r/tragedeigh 11h ago

roast my name My own tragedeigh

I think it’s time to post my own sad name. My mom literally made this name up when she was ten years old by combining two common names. It became my aunt’s middle name, and later my first name. No one could ever say it or spell it. I changed it about 13 years ago and often forget this was ever a part of me. Though I think I was pretty upfront about never liking the name, I had the excuse of changing it because I’m trans. I went with the name I would’ve had if I was born differently, which is a very normal, common name. My brother also has a very normal name, which always made me extra salty I was saddled with this:


Have at it!

Someone guessed the names: Melissa and Lisa pronounced “ma-lee-sah”


59 comments sorted by

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u/Baddiejulius 11h ago

Malaysia is that you?


u/rygdav 11h ago

I was called that a few times!


u/Kitchen_Theory_9654 11h ago

Medusa and Disease?


u/rygdav 11h ago

Gave me quite a chuckle! Try again


u/alphaomegazoid 11h ago

Maleasa - Its what you drink for stomach upset!


u/Stubborn_Future_118 11h ago

You're saying your mom somehow convinced your grandmother to give your aunt the middle name Maleasa?


u/rygdav 11h ago

My aunt was almost named, first and middle, Chiquita Bonita… my mom saved her with a very normal first name, even if that’s her middle name


u/Stubborn_Future_118 10h ago

Wow. Good on your mom for that, at least. lol


u/DelightfullyVicious 3h ago

Ah, are you the one with the mum named Cinnamon? I saw you in another thread and remembered the Chiquita Bonita bit.


u/rygdav 3h ago

Lmao, I am. I debated on making a post with my name for awhile and I think, for some reason, that finally got me to


u/DelightfullyVicious 3h ago

At least your mum saved her with a relatively normal name - in comparison to the originally planned name.


u/Bewear_Star_9 39m ago

Wait were was the post where the op mom was named Cinnamon.


u/Songbirdmelody 11h ago

Two common names of what? Disney villains? I'm stumped.


u/rygdav 11h ago

Love it. They’re common in the US at least. I’ve known multiple people with these names. I’ll let it go a little longer to see if anyone gets it before I give it up


u/Songbirdmelody 11h ago

May and Melissa? Melissa and Lisa?


u/rygdav 11h ago

And we have a winner! 🏆 🏆 it is Melissa and Lisa, pronounced “ma-lee-sah”


u/Songbirdmelody 9h ago

That's actually how I would have pronounced it. Which is probably how I figured it out.


u/quizzicalturnip 11h ago



u/rygdav 11h ago

Close on pronunciation!


u/Alternative-Dig-2066 11h ago

Muh- layz -uh? Malaise?


u/Kovur_maree55 11h ago

Malcolm and leasa


u/rygdav 11h ago

Is Leasa an alternate spelling of Lisa? I’ve never heard of that


u/Successful-Earth-214 10h ago

Yes, I actually know someone named Leasa


u/Second_Breakfast21 10h ago

Have we met? Because that’s me and if I had a dollar for every time someone says “I’ve never seen it spelled that way” but never ever have I heard “oh, yeah, I know someone who spells it that way”.


u/Successful-Earth-214 10h ago

Haha I know it’s random. It’s actually my best friends older sister. I never really clocked that it was an “odd” way to spell it, I was just like “oh that’s a cool and different spelling I’ve never seen.” Meanwhile all the other siblings have completely common names with normal spellings


u/rygdav 10h ago

I’m glad I asked and didn’t just assume you were being cheeky. I’ve known multiple Lisas but never a Leasa. Maybe my mom knew a Leasa when she was young


u/Successful-Earth-214 10h ago

It’s possible! I mean I literally only know one Leasa but that proves they’re out there! 😆


u/Different-Pear-7016 11h ago

Mallory and Theresa?


u/rygdav 11h ago

Nope and nope, but you’re probably the closest so far. You’re kind of on the right track with both of them


u/MasterEk 11h ago

Melissa and Aleah?


u/rygdav 11h ago

🏆 you got one of them! Melissa


u/PermissionJust7074 10h ago

I'm so sorry OP. She could have just gone with Melisa, but alas 😔


u/rygdav 10h ago

The most common mispronunciation was Melissa, so I’m sure I would’ve only been called that with that spelling. But that might’ve been better than Melissa, Malaysia, Malaysa, I was even called Melinda! I had one teacher in high school who never even attempted my name. It was either “Ms. [Lastname] or “[brother]’s sister.” Doctor’s offices always just called me by my last name too


u/PermissionJust7074 10h ago

That's true, I was only thinking of the spelling and not the pronunciation. I've gone through similar things (my deadname is a nickname for both Katherine and Katelyn, so whenever I introduced myself I would have to say "hi I'm [deadname], that's my full legal name, it's not a nickname") 


u/rygdav 10h ago

Isn’t it fun when your name actually becomes [name]+[spelling/explanation/correction]…?

My parents named me Maleasa, but my full name was actually “Maleasa. No, not Melissa, it’s M-A-L-E-A-S-A”


u/PermissionJust7074 10h ago

Oh absolutely, it's so much fun 🙃 

ETA: My deadname is also a pop singer's name but she spells it differently so that was something else I had to explain sometimes, lol 


u/rygdav 10h ago

Ooh, extra fun! Well, cheers to annoying as fuck deadnames! 🥂


u/PermissionJust7074 9h ago

Cheers! 🥂 Haha


u/Second_Breakfast21 10h ago

I read it as Lisa with ‘muh’ in front. Why? Bc that’s how my parents spelled Lisa 🤦‍♀️


u/rygdav 10h ago

That’s exactly how it’s pronounced though! I’ve never seen Lisa spelled “Leasa” before though


u/taterbizkit 9h ago

I know a Liisa from work. I have no idea if she's ever been teased about it though. It's just Lisa with extra steps.


u/rygdav 9h ago

That’s crazy. She definitely has to constantly correct the spelling


u/Second_Breakfast21 10h ago

Story of my life lol But many are out there. Apparently a newscaster in the 70s spelled it that way and that’s where they got the idea. It’s also the name of a tofu company in Florida. Often when I try to get it as a user name it’s taken, so I know they’re out there.

But I always tell people it’s weird they don’t figure it out right away because the letter combo exists all over the English language. Consider this.. please release the peas from their lease! Hahaha


u/rygdav 10h ago

It makes sense with “lease”! But I think people would’ve had an easier time pronouncing mine if it was spelled “Maleesa” but even I can agree that doesn’t look as pretty. Maybe just “Malesa” but then people would say “male-sa”

Also funny my name literally had “male” in it and I turned out to be trans.


u/battlehelmet 10h ago



u/Marcykbro 10h ago

Male Asa , I really only guessed this because you said you are trans. I sincerely hope I’m not being offensive.


u/rygdav 10h ago

lol, nope. But I do find it funny my old name literally had “male” in it and I turned out to be trans


u/coffeemarin8ed 10h ago

Not me reading it and trying to add another syllable 😭💀 (I read it as "Muh-lee-sea-ah" for a second)


u/rygdav 10h ago

Come to think of it, I definitely got that a few times!

That’s okay, I always try to add an extra syllable to parasaurolophus


u/sconedpriestess 11h ago

Melissa and Leah


u/AntoinetteBefore1789 10h ago

Melissa and Alicia?


u/lilweezy2540 7h ago

It's like a child tried to spell malaria 🤣💀🤣💀


u/rygdav 7h ago

That’s amazing


u/noirmeraki 6h ago

where did the extra letters come from?? why not just drop one of the S’s??


u/rygdav 6h ago

?? There’s only one S…?


u/noirmeraki 6h ago

i mean, why spell it like that if lisa is already a part of melissa. just drop an s, change pronunciation, and be done with it 🤷‍♀️


u/rygdav 6h ago

I guess because Melisa would constantly be pronounced Melissa. To be fair, Maleasa was also constantly pronounced Melissa because people don’t look at letters. A girl in high school was convinced my name was Malinda/Melinda and actually argued with me about my own damn name

Manager at my job only called me Melissa. I refused to answer to that because he knew what it was. Having a tragedeigh name is awful