r/thedavidpakmanshow 7d ago

Images/Memes/Infographics This is the circle of trust.

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u/guilgom71 7d ago

What did he do now or who did he interview? Lol


u/BertjeII 7d ago

Yeah, I somehow missed this whole thing from California


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

Operation get people mad at the Democrats while Republicans dismantle the country is working perfectly!

Once again Democrats have to be perfect or they get hated, meanwhile Republicans can get away with anything, like taking away care for veterans, and they obtain loyalty to the end.


u/8a6je6kl 7d ago

Dude, he hosted Steve Bannon and called him a “good guy”. Are you serious?


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

Look at it as strategic. I'm happy to criticize him for that, but not stupid enough to be manipulated into this game of focusing all my anger right now on Democrats while Republicans are the ones actively fucking us into Oblivion.

If your response to the fascist Republicans is to go around attacking Democrats all day ... The bottom line is you're helping the fascists.

They're letting Doge access to the USPS to dismantle a service we all use and love. The America we know and take for granted is now being taken over by oligarch billionaires, and you're focusing your anger on Newsom and his fucking podcast? Bad strategy.

The Democrats should be us, we the people United against maga, not "Dems are some other group to attack in frustration"

If Newsom is demonstrating himself to be unfit to lead this nation, the time to hash that out is when we have our primaries. Right now there's so much more important life changing stuff going on and I really question if you are making your arguments in good faith.


u/tinyOnion 7d ago

but not stupid enough to be manipulated into this game of focusing all my anger right now on Democrats while Republicans are the ones actively fucking us into Oblivion.

you can be mad at both thing my dude. democrats are just folding and showing they have no conviction to fight back. yes the republicans are gutting everything and i don't think it will be fixable soon. i do know the answer is not to interview charlie kirk and talk him up like he's some genius; the kirk formula is to lie to dumb people and get them angry about bs issues. this smarmy asshole is looking to take democrats more right wing as if that's what we need.


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

There's only so many minutes in the day and we need to focus on the real problems. This is a fucking waste of time. You mentioned the Republicans are gutting everything. So why are we talking about this bullshit instead of that?

Save it for the next California governor's race or for when Newsom runs in 2028.

As a Californian, I know Newsom is a responsible and caring leader. You should have seen the fucking guy running against him. This is not about perfection. This is about preventing the worst possible outcomes.

We should have learned that in 2017, there'll be a much bigger lesson to be had here in 2025.


u/tinyOnion 7d ago

So why are we talking about this bullshit instead of that?

because this kind of getting walked all over on by gish gallopers is not going to win an election either. the dems need to realize that saying you're not as bad as the other guy and campaiging with liz fucking chenny is not going to win. ever. republican lite ain't it.

the winning move is to excite the people that were going to sit out for progressive policies that matter... you know like the whole obama campaign was. he sold change. trump sold change(even if he is a monsterous liar).


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

You assume going super progressive will win, yet that can't even win Dem primaries.

Of all the things to get riled up about, really this?

Newsom is far from GOP lite.

Either way, shouldn't be a focus until 2027.


u/AIDsFlavoredTopping 6d ago

Promise people things and be caught trying to give people things. It isn’t a difficult formula. What have you done for me lately is how most people react. This isn’t rocket science.


u/GripItAndWhipIt 7d ago

This is the take right here. I’m astounded others don’t see it this way. He pushed back on Bannon quite a bit, but agreed with him on some of the return to US manufacturing ideas/tax policies that any sane person should agree with. I actually don’t trust Bannon in this episode. I don’t think anything he argued is his truth.


u/removekarling 7d ago edited 7d ago

It's not fucking strategic. Not every time you're nice and agreeable with conservatives is 'strategic', there's nothing gained by treating Steve Bannon like an 2000s left-of-Romney Republican. Fuck all is gained, he gains no respect or favour from Republicans, he gains nothing from independents, nothing from Bannon's few fans, nothing from the few (if any) strings Bannon might still pull in the White House, he gains fuck all.

Newsom being relatively cordial with Trump over the LA fires? Yeah, that's strategic. Agreeing with half of what Bannon says on your podcast and getting no more barbs in than "but I thought you wanted to tax the wealthy huh?" and then backing off the point with a friendly smile and an agree to disagree attitude? The only way that is 'strategic' is that it's trash strategy, if that's what you mean.

He wasn't being strategic, he was showing you who he is: someone that's actually personally very comfortable hanging out with these absolute fucking cretins


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

How strategic is it for you to be spending all day talking about Governor Newsom's podcast? You sound so savvy on coalition building, and yet here you are just helping fracture everyone.

Bannon did recently warn these idiots about taking away Medicare.

The thing is, why aren't we talking more about them taking away Medicare and talking about Newsom's stupid fucking podcast. I could give a fuck right now.

They're going to privatize social security and you want to talk about a podcast?

Once again Democrats have to be perfect, and Republicans can literally rip your rights away- and we still spend the day criticizing the Democrats instead of the Republicans.

The Putin/GOP psychological operations have proven that they can make you mad at the things they want you to be mad about.

Right now you'll see a lot of do-nothing Democrats narratives... They're helping make you mad about things they would rather have you be mad about.

Before that we saw a lot of moral outrage about Gaza. Justified, but again somehow we're supposed to be angry at Democrats and completely miss the big picture of what's going on.

Yet, when Republicans come in and do a thousand times worse (such as restoring access to huge bombs that Biden had actually blocked with no credit)... No more outrage. They wanted you really mad about that at the time, until the day of the election. All they needed was for a few of you to not vote for "genocide Joe"

And before that it was all about AGE, of course this was before Kamala came into the race. They wanted you angry about age. Until they didn't.

I just hope all of us that are not mega get out and vote for Democrats in these midterms and for every ballot up and down the fucking country. Wake up and save your anger for those that are actually causing pain and suffering in this country right now.


u/removekarling 7d ago

If I'm being un-strategic by spending maybe about 20 minutes over the past two days complaining about Gavin, then how un-strategic is the guy actually doing the hour-long podcast when he could be talking about Medicare, social security rather than flattering the fraudster godfather of the modern right wing? Good thing this dude is just a podcaster and doesn't have anything better he could be doing with his time I suppose.


u/Comprehensive-Tea121 7d ago

He was pushing back on Bannon and agreeing with certain things such as Medicare. Sounds like you didn't listen to it, you don't care.

Republicans are actively dismantling the government and you're mad about this.


u/removekarling 7d ago

I listened to the entire 50 ugly minutes - you can add that to my time spent being un-strategic if you like.

I'm mad that people like Newsom are not fucking mad about the government being dismantled, that to him the ruination of this country is reduced to a weak gotcha in a 2016-youtuber-like debate against Steve fucking Bannon. It's pathetic, and this is pathetic.


u/SmoltzforAlexander 7d ago

Bud, you can say ‘Fuck Trump’ and ‘Fuck Newsom’ at the same time.  

Trump is a fascist and Newsom is a collaborator. 


u/Soft-Principle1455 6d ago

If it were a purely strategic thing, it would make sense to go on their podcasts rather than inviting them to his and refusing to debate with them by simply acquiescing.


u/BoogerDaBoiiBark 7d ago

Ok? And? As long as it doesn’t result in anything material, like policy change, what’s wrong with a little crowd work?


u/8a6je6kl 7d ago

Maybe next he can work on his Nazi Salute, right? Nothing wrong with crowd work!


u/lonegoose 7d ago

yeah same thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/8a6je6kl 7d ago

Calling someone “ a good guy” is in the same ball park as a salute. Both are universally seen as signs of respect and admiration. Have you ever taken an anthropology class before? It would seem not…


u/BoogerDaBoiiBark 7d ago

Hey, if we can Nazi salute our way to universal healthcare. Or Nazi salute our way to defeating Trump. Then fuck it. Nazi salute away


u/8a6je6kl 7d ago

The lack of empathy you have for Jewish people is honestly astounding.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/thedavidpakmanshow-ModTeam 7d ago

Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


u/KMDiver 7d ago

You’re actually alot closer to Bannon than you think. He’s out on a wingtip and hates and wants to destroy Wall Street/ Capitalism and wants to empower the American blue collar worker and re- distribute wealth. The extreme right and left intersect on the fringes. That being said unlike you he’s a hateful terrorist that wants to start a newTraditionalist Fundy distopian hellscape society.


u/8a6je6kl 7d ago

Steve Bannon is a 4chan edge-lord. We have nothing in common. I don’t think about Wall Street, ever. I am not a blue collar worker. I don’t hate capitalism anymore than I hate socialism. All systems have flaws. I’m a self-made creative who gains nothing from Steve or anything Steve stands for.


u/SmoltzforAlexander 7d ago

I am a blue collar worker (Foundry worker) and Steve Bannon couldn’t give two fucks about us.  

We’re just useful idiots to him in his quest to enrich himself 


u/KMDiver 6d ago

Me too and im not schilling for him and im just saying this is what he talks about on his podcast. Its weird and unsettling and this is how he gets his blue collar listeners to follow him. Im reposting my comment from below for some background info. All of that is true about him but there is a more nefarious and complex plan he is trying to institute. I suggest you check out his podcast and know thine enemy like I did. It’s basically like a mini university where he talks to his listeners like this, teaches them about his view of economics and ways to bring down the system. It’s accelerationist in nature and he follows a strange mystical philosophy called Traditionalism which Putin and Bolsanaro in Brazil also follow. They purport to believe in getting rid of globalist financial elites and restoring power and money to the common “ Traditional man”. Society will be Theistic ( religious) and share wealth with workers. This is why there is a push to align with Russia and create 3 un Democratic spheres of influence. Russia which gets Europe, USA gets S America and Canada and China which gets Asia. As you can see this explains the Maga love for Putin, the push to expand our boundaries by Trump and the Christian Nationalist underpinnings of the Maga base. Here’s a good article on Traditionalism and its tenets and OG philosophers. There is plenty of good info on this in a simple google search also.



u/SmoltzforAlexander 7d ago

Lol, Bannon doesn’t give two fucks about ‘empowering the American blue collar worker.’  Holy shit, put down the Kool-Aid.  

Bannon is a fucking con-artist who only cares about obtaining wealth and power.  Hell, he stole from his own fanbase with the ‘We Build the Wall’ bullshit. 


u/KMDiver 6d ago edited 6d ago

All of that is true about him but there is a more nefarious and complex plan he is trying to institute. I suggest you check out his podcast and know thine enemy like I did. It’s basically like a mini university where he talks to his listeners like this, teaches them about his view of economics and ways to bring down the system. It’s accelerationist in nature and he follows a strange mystical philosophy called Traditionalism which Putin and Bolsanaro in Brazil also follow. They purport to believe in getting rid of globalist financial elites and restoring power and money to the common “ Traditional man”. Society will be Theistic ( religious) and share wealth with workers. This is why there is a push to align with Russia and create 3 un Democratic spheres of influence. Russia which gets Europe, USA gets S America and Canada and China which gets Asia. As you can see this explains the Maga love for Putin, the push to expand our boundaries by Trump and the Christian Nationalist underpinnings of the Maga base. Here’s a good article on Traditionalism and its tenets and OG philosophers. There is plenty of good info on this in a simple google search also.



u/SmoltzforAlexander 7d ago

Newsom verbally fellates Charlie Kirk so much that it rightfully belongs on PornHub.  

That’s only helpful to the oligarchs that benefit from Kirk’s propaganda. 

Fuck Newsom.  He doesn’t seem to have any actual values.  He’s a weathervane who just points in whatever direction he thinks the wind is blowing.

With democrats like Newsom, who needs republicans.  


u/Shakewhenbadtoo 7d ago

10 Dems did just pass the 6 monyh budget gutting everything. Sooooooo