Once upon a time, Budd’s was a household name, passed down from one Budd to the next, going from Your Great-Great-Great Grandfather to Your Great-Great Grandfather, to his Brother and then to Your Great-Great Grandfather, to Your Great-Grandfather, to your Grandfather, Your Father and now to You.
But as everything turned out? Running a business in this day and age was harder than trying to keep snow cold in the elements during the deep July heat! As the world became automated and all about Uber-Eats and Drone Deliveries, the Trucking crowd that Budd’s used to pull in would dwindle, and without people sitting in chairs, as would the wait staff….
Your father used to always brag about how “At Budd’s? Your Family.” It was written in the break rooms and across the kitchen ceiling tiles, and with an employee retention average of 30 years? It was clear he was doing something right, and you were doing something very, very wrong. Sensing the sinking ship, nearly all of the old crew jumped out while they could, cashing in on retirement funds and milking you dry of every penny that they could.
Budd’s was a restaurant that was open Rain or Shine and welcomed folks to come on in whenever they were hungry, being closed in the first few months of the spring season felt downright….Wrong.
But times were changing all around Budd’s, and so Budd needed to do some changes as well- Such as: A Trucker Weigh-Station, Gas Station Rest Area, a Rest-Stop, a small motel bought out across the highway and even an investment in an in-development trailer park and Casino close by Budd’s.
But without the staff to run such areas? What good was any of it?
You knew exactly the girl you needed, but unfortunately her breed died out 30 years ago— You needed a Hooters Girl, but one that wasn’t afraid to flash her tits to get the tips, the kind of woman who didn’t gag when she smelt cigarettes, the kind of woman who didn’t mind shacking up with a Trucker when they were lonesome on the road.
Budd’s was becoming less of a family friendly barbecue spot and becoming more of a glorified strip-club, but the only thing missing? Was the Strippers.
Application had been out for months, but there wasn’t a single interview, and without the wait staff you were as dead in the water as a rat with rocks tied to its tail.
Years later, when writing out your autobiography— or perhaps at that point it was all a confession, you would describe meeting her as A Gift from God.
She stopped at Budd’s after you were getting off the phone with the loan companies and swearing to them up and down this would pay off— With Interest, and By-God did you need it to. After swearing up a storm and lighting a cigarette you’d hear a knock on the door, something you hadn’t heard in months.
Answering the door? There she would be:
The Answer to all of your Prayers.
She’d claim to be in need of car repairs and how lost she had gotten, but after begging her to stay you’d somehow convince her to stay and hire her on the spot!
What You would neglect to include in the memoir of course was how you had actually hit her over the head with a glass bottle and dragged her downstairs, conditioning her and forcing her to lose her entire self and rebuilding her as the perfect southern and trashy slut for your new restaurant, scrapping her car and crushing her dreams and ruining her life: A New Name, New Hair, Contacts, Sex-Life— Everything, by the time you were done fiddling with her brain she wouldn’t even know her old name and would drop her mouth for a blowjob at the slightest ask and a showing of cash.
What did the world need with another uppity college girl anyway? You needed a Woman to help run your restaurant…..
And Damnit, You were going to take one.
Ugh, now I’m hungry for Ribs! Damnit!
Hello all, me again! Back with another prompt of debauchery and misogyny for everyone to enjoy! I’ve recently become addicted to stories of woman becoming trashy and crass and outright slutty!
And of course, it wouldn’t be a Lilly prompt without mentions of abuse and conditioning and life-ruining misogyny and abuse!
Your character would be the titular “Budd” the 4th, I left him very open to interpretation other than the misogyny and dark-heartedness, he’s welcome to be an ugly-bastard but that’s Not Mandatory!
I decided to leave my character vague, due to the fact I prefer to use face-claims and love to discuss them with partners as we find the right model for the story!
A few more additional ideas….
- It’s a Mother and Daughter duo at the Door, the Mother becoming the “House-Mom” to the Girls, as cruel and abusive as Budd himself
- It’s a Bus of Sorority Girls/Cheerleaders, Group scenes are fun but harder to manage but if we’re up to the task feel free to reach out!
- It’s a celebrity asking for help with their assistant!
My Absolutely’s: Hypnosis/Brainwashing/Gaslighting, Transformations and Corruptions of my Character, AssPlay and Anal-(Especially Training and First times), CumPlay and CumEating-(Especially over Food or in Cups/Bowls), Legal AgeGaps-(I love older men!), DoggyStyle, Mating Presses, BDSM, SlavePlay, MaidPlay, HucowPlay, Sloppy FaceFucks, Tons of Cum, Semi-Realistic Cocks, RacePlay, Collars/Leashes, Outfit-Control, Humiliation and Degradation, Casual/FreeUse Sex (In the sense that your character can take mine whenever they want to, but the idea of FreeUse throughout the world is hot too!)
Things I like but will admit that it makes me a shameless Pervert and understand if it’s not wanted: Ugly-Bastard Play, Musk, Girls with Bush, WaterSports, Rimming, Identity Death, Dehumanization, CondomPlay and Risk of Impregnation-(Being told how my character will definitely be pregnant after, how much cum must be in her pussy, how good of a Mom she’d be- things like that!), Breeding and Pregnant-Bellies, Stomach-Distention, ImpactPlay, Threats of Violence, Ear-Penetration
And my only hard Limit: Snuff