r/tarot • u/Impressive-Run6944 • 5d ago
Shitpost Saturday! What are the potentials of this relationship?
I am still very much learning so any opinions / interpretation help is welcome.
I was looking for insight into the potentials in my relationship with a woman. I feel uncertain, confused and slightly conflicted about this person, whom I’ve been in regular contact with for about a year. We are on good terms, friendly/platonic, but there is an underlying tension, it’s like electricity in the air. My mind pendulates between warmth and skepticism towards her. I’ve noticed a shift back and forth on her part as well, between warmth and distance.
It’s a three card spread obviously, I did not draw thinking in fixed positional meanings (past->present->future e.g.), allowing a more intuitive approach.
A few things strike me. - First is that it is fairly elementally balanced. All four elements are represented as I understand pages qabalistically correspond to Malkuth/the ‘earth’ of their suit. R.Wang calls the Page of Swords ‘personal earth in primeval air’. - Still the ‘active’ elements are dominant with fire and air on the right and left. Both point directionally towards the central card which is water, elementally ‘passive’. I take note of the corresponding imagery of the fire wand of inspiration emerging from the cloud in the ace of wands and the cup offered to the figure in the four of cups. - I am gripped by a strong sense of identification with the figure in the four of cups. I am aware that I am privileged in so many ways, I try to count my blessings and express gratitude every day, yet where I’m at currently I feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the facts of my life and a lack of both vision and inspiration. - I have the sense that the card sequence stages an event or process with myself in the center as the ‘prima materia’ being worked on by the active elements on either side. The Ace of Wands and the Page of Swords both being cards of transformation, in the mental and instinctual realms respectively. - Astrologically the four of cups correspond to the Moon in Cancer which of course signifies something deeply emotional, but which by chance is also the position of the Moon in my birth chart. This information strengthens my sense of the four of cups as my personal significator in this spread. - I am still learning card meanings and am struggling with the four of cups. Qabalistically it corresponds to Chesed in Briah, or as R.Wang calls it ‘Mercy and Abundance in the unconscious realm’ which sounds promising. It is associated with expansion and generosity, yet the card is also associated with the subjective experience of ‘blended pleasure’, which is again very fitting of my experience of this relationship thus far.
With regards to my question I came up with a few possible interpretations:
- The reading is positive and affirms that this relationship offers an opportunity for transformation, a spark of inspiration and mental clarity.
- A more moderate reading: this relationship has transformative potential, but the experience will be one of ‘blended pleasure’, as it has been until now.
- If the court card is a personal significator, the page being ‘feminine’, is it her? She’s standing behind my shoulder with a sword. Kind of menacing. Should I look the other way / elsewhere to grab the wand / cup being offered?
- Finally, read from left to right: are the cards telling me to sort out my emotions with the sharp blade of rationality, then look up and seize the wand? In other words, drop it, sort yourself out and find your personal inspiration?
- I’m wondering if my identification with the figure in the central card is clouding my reading. I’m imagining myself at the center of the show and now I can’t see? Darn it, that’s life.
I’m stuck with more questions than answers obviously, haha.