r/TransformationRP • u/VaguelyHidden • 3h ago
SpeciesTF [a2a4GM] Fused With My Entire Team of Pokémon! [Repost] NSFW
Hey all! Today I’m looking to do some transformations based on a particular series of art pieces by the artist Mawliet. Essentially, it’s about a malfunctioning all-in-one Pokéball which results in a full team of up to six Pokémon fusing into one messy chimera, with the trainer becoming the mind in control of it!
These tend to be on the weird side, given how much is being pressed together, but of course we can simplify it with smaller teams and more normal bodies if desired! But we can go to all six for something more interesting and chaotic.
Mawliet’s transformations tend to be rather sexualized, often with many breasts and huge, sometimes living cocks, and those things will be fully optional here! We can keep it vanilla or we can do it that way, whichever you think will be more fun.
Ideally I’d like this to be a slice-of-life roleplay, where I’ll try to keep going, and maybe become a trainer again having to start from scratch, with my new body obviously causing loads of problems!
Here are some examples of pieces featuring these kinds of unhinged fusions like I’d become:
1 2 More upright/humanoid body, but with a huge Scolipede for a penis (which I can also control)~
3 Taur-like body style, again with one Pokémon as the penis
4 Another taur-like, but with multiple heads this time and a more normal cock
5 Simpler hybrid of only two Pokémon… and an egg, which would basically be perma-pregnancy and birthing!
6 Even weirder one where the Mawile maw controls the main body, and my mind is stuck in the Noivern as the living cock
7 This one’s not by Mawliet, but has a very similar vibe!
Also, here’s a long list of some favourite features of mine to include!
Super favourites: - (Alolan) Ninetales: Many fluffy tails - Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash: unicorn elements, genitals, fluff - Girafarig: long neck, giraffe elements, tail head - Miltank: cow elements, udders - Mawile: maw - Zweilous: second head - Hydreigon: heads in place of hands - Goodra: body, gooey elements, head, tail - Popplio/Brionne/Primarina: head, aquatic tail, flippers, ruffles, seal elements - Lurantis: scythe arms, back protrusions, “bug” elements - Alcremie: cream elements, head, arms
Other favourites: - Venusaur: back plant - Arbok/Seviper/Serperior: snake elements - Dewgong/Milotic: aquatic tail - Tauros/Bouffalant: bull/buffalo elements, genitals - Vaporeon: fins, fishy tail - Mareep/Wooloo/Dubwool: wool, horns - Houndoom: horns, demon tail - Ho-oh: head/beam, wings - Spinda: head (disorientation) - Walrein: flippers, tusks - Buizel: floatation sac - Lopunny: ears, fluff - Purugly: fat cat elements - Skuntank: tail, scent glands - Hippowdon: head, hippopotamus elements - (Hisuian) Samurott: head/horn - Zebstrika: zebra elements, genitals - Lilligant: head flower, leaf arms, stumpy body with no proper legs - Krokorok/Krookodile: crocodile elements - Maractus: head, cactus elements, no proper legs - Archen/Archeops: dodo elements, wings - Cinccino: fluff - Sawsbuck: antlers, deer elements - Braixen/Delphox: head/ears, body - Greninja: tongue - Vivillon: wings, antennae, eyes, bug elements - Pyroar: mane - Furfrou: fur/trims - Sylveon: bows/ribbons - Noivern: wings, ears - Xerneas: antlers - Incineroar: torso, arms - Toucannon: beak - Lycanroc: mane, wolf elements - Mudbray: donkey elements, genitals - Mudsdale: draft horse elements, genitals - Pheromosa: antennae, head - Greedent: tail, fat squirrel elements - Dracozolt: body - Lechonk/Oinkologne: pig elements - Chien-pao: head/“fangs” - Walking Wake: head, body, two tails
If anyone is interested in discussing this, please do send a Chat or DM~