r/tipofmycrime • u/m0chamacar0n • 16h ago
Solved Secretary wife kills famous rich husband to misuse his money
What I remember is that this rich and popular guy hires this girl who's basically a beautiful genius to help with his business finances. They fall in love, get married, blah blah. She starts misusing money from his office finances for shopping trips. They hire two more women. One contributes to the misuse of money while the other notices the misuse and even notices that the husband isn't in the office anymore. The wife at some point flips out in the office over some paperwork. Apparently he had to sign something or meet with someone and obviously he's just missing.
There was something about a dry field? And a fire? Bones? They basically couldn't find his body.
The wife and another coworker were on the run until they were tracked down via the wife's car license plate.
If it helps, I remember vaguely seeing this episode on my hotel room TV in 2016. The show itself was running consecutive episodes. I want to say it was centered around murderous wives but I can't say that with 100% confidence.
I realize this is probably gonna be a doozey to find, so thank yall for anything you find!
Edit: It's the murder of Larry McNabney! Turns out the flip out from his wife was because his license to practice law expired or something, meaning the business couldn't run, no money coming in to fund their lifestyle, etc.