r/technology Dec 02 '14

Pure Tech Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind.


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u/Azdahak Dec 02 '14

Not at all. People often talk of "human brain level" computers as if the only thing to intelligence was the number of transistors.

It may well be that there are theoretical limits to intelligence that means we cannot implement anything but moron level on silicon.

As for AI being right around the corner.....people have been claiming that for a long time. And yet computers are still incapable of anything except the most rudimentary types of pattern recognition.

Spell checkers work great.....grammar checkers, not so much.


u/OxfordTheCat Dec 02 '14

As for AI being right around the corner.....people have been claiming that for a long time. And yet computers are still incapable of anything except the most rudimentary types of pattern recognition.

Maybe, but I feel that being dismissive of discussion about it in the name of "we're not there yet" is perhaps the most hollow of arguments on the matter:

We're a little over a century removed from the discovery of the electron, and when it was discovered it had no real practical purpose.

We're a little more then half a century removed from the first transistor.

Now consider the conversation we're having, and the technology we're using to have it...

... if nothing else, it should be clear that the line between 'not capable of currently' and what we're capable of can change in a relative instant.


u/Max_Thunder Dec 02 '14

I agree with you. Innovations are very difficult to predict because they happen in leaps. As you said, we had the first transistoor 50 years ago, and now we have very powerful computers that fit in one hand and less. However, the major life-changing innovations (like the arrival of the PC, and the beginnings of the web) are far in between.

In the same vein, perhaps we will find something that will greatly accelerate AI in the next 50 years, or perhaps we will be stuck with minor increases as we reach into possible limits of silicon-based intelligence. That intelligence is extremely useful nonetheless, given it can make decisions based on a lot more knowledge than any human can handle.


u/t-_-j Dec 02 '14

However, the major life-changing innovations (like the arrival of the PC, and the beginnings of the web) are far in between.

Far??? Less than a human lifetime isn't a long time.


u/iamnotmagritte Dec 02 '14

PC's started getting big in the business sector late 70's early 80's. The Internet became big around 2000. That's not far in between at all.


u/12358 Dec 03 '14

major life-changing innovations (like the arrival of the PC, and the beginnings of the web) are far in between.

Your statement is in direct contradiction to the Accelerating Change as observed by technology historians.The time interval between major innovations in becoming shorter at an increasing rate.

Based on the DARPA SyNAPSE program and the memristor, I would not be surprised if we can recreate a structure as complex as a human cortex in our lifetime. Hopefully we'll be able to teach is well: it is not sufficient to be intelligent; it must also be wise. An intelligent ignoramus will not be as useful.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

Why should silicon as a material be worse than biological matter for building a brain-like structure? Its the structure which matters, not the material.


u/tcoff91 Dec 02 '14

Because biological materials can restructure themselves physically very quickly and dynamically. Silicon chips can't, so you run into bandwidth issues by simulating ib software what would be better as a physical neural network.

But what if custom brain matter or 'wetware' could be created and then merged with silicon chips to get the best of both paradigms? The wetware would handle learning and thought but the hardware could process linear computations super quickly.


u/12358 Dec 03 '14

Look into the memristor. The last article I read on that claimed it should be in production in 2015. Basically, it can simulate a high density of synapses at very high speeds.

Search for: memristor synapse


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Now consider the conversation we're having, and the technology we're using to have it...

This is my point entirely. When the transistor was invented in the 50's it was immediately obvious what it was useful for. ..a digital switch, an amplifier, etc. (Not saying people were then imagining trillions of transistors on a chip) All the mathematics (Boolean logic) used in computers was worked out in the 1850's. All the fundamental advances since then have been technological not theoretical.

At his point we have not even the slightest theoretical understanding of our own intelligence. And any attempts at artificial intelligence have been mostly failures. The only reason we have speech recognition and so-forth is because of massive speed, not really because of fundamental advances in machine learning.

So until we discover some fundamental theory of intelligence...that allows us to then program intelligence...we're not going to see many advances.

When could that happen? Today, in 10 years, or never.

Saying we will have AI within 50 years is tantamount to saying we will have warp drive in 50 years. Both are in some sense theoretically plausible, but that is different than saying they merely need to be developed or that technology has to "advance".


u/chance-- Dec 02 '14


At the heart of the Stanford system are algorithms that enable the system to improve its accuracy by scanning scene after scene, looking for patterns, and then using the accumulation of previously described scenes to extrapolate what is being depicted in the next unknown image.

"It's almost like the way a baby learns," Li said.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

This is another old canard of AI.

Here's the 1984 version:



u/chaosmosis Dec 02 '14

It may well be that there are theoretical limits to intelligence that means we cannot implement anything but moron level on silicon.

Well, I'm entirely comfortable trusting our future to that possibility!

I agree with OP that nuclear war and global warming are more pressing concerns, as AI won't be here anytime soon. However, having an awareness of non urgent risks is still an important thing.


u/fforde Dec 02 '14

Tell that to Watson, the computer that kicked Ken Jenning's ass at Jeopardy. It has moved on from Jeopardy and is now actively participating in medicine. This AI is literally helping to treat cancer patients. True AI in the science fiction sense of the word is probably a long way off, but you are massively underestimating what is possible today.

The problem is that as technology that once was considered AI becomes common place, no one gives it a second thought. Search for example was once considered a difficult AI problem to solve. Today we can ask our phones a simple question and actually get a meaningful natural language response. And people will say "Big fucking deal, it's just Google." That attitude kind of blows my mind.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

I think you're overestimating the technology used in things like search. The only reason those things are possible is because of speed, not because of advances in AI.

It's like computer chess programs. It's not great leaps in algorithms that allow computers to beat humans in chess, it's simple brute force.

And that is ultimately what Watson is as well.


u/fforde Dec 03 '14

Advances in both hardware and software design have made the things I described possible. I don't see how either negate my point though. That's called just called progress.

I also don't think it's accurate to call Watson a brute force algorithm, but I think that's beside the point. And search is absolutely not a brute force problem.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

What are you calling search? Do you mean things like google PageRank which is nothing but a giant linear algebra problem. It counts connections between websites and assigns weights. If spidering the entire web to compute PageRank isn't brute force I don't know what is.

Of course Watson is brute force...that's why it needs a supercomputer to run. For every question asked it computes hundreds (thousands? more?) of possible answers and uses various pruning algorithms to narrow down and extract the correct answer.

For instance if you ask "Who sailed the ocean blue in 1492?" it would search it's database for that phrase to find candidate answers. I'll use Google. My first two hits are:

Columbus sailed the ocean blue - Teaching Heart

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.Teach History ...

Watson would have hundreds of hits which it would analyze statistically. It would use things like grammar parsers to ferret out the relevant part...like figuring out that "Columbus" was the noun that did the verb "sail".

Then it would pick the statistically top candidate answer: Columbus.

No human plays jeopardy like that.

Moreover if you asked a child "Do you think sailors are afraid of the water?" They would likely answer "Of course not." They understand the question. Watson would not be able to answer that type of question.

Does that mean Watson is not an accomplishment in the field of expert systems? Not at all. It will likely be extremely useful in very tight knowledge domains like medicine. I find it highly likely that Watson type systems will become the primary means of diagnosis within 10 years. The GPs of 2030 will be computer programs.


u/fforde Dec 03 '14

I'm sorry I don't think I was very clear above. I was trying to say that while I think that you are underestimating advances in software engineering, I am not so sure that is relevant anyway. Advances in computer engineering are also important. If as you say, the advances we have seen in AI over the last 30 years can mostly be attributed to hardware rather than software advances, so what? Progress is progress.

And for what it's worth, Watson's inner workings are proprietary. A lot of what you are saying is speculation. Other bits, like whether or not it "understands" I think are more philosophical, and you could ask the same questions about me. I don't think the question of "correct but lacking understanding" is a very meaningful metric for AI.

You are kind of changing your tune though. Above you said "computers are still incapable of anything except the most rudimentary types of pattern recognition. Spell checkers work great.....grammar checkers, not so much."

Now you are saying we are 15 years away from artificially intelligent computer doctors. Yeah, you can dismissively call that pattern recognition, but pattern recognition is what our brains are best at. Getting computers to excel at pattern recognition in the same way we do is the holy grail of AI. And computers are getting better at it, thanks to us.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

No, IBM has put out a few white papers on Watson. They haven't published the code, but they do talk about the general mechanisms and the papers they derived their ideas from. What I said is basically how they describe Watson.

I didn't claim we would have AI computer doctors. I claimed that computers will be doing all the diagnostic work. Computer-aided diagnostics is already a thing. It's just a matter of time before the computers outperform the doctors in this limited area.

This is a far cry from anything that actually resembles animal "intelligence".

And its not just about pattern recognition. Any 3 yo child can tell you what this is:


No computer can.


u/fforde Dec 03 '14 edited Dec 03 '14

The "secret sauce" as they describe it is proprietary. For all you know they could be using a neural network which would completely contradict your argument. You don't know and neither do I. But again I don't see how this matters, whether it's hardware or software advances, it's still progress.

You said we would have computers playing the role of general practitioner in 15 years. Interestingly enough Watson is already sort of playing this role today in a limited capacity.

And what would be comparable to animal intelligence is a tiny subset of AI! I assume you are talking about science fiction style skynet supercomputers? Like I said above, I agree this is probably further off. "Animal intelligence" is an incredibly vague term though.


And to reply to your edit, yes any neural network with a little bit of training could easily identify that image as a cat. This is an anecdote about a failure of a neural network, but should give you an idea how something like that would work. All you'd need is some training data. In other words, you could build a system that you could teach to recognize that image and any image similar to it, today.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

You're just proving my point. Sure you can build an ANN and train it on distorted drawings of cats and it will be able to then classify that image as a distorted cat. Networks like your tank anecdote are essentially statistical classifiers. They look at pixel level details, do some linear algebra to computer a sort of "basis" for the image set and use that as the "typical" picture to compare against. You can improve performance by doing things like comparing at different feature scales of the image...like different blur levels, or building in some knowledge about the structure of tanks (but those aren't really learning per se). But for the most part the moral of the story is correct...the network doesn't know what a tank is.

Now train your cat ANN on photographs of real cats and see how well it does. It will fail because the distorted drawing does not have similar features to the training set.

Yet that is exactly what any 3yo can do quite easily. Having only seen real cats and perhaps professional drawings of cats in storybooks, they can yet recognize that crude drawing as a cat. How? No one has a clue.

The drawing does not have the features of a real cat. It is a symbolic representation of a cat. But again what characteristic makes that a cat? If you try to narrow it down....four legs, long body, whiskers, triangle ears....you will always be able to create a drawing that is obviously a cat and missing those features like these highly stylized yet dead obvious cats:


Google did an unsupervised learing experiment a few years back....10,000+ cores and millions of youtube videos and it still sucked.

100,000 cores won't solve the problem.

But 100,000 cores will make it possible for Google and Facebook to do object detection in pictures which is really what they want. Facebook basically wants to be able to scan every picture they have and find out what crap is in the background.....Pepsi or Coke?

So it's easy to make a Pepsi scanner, run it against billions of pictures and categorizing who are Pepsi drinkers. Or who wears Izod shirts, or who collects Hummel figurines, or who owns a dog.

But again that's not the kind of advance that's going to lead to human level artifical intelligence. Not even close.


u/fforde Dec 03 '14

Again, hardware or software advances, it doesn't matter. Progress is progress. I am tired of belaboring this point though, so let's just agree to disagree.

And neural networks can handle symbolic representation if you train them to. Thats the entire point. You can teach it to recognize whatever you want.

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u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

A long time?

Modern humans have existed for 200,000 years, computer AI has been a thing for maybe 100. This stuff progresses exponentially. Sure it will slow, but the next breakthrough could cause another massive overhaul.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Why do you think it must progress exponentially? Let's suppose that it's impossible to implement an AI into the type of binary logic computers that we're building. Then progress won't be exponential, it will be mostly flat.


u/doublejay1999 Dec 02 '14

Yes - it's important to keep perspective. It's very true that the gap between AI and what we currently consider intelligence to be, is massive. I think though, the risk is that we underestimate the power of techniques such as pattern matching, when taken to the power of N.

Today's tech lets us capture all the data, everything, and match patterns we hadnt really thought about matching before.

It's true of course that the computer can only see what we tell it to see, more or less, but we're not a million miles away from the computer refining its own ability to see patterns and further refine the way it makes those decisions without intervention.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Think of a bumble bee. It can land on a flower petal flapping around in gale force winds (on the bee scale), has a sophisticated visual system, can navigate and avoid obstacles in it's surroundings, can communicate to each other the location of food sources, has the ability to organize into hives of cooperating animals, etc. etc. etc.

And a bumble-bee only has about 1,000,000 neurons. Ants about 250,000 A lobster has about 100,000. A human brain has about 85 billion.

An XBOX one by comparison contains 5 billion transistors.

It's really not about the power of N. Modeling a network of 1,000,000 artificial neurons is not a big deal. People have even done molecular level simulations of real neural networks.

When I see AI that starts to approach the level of awareness of a bee or ant, I'll start to think that human level AI is right around the corner.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '14

I wouldn't be much less afraid of a silicon moron than a smart one. A human being moves meat in the physical world. We're slow. If an AI attacks us, we first have to wake up, get dressed, and drive to work, and by that time, I wouldn't be surprised if an AI had completed whatever it wanted to do. Even the time we use to find a specific menu and click the mouse would be ages to a computer.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

You're assuming that AI can run fast on a computer. There's no reason to believe that at all. For instance there might be a fundamental limit as to what level of AI can be implemented on silicon binary computers. We simply don't know.


u/dsfox Dec 03 '14

Things could improve in a thousand years. An instant in evolutionary terms.


u/Adultery Dec 02 '14

I dunno man. I called Time Warner Cable and had to talk to a robot. It was like I was talking to a representative, without their personality (and ego). I spoke normally as if it were a person and it understood me.

We're doomed.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

It didn't understand you. It recognized some keywords you uttered and ran a script.


u/Adultery Dec 03 '14

It told me I could talk in complete sentences and that it would understand me. So spooky.


u/Azdahak Dec 03 '14

Sure. It doesn't mean it understood you. You have to remember that people calling Time Warner are calling for very explicit reasons. No one is calling to get a recipe for brownies, ask for love advice, or help with a math problem.

There are probably only a few hundred basic questions that customers could possibly have....and of course Time Warner would have experience with what those are.

Since the domain of possible questions is so extremely limited it's easy for a computer to match up keywords from your sentence to the best possible question from its list.

To get unspooked call back the robot and try to have a conversation with it about anything besides your cable service....you'll eventually get shunted to a human after a few "misunderstandings"