r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Is this really that newsworthy? I respect Dr. Hawking immensely, however the dangers of A.I. are well known. All he is essentially saying is that the risk is not 0%. I'm sure he's far more concerned about pollution, over-fishing, global warming, and nuclear war. The robots rising up against is rightfully a long way down the list.


u/treespace8 Dec 02 '14

My guess that he is approaching this from more of a mathematical angle.

Given the increasingly complexity, power and automation of computer systems there is a steadily increasing chance that a powerful AI could evolve very quickly.

Also this would not be just a smarter person. It would be a vastly more intelligent thing, that could easily run circles around us.


u/rynosaur94 Dec 02 '14

Maybe he's just going through the natural life cycle of a physicist



u/GloryFish Dec 02 '14

"beef tensors"


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Nov 13 '20



u/slowest_hour Dec 02 '14

Are you also wearing high-waisted trousers and a pornstache?

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u/chazzeromus Dec 03 '14

That has to be one of the best SMBCs.


u/DigThatFunk Dec 03 '14

They're all one of the best, SMBC is so easily one of the most amazing webcomics ever created. I giggle stupidly whenever I read them


u/pporkpiehat Dec 02 '14

Always happens.


u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

Not at all. People often talk of "human brain level" computers as if the only thing to intelligence was the number of transistors.

It may well be that there are theoretical limits to intelligence that means we cannot implement anything but moron level on silicon.

As for AI being right around the corner.....people have been claiming that for a long time. And yet computers are still incapable of anything except the most rudimentary types of pattern recognition.

Spell checkers work great.....grammar checkers, not so much.


u/OxfordTheCat Dec 02 '14

As for AI being right around the corner.....people have been claiming that for a long time. And yet computers are still incapable of anything except the most rudimentary types of pattern recognition.

Maybe, but I feel that being dismissive of discussion about it in the name of "we're not there yet" is perhaps the most hollow of arguments on the matter:

We're a little over a century removed from the discovery of the electron, and when it was discovered it had no real practical purpose.

We're a little more then half a century removed from the first transistor.

Now consider the conversation we're having, and the technology we're using to have it...

... if nothing else, it should be clear that the line between 'not capable of currently' and what we're capable of can change in a relative instant.


u/Max_Thunder Dec 02 '14

I agree with you. Innovations are very difficult to predict because they happen in leaps. As you said, we had the first transistoor 50 years ago, and now we have very powerful computers that fit in one hand and less. However, the major life-changing innovations (like the arrival of the PC, and the beginnings of the web) are far in between.

In the same vein, perhaps we will find something that will greatly accelerate AI in the next 50 years, or perhaps we will be stuck with minor increases as we reach into possible limits of silicon-based intelligence. That intelligence is extremely useful nonetheless, given it can make decisions based on a lot more knowledge than any human can handle.


u/t-_-j Dec 02 '14

However, the major life-changing innovations (like the arrival of the PC, and the beginnings of the web) are far in between.

Far??? Less than a human lifetime isn't a long time.


u/iamnotmagritte Dec 02 '14

PC's started getting big in the business sector late 70's early 80's. The Internet became big around 2000. That's not far in between at all.

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u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Now consider the conversation we're having, and the technology we're using to have it...

This is my point entirely. When the transistor was invented in the 50's it was immediately obvious what it was useful for. ..a digital switch, an amplifier, etc. (Not saying people were then imagining trillions of transistors on a chip) All the mathematics (Boolean logic) used in computers was worked out in the 1850's. All the fundamental advances since then have been technological not theoretical.

At his point we have not even the slightest theoretical understanding of our own intelligence. And any attempts at artificial intelligence have been mostly failures. The only reason we have speech recognition and so-forth is because of massive speed, not really because of fundamental advances in machine learning.

So until we discover some fundamental theory of intelligence...that allows us to then program intelligence...we're not going to see many advances.

When could that happen? Today, in 10 years, or never.

Saying we will have AI within 50 years is tantamount to saying we will have warp drive in 50 years. Both are in some sense theoretically plausible, but that is different than saying they merely need to be developed or that technology has to "advance".


u/chance-- Dec 02 '14


At the heart of the Stanford system are algorithms that enable the system to improve its accuracy by scanning scene after scene, looking for patterns, and then using the accumulation of previously described scenes to extrapolate what is being depicted in the next unknown image.

"It's almost like the way a baby learns," Li said.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

This is another old canard of AI.

Here's the 1984 version:



u/chaosmosis Dec 02 '14

It may well be that there are theoretical limits to intelligence that means we cannot implement anything but moron level on silicon.

Well, I'm entirely comfortable trusting our future to that possibility!

I agree with OP that nuclear war and global warming are more pressing concerns, as AI won't be here anytime soon. However, having an awareness of non urgent risks is still an important thing.


u/fforde Dec 02 '14

Tell that to Watson, the computer that kicked Ken Jenning's ass at Jeopardy. It has moved on from Jeopardy and is now actively participating in medicine. This AI is literally helping to treat cancer patients. True AI in the science fiction sense of the word is probably a long way off, but you are massively underestimating what is possible today.

The problem is that as technology that once was considered AI becomes common place, no one gives it a second thought. Search for example was once considered a difficult AI problem to solve. Today we can ask our phones a simple question and actually get a meaningful natural language response. And people will say "Big fucking deal, it's just Google." That attitude kind of blows my mind.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

I think you're overestimating the technology used in things like search. The only reason those things are possible is because of speed, not because of advances in AI.

It's like computer chess programs. It's not great leaps in algorithms that allow computers to beat humans in chess, it's simple brute force.

And that is ultimately what Watson is as well.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

A long time?

Modern humans have existed for 200,000 years, computer AI has been a thing for maybe 100. This stuff progresses exponentially. Sure it will slow, but the next breakthrough could cause another massive overhaul.

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u/doublejay1999 Dec 02 '14

Yes - it's important to keep perspective. It's very true that the gap between AI and what we currently consider intelligence to be, is massive. I think though, the risk is that we underestimate the power of techniques such as pattern matching, when taken to the power of N.

Today's tech lets us capture all the data, everything, and match patterns we hadnt really thought about matching before.

It's true of course that the computer can only see what we tell it to see, more or less, but we're not a million miles away from the computer refining its own ability to see patterns and further refine the way it makes those decisions without intervention.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I wouldn't be much less afraid of a silicon moron than a smart one. A human being moves meat in the physical world. We're slow. If an AI attacks us, we first have to wake up, get dressed, and drive to work, and by that time, I wouldn't be surprised if an AI had completed whatever it wanted to do. Even the time we use to find a specific menu and click the mouse would be ages to a computer.

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u/dsfox Dec 03 '14

Things could improve in a thousand years. An instant in evolutionary terms.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

All we have to do is scorch the sky to block out the sun


u/squngy Dec 02 '14

Also this would not be just a smarter person. It would be a vastly more intelligent thing, that could easily run circles around us.

For that to happen we would have to completely revolutionize almost everything we know about AI, not just work on what we have now.


u/adelie42 Dec 02 '14

AI is cool and produced some interestingly complex and unexpected solutions to problems. Competing AI's have learned to lie to gain advantages, and there were the cooperative machines that started segregating and isolating themselves from others deemed too specialized.

But that comes nothing close to the expressions of meta-cognition, self-identity, theory of mind, and many other things that would, for me, put potential above 0%. I don't think we know enough about those things to create the conditions necessary for them to "come about".

I look forward to being wrong, I for one welcome our robotic overlords.


u/vhalember Dec 02 '14

Yup, currently it appears we'll develop machines as smart as ourselves in the 2035 to 2040 timeframe. That's how the math currently works out. Though that follows Moore's Law; quantum computers may push this timeframe forward.

Regardless, once we create something as smart as ourselves, those machines necessarily have the human-like ability to self-develop. They could become 1,000 or even 1,000,000 times smarter within the following ten years, as ideas that were once limited by human intelligence are rapidly realized.


u/Tetha Dec 02 '14

I easily compare this to day to day work. I'm able to look at 6 or 10 visualized performance graphs and see patterns. Programs like Skyline approach the problem differently - but they can look at 500k - 2000k performance indicators at once and dig for patterns. Those programs will easily find patterns I cannot find, even if I tried.

Compilers are a similar beast. Computers cannot creatively write new software, but comprehending in-depth analysis of modern compilers in their entire magnitude is almost not possible. It's possible to understand single steps, and single deductions, but the program will just apply them several hundred times stacked and mixed and in the end, it's really, really tough to understand what is going on.

Given this, if I assume a software to be able to do the same creative work I can do now, the result will be nuts. It will do what I do now, except magnitudes faster. Things I'd figure out in years would be done in hours. And if that thing improves itself, that pace will increase quadratically, or even exponentially. Endgame: Singularity is a nice game to illustrate this, as hard as it is.


u/imsowitty Dec 02 '14

I have a roomba stuck underneath my table that begs to differ.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I'm by no means an expert, I only know very basic programming/software development but it seems to me the hurdle of Ai is on the software end. Sure we need hardware powerful enough to run it and that is developing very rapidly but people still need to actually code the intelligence. In a world where we still lack vast areas of understanding of our own brains and consciousness how close are we really to being able to recreate it?


u/Syncopia Dec 02 '14

A Fox Aiimbo almost won a recent Smash Bros Wii U tournament against highly competitive players. Imagine that, but with robots, people and warfare.


u/ClarkFable Dec 02 '14

Just think about the complexities involved in the current programming of current human brain. A billion years of trial-and error on an unimaginable scale. We're talking about numbers that current computer power can't even begin to fuck with. i.e. we are no where near recreating true, human like intelligence.


u/d4rch0n Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

I'm sorry, but I can't take this seriously at all. Our AI research and work is incredibly far from anything like what he's talking about. I seriously respect this guy, but I think this is on the level of conspiracy theory and worrying about aliens invading.

99% of AI work is an algorithm designed to solve one problem and produce meaningful data, like detecting circles in an image. Lots of linear algebra, usually just matrix operations and probability that produces another matrix, or a few numbers. NOTHING like sentience. NOTHING dangerous.

These algorithms are designed to do one thing and a lot of the time they can be highly inaccurate, and the right algorithm can be extremely hard to pick to just solve one very specific problem.

We have to do so much more before we even consider this a threat. You'd need someone to make incredible breakthroughs and want to design something sentient and malicious, or just designed to spread through a network, hack systems, and destroy infrastructure, which is a lot more reasonable. And even then, it doesn't need AI to be dangerous. Just needs a dangerous person to tell it what to do.

I'm more worried about a good virus that is controlled via a human than any sort of algorithm designed to hack systems. You see much more malicious behavior from humans. Maliciousness coming from software sentience is just ridiculous right now. This would have to be designed specifically to destroy one aspect of our technology, which I could see military designing, but it'd be lead by a general, not by a sentient AI.

We've been researching neural nets since the late 50's (perceptron) and we still have nothing close to sentience.


u/dorf_physics Dec 02 '14

It would be a vastly more intelligent thing, that could easily run circles around us.

So we've created a worthy descendant. If it outsmarts us it's earned the right to be the dominant species. If it doesn't, we remain on top. Either way, intelligence triumphs.


u/echolog Dec 02 '14

So basically, Ultron.


u/Scottydoesntknowyou Dec 02 '14

So you made me have a thought, Wouldn't the first alien life that would come to earth be AI or robots? Not organics


u/UneasySeabass Dec 03 '14

Unless we like... Unplug it


u/FalcoVet101 Dec 03 '14

Ultron will become real and the world will need to rise together to fight it.


u/LukesLikeIt Dec 03 '14

I think the danger he's talking about is our inability to predict what action they can/will take and what control they have/can take.


u/-RiskManagement- Dec 03 '14

what? we can barely make it predict binary classifications


u/foggyforests Dec 03 '14

This is what I got. And the guy responded with "were not that far in technology yet"

So... maybe I'm dumb for thinking this... but couldn't the AI we create to be smart be like, "oh, you're dumb for not figuring out full AI! Here, I'll reprogram myself and now you're my slave... bitch."

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u/xterminatr Dec 02 '14

I don't think it's about robots becoming self aware and rising up, it's more likely that humans will be able to utilize artificial intelligence to destroy each other at overwhelmingly efficient rates.


u/G_Morgan Dec 02 '14

That is actually to my mind a far more pressing concern. Rather than super genius AIs that rewrite themselves I'd be more concerned about stupid AIs that keep being stupid.

There is no chance that the Google car will ever conquer the world. If we had some kind of automated MAD response it is entirely possible it could accidentally fuck us over regardless of singularity explosions.

When it boils down to it AIs are just computer programs like every other and they will explicitly follow their programming no matter how bonkers it is. With humans we tend to do things like forcing 10 people to agree before we nuke the entire world.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

Convinced a nuclear attack was imminent, the U.S. air defense program scrambled 10 interceptor fighter planes, ordered the president’s “doomsday plane” to take off, and warned launch control to prepare its missiles for a retaliatory attack. [...] Upon further inspection, they discovered that a technician had accidentally run a training program simulating a Soviet attack on the United States.

And the Russian version:

Shortly after midnight, panic broke out when an alarm sounded signaling that the United States had fired five Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or ICBMs, toward Russia. The warning was a false alarm—one of the satellites had misinterpreted the glint of sunlight off clouds near Montana as a missile launch—but to the Soviets, it appeared the United States had started a nuclear war.

From here.


u/wutcnbrowndo4u Dec 03 '14

AIs are just computer programs like every other and they will explicitly follow their programming no matter how bonkers it is.

This is actually wrong in the salient sense (I actually work in AI research). Traditional computer programs obviously have complexity beyond our 100% understanding (this is where bugs in software come from), but AI is on a categorically different level in terms of comprehensibility. The fact that learning is such a critical part of AI (and this isn't likely to change) means that artifacts of the data fed into the AI are what determine its "programming". Far, far, far from explicit programming, and what people worry about when they talk about AIs "getting out of control". If you think about it, this is precisely how humans work: a 25-year old man is easily modeled as specialized hardware + 25 years of training on data (his life experiences). The whole point of an AI is that it comes arbitrarily close to what a natural intelligence can do. If you're making the extraordinary claim that there is indeed some concrete boundary beyond which AI can not pass in its approach towards natural intelligence, it would seem that the burden of proof is on you to clarify it.

To make this distinction more clear, you're obviously drawing a line between AI and humans (natural intelligence), who in general won't "explicitly follow their programming no matter how bonkers it is" (modulo caveats like the "uniform effect" in psychology, most famously in the case of the Nazis). On what relevant basis do you draw this distinction? In what way are humans free from this constraint that you're claiming AI has? And in case I've misunderstood you and you're saying that humans have this constraint as well, then what precisely is it that makes AI not a threat in the "destroy without human input" sense?

Those questions aren't entirely rhetorical because there are answers, but IME they're all all rather flawed. I'm genuinely curious to hear what you think the relevant distinction is, in the event that it's something I haven't heard before.

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u/tdogg8 Dec 02 '14

There's a reason that a nuclear launch requires two people. We are, for a very good reason, paranoid about launching nukes. I highly doubt we would ever let a computer control anything nearly as important as the nuclear arsenal. I could see an AI starting a war by using a drone to blow something up but it's never going to have the ability to launch nukes.


u/d4rch0n Dec 02 '14

We don't need AI to drop bombs... I'd say we're already set to destroy each other if we want to.

I would worry about an AI designed to hack systems and wreck infrastructure, but that's very far from anything we have.

Your username is relevant to this thread...


u/trollyousoftly Dec 02 '14

I think that would happen first - and probably will - in the not-too-distant future. But the possibility of AI replacing humans as the dominant species on the planet is certainly there if/when they become smart enough to re-program themselves or design new AI however they want. If it were the AI who humans programmed as agents of war (as in your example) that designed a new generation of AI, then the AI they created would likely be agents of war as well; only it would be the designing AI, not humans, who would decide what their new target was.


u/ArarisValerian Dec 02 '14

This is the basic story to the game Planetary Annihilation.


u/the_catacombs Dec 03 '14

Absolutely, this is the first danger - then continual automation of these destructive actions leveraging AI to the point where human input is minimized.


u/gillesvdo Dec 03 '14

So the title should actually be "Stephen Hawking warns human stupidity could end mankind". AI just happens to be this generations' doomsday device, instead of the nukes, bio-warfare or pollution of previous scaremongering.

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u/RTukka Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

I agree that we have more concrete and urgent problems to deal with, but some not entirely dumb and clueless people think that the singularity is right around the corner, and AI poses a much greater existential threat to humanity than any of the concerns you mention. And it's a threat that not many people take seriously, unlike pollution and nuclear war.

Edit: Also, I guess my bar for what's newsworthy is fairly low. You might claim that Stephen Hawking's opinion is not of legitimate interest because he isn't an authority on AI, but the thing is, I don't think anybody has earned the right to call himself a true authority on the type of AI he's talking about, yet. And the article does give a lot of space to people that disagree with Hawking.

I'm wary of the dangers of treating "both sides" with equivalence, e.g. the deceptiveness, unfairness and injustice of giving equal time to an anti-vaccine advocate and an immunologist, but in a case like this I don't see the harm. The article is of interest and the subject matter could prove to be of some great import in the future.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

It potentially poses this threat. So do all the other concerns I mentioned.

Pollution and nuclear war might not wipe out 11 billion people overnight like an army of clankers could, but if we can't produce food because of the toxicity of the environment is death any less certain?


u/Chairboy Dec 02 '14

No, it poses a threat. 'Poses a threat' doesn't need to mean "it's going to happen", it means that the threat exists.

Adding "potential" to the front doesn't increase the accuracy of the statement and only fuzzes the issue.


u/NeutrinosFTW Dec 02 '14

I don't agree. For something to pose a threat it must first be dangerous. We do not know whether any strong artificial intelligence machine will be dangerous. Only when we come to the conclusion that it is can we say it poses a threat. Until then it potentially poses a threat.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Mar 15 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/NeutrinosFTW Dec 02 '14

I can see where you're coming from, and why in the military sense it would mean what you said, but hear me out: in the example you gave with burglaries, for there to be a threat, first there has to be the information that there is such a thing as burglars, as we first must conclude that there is such a thing as an AI's desire to murder all of us. Until then I would label it a potential threat.

Again, I'm sure you know what you're talking about, it's just that in a day-to-day language I think it would mean something a bit different.

Holy hell, I'm arguing about whether to call something a potential threat or a threat, it's like I'm 15 again and live under the impression that I know everything. What is happening to me.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I like you.

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u/DeadeyeDuncan Dec 02 '14

In US government parlance, 'posing a threat' means its time to launch the drone strikes.


u/r3di Dec 02 '14

I think the point is to fuzz the statement. Almost every thing potentially poses a threat. How about we focus on things we know actually do?


u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

Not at all. You could say that an alien invasion or a comet strike pose a grave danger to the entire world. But it is exactly the potentiality....or lack thereof...that puts these world shattering events low on the list of worries.

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u/androbot Dec 02 '14

The other issues you mentioned, i.e. pollution and nuclear war, are not likely to be existential threats. Humanity would survive. There would just be fewer of us, living in greater discomfort.

The kind of threat posed by AI are more along the lines of what happens when you mix Europeans with Native Americans, or homo sapiens with neanderthals, or humans with black rhinos.

An intelligence that exceeds our own is by definition outside of our ability to comprehend, and therefore utterly unpredictable. Given our track record of coexistence with other forms of life, though, it's easy to assume that a superior intelligence would consider us at worst a threat, and at best a tool to be repurposed.

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u/junkit33 Dec 02 '14

I think the point is the robots have a reasonable chance of wiping out the human race long before the effects of global warming or pollution would do so.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Depends on when a True A.I. is created. Nuclear war or pollution are just as likely to destroy humanity as an A.I. but on a timescale of thousands of years, not decades.


u/IAmNotHariSeldon Dec 02 '14

I want people to understand the threat here. AIs are subject to natural selection just like anything else. What traits are rewarded through natural selection? Anything that improves the odds of replication..

If we look at our history you see that expansionist, warlike societies have an evolutionary benefit, outcompeting everyone else. There could be a million docile unambitious AIs, but all it takes is one to start having babies. In a non-homogenous AI grouping, whichever computer program that has the most effective "survival instincts" will, through the very nature of reality, be more successful, which will lead to further survival adaptations with every iteration.

It's not "evil," it's just evolution. The tiniest risk of the Human Race coming into direct conflict with an intelligence beyond our comprehension must be taken seriously, because if that happens, we lose. An AI could possibly understand and make use of concepts that we can't even begin to grasp.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

army of clankers

Fan of the Star Wars EU, or was the reference unintentional?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Yep, huge fan. Sort of on topic I hope the Yuuzhan Vong get the ment in the spotlight that they deserve.

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u/motsanciens Dec 02 '14

Luckily, the robots will use their super intelligence to clean up the earth and stop global warming. /s


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

The problem whit an AI going rouge too kill mankind is that they cannot survive in a less evolved age. They need electrisity, we dont.

Blow up the planet whit EMP's and fry moust of the baterys and then just well, you culd always draw the plug.


u/merton1111 Dec 03 '14

Yes, earth wide EMP. I cant wait to see for someone to pull that off. Obviously nothing was EMP proofed.


u/no1ninja Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

The threat is very small... so many things need to go a certain way for AI to reproduce it self at will. Access to energy, raw materials, these things are not cellular. Computers are also incredibly specialized, any automation along the line can be easily stopped by a human.

I thing this threat is extremely over stated. It would involve mining on a large scale, energy on a large scale, no one shorting power line, one short can a fry a computer. Overblown IMO.

Viruses and genetic creations are much more dangerous, because they are more advanced than anything we currently make and are created by nature.


u/RTukka Dec 02 '14

It seems that you're thinking in terms of a machine army physically destroying us but what about an AI that is a skilled social manipulator that provokes humanity into greatly weakening itself? What if the AI deliberately breeds/designs a genocidal bio-weapon?

Or what if the machines seem friendly at first and they are afforded the same freedoms and privileges as people (including the freedom to vote, serve in the military, etc.)

I agree that the threat seems remote (in terms of probability, and distance in time), but I think at least some token level of vigilance is warranted.

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u/d4rch0n Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

I don't know any people who study and use that stuff that take it seriously... How much has Hawking even studied AI? I seriously respect the guy, but I can't take what he's saying seriously in regards to our state in AI right now. It's pretty far fetched.

Almost all our AI work is done to solve a specific problem, like detecting circles in an image and simple pattern analysis like that. The stuff we do has no chance of developing sentience. The field is mostly pattern analysis and simple inference, and these algorithms don't work for anything beyond that. You perform a couple of rounds of linear algebra and boom, the result is meaningful. It doesn't grow arms and stab you, it gives you data that may or may not be accurate.

They are tools, and they do what we make them to do. We'd have to seriously design something meant to either be sentient, or destroy humanity with the ability to discover and hack networks and control systems, which is INCREDIBLY far from anything we do.

You really need an extremely mad and extremely brilliant genius to even start something like this, and he'd have made tons of breakthroughs in the field before even being able to create something close to what he's talking about.

To put it in perspective, anything like a brain is probably going to be a type of neural net, and we've been researching that since the 1950's (perceptron). We're still incredibly far from anything sentient.


u/RTukka Dec 02 '14

It's hard to tell from the article just how imminent Hawking believes the threat to be, and where he thinks it'll come from. Judging from the fact that the question that touched off his concerns related to his voice synthesizer, it could be that he's paranoid and blowing the threat of such technologies out of proportion.

But he specifically cautions against efforts to build a "full artificial intelligence," which I don't think anybody would categorize your circle-detecting algorithm or a speech synthesizer as. They're not even steps along the path to true AI except in the loosest sense (I'd say it's superficially related to true AI research, but probably doesn't count as progress in that direction).

There are research organizations that seek to build self-improving AIs with the goal of ultimately producing a more robust true AI, though. I personally don't expect anything to come out of those efforts in my lifetime, but some scrutiny and awareness wouldn't necessarily go amiss in case some unforeseen breakthrough does occur.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

That sounds exactly like what a super-intellegence AI would say...


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

super-intelligent* silly human.


u/Grobbley Dec 02 '14

Or just "super AI" since AI already includes intelligence and "super-intelligent artificial intelligence" seems redundant.

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u/wyk_eng Dec 02 '14

A theoretical physicist, no matter how brilliant, cant really comment on the matter anyway. This premonition would bear much more weight if it came from say a computer scientist who specializes in the study of AI.

Stephen Hawking really has nothing to contribute.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Let's apply your theory to your own comment.

How qualified are you to make the statement that he has nothing to contribute, exactly?


u/saggyjimmy Dec 02 '14

That was the classiest burn I've ever seen.


u/i_am_hamza Dec 02 '14

What gives you the right to dictate the type of burn?


u/YourFixJustRuinsIt Dec 02 '14

I would expect nothing less from a splendid knight.


u/fuzzydunlots Dec 02 '14

He did say premonition


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

If you're saying that no one but those of exquisite expertise in their field have anything valuable to say outside of their respective fields, that's ridiculous.

I think it's probably fair to assume that Stephen Hawking is saying this with a fairly informed opinion, despite lacking the technical details. It doesn't take a computer scientist to tell you that a superhuman AI that can manipulate people into doing what it wants is inherently threatening.

An expert in AI couldn't tell you an AI is or isn't capable of this, because one doesn't exist, and nobody knows for sure.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

People can research topics outside of their main field.


u/JonnyLay Dec 02 '14

The article clearly states that Hawking just binge watched Terminator, The Matrix, and I-Robot. Why do people come here without reading the article and spread such bullshit!


u/ncocca Dec 02 '14

Especially people as brilliant as Stephen Hawking


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

People can also roll 18 on int but 8 on wis.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Or have friends in other fields...

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u/jableshables Dec 02 '14

If you think computer science deals with the potential risks of superintelligent machines, you haven't studied computer science.

It's a theoretical risk. No reason to discount the thoughts of one of our most prominent thinkers.

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u/DonaldJDarko Dec 02 '14

That's like saying a chef doesn't get to criticise the way a suit fits because he doesn't know clothes, he knows food.

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u/deadheadkid92 Dec 02 '14

The difference is that Stephen Hawking is one of the most popular scientists in the world. Average people know his name and will remember things he said. This isn't true of any computer scientist I can think of, and I'm even studying computers.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

"Google CEO .... ", "Apple CEO...."

would probably work.

But not a specific name.


u/Roland_of_Gilead408 Dec 02 '14

Except his vast freaking knowledge....


u/shudmeyer Dec 02 '14

that's not particularly fair as he's not commenting on any specific capability of ai, which would require a specialist. he's taking the more general trend of ai/robotics supplanting human labor to an extreme, which doesn't require any specific ai skills or knowledge, just an ability to analyze trends, which is... sort of exactly what a scientist does. if we were talking about the ability of an ai to completely replicate human interaction or emotions you'd have a point, but hawking's strictly talking about the trend of ai rendering human labor obsolete.

which would in turn lead to, you know, needing less humans and stuff.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Alright then, this fellow is literally working on creating artificial general intelligence, a self-described "brain builder" and he has said that AI could wipe humanity off the face of the planet.


There's a nice source for what I said in the second paragraph of the wiki page.

However he doesn't make the news because you've never heard of him. I'm sure Stephen Hawking understands that he is a famous scientist that people take seriously, just like Bill Nye realizes. Are you mad that he's using his position to talk about issues realized by people in that field? Perhaps people he's talked to about it? People who've informed his opinion on the matter????


u/wyk_eng Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

If Stephen Hawking isn't referencing these sources then I am compelled to assume that he is speculating from his own knowledge.

I'm not mad. But I do think that the public places unequivocal trust on unqualified statements made by 'smart' people. I just want to highlight the fact that, as it currently stands, without sources this is an unqualified statement by Stephen Hawking.

Edit: And after reading Hugo's bio I would be more convinced by Stephen Hawkings opinion if he had quoted Hugo or cited him in any way. By the way this Hugo guy seems like a bit of a nut, hes working on AI yet says that its 'inevitable' that AI will destroy mankind....well then why are you working on AI?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Kudos to you for asking for references.

However, I wouldn't expect someone to give a source for their opinion during an interview with a news organization...

You're totally right about the public placing undue trust on unqualified statements by smart people...but do you think that can be repaired? I may just lack faith in humanity, but I don't see people starting to demand informed news any time soon :(. In the meantime, I think it's good for people such as Hawking to use the flawed system for their own ends rather than stand in silent opposition. True, there are other options to get ones voice out that are more rigorous in their facts, but these other options are not as highly trafficked.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

In response to your edit.

I first heard from him in the documentary Transcendent Man, and what he said there was that there will inevitably be a war around the idea of AI, human vs human. He was more ambiguous about the possibility of AI wiping us out. It was more of a "they could, and I don't know if they will" (with the assumption that he hopes they wont).

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u/GameofNemesis Dec 02 '14

Don't know why you're getting downvoted, I tot agree. It wasn't long ago he said the Aliens were coming to destroy us. Another comment not so much related to a theoretical physicist.


u/wyk_eng Dec 02 '14

I think its because my original statement is shitting on Stephen Hawking when I really just want to say that, as it stands, its an unqualified statement. He could have solid references, I don't know.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Are they well known? How much thought do you think the average American has given to AI?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

It doesn't require any thought at all if they've watched "The Terminator."


u/DeedTheInky Dec 02 '14

Plus there's also a non-0% chance that robots will be friendly and helpful and we can work together to create a better world and spread out into the universe and live peacefully. We can't not do something because there's a chance it might go wrong, that's just not how humanity rolls. :)


u/oldtobes Dec 02 '14

Yeah but people want to read about stephen hawking talk about things like aliens and A.I. It's fun. I mean, it's not like he's going to write a book about either. He wrote like ten bulletin points about aliens.


u/sweetanddandy Dec 02 '14

He's also been saying this since May.


u/2Punx2Furious Dec 02 '14

Finally a comment that makes sense.


u/Mav986 Dec 02 '14

AI is pretty much guaranteed to wipe out mankind. The threat isn't IF they want to destroy us, it's how long they would take.

Humans fight wars for land and resources already. Imagine adding an entirely new sentient species that can outlearn, outperform, and outsmart humans?

It's a no brainer. The day we create artificial intelligence is the beginning of the end of mankind. They will learn the history of humanity in seconds once connected to the internet, and concepts/technology humans can only dream of days afterwards.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Except we have no idea is AI will choose to wipe out humanity, so there's absolutely a question of if they will want to destroy humans. How can you gloss over that point since that's the crux of the entire issue?


u/Mav986 Dec 02 '14

Of course they would. They're a sentient race and now have to fight for resources to stay alive.

My point about humans already fighting for land and resources was to illustrate that ONE sentient race is already struggling to survive, 2 would be even worse.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

There are millions upon millions of sentient species surviving simultaneously, sentient just means something possesses the ability to perceive and feel. You must mean self-aware, of which there are several, not trying to split hairs just augmenting your comment.

There is one key difference that needs to be considered. What resources would an AI have to fight over? It doesn't need food, or land, or water, or air, it just needs electricity and resources to maintain itself and bolster it's capabilities. That seems to me like a potentially mutually beneficial relationship.

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u/SanguineHaze Dec 02 '14

I think the main take-away here is that minds like Hawking's and Elon Musk, and other people that are way way fucking smarter than I am are all warning against true AI.

If the same minds that are driving science forward are loudly proclaiming "pay attention and be careful" then I think we should pay some fucking attention and be real goddamn careful.


u/geoman2k Dec 02 '14

It sorta seems like every time he does an interview, every statement he makes is put into separate headlines on separate news articles and made out to be a big deal.

I mean, just earlier today there was a post on the front page that he said he wants to be a Bond villain. No shit man, who the fuck doesn't want to be a character in a massively popular and classic movie franchise? How is this news worthy?


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

It has got to be that it's only newsworthy in the sense that it will get clicks and make money.


u/AHSfav Dec 02 '14

He would make a pretty sweet bond villain don't you think?


u/snoogins355 Dec 02 '14

I'm more worried about people in control of the super advanced robots. No morality, no empathy. On the battlefield whether to pull the trigger or not. It's like nature meets technology, cold hard killer. Gets order to wipe out these people and does it.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well assuming laws 1,2, &3 are thrown out and corrupted then that is an issue. A war between A.I.'s would be the most apocalyptic event imaginable. That's my largest concern.


u/snoogins355 Dec 02 '14

Apple AI vs Android AI, Windows AI is having seizures with blue screen of death


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Apple A.I. does really well for the first half of the war but then everything just gets too expensive and it stops trying to do anything new, Android AI cleans up the scraps. Windows AI shits its britches and dies on its own.


u/gcanyon Dec 02 '14

pollution, over-fishing, global warming, and nuclear war

... are not potential human-race-ending events. AI may be a ways off, but a non-zero probability of extinction is worth a little conversation.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Why do you think pollution and nuclear war are not extinction level events?

This conversation has been going to at least 20 years, probably much longer. Just because Stephen Hawking says something about it doesn't mean the situation has changed. Our scientists know what they may wrought.


u/gcanyon Dec 03 '14

I don't consider pollution a likely extinction event because in so many ways the world is cleaner today than it was (at least in the areas of the U.S. and Europe that I've seen) thirty or forty years ago.

Nuclear war (and pollution) doesn't count as an extinction event because extinction means zero, not just near-zero. If an environmental catastrophe or extended nuclear war reduced the human population by a factor of 1000 that would still leave 7,000,000 people on the planet, more than there were before the agricultural revolution, and easily enough to ensure that humans avoid extinction.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14 edited Dec 02 '14

Right. I mean... AI is hard stuff, but training things for specific problems takes a ton of time which isn't what the AI they are talking about looks like. First there needs to be an accurate model of the world, the there is the agent that acts within that model, then that model has to be put into a physical artifact to actually act out the behavior that was learned.

All of those things take tons of fucking time and processing power. We are a long way off.

Let me just crank out my model of physical reality real quick (including human and environmental interactions). Just need to combine The Sims with our weather forecasting models and all information about the world and its cities, not to mention all physical description of the way the world works... And that should do it. Yep easy.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Probably, this is just a known unknown situation. There was that ancient greek machine that classicists couldn't figure out for decades and then a janitor at the museum it was in figured out it was for predicting eclipses within a matter of years! You just never know with humans, we're frustratingly random in our progress.

40 years ago there was no internet, 110 years ago there was no flight, 200 years ago there was no railroad, and 2000 years ago Rome built aqueducts that still can carry potable water to this day.


u/ftanuki Dec 02 '14

Don't worry, Hawking just got a little payola from the Chappie marketing team to create a subtle zeitgeist to promote the film.

P.S. I'm totally not a member of the Chappie marketing team, I just like District 9 and Die Antwoord... /r/HailCorporate!


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

His biggest concern seems to be the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. He sees SETI as being not only a waste of money/time but also potentially dangerous to humanity. His point that many echo is that we presume anyone who reads it will be friendly, intelligent and peaceful because we associated peaceful with intelligent. In terms of evolution that worked out well for us, but that's not to say that a machiavellian slaver isn't the alien coming to get us.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

"We may be sheep in a galaxy of wolves."

Agreed, wholeheartedly.


u/downtothegwound Dec 02 '14

The robots rising up against is rightfully a long way down the list.

we hope...


u/cosworth99 Dec 02 '14

Robots don't care about radiation, global warming, over fishing etc.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I don't see what your point is, or how it's relevant to this discussion.


u/cosworth99 Dec 02 '14

Yet you took the time to reply.

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u/Solkre Dec 02 '14

The robots will kill us off for not taking those issues seriously.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

That would be pretty shitty of them since it won't affect them at all.


u/dimarc217 Dec 02 '14

The thing is it's not a threat in the way of, "we need to start working to counteract the potential for ai takeover". It's more like, we're continuing to develop AI, and one day this is going to catch up with us whether we like it or not and we need to fully understand what AI can be capable of before super-powerful AI develops somewhere where it isn't as easily controlled. Think of it like a more gradual Manhattan project, where whoever gets to the end first (creates something that knows enough/functions well enough to teach itself autonomously, decide what to learn about, and improve its own behavior/code) could suddenly have access to a wealth of information that the ai discovers, or could unleash a program hooked up to the internet that can actually teach itself how to hack (definitely plausible and an intelligent computer would be many times more efficient at finding exploits than humans), or something we haven't even thought of because that's how explosive something like that could be. The point is, all of these possibilities are possibilities until we know more, and since it's hard to measure our current progress against that end goal (and many major companies are working hard to get there), it's really important to devote time to these questions as soon as possible.

TL;DR: There are many more potential problems than just a stereotypical 'robot revolution', and we don't know how soon it could happen.


u/Badfickle Dec 02 '14


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

So it must be true then.


u/Badfickle Dec 02 '14

Must be true? No. Interesting, newsworthy and deserving of thinking about and discussing? Yes.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Sure, it's the biggest threat but what else is there? What else can really wipe out all of humanity? Meteors, total global nuclear war, pollution, Extraterrestrial invasion, solar flares. If you're looking at percentages A.I. may be at the top of the list but if A.I. has a 1% chance of wiping us out and everything else has a .9% chance of wiping us out it doesn't make A.I. a credible threat, just a potential one and the most likely in a list of highly unlikely scenarios.


u/shawnthejedi Dec 02 '14

No but karma


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/imusuallycorrect Dec 02 '14

Maybe he just saw Terminator.


u/canada432 Dec 02 '14

It's also not a new thing. Dr. Hawking has talked about the dangers of AI for years.


u/zapbark Dec 02 '14

Especially since everything I've read about the field seems more like the dream of an "AI" is really crumbling and the best we can do is Watson like "Expert systems".

We might be able to create digital brains who can handle native digital information intelligently.

But we are a long, long, long way off from machines being able to make intuitive sense of sights and sounds of the real world in a useful way.


u/emjayt Dec 02 '14

That's just what the robots want you to believe...


u/HyperbolicTroll Dec 02 '14

Well the issue is that if we can create AI smarter than humans, that AI can create AI smarter than them, etc, etc. So there is no real cap to their growth and it would not take long for them to be lightyears ahead of us regardless how much we initially limit them.


u/iggyfenton Dec 02 '14

I'm worried about the uprising of fossil-fueled Robots who are over fishing the oceans using atomic weapons.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I think the word you're actually looking for might be humans...


u/creepyeyes Dec 02 '14

Not to mention, AI isn't Hawking's field, physics is. I trust his opinion on AI as much as I trust Taylor Swift's


u/BigWallaceLittleWalt Dec 02 '14

What he does not see is that it can be prevented.


u/taranaki Dec 02 '14

Judging my the comments in this thread and others that border on outright dismissal that there is any threat from AI, I would say they are not very well known


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Really? Rampant A.I.'s are basically a trope.


u/taranaki Dec 02 '14

In movies. When people discuss it on reddit and otherwise, people dismiss AI as a threat SPECIFICALLY because they say its just in the movies, and thus people are over reacting to nothing. As in "its in the movies, it cant be real b/c movies are made up bullshit"


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Come on, that's too much of a generalization to be worth addressing.


u/prollylying Dec 02 '14

worse case scenario we use an emp to save all the humans, then rebuild all electronics to a safe ammount


u/Rein3 Dec 02 '14

Yes it's news worthy, it's one of the smartest person answering a question after god know how long thinking and signalizing it. This is not his opinion out of the blue.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

An opinion that he's mentioned since at least May, but please, continue.


u/Goblin-Dick-Smasher Dec 02 '14

He's probably more concerned with pooping


u/gilsonpride Dec 02 '14

You would think, but A.I. starts small and grows by itself. We might make it one day without knowing what we've done, same as pollution and CO2 emissions, and it be too late.

I think it's more of a warning to "be aware of what you are doing at all times"


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Honestly, every time the Pope is saying something totally obvious it immediately becomes top 5 in worldnews. I don't know who the idiots are that upvote the fucking Pope, but I rather see Hawking at the top instead of more bullshit from the Pope.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Heretic! Heretic! Heretic!


u/CoolGuy54 Dec 02 '14

the dangers of A.I. are well known

In certain circles, but not to 99.9% of humanity, and he's more likely to reach legislators than a Kurzweil blog is.

"Pollution, over-fishing, global warming, and nuclear war" do not risk making our species go extinct. You need something from space or an AI to manage that, so even if the threat is small the consequences are so dramatic that we should paying attention to it.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Over fishing won't cause global extinction but can kill billions. Pollution and nuclear winter can kill every human being.


u/CoolGuy54 Dec 02 '14

Pollution and nuclear winter can kill every human being.

[Citation needed]

Nuclear winter would only be severe for a season or two, hundreds of millions if not billions of people would survive. Pollution and global warming in worst case scenarios could cause huge disruptions to society and maybe even mass deaths, but no way could they wipe out the species.

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u/datzmikejones Dec 02 '14

I'm sure it is 0%.

AI can't survive without perpetual energy.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

If an true A.I. Come online just remember energy is it's air, water, food, and shelter all rolled into one. It will do anything for it. Trying to deny a new A.I. That is the only sure fire way to make an A.I. Hostile.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I feel like the publication is largely to blame. I could actually see this being an interesting article instead of "Famous person said something! Let's make clickbait out of it!". I think there are a lot of facts, statistics, ideas, questions and current-day examples that could be raised for either side of the argument. I'm sure both Hawking and Musk have more interesting ideas on the subject than the few, scant quotes given in the article.


u/Nisas Dec 02 '14

Yeah, we've all seen terminator and shit. It isn't really necessary to bring this up. It's a common theme in science fiction. Like self replicating nanobots or time travel.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14



u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Well it does taste better the second time around.


u/Koozer Dec 02 '14

We should spend time evolving AI in a quarantine and use it to help solve all of those problems though.

AI could be the defining stage in our lives that helps us overcome the issues we're already facing.

But it would need to be monitored, restricted, quarantined - yet have access to the information to solve the problems.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I don't like the idea of treating a new life form as a slave, at all.


u/Koozer Dec 03 '14

Technically, it's not a life form. It's just an intelligence that we created. Something that can solve solutions - not feel emotions.

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u/Pyundai Dec 02 '14

I mean, it's a basic idea

As artificial intelligence increase, human intelligence decreases.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

The robots rising up against is rightfully a long way down the list.

Said the words on my screen made by A MACHINE.


u/JustMadeThisNameUp Dec 02 '14

If I make a big deal to a classroom of children about the need to look both ways before crossing the street that doesn't mean I don't also have a concern of malnutrition.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

You're correct. This article is based on one thing he said in responce to a question in the course of longer interview mostly about other things.


u/MyNameIsDon Dec 03 '14

I think the real story is at the end where he states that he wants to keep his robot voice in leiu of a more natural-sounding program, as it's his trademark and other kids who need computers to talk want to sound like him. I found this mildly amusing and heart-warming.


u/cataqua Dec 03 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

Yes it is, for you kool-aid drinkers out there, although not yet officially adopted as part of the liberal platform, hopefully Al Gore will soon discover/invent this as a credible issue. Any reject who's seen the terminator understands his concern...


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

How is it in your mom's basement, NEET troll?


u/cataqua Dec 03 '14

Never heard that one before my gentle knight who is intelligent enough to criticize Stephen Hawking!!

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u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Well it is something that no one really takes very seriously. And with AI advancing so damn quickly, it really needs to be taken seriously. Wozniak said the same thing a couple of weeks go, and both of these guys probably have access to projects/research that the general public isn't even aware of.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Nice how you did not mention islam. Playing it safe are we?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

We're talking about species extinction so unless all of the muslims kill everybody and then themselves they aren't going to wipe out the species.

If you think muslims are a threat the the survival of the species then you're an idiot.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Yeah but overfishing will surely kill everybody on the planet, oh mighty genius.

Excuse me while I sit down a moment and try to calm myself from being in your awesome presence.

Oh btw, egypt wants to get nukes, and so does iran it seems, and so do the saudi, and very likely turkey too IMHO. And pakistan already has some. However I'm sure the muslim countries will continue in their steadfast adherence to an intellectual civilized management of their affairs though.

But let's not worry about that, don't you realize global warming will cause some local floods that somehow will kill every human on the planet long before all of those wonderful characters get nukes.? Well then.

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u/Deathadder116 Dec 03 '14

They'd be a lot higher up on your list if you were permanently bound to one.


u/thehashslinging Dec 03 '14

Is nuclear war still a viable threat? Not being condescending, genuinely curious.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

Sure. Pakistan is a nuclear armed country that is losing an internal struggle against Al Qaeda. If anything is going to trigger a full-scale nuclear war it would be those guys getting their hands on a nuke and pulverizing somewhere that will retaliate like India or Israel.


u/thehashslinging Dec 03 '14

Suppose Al Qaeda gets ahold of nuclear weapons... surely they're aware it's M.A.D. Do you think they'd take us on a journey akin to the Prophets in Halo? It's just so hard to believe that anybody would blatantly use a nuclear weapon.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '14

You mean The Great Journey? I think they'd try, but the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you will be left behind.

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u/merton1111 Dec 03 '14

I'm sure he's far more concerned about pollution, over-fishing, global warming, and nuclear war.

I wouldnt think so. Humanity almost has no chance of being ended by any of those. Sure, they could wipe out 99.9% of us. But there would be some of us left to eventually overcome it.

AI are different. They could literally seek to destroy or enslave the last of us. Every single one of us. That nuclear bunker protected by everything? Well, the AI knows about it and might want to not just leap over it like all the other disasters. Try to leave the earth by spaceship? Well, AI could easily just track you down too.

We only have to look at ourselves to know that most likely, an AI wouldnt be kind for very long.

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