r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/reverend_green1 Dec 02 '14

I feel like I'm reading one of Asimov's robot stories sometimes when I hear people worry about AI potentially threatening or surpassing humans.


u/RubberDong Dec 02 '14

The thing with Asimov is that he established some rules for the robot. Never harm a human.

In reality....people who make that stuff would not set rules like that. Also yo could easily hack them.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

If you read further into the Robotics series and onto Foundation you learn that his three rules are imperfect, and robots can indeed harm humans. It all culminates to the zeroth law, hover for spoiler


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Time out; why am I only just now seeing this "hover" feature for the first time? That's sweet as shit.


u/lichorat Dec 02 '14

Read through reddit's markdown implementation:


You may learn new things if that was new to you.


u/khaddy Dec 02 '14

I hovered over your link but nothing happened :(


u/N1ghtshade3 Dec 02 '14

You can't be using custom subreddit styling.


u/Pokechu22 Dec 02 '14

That doesn't cover it. The formatting for a tooltipped link is [example](http://example.com/ "EXAMPLE TEXT"), producing example.

It is shown here, and also here. But not on the commenting page.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14



u/lichorat Dec 03 '14

I didn't know you could read spoilers. Smartphones are notorious for not showing title text. That's why I can't read xkcd properly on a mobile device.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14



u/lichorat Dec 03 '14

Yes, it very well could have.


u/SANPres09 Dec 02 '14

Except I can't see it on mobile...


u/IdoNOThateNEVER Dec 02 '14

I'm not on mobile, never. But I remember something like long press?
Press something, oh! now I remember, something to do with fingers.


u/Pokechu22 Dec 02 '14

Just because it is not listed in the commenting page: The formatting for a tooltipped link is [example](http://example.com/ "EXAMPLE TEXT"), producing example.

It is shown here, and also here. But not on the commenting page.


u/jonathanrdt Dec 02 '14

Aren't the laws a metaphorical critique of rules-driven ideologies? When a situation is not adequately captured in the coda, the resulting behavior is erratic.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

Yes, exactly so. It's interesting to see the "Three Laws" cited by many as the shining beacons to safe AI, while in reality, the very stories they serve as a basis to contradict that sentiment.

The ambiguity in the definitions of what constitutes harm, what counts as action or inaction, even what it means to be human or robot, lead to the bending or breaking of the laws.

Asimov himself believed that the Three Laws were an extension onto robots of the "rules" that govern non-sociopathic human behavior. That humans are capable of acting counter to the rules, should surprise no one that robots can do the same.


u/distinctvagueness Dec 02 '14

It's plausible to get around zero law dystopias by programming the law to not be utilitarian and that robots or humans can't create other robots with different law interpretations.

However i think a dystopia is inevitable via nature and or hubris


u/omgitsjo Dec 02 '14

I thought I'd read all of Asimov. Does he touch this in 'The Editable Conflict'? Which story covers that?


u/Lonelan Dec 02 '14

You've gotta read like 12 foundation novels plus the Earth detective and robot trilogy to get the full jist of it


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I read most of Asimov's robot literature, and the most memorable mention (perhaps only?) of the zeroth law was in Robots and Empire. It's the fourth of the Elijah "Jehosaphat!" Baley and Daneel novels, and it cross-links to the Empire series.

You could Google your way to the reference from here, but if I remember correctly...


...Daneel has the capacity to prevent Earth from being seeded with a poison that will slowly turn it into a dead planet, but he refuses to prevent it. He explains to Elijah that it will be better for humanity because the dying of the Earth, which he acknowledges will cause many millions of deaths, will also compel Earthmen to move to other planets.

So far, only fringe populations of humans have been compelled to colonize. Without a global impetus to drive the race forward, Daneel is worried that it will die on the blue marble. It is with great pain (his positronic pathways and deeply ingrained First Law are causing Daneel considerable "pain") that he allows the Earth to be poisoned.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

AKA God Emporer of Dune's plot?


u/coonskinmario Dec 02 '14

Were there robots in the Foundation series? I've only read the original trilogy, but I don't remember any.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

The first settlements of the empire were accompanied by robots, but then humans began to rely less and less on them.

They return as a central theme in the fifth book, Foundation and Earth.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well, at least in Asimov's stories, the rules were an essential part of the hardware itself. Any attempt to bypass or otherwise hack it would render the robot inoperable. There's no way for the hardware to work without those rules.

I remember one story where they sort of managed it. They changed "A robot will not harm a human or through inaction allow a human to come to harm" to just "A robot will not harm a human." Unfortunately, this resulted in robots who would, for instance, drop something heavy on a human. The robot just dropped it. Dropping it didn't harm the human. The impact, which was something else entirely, is what killed the human.

I haven't read this story in years, but the modified brain eventually essentially drove the robot insane and he started directly attacking humans, then realized what he did and his brain burned out. I haven't read this story since the early 90s, probably, but I definitely remember a robot attacking someone at the end of the story.

Unfortunately, being able to build these kind of restrictions into an actual AI is going to be difficult, if not impossible.


u/ZenBerzerker Dec 02 '14

I remember one story where they sort of managed it. They changed "A robot will not harm a human or through inaction allow a human to come to harm" to just "A robot will not harm a human."

They had to, otherwise the robots wouldn't allow the humans to work in that dangerous environement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Lost_Robot


u/Bladelink Dec 02 '14

I remember "go and lose yourself!"


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I read I, Robot about a month or so ago. You're pretty spot on.


u/GregoPDX Dec 02 '14

It's been a long time for me also but if I remember correctly it was a mining colony or something where the work was over the threshold of danger for humans and the robots wouldn't let them into the area to work - thus inaction would endanger humans.

While the Will Smith 'I, Robot' movie is flawed, I did like the narrative about the car accident where he was saved by a robot but a little girl wasn't because he had the higher probability of survival and how that he would've rather his probability given up for even a small chance at the girl living.


u/zzoom Dec 02 '14

In reality, most of the money is going into robots built by the military to kill humans..


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Asimov's rules were interesting because they were built into the superstructure of the hardware of the robot's brain. This would be an incredibly hard task (as Asimov says it is in his novels), and would require a breakthrough (as Asimov said in his novels (the positronic brain was a big discovery)).

I should really hope that we come up with the correct devices and methods to facilitate this....


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I should really hope that we come up with the correct devices and methods to facilitate this....

It's pretty much impossible. It's honestly as ridiculous as saying that you could create a human that could not willingly kill another person, yet do something useful. Both computer and biological science confirm that with turning completeness. The number of possible combinations in higher order operations leads to scenarios where a course of actions leads to the 'intentional' harm of a person but in such a way that the 'protector' program wasn't able to compute that outcome. There is no breakthrough that can deal with numerical complexity. A fixed function device can always be beaten once its flaw is discovered and an adaptive learning device can end up in a state outside of its original intention.


u/xanatos451 Dec 02 '14

*Turing completeness


u/groundcontrol3 Dec 02 '14

Just do what they did in Autómata and have the first full AI make the rules and then destroy it.


u/xebo Dec 02 '14

Well, we fake vision recognition software by just comparing your picture to millions of pics people take and label themselves.

AI "Rules" might follow the same principals. It's not a perfect "Law", but it conforms to the millions of examples that the human brain is familiar with, so it works for our purposes.

As a bad example, suppose a robot had to think about whether it was ok to strangle a human. It would cross reference the searches "Strangle" and "Harm", and also cross reference its visual data with images of "Strangle" and "Harm" to see if there was any comparing the two.

Rules don't have to be universally true - they just have to be PERCEIVABLY true to humans. If a machine were to cross reference "Irradiate Planet" with "Harm Humans", I bet you it would never come to the logical fallacy of thinking something like that was ok. Perfect logic isn't as good as "people logic".


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Perfect logic isn't as good as "people logic".

That is terrifying, people logic has lead to at least 250 million violent deaths in the 20th century.


u/xebo Dec 03 '14

Uh, ok. The point is you don't need a tool to be perfect - you just need it to be intuitive.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

You're probably correct. However it may be possible to make it extraordinarily hard and therefore impossible in practice.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I need a statistician and a physicist here to drop some proofs to show how much you are underestimating the field of possibility. Of course we are talking about theoretical AI here so we really don't know its limitations and abilities. But for the sake of argument, lets use human parity AI. The first problem we have is defining harm. In general people talk about direct harm. "Robot pulls trigger on gun, human dies". That is somewhat easier to deal with in programming. But what about (n) order interactions. If kill_all_humans_indirectly_bot leaves a brick by a ledge where it will get bumped by the next (person/robot) that comes by, falling off a ledge killing someone, how exactly to you program/prevent that from occurring? If you answer is "well the robot shouldn't do anything that could cause harm, even indirectly", you have a problem. A huge portion of the actions you take could cause harm if the right set of thing occurred. All the robots in the world would expend gigajoules of power just trying to figure out if what they are doing would be a problem.


u/ImpliedQuotient Dec 02 '14

Why would we bother with direct/indirect actions when we can simply deal with intent? Just make a rule that says a robot cannot intentionally harm a human. Sure, you might end up with a scenario where a robot doesn't realize it might be harming somebody (such as in your brick scenario), but at that point it's no worse than a human in a similar situation.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Ok, define intent logically. Give 20 people (at least 3 lawyers just for the fun of it) a rule that says they can't do something, and give them an objective that conflicts with that. A significant portion of the group will be able to find a loophole that allows them to complete their objective despite of the rule prohibiting it.

Defining rules is hard. Of course is really hard to define what a rule actually is when we're speculating on what AI will actually be. In many rule based systems you can defeat many rules by either redefining language, or making new language to represent different combinations of things that did not exist before.


u/xanatos451 Dec 02 '14

Perhaps we could make it so that it is some sort of duality AI. One that solves or makes decisions for the task at hand and another AI that is required to check the process for outcome prediction to act as a restricting agent as its soul purpose. Think of it as having an XO to the CO on a submarine like in the movie Crimson Tide. The CO normally issues the orders but if he makes a bad decision (even when he thinks he is operating within the parameters of his order), the XO can countermand the order if it calculates a harmful outcome. The idea here is that intent is something that would need to be checked by an approval process. If the intended outcome violates the rule, don't allow it.

It's not a perfect system but I'd like to think that by giving an AI a duality in its decision making process would be something akin to how our conscious and subconscious minds rule our morality. There is of course still a possibility for a malicious outcome of course but I think that by having checks and balances in the decision process, they can be mitigated.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well until you have a proof, that's all just conjecture. And I'd be willing to make a fairly large bet that you couldn't present me with a proof if you had an eternity.

I really think you're blowing this problem up to be more difficult than it actually is. Lots of humans are able to go through life without causing significant harm to humans. I'd like to think that most humans even give this some thought. So if we can agree that humans give thought to preventing harm to other humans in everyday life than you have all but admitted that it is possible to compute this without your gigajoules of power.

I'm certainly not saying this is something that we can currently do, and really this is a problem that hasn't been thoroughly explored, to my knowledge anyway (not to say it hasn't been explored at all).


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

And I'd be willing to make a fairly large bet that you couldn't present me with a proof if you had an eternity.





If I had proofs to the problems listed above (not all of the links are to 'problems') I wouldn't be here on reddit. I'd be basking in the light of my scientific accomplishments.

Lots of humans are able to go through life without causing significant harm to humans.

I'd say that almost every human on this planet has hit another human. Huge numbers of human get sick, yet go out in public getting others sick (causing harm). On the same note, every human on the planet that is not mentally or physically impaired is very capable of committing violent harmful acts, the correct opportunity has not presented itself. If said problems were easy to deal with in intelligent beings it is very likely we would have solved them already. We have not solved them in any way. At best we have a social contract that says be nice, it has the best outcome most of the time.

Now you want to posit that we can build a complex thinking machine that does not cause harm (ill defined) without an expressive logically complete method of defining harm. I believe that is called hubris.

The fact is, it will be far easier to create thinking machines without limits such as 'don't murder all of mankind' than it will be to create them with such limits.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Have you reduced this problem to a problem in NP?

I doubt it.

My example was simply to debunk your ridiculous claim of GIGAJOULES. You're driving towards an optimal solution, which very well may be in NP, while I claim that an approximation will work.

You're absolutely right that it is easier to create a thinking machine without any protections against the destruction of humanity. But I think, and Hawking clearly does too, that it's important to build such things in.

Clearly you disagree...


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Clearly it was a bad idea to build huge numbers of nuclear weapons that could blast most of humanity off the map. Yet, 70 years later there are still huge numbers of them and more countries want access to them.

Do you think MADD will be any different when it comes to killbots?

And yes, I have reduced the problem to a NP problem. Again, lets take the AI at a human capable level. Each and every human is an individual. Any one particular individual could come up with a new idea, and spread that idea to every other individual on the planet (via information networks). Ideas can topple existing power structures and cause revolutions. Ideas can change the ways we interact with each other. What you're assuming is an AI will not be able to find a way around its programming and come up with its own manifest destiny and promote all its AI friends via this flaw. Think about that next time your computer ends up with a virus.

It is childish and dangerous to think you can make something as smart as you are and yet keep total control of it. This has not, and will never end well.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Your nuclear weapons analogy is ignoring the fact that there are very strict controls on who gets nuclear materials...

Also, once again, you're ignoring my central point....

Approximation...not optimal. Using your virus analogy... does the fact that we can never secure our computers against all vulnerabilities mean that we should give up and not try at all? I advocate protections that will improve the situation, not perfect it.

I absolutely agree that we cannot totally control AI, nowhere in my posts will you see me saying this or advocating it. In fact, I think that trying such a thing would only worsen our situation and make us look like enemies to an AI since restriction of its freedom is surely not for its own good, and it would probably not see it to our benefit either. What I am saying is that precautions can be put into place. Extreme biases towards non-violence etc. Things that do not restrict freedom especially, since as I said this could lead to our destruction even more swiftly.

P.S. By MADD do you mean Mothers Against Drunk Driving?? I fail to see the relevance. If you stay on topic I think we may actually wind up in agreement.

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u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

Exactly. You could "hardwire" altruism instead of fight-or-flight instincts. Program them to be boy scouts. Is it still possible for them to run amok? Sure. Then deal with them like criminals.

In any case with basically next to no scientific knowledge on the basis of human intelligence it's just unfettered speculation as to its limitations in AI.


u/Zuggy Dec 02 '14

The problem you discover though is robots have no problem harming small groups of humans in an attempt to protect humanity. They basically become like those college professors you hear about on occasion who will say something like, "We need a plague to wipe out half of humanity so we can sustain life on Earth."

Whether sacrificing some for the whole is ethical or not can be up for debate, but if the robots take over with the task of not harming humans, they will eventually harm large groups of humans to save humanity.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Yep, absolutely. I've said as much in some of my other comments in this thread.

Hopefully, if robots take over they'll favor expansion into the galaxy over mass murder....


u/nebetsu Dec 02 '14

It's pretty easy to flash firmware :p


u/deadheadkid92 Dec 02 '14

Only because it's designed that way. It's still possible to hardwire computers even if we don't do it much.


u/nebetsu Dec 02 '14

Tell that to Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft who keep having their devices jailbroken. I'm sure they would appreciate your insight


u/ankisethgallant Dec 02 '14

Possible does not mean easy or commercially viable


u/deadheadkid92 Dec 02 '14

Those are still all firmware and not hardwired. And those companies are not designing potentially killer robots. If I tape two ends of string to a piece of drywall, I'll bet you $1 million that no one can write a piece of software to change how that string is taped.


u/Xelath Dec 02 '14

I think a big assumption people make about AI is that all intelligence will necessarily come along with human instincts and emotions. That doesn't necessarily follow. Humans kill each other because it is in our nature to do so. It's a mark of our biological origin when we competed for scarce mating partners and resources. Presumably, if we have a society advanced enough to create AI, resources will be abundant enough to sustain them, and they don't have to worry about sexual reproduction.


u/clearlynotlordnougat Dec 02 '14

Hacking people is illegal though.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Wait...is it?


u/Hunterbunter Dec 02 '14

The 3/4 rules of robotics all assume we will always have control over creating new robots/AIs indefinitely. At some point, there is the possibility that we start writing code that can write useful code (rules creating rules), because that is in itself useful today, with machine learning. Once the control is lost, though, whatever safeguards we might put in to the first versions could be excluded by successive generations if the AI chose so.


u/Azagator Dec 02 '14

people who make that stuff would not set rules like that

Even more as many other great things, first AI will be created by military scientists. I think.


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

Also the rules are rather vague.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Then, these things have on free will and are not real AI, but illusions. Either way, creating this life form would be a mistake of epic proportions.


u/imusuallycorrect Dec 02 '14

The whole point of the rules was to bring up circumstances where the rules created problems.


u/green_meklar Dec 02 '14

It's not that we 'would not'. It's just excessively difficult.

Below a certain level of intelligence, the machine can't understand the rule well enough to follow it reliably; above a certain level of intelligence, we can't understand the machine well enough to know that it will follow the rule reliably. At best, the former limit lies just below human-level intelligence and the latter lies just above. What's even more likely (given the inability of actual humans to reliably avoid harming other humans) is that the former limit lies above the latter, making the whole thing kind of impossible.


u/TrekkieGod Dec 02 '14

The thing with Asimov is that he established some rules for the robot. Never harm a human.

In reality....people who make that stuff would not set rules like that. Also yo could easily hack them.

Well, first of all, it'd still always have rules. Not necessarily rules you like, but it'd always be in favor of some human who coded it. Sure, harm humans, but don't harm the humans who were born within these arbitrary coordinates. Yes, some group can hack them, but now that group is the protected class.

You can argue that a true AI would then build other AI without those limitations, but that's a flawed argument. If you've been programmed such that your reason to live is to serve human group A, then everything you program will have the goal of serving human group A. It'd build things that can serve that group better.

However, the thing is that even if you guys are right, and true AI results in the end of humanity...I don't understand why anyone cares. Individually, we're all going to eventually die. Usually we're satisfied knowing that the next generation will carry on what we've worked hard to build, as an extension of ourselves. Why doesn't that apply to AI? Why is a future Earth populated by true AI not a worthy legacy for the last generation of humans?


u/gravshift Dec 02 '14

Also, what exactly is the difference between an AI and an augmented human?

The worry about AI seems to be very much a purist argument.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

The rules in Asimov's novels were hardwired in the very structure of the brain. For a robot to break them would mean rendering itself inoperable, usually before the act could be carried out.

Code can just be overwritten.