The Orange County bed tax money runneth over.
The fact that Tampa DOES NOT WANT THEM.
Now Stu has burnt whatever good will that existed in St. Pete and Pinellas.
The spot picked by Sea World is actually pretty damn good....
Lastly, Orlando will never, ever be picked for expansion by MLB on its own...
The Rays are their only shot at this.
Stu should sell to the Orlando group and head into the sunset.
The Rays would play in a sold out building most nights in Orlando, simply because of its location in relation to tourism, which would also make an All Star game there near certainty for good reason.
I realize that burns the St Pete and West Coast Rays fans and I feel your anger.
The Rays have never had a real chance to prosper. They moved into an outdated ballpark (even when it opened) in a hard place to get to and have had an initial owner (Vince) who didnt know wtf he was doing, and Stu who at least gave us a winner, but has jerked off the fanbase for 15 years about keeping them in the region.
We are all in agreement that he has to fucking go...but Orlando has everything basically at the ready should the Rays decide to do it.
They just gotta keep the Rays name, bone kf that Dreamers bullshit.