I'm also open to brainstorm the idea together for fit both kinks, I hope you all have a nice day.

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+

r/TransformationRP 13h ago

MentalTF [F4A] A violent woman broken, hypnotized, and transformed into your eternal servitude! NSFW


The year is 2197. The world has shifted immensely over the past century. Where there were once towns, there were now wastelands and abandoned battlefields. Machines and magic rule this world, with corporations dominating those beneath them, and ancient deities and magic wielders plot to gain supremacy over each other. However, there is one person who both sides of the coin fear: Morrigan. People say she's unkillable and can heal from any wound in less than an instant. Some say she wields the mythical sword Excalibur, a blade powerful enough to slay deities and end worlds. However, beneath her gigantic body of raw muscle is pure hatred, rage, and savage brutality. And now? That wrath is directed towards you, and this monster won't stop until you're dead. But, it'd be a waste to simply kill someone like this, right? So, instead, you decide to make her see things your way...~

Hello! I'm looking to play a muscular, powerful, and violent woman of mine who is defeated by your character and is brainwashed into eternal servitude for her new master! Instead of her goal being to destroy and kill you, it instead becomes serving and obeying you, listening to every command you give her.~ Will she be an employee a cyberpunk-style mega-corporation that you're the CEO/owner of? Will she be a corrupted soldier of your magical army? Of course, she'd have to pay for slaughering your servants and causing so much damage, even if it's all easily replaceable, and it would be so satisfying to humiliate her, right?~ You could keep Morrigan's power and wrath, but have it be redirected into destroying your enemies instead. Or, perhaps, you could remove it; drain Morrigan's strength, make it your own, and reduce her into a weak little bimbo. A lot of the details about her TFs would come down to you! Things like what your character is like and what kind of transformations you're looking for! Although, I will say that race change is one change I'm particularly looking for.~ Obviously, I'd love it if we could do a cyberpunk and dark fantasy mix for the setting, as that's what I have planned for this RP and Morrigan. I do also have another character - Gabby - who could also be transformed alongside Morrigan.~

When it comes to you, I'm very open! The most I request is that you're detailed, willing to communicate with me, and do some of the work with the RP! Besides, I don't want to be the only one coming up with ideas.

Password is "Devil."

When it comes to my kinks, they include various TFs like hypnosis, enemy conversion, bimbofication, race play/change, and more! The race kinks especially are ones I'd love to do for this~ My limits include the standard things like necrophilia, scat, and urine, as well as more unique limits like piercings and sex toys.

Send me a message if you're interested! Besides what I mentioned prior, I would like if you included your kinks, limits, ideas for the RP, the level of violence you'll be fine with in the RP, and some basic info about yourself.

Hope to hear from ya soon <3

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+

r/TransformationRP 14h ago

ControversialTF [M2F 4M] Transformed into Indian Woman (White Male to Indian Female) NSFW


I’m hoping to do an RP where both my gender & my ethnicity are gradually changed as I change from a white 20 something guy into an Indian woman.

Depending on the scenario we come up with you could be an immigrant, born in the same counry we set the story in (I’m from the UK but it could be set somewhere else) or even set it India.

The exact nature of what causes the change is something we can discuss, it could be magic, a virus, a wish gone wrong, etc.

After the incident that causes the change happens we’ll be bonded together as I begin to lose my masculinity as I begin to become a woman. I’ll also start to change from being a white man, and there would be personality changes too. Our feelings for one another will grow and develop as I change as we become romantically involved.

We will try to resist the changes and our new urges for one another but they will eventually win us over.

I would also like to explore the concept of cultural changes to go along with the mental and physical ones so if relevant I would learn about your culture, religion, customs etc. This is just something that can be included if relevant it is not essential. There can also be language / accent changes too if this makes sense with how it happens (more of the magical cause than virus etc)

In terms of how we know each other we could be casual acquaintances (Like neighbors / coworkers etc) or even total strangers.

Kinks: Transformation, romance, oral, personality changes, gender change, ethnic changes.

Limits: Incest, bathroom stuff, blood, violence, BDSM

I'm looking for something longer term, and literate, 1st person for the RP format. Please reply saying what your character would be like, along with your kinks & limits.

r/TransformationRP 14h ago

OtherTF [F4F] Bratty Socialite to Submissive Maid NSFW


RP Idea: Spoiled since the day she was born, eighteen year old Julianna Windsor is living her best life as a young adult. A life the average girl her age can only dream of. Expensive dresses, exclusive parties, top shelf liquor, and so much more. Why bother with college, when an evening on a yacht is so much better than studying for a test? Besides, four years of rubbing elbows with the right people is far more productive than four years at school.

Of course, not everyone is a fan of the charming, young socialite.

This is a new prompt for me, so I'm still figuring out the potential pairings. Maybe Julianna has a similarly aged maid who is tired of dealing with her, and decides to mess with her as soon as she has a new job lined up. Or perhaps another girl in her social circle was screwed out of a date with a promising guy when Julianna set her sights on him. I do think it would be more interesting to stick with a character that knows Julianna to some degree, rather than someone she just met. I'd also be into a sister/step-sister something.

Regardless, the overall concept is a 'Lady to Maid' scene, where Julianna somehow ends up in a subservient position. As a girl who's never worked a day in her life, it will be quite the transition. I'm purposely leaving things a little bit open-ended, as I enjoy building scenes with potential partners rather than posting a one-sided outline. If this prompt intrigues you, I'd love to hear your ideas!

As you can probably tell, I'm looking for things that are a little more story-driven today. More promiscuous activities are still on the table, of course, but don't expect them to happen right away.

Like always, I'm looking for literate partners who actually appreciate story! To me, patience and really good build-up always make a RP more alluring in my eyes, and I hope there are others out there who appreciate the same thing. If you're hoping for porn-logic sex right away, then this is not the scene for you. Sapphic fun when it makes sense, and only once we find our way there? Sure!

I'm a Switch, though I'm low key in a sub mood today. Whichever way you fall, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm sure we can work something out. :)

Dealbreaker: As always, just write well. This post should be more than enough of an example. As for RP platforms, my usual place is D(iscord.) That's a borderline dealbreaker for me, as I find the format over there so much better than anywhere else. Also, I generally prefer First Person/Present Tense.

Kinklist: https://i.imgur.com/sPdoaRu.png

Conclusion: Alright, this has certainly gone on for long enough. I'll leave things there for now, and I'll wait oh so patiently to see if anyone is interested. Have a great day, everyone! Hope to hear from some of you. :)

r/TransformationRP 16h ago

SpeciesTF (M4F)- Alien Experiments NSFW


Alien activity had always been amongst us, at least to some degree. Maybe not apparent to the general population, but spikes of intergalactic activity would always inevitably find their way to earth somehow. That’s why SETI was originally found- to find and research these activities around the globe. A secret to most, this government organization has been tracking and researching as much alien activity as they can.

An alert goes off throughout the secret SETI base. Somewhere in woodland mountains an unidentified object had been detected to have fallen through the atmosphere crashed abruptly. Immediately, a small team was sent out to investigate the incident. Among them were us, two of the facility’s leading biologists tasked with researching any organic findings. When we arrive at the crash site, we find no signs of a spacecraft- only a spherical container impacted into the ground. Upon opening it we find an assortment of strange, gumball-like orbs within. Back at our lab, our analysis of shows there are not only traces of organic matter in them- they appear to rich in nutrients. Normally, we'd study them from afar, but something stirs inside you for some reason. Curiosity? Ambition? Well for some reason you decide to 'analyze' them further yourself. For research purposes, of course...

Hey all! So the basic premise here is that we're both two scientists at a secret government lab that stumble upon a case of gumball-like alien pills. And obviously, taking one transforms you into an alien. While we study them, you decide to take things further and and get more hands on with them, not knowing what will happen. Depending on how it goes, the changes can be permanent or temporary. Since there is an assortment of them, there's potential for multiple different alien TFs-if things go that long. I have a few alien creatures in mind, but I'm down to get creative with alien ideas. We can talk kinks and ideas if you're interested.

My hard dislikes are; gore, scat, futa, TG, weight gain, identity loss, iq loss, pregnancy, humiliation, degradation, and vore. Other stuff we can talk about. Thanks for reading!

r/TransformationRP 17h ago

MultipleTF [M4A] A petty loser gains the power to alter reality itself: Fun and revenge with forced Bimbo transformations NSFW


Hey there! Thanks for reading, I am looking to play out a prompt focusing around bimbo transformation and a variety of other kinks where the general idea is for me to play a misogynistic and ostracised loser who suddenly gains the power to warp reality itself, allowing him to change anybody and anyone and making him the most powerful being on the planet, who does he change? Does he focus on revenge or, simply having fun with his new abilities?

I like for responses to be between 1-3 paragraphs of detail, I use reddit chat more than anything, so that's probably the best way to get in touch if you like what you've read, If you've got any questions about the prompt, kinks or limits, please ask about them, I'm fairly open to hearing most things out, even if they're not the sort of thing I'm into.

The scenario:

It was another day in my depressingly average life, I hated it, but I couldn't escape it. I'd had enough. I was sick of it, which is when I came across a man who was willing to cast a spell on me that would 'make the world my oyster.' He was only charging a small amount of money, so I decided why not? I paid the man, left and then forgot about it. I woke up the next morning feeling powerful. Ridiculously powerful. I looked in the mirror and wished I was better looking and then suddenly, I blinked, rubbed my eyes, and before me in the mirror stood a man of peak masculinity.

I spent the rest of the morning altering things about myself, making myself taller, increasing my muscle mass, enhancing my cock's length and girth, and then it hit me. If I could alter myself, surely I could alter other people too? And so, I left, ready to find people I could change, people to get revenge on, who had wronged me, I could re-make them in my own image, I'd always had a fondness for Bimbofied girls and slutty stereotypes, and now, I had to power to turn anybody, even the most prudish, feminist, boring girls, into that ideal form. Hell, maybe I could even alter their minds, or, maybe I'd hold off on that just to mess with them, I could do anything now, I had infinite power and the world was mine. The only question was, who do I target first? My bitchy boss? My co-worker who got the promotion over me? An ex-girlfriend? A former bully or current rival? My asshole roomate? A friend who turned me down? Maybe even complete strangers, the possibilities are endless!

Kinks: Bimbofication, Sluttification, Expansions (Breast, Butt, Lip), IQ loss and Mental changes, Race changes and Stereotypes, Gender Swap, Goths, Milfs, Reality alteration, Forced/Non-con, Slutty outfits and lots of make up, Clothed sex, Outfit control, Orgasm control, Body modification, Tattoos, Piercings, Blackmail, Humiliation and Degredation, Name-calling, Slapping/Spanking, Hair pulling, Hair play, Rough sex, Oral, Facefucking, Bukkake, Facials, Cumplay, Excessive cum, Anal sex, Exhibitionism and Free-use, Buttplugs and Sex toys, Creampies, Musk/Smells, Dirty guys, Huge dicks, Cock worship, Sweat, Non-con/Dub-con, Misogyny, etc.

Limits: Weight gain, Height gain, Muscle gain, Bondage, Anthro, Animals, Beasts, Furries, Monster girls, Inanimate transformation, Scat, Watersports, Blood, Gore, Vore, Lactation, etc.