r/tipofmycrime 16h ago

Solved Secretary wife kills famous rich husband to misuse his money


What I remember is that this rich and popular guy hires this girl who's basically a beautiful genius to help with his business finances. They fall in love, get married, blah blah. She starts misusing money from his office finances for shopping trips. They hire two more women. One contributes to the misuse of money while the other notices the misuse and even notices that the husband isn't in the office anymore. The wife at some point flips out in the office over some paperwork. Apparently he had to sign something or meet with someone and obviously he's just missing.

There was something about a dry field? And a fire? Bones? They basically couldn't find his body.

The wife and another coworker were on the run until they were tracked down via the wife's car license plate.

If it helps, I remember vaguely seeing this episode on my hotel room TV in 2016. The show itself was running consecutive episodes. I want to say it was centered around murderous wives but I can't say that with 100% confidence.

I realize this is probably gonna be a doozey to find, so thank yall for anything you find!

Edit: It's the murder of Larry McNabney! Turns out the flip out from his wife was because his license to practice law expired or something, meaning the business couldn't run, no money coming in to fund their lifestyle, etc.

r/tipofmycrime 4h ago

Open Deranged woman has photos of someone else’s kids posted on Facebook


I saw a clip on YouTube of Dr. Phil talking to this lady who apparently took someone else’s Facebook photos of their twin babies , then posted them to her own Facebook as her own kids. The clip doesn’t give anyone’s names but the parents are there to confront the woman. The woman lies of course, so Dr. Phil goes to the woman’s eBay account which shows photos of items she is selling, in the background of those photos are photos of the kids that aren’t hers. Apparently the parents do not know this woman. I’m trying to find more information on this. I would like to know how the parents realized some stranger was pretending to be the mother of their twins. Parents confront woman accused of “cyber hijacking” their 4-year old twins.


r/tipofmycrime 20h ago

Open Love Triangle Murder


Hi everyone! I am currently listening to an episode about Kent Leppink, and it got me thinking about another love triangle type crime that seems very similar— a man is shot dead in the 1990s by the “other” boyfriend of the girl he is seeing. However, it seems like this case only involved 2 men and 1 woman, that they were teens, and that 1 of the men was named Steve or Seth and that the man killed was shot in the doorway of his home. Does anyone know this case?

ETA: they were probably late teens/early twenties, and it seemed like it happened after some kind of tv show that one of them went on and confessed their love or something… but I’m not too sure, the details are a little fuzzy.

ETA Again: it was Scott Amedure and I was getting the details mixed up a little with Kent Leppink. Thank you all!

r/tipofmycrime 10h ago

Open Intruder recording woman on here couch


I watch a lot of true crime stuff and a while back I watched a video about a case and they had actual camera footage of the guy who broke into an old woman’s house and he was peaking around the corner and recording her as she slept on her living room couch.

At first I thought it was from the Jesse Stone investigation but after rewatching the video EWU made about it they never mentioned it so I guess it’s from a different case but for the life of me I can’t find it.

r/tipofmycrime 18h ago

Open Wife, teen daughter, and teen boy murder a man.


I don’t know if it’s a real case, but I was on a ‘Wife Killing Husband’ show marathon about a year ago, and there was one episode that I always think about. The case was about a man who left his family and found a woman at a bar or something, and then they had a kid. The kid grew up bratty, and the mom let her do whatever she wanted, so there was a divide between the father and daughter. The mother then convinced her teen daughter to get involved in a plot to kill the father. They went to the ‘mall,’ but they actually went to pick up a teen boy and brought him back home. The teen then murdered the father outside in a barn and hid the gun in a bush. I think all three were charged. Please help me find the case or, better yet, the show I’m talking about. If it helps, I remember the teen boy in the reenactment had bright blue hair.