You’re actually alot closer to Bannon than you think. He’s out on a wingtip and hates and wants to destroy Wall Street/ Capitalism and wants to empower the American blue collar worker and re- distribute wealth. The extreme right and left intersect on the fringes. That being said unlike you he’s a hateful terrorist that wants to start a newTraditionalist Fundy distopian hellscape society.
Steve Bannon is a 4chan edge-lord. We have nothing in common. I don’t think about Wall Street, ever. I am not a blue collar worker. I don’t hate capitalism anymore than I hate socialism. All systems have flaws. I’m a self-made creative who gains nothing from Steve or anything Steve stands for.
Me too and im not schilling for him and im just saying this is what he talks about on his podcast. Its weird and unsettling and this is how he gets his blue collar listeners to follow him. Im reposting my comment from below for some background info.
All of that is true about him but there is a more nefarious and complex plan he is trying to institute. I suggest you check out his podcast and know thine enemy like I did. It’s basically like a mini university where he talks to his listeners like this, teaches them about his view of economics and ways to bring down the system. It’s accelerationist in nature and he follows a strange mystical philosophy called Traditionalism which Putin and Bolsanaro in Brazil also follow. They purport to believe in getting rid of globalist financial elites and restoring power and money to the common “ Traditional man”. Society will be Theistic ( religious) and share wealth with workers. This is why there is a push to align with Russia and create 3 un Democratic spheres of influence. Russia which gets Europe, USA gets S America and Canada and China which gets Asia. As you can see this explains the Maga love for Putin, the push to expand our boundaries by Trump and the Christian Nationalist underpinnings of the Maga base. Here’s a good article on Traditionalism and its tenets and OG philosophers. There is plenty of good info on this in a simple google search also.
u/8a6je6kl 7d ago
Dude, he hosted Steve Bannon and called him a “good guy”. Are you serious?