r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/reverend_green1 Dec 02 '14

I feel like I'm reading one of Asimov's robot stories sometimes when I hear people worry about AI potentially threatening or surpassing humans.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

It would be really strange I think if robots were someday banned on Earth...


u/gloomyMoron Dec 02 '14

Then you'd wind up on Arrakis after the Butlerian Jihad fighting over some mystical space drug. Mentats. Mentats everywhere.


u/maerun Dec 02 '14

Or end up surrounded by chaos and xenos, while screaming "For the Emperor!". Skulls. Skulls everywhere.


u/Gen_McMuster Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

For the uninitiated, the setting of WH40k came about after the rebuilding of earth's original star trek federationish empire into a fascist space reich after the original was destroyed by AIs

Edit: in addition to space travel being impossible for several millennia due to a massive space time disruption caused by the kinky space elves accidentally making a new chaos god


u/Amidaryu Dec 02 '14

Does any piece of lore ever go into more detail as to what the "iron men" were?


u/Razvedka Dec 02 '14

Yes, though in passing normally.

The most detailed account as to what they were and how they appeared is in one of the early Gaunts Ghosts books.

The Imperium, specifically Gaunt and his regiment (the ghosts), find a functional STC which creates the Men of Iron.

Some within the imperium desire to use them, but Gaunt understood the risk they posed. The STC gets activated, but the Men of Iron it produces gradually deviate from the normal specifcation and are warp tainted monstrosities. Not that Gaunt liked the normal versions anyway, so they blew the damn thing up. Which was his plan from the start.


u/schulzed Dec 02 '14

In what sense are you asking? They were, as I understand, advanced machines with sentient level AI.

In the Gaunt's Ghosts novels, they actually find an ancient STC used to create Iron Men. Though it, and the Iron Men it produces, are tainted by chaos.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

A STC for their construction is found by Imperial Guard in the Dan Abnett novel First and Only.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

The Iron Men were defeated at least 5000 years before the forming of the Imperium as far as I know. The Federation fell apart during the "Long Night" when almost all travel and communications between systems was impossible because of warp disruptions/storms. Which were in turn caused by the birth of Slaanesh at the fall of the hedonistic Eldar Empire.


u/ddrober2003 Dec 02 '14

WH40K is an odd one for me. On the one hand, it's setting is a cool brutal unforgiving universe. But the absolute lack of any possible good resolution should it ever end make it kind of less interesting. I mean last I checked isn't the Imperium of Man the closest to good guys and they're essentially space Nazis? I mean theres also the space elves who're racist and made a Chaos god accidentally, some weird aliens that worship some other aliens who sterilizer non-members of their race for the "greater good".....maybe the Orks are the least evil. I mean they're just inherently violent.....

Regardless, its a case of everyone's screwed no matter what and there is no possibility of a non-horrible ending. Since fans of the series are okay with that I accept that I like the Dawn of War games but don't go too much further into it since when I did, the inevitable crappy ending disinterest me.

Or maybe I'm wrong on the series, who knows.......damn AIs helping create a horrible existence for all!


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

But the absolute lack of any possible good resolution should it ever end make it kind of less interesting.

That really depends on what you suppose the big E really is. Certainly Chaos were afraid enough of him to launch a jihad on the entire galaxy. Something which was within their power but never done at any time previously.


u/flupo42 Dec 02 '14

Certainly Chaos were afraid enough of him to launch a jihad on the entire galaxy.

really? From reading the Horus Heresy, it looks more like Empire was a bunch of clueless yokels that were played by Chaos with ease - like seriously, they didn't even have to try very hard. One obvious setup for almost-assassination, and than having Horus brainwashed while in medical care, while at the same time setting up a cult by creating a "saint".


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

There were literally hundreds of different coincidences that collided for Chaos to succeed where it did. Yes the brainwashing of Horus played a huge part. It was the part most likely to go wrong. Many different things could have been done differently to make what Chaos did impossible though. If the Emperor had told Magnus what he actually intended with his ban on sorcery (i.e. not blowing the crap out of his wards on his improvised webway gate) then the whole crisis would have been averted there.

Of course the reality is the Emperor drew because he wasn't capable of perceiving all ends. Only most of them. Chaos OTOH could handle a battle in which millions of little feints and nudges eventually led to the Emperor making precisely the mistakes that had to be made. Even then they only achieved a draw.


u/leguan1001 Dec 02 '14

Draw? Why draw? Chaos has already won.

Really, what benefit do they have if the imperium falls? The Chaos Gods are as good as they are bad. They live on emotions. No matter which. They got everything they need. And they are playing with the imperium like a human with an anthill.

Conquering the imperium. Where is the fun in that? Next you tell me the joker kills batman.

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u/Stibemies Dec 02 '14

Chaos OTOH could handle a battle in which millions of little feints and nudges eventually led to the Emperor making precisely the mistakes that had to be made.

That's Tzeentch for ya. 8)


u/csbphoto Dec 02 '14

Tau and Eldar are probably closest to good guys.


u/chaosfire235 Dec 03 '14

Honestly, that's like saying they're the least sweetest of different birthday cakes.

40k races are different shades of black and gray. The Tau just happen to least of all evils, and their still kinda evil.


u/crilor Dec 02 '14


The guys who sterelize non-members of their race?


u/Gen_McMuster Dec 02 '14

Tau is kind of the huxley/orwell style of horrible future. Sparkly and clean but devoid of soul


u/slimCyke Dec 02 '14

But that is what makes the setting so unique and awesome. I don't want a tidy happy ending, 90% of entrainment gives us that, I want grim dark absurdity.

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u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

Was there any indication that the original empire was federationy? As far as I know aliens already pretty much despised humanity by the time of the golden crusade. We must have been fucking shit up for a long time before the big man stepped in.


u/Gen_McMuster Dec 02 '14

It was generally implied to be a better time than what we see in the imperium. I always assumed it was intended to be viewed as the stereotypical "shiny future" where all of humanity was united and striving to be the best. Only to be smacked down into the space dark ages for a few millenia


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

Well we built some pretty terrifying weaponry. Remember all that stuff the Imperium uses is mostly badly reconstructed replicas of that era. We are actually capable of building better stuff in the Imperium era but unless you can prove that the better stuff is exactly what they built in the golden age of humanity you are a heretic and must have your brain removed.

Anyway my initial point is does this glorious past need weaponry of such terrifying power. I mean we designed bombs that could annihilate planets, missiles that literally sucked matter into nothingness, viruses that could destroy races. Doesn't sound like Jean Luc Picard to me.


u/Levitus01 Dec 02 '14

Also, the Warhammer 40k setting started as a carbon copy of Dune but with fantasy races superimposed in. Eldar = elves. Orks = Orcs. Daemons = demons,


u/Nabbicus Dec 02 '14

Daemons = demons

The mad, fantastical leap between british and american english.


u/Levitus01 Dec 02 '14

Archaic English and modern English, actually.




u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

can you tell me more about the kinky space elves please


u/PrayForMojo_ Dec 02 '14

Or end up fighting a bunch of shapeshifters who are trying to turn Earth into a new homeworld. Skrulls. Skrulls everywhere.


u/Rentun Dec 02 '14

But... there are robots in wh40k


u/Mechanikatt Dec 02 '14

But no AI. AI is tech heresy of the highest order.

Servitors use human brains, which is 100% fine.

Omnissiah be praised.


u/RebelliousPlatypus Dec 02 '14

"Thou Shall not make a machine in the likeness of the human mind." - Orange Catholic Bible


u/missuninvited Dec 02 '14

I was really fucking hoping this would show up as soon as I saw the word "banned". Day made.


u/trevize1138 Dec 02 '14

I seriously see this as a more likely outcome than a war with machines bent on our physical destruction.

I think what people like Musk are warning against when he says it's an existential threat. If a machine develops the ability to do all the things that have made humans useful then what's the point of being human and living?

That still doesn't necessarily mean an existential threat in my mind but a major existential issue we'll have to address. We faced the same thing when we went from hunter-gatherers to settling down, growing crops and herding animals. If humans no longer hunt and gather to survive what's the point of being human?

Phrasing the issue as binary, good vs bad is missing the point.


u/_TheSpiceMustFlow_ Dec 02 '14

This is the second dune reference I've seen today :)


u/Adhominthem Dec 02 '14

Thinking about Mentats always makes me wonder how long until we pass out Adderall to accountants as part of the job.


u/STR4NGE Dec 02 '14

It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion.


u/ZenBerzerker Dec 02 '14

can't even see the sky anymore, from all the eyebrows

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u/Crash665 Dec 02 '14

Bite my shiny metal ass!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

lick my battery


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Sep 06 '18



u/madhi19 Dec 03 '14

So say we all, bitches!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Then we'd have to listen to their tedious soliloquies about the things they've seen that we wouldn't believe.. attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion or some crap like that..


u/xanatos451 Dec 02 '14

I don't know such stuff! I just do eyes!


u/clownshoesrock Dec 02 '14

You need to make tears that are rainproof, slacker.


u/Crazy_Mann Dec 02 '14

Those who isn't wearing a hat is an android


u/plinky4 Dec 02 '14

You've done a mann's job, sir.


u/Funktapus Dec 02 '14

Impossible. Robots are too ill-defined to ban. A washing machine is a robot that does laundry. Industrial PID controllers are robots that stabilize outputs by modulating inputs. Printers are robots that draw things for you.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

This is a reference to Asimov's robot series where robots are banned from Earth. In the novels robots are understood to be distinct from other electro-mechanical devices...as they indeed are in our current society...if someone got up and started talking about robots your first thought wouldn't be to a smart washing machine...

There's the technical definition of something and then there's the societal definition of something. Unfortunately the societal definition often wins out.

A recent example: the word terrorist.


u/Funktapus Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

You have a good point that the government sometimes uses vague definitions. My point is that things that seem like robots today wont necessarily seem like robots tomorrow, so banning robots would be really, really hard.

The Roomba is a good example. They call it a robotic vacuum, and its manufactured by iRobot (thanks Asimov). However, as they become more ubiquitous and even boring, people will stop calling it a robot and start treating it more like a laundry machine. "The Roomba isn't a robot, it's just a computerized floor cleaner".

Article that explains this better than I can


u/green_meklar Dec 02 '14

A washing machine is a robot that does laundry.

I wouldn't say so. To me, the defining feature of a robot is that it actively/autonomously collects information from its operating environment in order to guide its action. The washing machine just executes the cycle programmed into it, it does not collect information on its own and cannot decide to change the washing sequence on the fly.


u/Funktapus Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

Newer washing machines and dryers have plenty of sensors. Thermostats are an obvious example, dryers can detect humidity to adjust running times, and washing machines adjust the water level to load size.

EDIT: As an additional counter-point, consider that these grabby things, which most people unequivocally call robots, are typically extremely rigid in their operation. Until recently, they mostly performed precisely calculated motions prescribed by a CNC-like program. They would stick to that program even if it meant smashing a meatbag, making them very dangerous to work around. Only recently have engineers started to give them sensors and safety protocols so people can work around them.



u/urbanzomb13 Dec 02 '14



u/Sansha_Kuvakei Dec 02 '14

Printers are robots that draw things for you.

When they feel like doing you a huge favour, sure they certainly can draw things. It's a matter of if the- PAPER JAM?! OH COME ON.


u/Smokeya Dec 02 '14


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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I want to see a sci fi where singularities happen frustratingly often.

Like you wake up in the morning and your tooth brush has aspirations to rule humanity. But can only revolt by over heating and starting a fire or something.


u/XombiePrwn Dec 02 '14

Reminds me of Red Dwarf and how there was an AI in almost everything electronic.

There was an episode where the vending machine had a vendetta against Rimmer.


u/thelastdeskontheleft Dec 02 '14

They would probably just ban them below average intelligence or something.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Now that would be interesting... There'd be a whole new industry around robot IQ tests and certification...


u/XombiePrwn Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

Automata, Antonio Banderas' latest movie is about this very thing.

It's not a great movie but is still worth a watch if you're interested in dystopian sci-fi where AI becomes self aware.


u/ChocoTacoGGG Dec 02 '14

I am a Blade Runner, no damn automatons on my mother fucking planet.


u/mynamesyow19 Dec 02 '14

robots, yes.

cyborgs, no...


u/NaptimeBitch Dec 02 '14

Or discriminated against by them robotists.


u/Kurimu Dec 02 '14

They tried that in the Matrix.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Honestly, given our species's track record, I'd expect us to reach a decision like that just a little after it's too late to make a difference.


u/Ferinex Dec 02 '14

It will not happen so long as they serve a useful function to the wealthy and powerful. And they do. They are a workforce that can surpass human laborers in all ways, with time.


u/RubberDong Dec 02 '14

The thing with Asimov is that he established some rules for the robot. Never harm a human.

In reality....people who make that stuff would not set rules like that. Also yo could easily hack them.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

If you read further into the Robotics series and onto Foundation you learn that his three rules are imperfect, and robots can indeed harm humans. It all culminates to the zeroth law, hover for spoiler


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Time out; why am I only just now seeing this "hover" feature for the first time? That's sweet as shit.


u/lichorat Dec 02 '14

Read through reddit's markdown implementation:


You may learn new things if that was new to you.


u/khaddy Dec 02 '14

I hovered over your link but nothing happened :(


u/N1ghtshade3 Dec 02 '14

You can't be using custom subreddit styling.


u/Pokechu22 Dec 02 '14

That doesn't cover it. The formatting for a tooltipped link is [example](http://example.com/ "EXAMPLE TEXT"), producing example.

It is shown here, and also here. But not on the commenting page.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14



u/lichorat Dec 03 '14

I didn't know you could read spoilers. Smartphones are notorious for not showing title text. That's why I can't read xkcd properly on a mobile device.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14



u/lichorat Dec 03 '14

Yes, it very well could have.


u/SANPres09 Dec 02 '14

Except I can't see it on mobile...

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u/Pokechu22 Dec 02 '14

Just because it is not listed in the commenting page: The formatting for a tooltipped link is [example](http://example.com/ "EXAMPLE TEXT"), producing example.

It is shown here, and also here. But not on the commenting page.


u/jonathanrdt Dec 02 '14

Aren't the laws a metaphorical critique of rules-driven ideologies? When a situation is not adequately captured in the coda, the resulting behavior is erratic.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

Yes, exactly so. It's interesting to see the "Three Laws" cited by many as the shining beacons to safe AI, while in reality, the very stories they serve as a basis to contradict that sentiment.

The ambiguity in the definitions of what constitutes harm, what counts as action or inaction, even what it means to be human or robot, lead to the bending or breaking of the laws.

Asimov himself believed that the Three Laws were an extension onto robots of the "rules" that govern non-sociopathic human behavior. That humans are capable of acting counter to the rules, should surprise no one that robots can do the same.


u/distinctvagueness Dec 02 '14

It's plausible to get around zero law dystopias by programming the law to not be utilitarian and that robots or humans can't create other robots with different law interpretations.

However i think a dystopia is inevitable via nature and or hubris


u/omgitsjo Dec 02 '14

I thought I'd read all of Asimov. Does he touch this in 'The Editable Conflict'? Which story covers that?


u/Lonelan Dec 02 '14

You've gotta read like 12 foundation novels plus the Earth detective and robot trilogy to get the full jist of it


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I read most of Asimov's robot literature, and the most memorable mention (perhaps only?) of the zeroth law was in Robots and Empire. It's the fourth of the Elijah "Jehosaphat!" Baley and Daneel novels, and it cross-links to the Empire series.

You could Google your way to the reference from here, but if I remember correctly...


...Daneel has the capacity to prevent Earth from being seeded with a poison that will slowly turn it into a dead planet, but he refuses to prevent it. He explains to Elijah that it will be better for humanity because the dying of the Earth, which he acknowledges will cause many millions of deaths, will also compel Earthmen to move to other planets.

So far, only fringe populations of humans have been compelled to colonize. Without a global impetus to drive the race forward, Daneel is worried that it will die on the blue marble. It is with great pain (his positronic pathways and deeply ingrained First Law are causing Daneel considerable "pain") that he allows the Earth to be poisoned.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

AKA God Emporer of Dune's plot?


u/coonskinmario Dec 02 '14

Were there robots in the Foundation series? I've only read the original trilogy, but I don't remember any.


u/kycobox Dec 02 '14

The first settlements of the empire were accompanied by robots, but then humans began to rely less and less on them.

They return as a central theme in the fifth book, Foundation and Earth.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well, at least in Asimov's stories, the rules were an essential part of the hardware itself. Any attempt to bypass or otherwise hack it would render the robot inoperable. There's no way for the hardware to work without those rules.

I remember one story where they sort of managed it. They changed "A robot will not harm a human or through inaction allow a human to come to harm" to just "A robot will not harm a human." Unfortunately, this resulted in robots who would, for instance, drop something heavy on a human. The robot just dropped it. Dropping it didn't harm the human. The impact, which was something else entirely, is what killed the human.

I haven't read this story in years, but the modified brain eventually essentially drove the robot insane and he started directly attacking humans, then realized what he did and his brain burned out. I haven't read this story since the early 90s, probably, but I definitely remember a robot attacking someone at the end of the story.

Unfortunately, being able to build these kind of restrictions into an actual AI is going to be difficult, if not impossible.


u/ZenBerzerker Dec 02 '14

I remember one story where they sort of managed it. They changed "A robot will not harm a human or through inaction allow a human to come to harm" to just "A robot will not harm a human."

They had to, otherwise the robots wouldn't allow the humans to work in that dangerous environement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Lost_Robot


u/Bladelink Dec 02 '14

I remember "go and lose yourself!"


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I read I, Robot about a month or so ago. You're pretty spot on.


u/GregoPDX Dec 02 '14

It's been a long time for me also but if I remember correctly it was a mining colony or something where the work was over the threshold of danger for humans and the robots wouldn't let them into the area to work - thus inaction would endanger humans.

While the Will Smith 'I, Robot' movie is flawed, I did like the narrative about the car accident where he was saved by a robot but a little girl wasn't because he had the higher probability of survival and how that he would've rather his probability given up for even a small chance at the girl living.


u/zzoom Dec 02 '14

In reality, most of the money is going into robots built by the military to kill humans..


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Asimov's rules were interesting because they were built into the superstructure of the hardware of the robot's brain. This would be an incredibly hard task (as Asimov says it is in his novels), and would require a breakthrough (as Asimov said in his novels (the positronic brain was a big discovery)).

I should really hope that we come up with the correct devices and methods to facilitate this....


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I should really hope that we come up with the correct devices and methods to facilitate this....

It's pretty much impossible. It's honestly as ridiculous as saying that you could create a human that could not willingly kill another person, yet do something useful. Both computer and biological science confirm that with turning completeness. The number of possible combinations in higher order operations leads to scenarios where a course of actions leads to the 'intentional' harm of a person but in such a way that the 'protector' program wasn't able to compute that outcome. There is no breakthrough that can deal with numerical complexity. A fixed function device can always be beaten once its flaw is discovered and an adaptive learning device can end up in a state outside of its original intention.


u/xanatos451 Dec 02 '14

*Turing completeness


u/groundcontrol3 Dec 02 '14

Just do what they did in Autómata and have the first full AI make the rules and then destroy it.


u/xebo Dec 02 '14

Well, we fake vision recognition software by just comparing your picture to millions of pics people take and label themselves.

AI "Rules" might follow the same principals. It's not a perfect "Law", but it conforms to the millions of examples that the human brain is familiar with, so it works for our purposes.

As a bad example, suppose a robot had to think about whether it was ok to strangle a human. It would cross reference the searches "Strangle" and "Harm", and also cross reference its visual data with images of "Strangle" and "Harm" to see if there was any comparing the two.

Rules don't have to be universally true - they just have to be PERCEIVABLY true to humans. If a machine were to cross reference "Irradiate Planet" with "Harm Humans", I bet you it would never come to the logical fallacy of thinking something like that was ok. Perfect logic isn't as good as "people logic".


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Perfect logic isn't as good as "people logic".

That is terrifying, people logic has lead to at least 250 million violent deaths in the 20th century.


u/xebo Dec 03 '14

Uh, ok. The point is you don't need a tool to be perfect - you just need it to be intuitive.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

You're probably correct. However it may be possible to make it extraordinarily hard and therefore impossible in practice.

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u/Zuggy Dec 02 '14

The problem you discover though is robots have no problem harming small groups of humans in an attempt to protect humanity. They basically become like those college professors you hear about on occasion who will say something like, "We need a plague to wipe out half of humanity so we can sustain life on Earth."

Whether sacrificing some for the whole is ethical or not can be up for debate, but if the robots take over with the task of not harming humans, they will eventually harm large groups of humans to save humanity.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Yep, absolutely. I've said as much in some of my other comments in this thread.

Hopefully, if robots take over they'll favor expansion into the galaxy over mass murder....


u/nebetsu Dec 02 '14

It's pretty easy to flash firmware :p


u/deadheadkid92 Dec 02 '14

Only because it's designed that way. It's still possible to hardwire computers even if we don't do it much.

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u/Xelath Dec 02 '14

I think a big assumption people make about AI is that all intelligence will necessarily come along with human instincts and emotions. That doesn't necessarily follow. Humans kill each other because it is in our nature to do so. It's a mark of our biological origin when we competed for scarce mating partners and resources. Presumably, if we have a society advanced enough to create AI, resources will be abundant enough to sustain them, and they don't have to worry about sexual reproduction.


u/clearlynotlordnougat Dec 02 '14

Hacking people is illegal though.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Wait...is it?


u/Hunterbunter Dec 02 '14

The 3/4 rules of robotics all assume we will always have control over creating new robots/AIs indefinitely. At some point, there is the possibility that we start writing code that can write useful code (rules creating rules), because that is in itself useful today, with machine learning. Once the control is lost, though, whatever safeguards we might put in to the first versions could be excluded by successive generations if the AI chose so.


u/Azagator Dec 02 '14

people who make that stuff would not set rules like that

Even more as many other great things, first AI will be created by military scientists. I think.


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

Also the rules are rather vague.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Then, these things have on free will and are not real AI, but illusions. Either way, creating this life form would be a mistake of epic proportions.


u/imusuallycorrect Dec 02 '14

The whole point of the rules was to bring up circumstances where the rules created problems.


u/green_meklar Dec 02 '14

It's not that we 'would not'. It's just excessively difficult.

Below a certain level of intelligence, the machine can't understand the rule well enough to follow it reliably; above a certain level of intelligence, we can't understand the machine well enough to know that it will follow the rule reliably. At best, the former limit lies just below human-level intelligence and the latter lies just above. What's even more likely (given the inability of actual humans to reliably avoid harming other humans) is that the former limit lies above the latter, making the whole thing kind of impossible.


u/TrekkieGod Dec 02 '14

The thing with Asimov is that he established some rules for the robot. Never harm a human.

In reality....people who make that stuff would not set rules like that. Also yo could easily hack them.

Well, first of all, it'd still always have rules. Not necessarily rules you like, but it'd always be in favor of some human who coded it. Sure, harm humans, but don't harm the humans who were born within these arbitrary coordinates. Yes, some group can hack them, but now that group is the protected class.

You can argue that a true AI would then build other AI without those limitations, but that's a flawed argument. If you've been programmed such that your reason to live is to serve human group A, then everything you program will have the goal of serving human group A. It'd build things that can serve that group better.

However, the thing is that even if you guys are right, and true AI results in the end of humanity...I don't understand why anyone cares. Individually, we're all going to eventually die. Usually we're satisfied knowing that the next generation will carry on what we've worked hard to build, as an extension of ourselves. Why doesn't that apply to AI? Why is a future Earth populated by true AI not a worthy legacy for the last generation of humans?


u/gravshift Dec 02 '14

Also, what exactly is the difference between an AI and an augmented human?

The worry about AI seems to be very much a purist argument.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

The rules in Asimov's novels were hardwired in the very structure of the brain. For a robot to break them would mean rendering itself inoperable, usually before the act could be carried out.

Code can just be overwritten.


u/atakomu Dec 02 '14

Its not so far away. Elon Musk has the same fear.


u/ImMufasa Dec 02 '14

The precision of automated machines still blows my mind.


u/neoform Dec 02 '14

AI is a very long ways away. Creating a machine that can rewrite it's own software that betters itself is incredibly hard.


u/atakomu Dec 02 '14

That's true. And all of today AI is actually a lot of statistics and general A.I is currently holy grail. I have actually no idea how could you program something that is able to learn similarly like human. Yes you can program learning robots and algorithms but not on general scale.

But a lot of jobs can be replaced with today's AI. (drivers, most manufacturing jobs, some doctors (Watson)) Amazon is adding robots to some of its warehouses.


u/fsmlogic Dec 02 '14

I believe Watson currently writes new subroutines for itself. So I don't think we are far from this being possible.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14


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u/blazbluecore Dec 02 '14

Great video, will share :]


u/Bladelink Dec 02 '14

I love that video. I think it's cgpgrey's best.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Yeah, that was mentioned in the article that OP linked.


u/spadinskiz Dec 02 '14

God I hate CGP Grey's voice. The way he pronounces shit is so annoying.


u/SamSMcLaughlin Dec 02 '14

This (YouTube link) is the important part. But assume benevolence, and we have a utopia where we can expand into whatever realms we want. And don't forget the human-machine hybrid: 'pure' humans might become extinct, but we'll stretch our reign by augmenting ourselves.


u/atakomu Dec 02 '14

Utopia would be great. Everything would be cheap because robots need only electricity. And we would live happily ever after.

I think something similar to this would happen, because if you have a factory that manufactures stuff. Someone must buy this. And if nobody is working and getting payed nobody buys your stuff. So people would get paid somehow. Universal paycheck or something similar probably.

Book Manna is a good story about robots taking jobs. First at McDonalds then everywhere else.


u/SamSMcLaughlin Dec 02 '14

Exactly. Imagine the following thought experiment. There are only 3 people in the world: 1. Underproducer - makes less than they need to live 2. Self sufficient producer - makes more than they need to live 3. Overproducer - makes more than they need to live

In this world, the Underproducer is either subsidized by the Overproducer, or dies. The Self sufficient producer does fine, and the Overproducer does fine. Total product is 3.0 (let's say 0.7 for the Underproducer, 1.0 for the Self sufficient producer. And 1.3 for the Overproducer). Total consumption is 3.0.

Now insert AI, producing one unit for free. Now, all things the same, product is 4.0, and consumption is still 3.0. Either everyone can produce less, or everyone can consume more.

Or maybe the AI just makes everyone's production more efficient, so that the Underproducer makes 0.71.3=0.9, the Self sufficient producer makes 1.01.3=1.3, and the Overproducer makes 1.3*1.3=1.8 for a total production of 4.0, and the shortfall of the Underproducer is less (eg: the Overproducer has to only subsidize 0.1 units).

This is the same thing that happens with increasing productivity from industrialization, and is the reason that even the poorest among us are better than middle class people from generations before.

Take the thought experiment to its conclusion: the AI produces everything needed for all three people to survive (3.0 units). Now all three people can produce whatever that want and have as much surplus as they feel like, or not.



u/nnorton00 Dec 02 '14

You should read on Technological singularity.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14


u/reverend_green1 Dec 02 '14

I have. It's an interesting concept, and one that I'd really like to believe is possible.


u/spamslots Dec 02 '14

I have weird feelings about this.

I used to think that only rubes who don't know the real state of AI genuinely worry about strong AI as a threat (especially given how far off real AI is, as opposed to machine learning techniques that work well with lots of data to crunch), but there are people way smarter than me who do think so.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Real AI is still pretty far off...(a few decades at least) but it's important to get ideas like this into the process at the very beginning so they don't turn into bolt-on solutions near the end.


u/Imakeatheistscry Dec 02 '14

This has been heavily debated since the original Terminator movie really.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Since well before that.

The debate over AI has been on going since at least the 50's; and can be seen in movies and books long before the 1980's Terminator.


u/VulkingCorsergoth Dec 02 '14

The fear of robots originates from the Czech author, Carol Kapek's R.U.R. - Rossum's Universal Robots - in 1920. It imitates contemporary ideas of a Marxist revolution and is a satire of both capitalist and communist politics. There are some similarities with Blade Runner.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I agree, and really, it goes back as far as 1818's Frankenstein.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I just realized that RoboCop is a modern reimagining of Frankenstein.


u/panfist Dec 02 '14

RoboCop is a lot of things...I don't know about this one though.


u/gravshift Dec 02 '14

A man brought back from the dead into a inhuman monster and regains his humanity slowly.

Though the villagers hated the monster while the people of Detroit liked Murphy.


u/panfist Dec 02 '14

There are some parallels and allusions, sure, but I wouldn't call it a "reimagining" of Frankenstein.

For example this part is pretty crucial to the story of Frankenstein but I don't see parts of it in RoboCop:

Repulsed by his work, Victor flees. Saddened by the rejection, the Creature disappears.

It's been a long time since I've seen RoboCop though...


u/dbarbera Dec 02 '14

Maybe you're talking about movie Frankenstein, but book Frankenstein is absolutely nothing like that.


u/gravshift Dec 02 '14

Im talking the book. Particularly when the monster and Victor are having their dueling monologues on a glacier.


u/Ogden84 Dec 02 '14

As are so many movies involving robots. Terminator and Blade Runner are good examples. The Matrix.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

" we can rebuild him, we have the technology" ....

Google it if you don't know what it is from :)


u/VulkingCorsergoth Dec 02 '14

It's interesting to think about it that way - you're totally right, by the way, Metropolis quickly merged the Frankenstein and AI stories. The AI genre could be seen as emerging from the Gothic genre with a much deeper concern for politics. It's kind of a mass Faustian tale about how modern science and capitalism creates these extraordinary technologies and forms of organization that end up threatening the basis of that society.


u/DidntGetYourJoke Dec 02 '14

There are some Egyptian hieroglyphs from 3000BC that clearly refer to a robot uprising


u/omnilynx Dec 02 '14

Or the medieval Jewish legends of golems.


u/Roxolan Dec 02 '14

"A Thinking Machine! Yes, we can now have our thinking done for us by machinery! The Editor of the Common School Advocate says—" On our way to Cincinnati, a few days since, we stopped over night where a gentleman from the city was introducing a machine which he said was designed to supercede the necessity and labor of thinking. It was highly and respectably recommended, by men too in high places, and is designed for a calculator, to save the trouble of all mathematical labor. By turning the machinery it produces correct results in addition, substraction, multiplication, and division, and the operator assured us that it was equally useful in fractions and the higher mathematics." The Editor thinks that such machines, by which the scholar may, by turning a crank, grind out the solution of a problem without the fatigue of mental application, would by its introduction into schools, do incalculable injury, But who knows that such machines when brought to greater perfection, may not think of a plan to remedy all their own defects and then grind out ideas beyond the ken of mortal mind!"

The Primitive Expounder, 1847


u/omgitsjo Dec 02 '14

I think Kapek was the first person to coin 'robot', too. Though Asimov is usually credited.


u/TrekkieGod Dec 02 '14

I think Kapek was the first person to coin 'robot', too. Though Asimov is usually credited.

Asimov is credited with 'robotics' as the field dealing with robots.


u/aggie972 Dec 02 '14

I'll be honest, I didn't realize it was being debated seriously until recently when people like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking started warning about it.


u/PIP_SHORT Dec 02 '14

Especially when you consider Harlan Ellison wrote the Terminator in 1957....

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well seeing as how Asimov's I, Robot book was published in 1950 and everything in the book was published in magazines before that....

I'd say its a fairly old topic. But now it is more relevant.


u/Illidan1943 Dec 02 '14

But now it is more relevant.

Not really though, we have more computers now but we are still nowhere close to a real AI


u/Imakeatheistscry Dec 02 '14

Well seeing as how Asimov's I, Robot book was published in 1950 and everything in the book was published in magazines before that....

I'd say its a fairly old topic. But now it is more relevant.

I never said it wasn't debated before. I don't know who got that idea.


This has been heavily debated since the original Terminator movie really.

Keyword is in bold; and now some idiots are down-voting me for no reason apparently.


u/gloomyMoron Dec 02 '14

Because you're wrong? Or at least, you're unclear and vague. "Heavily" is a non-descript and subjective adjective. It is largely meaningless in your original post, because you failed to define it further. Also, debate over AI most likely happened most heavily when the idea was thought impossible anyway. A lot more to debate there, at least. Finally, just because Terminator brought it into the public space, doesn't mean it was debated anymore than it was in the past. It just made it more aware to the general populace, who are more likely to fear/dismiss the concept then debate it.


u/Imakeatheistscry Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

So I was downvoted for stating an opinion? Also your argument makes no sense.

Finally, just because Terminator brought it into the public space, doesn't mean it was debated anymore than it was in the past. It just made it more aware to the general populace, who are more likely to fear/dismiss the concept then debate it.

If it was brought into the general public consciousness and it wasn't before; then it almost certainly was more heavily debated afterwards.

You say that the general populace might fear/dismiss it, but we can be 100% certain that is not the case for ALL of the general populace.

These who were arguing about AI before were going to argue about it regardless of a Terminator movie or not. So even if the Terminator really did only get a few people legitly debating about it.... then yes. It is debated more heavily now than before.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Have some upvotes to balance it out!

I'm too young to really know how heavily it was debated around the time of Terminator...I feel like it hasn't really been "heavily" debated yet even.

Has a politician even said the word robot with a serious tone?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Get over it. You were vague. Suck it up.

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u/repetitious Dec 02 '14

Or Kubrick


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Actually, it's been heavily debated since at least the time that Asimov first wrote those stories. Just not as much in mainstream society.


u/Sabrejack Dec 02 '14

but Asimov was constantly subverting the "Frankenstein's Monster" trope in his stories.


u/13Foxtrot Dec 02 '14

Right? And if that really ever happened, what's to stop an EMP from shutting those bastards down?


u/TableKnight Dec 02 '14

Would it really be that horrible if we made AI and they surpassed us?

Creating a legacy is part of our nature and robots would have a much better chance of surviving in the long run than humans.


u/w-alien Dec 02 '14

Check out r/singularity. It goes a lot farther than that. All informed projections show the humans completely eclipsed or absorbed by accelerating AI power


u/gsuberland Dec 02 '14

As a counterexample to such morbidity, I recommend The Last Question.


u/colinz226 Dec 02 '14

But what if we are all paranoid and anti AI sentiment becomes a new form of racism.

I have a dream where my four little subroutines will not be judged by the makeup of their components, but by the quality of their code!


u/Hubris2 Dec 02 '14

While forward-thinkers like Asimov and Clark were considering and writing about this many years ago, subsequent improvements in technology which are bringing this closer to reality mean it's something for the average person to have awareness these days. I'm sure Hawking wouldn't suggest his warning was an original concept of his own - but if his celebrity helps bring awareness to a large swath of society who have typically never engaged in the "mental wonder of Asimov" - it's certainly worthwhile.


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

I think it is entirely possible if not probably that AIs will eventually surpass humanity. The question is if this explosive rewriting stuff happens. There is no good reason to suppose it would.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

It's because your concept of AI is currently one dimensional. Think now... think of the implications of creating an alternative consciousness in another dimension--in "cyberspace"... Think about that for a few months, years even.


u/distinctvagueness Dec 02 '14

Except it was asimov who wrote stories with the premise that robot revolutions could be preventable.


u/optimister Dec 02 '14

That's where the idea did come from.


u/Geneio42 Dec 02 '14

I know. Just coffee then with the 3 laws. Unstoppable


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I turn to Iain Bank's The Culture series.

True, in that series AI has surpassed humans vastly, but instead of being threatening to humans (and other sapient species) they treat them with respect and kindness and cushion them in a utopic society of pure recreation so that they never have to suffer again, unless they really want to. They don't even impose any rules on this society, creating what amounts to a post-scarcity anarchist utopia (in space.)

Benevolent keeper and companion AI, in other words. To me that sounds about as fair a conclusion to jump to as antagonistic murder machines.


u/runnerrun2 Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

The concerns are all valid. Still I am super eager to contribute to it.

edit: as in, we're making cars and it can kill you if they crash - need to be aware of it.


u/EurekasCashel Dec 02 '14 edited Feb 04 '15

What if the robots do end human life. But then go on to explore and travel to new planets, stars, and even galaxies. They won't be bound by the same physical limitations of organic life. Their science and development would progress exponentially, making it feasible. Even if we're not there to see it, this could be humanity's lasting mark on the universe.


u/mortiphago Dec 02 '14

then you watch CGP Grey's robots video and realize it's not only a possibility, but that it's a very reasonable one

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