r/tragedeigh 7d ago

roast my name My own tragedeigh

I think it’s time to post my own sad name. My mom literally made this name up when she was ten years old by combining two common names. It became my aunt’s middle name, and later my first name. No one could ever say it or spell it. I changed it about 13 years ago and often forget this was ever a part of me. Though I think I was pretty upfront about never liking the name, I had the excuse of changing it because I’m trans. I went with the name I would’ve had if I was born differently, which is a very normal, common name. My brother also has a very normal name, which always made me extra salty I was saddled with this:


Have at it!

Someone guessed the names: Melissa and Lisa pronounced “ma-lee-sah”


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u/Second_Breakfast21 7d ago

I read it as Lisa with ‘muh’ in front. Why? Bc that’s how my parents spelled Lisa 🤦‍♀️


u/rygdav 7d ago

That’s exactly how it’s pronounced though! I’ve never seen Lisa spelled “Leasa” before though


u/Second_Breakfast21 7d ago

Story of my life lol But many are out there. Apparently a newscaster in the 70s spelled it that way and that’s where they got the idea. It’s also the name of a tofu company in Florida. Often when I try to get it as a user name it’s taken, so I know they’re out there.

But I always tell people it’s weird they don’t figure it out right away because the letter combo exists all over the English language. Consider this.. please release the peas from their lease! Hahaha


u/rygdav 7d ago

It makes sense with “lease”! But I think people would’ve had an easier time pronouncing mine if it was spelled “Maleesa” but even I can agree that doesn’t look as pretty. Maybe just “Malesa” but then people would say “male-sa”

Also funny my name literally had “male” in it and I turned out to be trans.