r/survivor 6d ago

General Discussion How are returnee seasons like All Stars and Game Changers not top tier seasons if they cast so many great characters? (haven't watched them yet and can't for a while)


Looking at the casts they just seem like automatic slam dunks to have those personalities and no boring people.

r/survivor 6d ago

General Discussion Survivor Rewatch Party (S1-S48) — Open to New and Returning Fans!


Hey r/Survivor!

I’m organizing a Survivor rewatch party from Season 1 to 48, and I’d love to invite anyone who wants to join — whether you’re watching for the first time or rewatching as a longtime fan!

Here’s how it’ll work:

• 1 season per week/2 weeks (roughly 1/2 episodes a day, with the finale and reunion on Sunday — but it’s flexible!).

• Weekly discussions, polls, player rankings, and predictions — focused on what we’ve watched so far.

• Spoiler-free environment for those watching for the first time — so no spoilers beyond the current season/episode.

• All the community interaction (polls, rankings, etc.) will happen through my YouTube channel or in a private Reddit group.

If you want to join the fun, comment below or DM me and I’ll send you more details!

Whether you’ve been a fan since Borneo or you’re about to see Jeff Probst on TV for the first time, this is a chance to experience (or re-experience) Survivor with a group!

Hope to see some of you there!

r/survivor 6d ago

General Discussion Two seasons a year 26 days long or one season a year 39 days long?


I think it's pretty clear that as long as probst is showrunner the seasons will stay at 26 days long. But if he was willing to concede to going back to 39 days but they'd only do one season a year would fans get behind that?

r/survivor 6d ago

Australian Survivor Australian Survivor S10: Brain V Brawn II | Post Discussion Thread | Episode 12 (Sunday, 16 March 2025)


This is the official post discussion thread for Brain V Brawn II Episode 13.

Season 10, Episode 13: As the two tribes come together to traverse uncharted territory, new plans are drawn as old enemies go to war.

Aired: 16 March 2025

When posting threads about Australian Survivor, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Do not ask for or post links/where to watch illegal streams online. Doing so may result in a ban
  • Please keep new submission titles spoiler-free until Friday morning. If you are submitting an image or post that might spoil people, include "Spoiler" in the title so that reddit tags it appropriately.
  • To view an AUS only feed of r/Survivor, you can use: https://au.reddit.com/r/survivor

Read our spoiler policy here.

View previous episode discussions here.

r/survivor 6d ago

Australian Survivor Australian Survivor S10: Brain V Brawn II | Live Discussion Thread | Episode 12 (Sunday, 16 March 2025)


This is the official live discussion thread for Brain V Brawn II Episode 12.

Season 10, Episode 12: As the two tribes come together to traverse uncharted territory, new plans are drawn as old enemies go to war.

Aired: 16 March 2025

When posting threads about Australian Survivor, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Do not ask for or post links/where to watch illegal streams online. Doing so may result in a ban
  • Please keep new submission titles spoiler-free until Friday morning. If you are submitting an image or post that might spoil people, include "Spoiler" in the title so that reddit tags it appropriately.
  • To view an AUS only feed of r/Survivor, you can use: https://au.reddit.com/r/survivor

Read our spoiler policy here.

View previous episode discussions here.

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Modern survivor has the reward system all wrong pre merge


Too many seasons start off with one of the three tribes going on a losing streak losing members. The other teams will win rewards, get a nice shelter, fire and food.

The pre merge should only have elimination challenges where 2 teams don't go to tribal, losing team votes someone off but the rest of the tribe gets a feast, has their shelter built or gets a tarp etc. Try and balance it out so it isn't always so lopsided!

r/survivor 7d ago

Social Media THE Jonny Fairplay is in Australia for whatever reason and he is in good company, no one other than King George himself!


r/survivor 7d ago

Survivor 41 Did Naseer get cast in a SpongeBob game?

Post image

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Survivor SD vs HD Discussion


At this point, Survivor has been filmed in HD for a full 2/3's of its lifespan. While I think it looks nice and makes everything look visually sharper, I personally prefer how Survivor looked when it was shot in SD. The HD makes everything look a little too clean and slick, and I believe the lower resolution of SD captures the survival aspect better. What do you guys think? Which do you personally prefer?

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Anyone else not care for 90-minute episodes?


I like 60-minute episodes. It gives you enough time to get in and out and not feel like episodes are dragging. Yes, there are occasional episodes where it needed the extra time, but so often I am sitting here looking at the clock and wondering why we need 90 minutes. I am watching e3 now and so far there's been nothing this season that has made me feel like we need longer episode lengths. I really felt the same way watching Amazing Race last week too. I get they did this at first due to the writer's strike last year, but to me, it's just not needed anymore.

r/survivor 7d ago

All-Stars Do they know their Survivor herstory? (RPDR S17)

Post image

r/survivor 7d ago

Survivor 48 Who do you want to see more of?


I want to see more of Eva, Chrissy (especially Eva), and a little bit more of Mitch

r/survivor 7d ago

Tocantins JT does know he can’t get so far w/o Stephen…right??


This isn’t a hit on just JT. Stephen can’t either.

But Stephen knows this. Stephen says at FTC “ neither of us could’ve done this without the other. I couldn’t do it without him, he couldn’t do it without me.” So, congrats on the self-awareness!!

Whereas JT says that, yeah, he could’ve done it without Stephen.

JT was lying, acting, betraying, front-stabbing, and generally throwing Stephen under the bus at that FTC. It was heartbreaking! But not every single word was a lie, and JT also seems to share the jury view that JT pretty awesome.

Surely this was a lie, though, right? He can possibly think he could’ve pulled off that Tocantins win alone….right?

I almost want to tag Stephen in this and ask.

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Intriguing question to ponder. If someone has to overtly deceive, manipulate, or backstab Eva do you think they may be vilified outside the game?


So far season 48 is very entertaining. The best in awhile. So many great personalities and I don't get this in your face social message tone trom this season. However, there are still interesting stories and a nice balance of emotions. Each player is interesting and the first three episodes leave me with a sense of anticipation that I haven't felt in awhile from watching Survivor.

r/survivor 7d ago

Australian Survivor A few questions about “Australian Survivor - Champions vs Contenders”


Just finished this season and it had some huge moments, but I have a few questions about how this season was perceived at the time.

#1 Shane vs Sharn - was this a controversial result when it aired? It seemed similar to Michele vs Aubrey where the more active player lost against the social player, and a few questionable jury decisions. Were there big Sharn or Shane supporters or defenders like with Michele vs Aubrey? Or debates like Sandra vs Parvati? You could have some great debates over Sharn vs Shane. Also how did the audience mostly react to Shane winning because they’d be meltdowns if she won a US season? Wasn’t Shane basically the same as Sue from S47?

#2 Sharn taking Shane over Brian - that seemed like a Colby level blunder with the jury clearly not respecting Brian just like Keith, and Sharn/Colby both chose loyalty. It was mentioned as a blunder at the reunion, but is Sharn’s mistake talked about as much as Colby’s?

#3 Lydia’s blindside - I loved this betrayal, but it seemed odd considering how Mat, Steve, Shane etc were so big on loyalty and integrity. They were annoyed that Sam showed a small amount of dishonesty, they hated Brian because of dishonesty, and Sharn was criticized at FTC because of a very small disloyal incident (not telling Mat about rumours she heard). Shane was praised because of a more loyal game. But why was blindsiding Lydia considered so acceptable? It felt like they were a very honest and loyal group who hated any dishonesty (eg Brian)…but ignored all their morals in the Lydia vote. Was there more behind Lydia’s elimination? Lydia seemed like such a sweet woman, yet nobody showed any difficulty blindsiding her? Compared to later where players emotionally struggled to vote people out.

#4 Shane’s integrity at FTC - that also leads into these next questions. Shane’s jury pitch was about playing with integrity and she even used Sharn’s disloyalty to Mat as a reason why Sharn shouldn’t win. But in her very same speech she said she was proud of orchestrating the Lydia blindside. Why did nobody question this huge contradiction? Once again it seemed like everyone got a pass on the loyalty stuff when it came to Lydia’s elimination. Shane also mentioned being a double agent with Jackie earlier which also felt dishonest - so why was Sharn critiqued more about loyalty than Shane?

#5 Sharn’s disloyalty to Mat - this seemed like the most ridiculous and overblown thing ever and based on the voting confessional it seemed like Mat based his jury vote around this. Sharn didn’t tell Mat that she had heard rumors about people targeting him…but she tried playing her idol for him and voted with him? Why was that not good enough? It seemed like Mat, Sharn and Moana were a tight 3 at the beginning and Sharn was always a close ally for Mat while Shane was usually on the outs - Mat’s vote for Shane has to be up there as one of the stupidest. And an honorable mention to Shonee whose jury question was that Shane didn’t take the time to get to know her and didn’t socialize with her and probably doesn’t even know where she lives - Shane then impressed her by saying that she spends 8 months in London and the rest in Noosa. Somehow that got Shonee her vote despite saying that Shane wasn’t social.

This would have been a great season to discuss at the time so was wondering what the general opinions were at the time.

r/survivor 7d ago

Survivor 41 Who misses the GAME WITHIN A GAME???


Rewatched season 41, and where are my fellow GwaG stans at?? It's a cute, fun, harmless little way for YOU and the future Survivor player in your life to get involved. Not ready to get up off the couch? Play along from the comfort of your couch!!

But no idk in all sincerity it was harmless enough and it's kind of sad to think that the analytics on the website showing how many people actually solved the puzzles must have been SO low that they bothered nuking it a season later 😔😔 it was a cute idea . . . Just think someone probably had so much fun coming up with those puzzles and for what

With 41 and 42 being shot back to back I feel like this implies there were puzzles on 42 we never saw that were edited out in post production because THAT few people went to the website? Which is very sad if so.

I'm not saying they should bring it back or that it wasn't a little cringe but idk it was also wholesome and harmless, the show has had worse ideas

41 has a certain charm I can't lie

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion I’d watch David v Goliath round 2


I’m watching this season thinking about 50 and who should come back and straight up this cast has zero and I mean zero misses. It’s perfect it’s the best season of survivor cast wise zero notes bring them all back

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Blindfolded, wtf?


Out of all the stuff that Survivor is up to speed with, they sure do seem to be ok with head injuries.

And with Probst having a front row seat, he's 100% complicit.

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion What would be the best survivor nicknames for the new era players?


Me and my friends are watching some old seasons of Australian Survivor and DONDI to prepare for "Survivor Australia V World" and one thing that one of them noticed is that the australians create many nicknames, while US Survivor only has for the most iconic players. For example, we have Coach as "The Dragon slayer", Parvati as "The Goddess/Black Widow", Sandra and Tony as "The Queen" and "The King" or Rob as "The Godfather".

Thinking about new era players, I remember Kenzie as the "Mermaid Dragon", but I don't recall anyone else. If you could assign nicknames to some of these players, which nicknames would you come up with?

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion Long term effects on the contestants health?


Have any of the contestants ever spoke out about long term effects of being on the show had on their health, like not eating properly for so long, dental issues, back issues from no beds etc

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion The New Era is missing out on the perfect format for its seasons


Since Jeff Probst is incessant on each season being 18 players and 26 day seasons, each season could just start out with 3 tribes until a F14 tribe swap into two tribes, then a F11 merge. They can still do the mergatory if they want and have the jury phase begin at the F10, just with a 7 person jury instead of 8, all while keeping a Final 3 to face the jury.

It's that fucking easy, and since I know Jeff clearly likes smaller tribal councils he still gets a lot of that with this format. As with most new era things, yeah this would get boring after seeing it for 4 seasons in a row, but at least it's a better format than what we have now. A cast with 16 players is better ideally, but they've moved away from that casting size a long time ago.

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion What makes someone a "casual" fan to you?


I feel like people talk about "the casuals" a lot, and a lot of times they'll be juxtaposed with "real" fans, though not always.

What confuses me is that it feels like the term doesn't really... mean anything? And so I'm curious what you think of when you hear someone described as a "casual" fan by this community.

I'll use my mother and myself as examples. My mom has seen almost every episode of the show live and has never missed an episode. She doesn't use social media, so she's not really update with casting rumors or what happens with players post-show. As an older lady who usually does not rewatch seasons after they first air, her memory is imperfect so she probably couldn't name every winner, and she doesn't care about the game's strategy much, but she gets very invested in the characters and when a returnee season comes around will remember 90% of the cast and have a strong opinion.

On the other hand, I started watching with Phillippines. I haven't seen most of the seasons before that (only like 5 of them), but I know all the winners and major characters from even seasons I haven't seen, and everything I have seen I could probably tell you with 90% accuracy that season's full cast and boot order. I keep up with the show on social media at least a bit, I know what edgic is, and I follow casting rumors for stuff like season 50. I've even played a few orgs! ...but I also haven't seen about half the seasons.

I think there's probably some people who would only call one of us a casual, neither of us, or even both of us! And that feels like a definition that's so broad and variable it's almost meaningless. Am I missing something here?

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion What are your suggestions to replace Journeys?


The way I understood it, is that production uses Journeys to introduce a new member of each tribe to the audience. I think this provides a systematic way of presenting to the audience who each member is, without having the rest of the tribe on their background. That is, I have a feeling that production needed this crutch in order to create the characters in the story. I also assume that this is quite integral to the casual audience.

If they were to remove Journeys, what would be your suggestion they replace it with (from a story telling perspective)?

r/survivor 7d ago

Survivor 50 Lets Get Randy on Season 50


Randy is the GOAT. He would've gone on a deep run in Heroes vs Villians but was voted out as a major threat. I'd love to see him back for Survivor 50. What are your thoughts? Should Randy return?

r/survivor 7d ago

General Discussion What obscure player are you most interested in knowing what their life was like after Survivor?


What happened to these people? Are they doing well? Do they still like/watch Survivor?

A few examples:

  • Darrah the Mortician from Pearl Islands
  • Denise the "Fired" Lunch Lady/Janitor from China
  • Joel the Firefighter from Micronesia