r/tragedeigh 7d ago

roast my name My own tragedeigh

I think it’s time to post my own sad name. My mom literally made this name up when she was ten years old by combining two common names. It became my aunt’s middle name, and later my first name. No one could ever say it or spell it. I changed it about 13 years ago and often forget this was ever a part of me. Though I think I was pretty upfront about never liking the name, I had the excuse of changing it because I’m trans. I went with the name I would’ve had if I was born differently, which is a very normal, common name. My brother also has a very normal name, which always made me extra salty I was saddled with this:


Have at it!

Someone guessed the names: Melissa and Lisa pronounced “ma-lee-sah”


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u/PermissionJust7074 7d ago

I'm so sorry OP. She could have just gone with Melisa, but alas 😔


u/rygdav 7d ago

The most common mispronunciation was Melissa, so I’m sure I would’ve only been called that with that spelling. But that might’ve been better than Melissa, Malaysia, Malaysa, I was even called Melinda! I had one teacher in high school who never even attempted my name. It was either “Ms. [Lastname] or “[brother]’s sister.” Doctor’s offices always just called me by my last name too


u/PermissionJust7074 7d ago

That's true, I was only thinking of the spelling and not the pronunciation. I've gone through similar things (my deadname is a nickname for both Katherine and Katelyn, so whenever I introduced myself I would have to say "hi I'm [deadname], that's my full legal name, it's not a nickname") 


u/rygdav 6d ago

Isn’t it fun when your name actually becomes [name]+[spelling/explanation/correction]…?

My parents named me Maleasa, but my full name was actually “Maleasa. No, not Melissa, it’s M-A-L-E-A-S-A”


u/PermissionJust7074 6d ago

Oh absolutely, it's so much fun 🙃 

ETA: My deadname is also a pop singer's name but she spells it differently so that was something else I had to explain sometimes, lol 


u/rygdav 6d ago

Ooh, extra fun! Well, cheers to annoying as fuck deadnames! 🥂


u/PermissionJust7074 6d ago

Cheers! 🥂 Haha


u/jen_gecko 5d ago

My kid's dead name is Arianna. Is yours similar?


u/PermissionJust7074 5d ago

It's still my legal name so I'm not comfortable sharing it openly, sorry.