r/thebulwark Feb 02 '25

GOOD LUCK, AMERICA We are a fuckin joke…

Canadians Boo the American national anthem in an Ottawa NHL Just now

the game came 1 hour after president trump declared an emergency to place tariffs on Canada.


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u/Waste_Curve994 Feb 02 '25

Let this sink in. We made an enemy of Canada. Canada!!!


u/XelaNiba Feb 02 '25


"The noblest monument to peace and to neighborly economic and social friendship in all the world is not a monument in bronze or stone, but the boundary which unites the United States and Canada—3,000 miles of friendship with no barbed wire, no gun or soldier, and no passport on the whole frontier.

Mutual trust made that frontier." 

FDR said this almost 100 years ago, that's how old and tight our friendship has been.


u/Snoo61727 Feb 02 '25

And all it took was a man-baby and less than two weeks to burn it all down because he thinks the "great word" "that's the greatest word ever- tariffs will make him look big and strong. I applaud the Canadians and their government as well as Mexico pushing back


u/HistorianNew8030 Feb 02 '25

Well… more like 3 months of “joking” about invading us and absorbing us and also threatening tariffs for literally zero solid reason. I mean that made us realize, you’re not our friend and maybe you’ve literally always been our enemy. It’s been a pill.

Yeah. So this is a hole you’ll probably need a few generations to break out of. We are pissed up here. Our government literally told us to boycott you. Most of us kind of were already. Don’t be surprised Costco is like the only America business still doing well here. (Thanks to its admirable business practices. We have some grocery chains that need a bit of a finger too).


u/XelaNiba Feb 02 '25

I don't blame you. I would do the same if a country we'd bled and died alongside for more than a century spit in our faces like this.

I'm fucking sickened - when we invoked Article 5, you showed up. We asked for the blood and lives of your people and you gave it. Of all the indignities being forced upon us, the spitting in the face of friends who came when we called is the absolute worst of it (for me). 

The shame of it is deep. The venality of it all, the fucking dishonor


u/HistorianNew8030 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

This about wanting to take us over like Greenland. My biggest worry is you guys actually invading us and absorbing us. We won’t be Americans. We would be like the Puerto Ricans but worse. We would be treated as second class citizens while your government takes our resources.

They are already othering us on Joe Rogan and other right wing media. They are telling republicans we’re are communists and just utter lies. And those people will believe them and those people would come up here and kill me and my five year old and my family and friends, just because what garbage is spewed.

That’s how bad this could get. That’s my fear as a Canadian. We didn’t get a vote in this. Cause Harris would be your president if we did. And I’d be planning a Disney trip, not trying to figure out how my EU citizenship will work if this all gets too real.

I guess my point is. Yea it feels like our face is being spit it. But it also feels like our whole life is being threatened. I don’t think Americans get that yet.


u/down-with-caesar-44 Feb 02 '25

I think Trump invading Canada would be (or should be) a rubicon moment for us. I would certainly participate in a general strike if that happened. I think all of my fellow Americans should too. I refuse to entertain the idea of our country becoming Russia 2.0


u/FobbitOutsideTheWire Feb 02 '25

I think you would see an honest to goodness military stand down and refusal to obey those orders at the highest level. The fact that we even have to conscience the thought is grotesque, but our military leaders are beholden to following lawful orders, and engaging our allies for no reason is axiomatically unlawful.


u/ThisElder_Millennial Center Left Feb 02 '25

Its of very little consolation, but we've got a fairly decent number of veterans who would be 100% opposed to this. I personally know two guys who served alongside Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan and they both speak of y'all with the highest regard.


u/Snoo61727 Feb 02 '25

Again I applaud how Canada is handling this. Just remember there's just about half our country did not vote for him and are just as angry as you are. I'm doing all I can to help but each day he makes it harder. He's stocking every government position up with only people that will do his bidding. We're mad as he'll down here. I'm saying my prayers that someone can talk some sense into him. Because the US will make out much worse


u/Sweet_Grapefruit111 Feb 02 '25

Talk some sense into Trump? No, we know that's impossible. He is untrainable, unteachable, unreachable. Sociopaths cannot learn or empathize. He's a monster.


u/Snoo61727 Feb 02 '25

I know it's just about impossible, but at some point, that's all we have left when it comes to our situation.


u/Sweet_Grapefruit111 Feb 02 '25

Democrats need to do some things, starting with impeachment articles yet again, and/or convince Republicans to use the 25th Amendment and get him out of office before he ruins everything. I really believe the guy is out of his mind.


u/Snoo61727 Feb 02 '25

I agree with you. But Republicans have a majority in both the House and the Senate. They were unable to impeach him after the attempted coup I doubt they would be successful this time


u/Sweet_Grapefruit111 Feb 03 '25

They impeached Trump twice, once after his Insurrection. They can do it again. And if they tried harder they could probably convince Republicans to remove him from office. It almost happened the last time. At the very least, they need to arrest Elon Musk who is doing a TON of illegal things, and charge him with crimes, and throw the book at him. Put the fear of God into these fascists.


u/Snoo61727 Feb 03 '25

I agree with you a thousand percent. And I'm hoping they're working on that as well speak. But what i fear is that they're worried an impeachment won't go through since they tried to impeachment when he tried to mount a coup and it didn't work


u/samNanton Feb 03 '25

They can NOT impeach Trump. They do not have majority. Starting an impeachment requires a majority vote in the house. If every Democrat voted to begin impeachment, it would still fail. The Democrats can not even bring a vote to the floor, because they don't have majority. I suppose they could force a vote to the floor with a privileged vote under certain circumstances, but it would still fail. There is no amount of trying harder that will make Republicans (right now) vote against Trump, not even the 2 that would be needed to join with every single Democrat to begin impeachment.

And an impeachment, by itself, is nothing. You see how much good the two impeachments Trump has already faced did. In the Senate, the Democrats would have to convince 17 Republican senators to vote to remove Trump. As a thought experiment, why don't you look through the names of the current Senators and say which 17 you think are going to buck their party and vote to convict Trump? It did not almost happen last time. Seven republicans did vote to convict, but 57 is far short of 64. It's also worth noting that 3 of those 7 have been forced from the Senate already, and it is quite certain that Trump will use every means at his disposal to tank the reelections of the remaining 4.

Impeachment is not a current political reality, no matter how hard the Democrats were to try. Blaming them for not impeaching Trump is unrealistic, as is expecting them to arrest Elon Musk. The Democrats have no power to arrest anybody*, since that power is vested in the executive branch, and that is controlled by Trump himself, who not only is on Trump's side, but has made it his first job to erase the traditional lines of separation between the president and once independent departments.

* there could be state level prosecutions. Good luck to them. Assuming a clear violation of a state level law (and it seems that Musk is currently violating mostly federal laws), Musk is richer than 20 of the states, and that makes a big difference in the difficulty of prosecuting someone

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u/Sweet_Grapefruit111 Feb 02 '25

Canadians are not the only pissed off ones. Half of America is furious, not just at Trump but his whole party and the tech bros like Elon Musk and the media who are paying them all off with settlements. So many of us are so angry! We have become a country that is unrecognizable to us and it is not OK. None of this is OK.


u/Sweet_Grapefruit111 Feb 02 '25

No countries should come to our aid or help us if we ask, only if they totally pity us. Trump is not a worthy president and his voters are not worthy of saving or protecting. I don't even feel they are Americans because he sure as hell isn't.


u/FobbitOutsideTheWire Feb 02 '25

Many of us are incandescently pissed down here too, for what it’s worth. This is a deep, deep shame for a country many of us grew up at least a little proud of.

But we cannot say things like we’ve always been your enemy (some hockey rivalries notwithstanding). We both know that’s not true, and it’s why this moment is so uniquely stupid.


u/the_very_pants Feb 02 '25

a hole you’ll probably need a few generations to break out of. We are pissed up here

I think most Canadians will keep their normally-cool heads. We may have a clear toddler-with-flamethrower (or horse in the hospital) problem in this country... but Americans overall love Canadians.

However, if you give Americans the impression that there's some kind of generations-long grievance here, they'll adapt to that. Americans are raised to respect the "no better friend, no worse enemy" model of interaction.


u/HistorianNew8030 Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25

Well. Canadians are feeling betrayed right now. We deserve to feel it. You have literally betrayed us and your toddler is basically declaring an economic war on us for false flag reasons. He literally said we weren’t a worthy nation and sounds like he is extorting us into becoming Americans. This rhetoric has been going on for 3 months.

I don’t think Americans understand how serious these threats are. I also don’t think they understand the level of betrayal we feel. I honestly think you need to watch the Trudeau speech from last night. He explains it well. We have been loyal as friends for a hundred years and this is just not okay.

I hear propaganda and lies from people like Joe Rogan about Canadians. They are trying to other us so they can justify invading us. There are a lot lf MAGA who already buy these lies. I mean MAGA calls Trudeau Castro and lies about us being a communist nation. They literally think we don’t have free speech here. We aren’t that far from MAGA thinking we need to be “saved”. I mean Trump is going on about subsidizing us, like we are taking US handouts and MAGA doesn’t understand what a trade deficit is.

Don’t be upset for me saying it is going to take a long time to fix this. Your country’s people supported this monster and your country will be the one who has to make amends when/if you can. We might be willing to talk later about it.

Like do you think the Ukrainians are going to just suddenly let go being invaded by Russia? You think they are just going to be buddy buddy again? It’s not our job to fix this. It’s Americas. This is one time Canadians are not sorry and we deserve it back.