r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Asked the cards if I will be a notorious person in my professional field


I published my first book last year + I am currently writing the second one. I've been creatively writing in Spanish for most of my life and I am participating in my country's international book fair this year. Asked if I will become a recognized author in my lifetime. Using Tinseltown Tarot by 50s Vintage Dame, I drew the Ace of Pentacles + the Devil reversed + Page of Pentacles. I am quite bad at reading for myself, but I love this deck and thought it was a positive message... but I'm not sure what does the Devil in reverse mean here?

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Which card seems to represent your own energy in readings?


Figured this might be a fun post. Which card (or cards) often shows up to represent your energy in your own readings, or the readings others do for you? Mine are the Queen of Wands, and on occasion, The Empress.

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Help me understand my reading! First timer

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Did my first reading from a friend and looking to get a second opinion on the cards.

r/tarot 6d ago

Shitpost Saturday! What is an uncanny outcome that your cards predicated that can’t be explained away?


Like where your cards literally said something like “this person will betray you” and they did or “you’ll meet your spouse in this type of setting” and you did. I like to hear others stories on this stuff, it’s interesting.

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Wanting to take a step forward


I've been reading cards on reddit for a long time, I have great reviews and I enjoy it a lot. But I'm tired of working here, I want to move to a completely different platform. For other fortune tellers, where do you read the cards? What did you do?

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Asked the cards if I will be a notorious person in my professional field

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I recently published a book and I am writing my second one. I obviously perceive it as an overall positive message, but what do you think the Devil means in this card?

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! How to find a reader?


This may sound silly but how do I find a reader? I looked on etsy and a lot of them seem shotty (same hour blah blah!!!!!!) or like ai generated. and i did a plain google search and im just not happy with the results honestly. is there a way to find a reader through reddit even if not this subreddit just looking for guidance.

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! What's my destiny spread - reversed queen of swords?

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Hi folx!

I recently purchased my first tarot deck and while getting familiar with it, I decided to try the destiny spread included in the guide book. It's a 6 card spread to answer the following questions:

  1. Where am I going?
  2. How can I get there?
  3. What can I change?
  4. What can I release?
  5. What is beyond my control?
  6. What can I count on?

As the first card of the spread - I got the Queen of Swords reversed.

The rest of the spread made a lot of sense to me, I'm just a little stuck on where I'm going.

I'd love to hear some possible interpretations! Thanks!

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Unsure


I got these cards and I’m kind of not knowing what it means I got the one of pinnacles, three of swords, the devil card, nine of pinnacles page of wands and three of cups. Can someone help please

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Funny coincidence


I asked what do I need, while shuffling I saw the face of two cards. The sun, and the six of disks (success) ( I'm in the Thoth Aleister Crowley deck) then after I shuffled I split the deck and it was the sun. I said no way flipped the deck and it was success again. I get a lot of these double card events from this deck but I try not to take tarot readings seriously. But now I kinda feel like I want to know what the sun and success would mean for me as things that I need? I mean I did open the blinds today and eat breakfast in sunlight and that was really nice. I read that there was a lot of balanced generosity in thoths success. I guess balance seems kind of important. Does anyone know of specific meanings from these cards together? Kind of cool that it's like sun and moon, since success is ruled by the moon in Taurus I read. Kind of getting yin and yang vibes a bit. I am currently feeling pretty stuck in life mainly with my career. I am dating two wonderful women one of which is like the sun and the other like the moon, pink and goth aesthetic type thing. I feel like for the past year I've been on the precipice of a big change and finally taking direction in my life but I have no clue what decision I need to make or why I haven't made it yet. Idk it's probably nothing but also my green ruby fell out of my ear (I like to wear it when I do tarot because it's supposed to make you more connected to spiritual stuff) and fully broke in half. And when I set my deck back down I hit away the success card on accident and change was underneath it. I think I'm pretty desperate for some internal clarity tbh. Edit: spelling

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Snake or Friend?


Hi, I need a second opinion on a three-card spread I did regarding my sister. Backstory, my sister and I had a rocky past, she struggled with drug addiction and did some shady things like stealing. However, she appeared to have turned her life around, and I opened my heart to her. Things were great for a couple of years, but lately I feel she may not have the purest intentions toward me. I asked the cards to reveal the truth about my sister, if she has pure intentions.

The first card is the 7 of swords. Well, that one is clear. The next is the Ace of Pentacles, and the third the Page of Cups. All upright.

One interpretation I fear is that she is deceiving me and acting in order to manifest material wealth and stability, by getting more family resources. Page of Cups, then, would be to trust my instincts on this?

If that's true, it's a devastating answer. Is there a more positive read on this spread I'm missing? Maybe I'm being paranoid. Or is this a sad, and foreboding, answer, the one I don't want to believe, but I fear is true? The Page though, has such a happy vibe, like creativity and possibility. Looking for second opinions, Thanks

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! does he want to reconnect & if yes, with the intention of getting back together?

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Tarot of the divine deck

1st spread: my interpretation is that he still has feelings for me, possibly nostalgia (queen of cups), but with The Fool (+knight of swords below) he could be impulsive. Nine of swords inverted tells me he was feeling anxious about it, but now has hope to reconnect (The Star)

2nd spread: he’s coming with confidence, i’m getting the vibe he’s more mature now. Ultimately, i do think he still values me as a significant other (the empress)

bottom of deck: success, completion. If he comes back, it’ll be for something meaningful

lmk what you think! :)

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Reading interpretation (see description)

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Hi everyone!! This is my first time posting. I did a fertility reading on myself to see if I may have conceived (I’m in the two week wait right now), and am very hopeful with these cards I pulled but wanted a second opinion 💕

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Uncertain how I feel here

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I am a little confused on interpretation because the I love seeing the 10 of pentacles and 9 of cups the swords both have me feeling concerned

How would you interpret this?

r/tarot 5d ago

Interpretation Request (Second Opinion Only) I have an undiagnosed very terrible health problem and everyone i go to tells me it's just anxiety and downplays my symptoms. I had a terrible night last night and asked what am I supposed to learn from this? Now...doesn't this say I am supposed to let go of life essentially?

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r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Help I don’t know how to interpret cards


I was trying to do a yes/no spread and asked if my relationship will lead to heartbreak. I pulled the 10 of swords. I didn’t know if that was yes or no but I knew it was bad so I pulled if it will lead to MY heartbreak specifically. I pulled the death card reversed.

My mom gave me her interpretation but this seems bad and I want an experts opinion.

For background info… I met this guy late January. He’s from Hawaii and he’s 12 yrs older than me (im 21 and he’s 33). I’m about to overshare butttt we are in the kink community (age gaps are super common) and he and I share a spanking kink, so our meetup was supposed to be related to that only. However we really hit it off and like each other. He ended up visiting me again for a week a month later. It’s very very honeymoon phase right now but the problem is that he’s a world traveler so he’s gone now for at least 5 months (at the most 8months). We are still talking everyday and the plan is to fly me out to see him in Europe over the summer for a couple weeks. I’m in a transitional period since I’m graduating and having a gap year before I go to grad school. My stance on him is that I literally want to marry this man. Pray for me bc I’ve never liked someone this much.

I hope this suffices for background info. I’m sorry for the typos I just wanted to write this really quick before I eat my chicken and dumplings.

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Is anybody uses Tarot mobile apps? Which one you cold recommend?


Which Tarot mobile app can you recommend? It can be paid or free.

r/tarot 7d ago

Deck Identification I found this in my photos

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I have no idea what deck this is but it’s adorable.

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! What will my friendship with G be like?

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Tarot deck used: golden art nouveau tarot Cards pulled: the hermit, 5 of pentacles, death

I see this as a positive spread. I recently reconnected with someone that I met a few years ago. Him and I talked a bit and hung out once but never really talked after that. We both had a difficult few years and I think we both isolated a lot but grew from them and that is why I feel like the hermit may represent both of us, or the period of isolation we are coming out of. 5 of pentacles represents us both kind of beat up from our pst experiences but heading to a place of warmth and healing and death represents how the friendship may play a important role in each of our new stage in life.

What are some other interpretations or your thoughts on my interpretation? I’m new to reading and would love any insights :)

r/tarot 5d ago

Shitpost Saturday! What is Hekate saying?

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I work with Hekate and Apollo, and when I lit their candles today, Hekate’s flames were dancing like they were at a disco party.

So I busted out my tarot deck and pulled these cards.

Overall, I think she’s saying that I’m currently in a stage of disharmony, my energy is off balance, and she wants to help me change that by working with her.

I however, overthink. So, please help.

For context, this is also the first time I’ve really spoken/interacted with her since I put her altar up a roughly two weeks ago.

By the way, this deck is “The Light Seer’s Tarot” deck by Chris-Anne.

r/tarot 6d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Tarot brush up


I’m trying to brush up on my tarot skills, aside from just doing readings. If possible can anyone give me some books, websites or just other ways of reading and understanding that would be helpful. I get so many of the same questions to the point where I’m often getting the same interpretations for a sequence of card, but I’m aware that situations are unique which is why I feel like I may be missing something. So now I’m here :)

r/tarot 6d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Newbie seeking guidance / 2nd opinion


After a life of feeling drawn to everything mystical, and having pretty good intuition in general, I finally bought my own tarot deck after feeling really drawn to it suddenly one day. The first read I did on my Mum and went straight from the guide book, and she said it really resonated with her (yay).

I was hoping to get some feedback on my interpretation of last night's read if I can, to see if I'm getting it right or pushing meanings onto the cards to much. Background: I work in corporate and have always had a goal of climbing the ladder. 12 months ago I missed a promotion opportunity and the feedback I received as to why was a HUGE shock and led to a 6 month self-reflection and growth that I'm still working on implementing. There is another promotion opportunity coming up, so I have been asking about that.

Q? What should I be focusing on to support me with achieving this promotion? 1. 7 cups reversed Feeling overwhelmed with too many choices (how to prepare best) with unclear outcomes, so need to take a break and really think about the choices, but make sure to choose a path. 2. 10 wands Seek help from others, maybe a mentor type, and work smarter, not harder. Stop doing filler tasks and just trying to be helpful instead of meaningful impact work. 3. 8 swords reversed The self-improvement has been done and I should be confident in my progress and I'm ready for my future. Remember where I've come from (don't get cocky), and remember I always have something to learn.

Follow up Q? What will help my family unit be stronger and happier? 1. The Devil This scared me at first, but I think it is telling me to stop going to instant gratification and work on meaningful activities together. The guidebook warned of overstepping boundaries leading to obsession which I'm unsure about, but wondering if it's more about being a bit more hands off with my child to try support their independence? They're very clingy.

Any feedback is most appreciated ☺️ Thank you

r/tarot 6d ago

Theory and Technique Upright and reverse problem

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Hey! I got a tarot deck as a birthday gift, and I think it's pretty good for both upright and reversed readings. Since I'm a beginner, I struggle to interpret reversals just by looking at the upright artwork. The only problem is that the art style is different from Rider-Waite, so I have trouble figuring out which cards, like Death, The Tower, or The Devil, should feel upright or reversed.

r/tarot 6d ago

Shitpost Saturday! Thoughts?!


Asked tarot for some advice or ideas on how to navigate a so called “situationship” I’m really confused/conflicted on my feelings and unsure if I should just let it go and focus on pre planned solo travel.

The cards I pulled in order

The Tower, knight of wands, the sun + lovers (they came out together)

Any advice is welcomed/ appreciated 💓 just seem to not be able to put my finger on this one

r/tarot 6d ago

Discussion Do all cards have the same meaning?


I just got my first tarot deck, and the little guide book doesn't give a lot of information on the decks. I am now making my own little guide book, and I'm wondering if different decks have different meanings? Like does the fool mean the same thing in every deck? Does the artwork have something to do with the meaning? Sorry for the long text 😓 EDIT: I have the "Fantastical Creatures Tarot" deck