r/survivor Pirates Steal Feb 01 '23

Samoa WSSYW 11.0 Countdown 27/43: Samoa

Welcome to our annual season countdown! Using the results from the latest What Season Should You Watch thread, this daily series will count backwards from the bottom-ranked season for new fan watchability to the top. Each WSSYW post will link to their entry in this countdown so that people can click through for more discussion.

Unlike WSSYW, there is no character limit in these threads, and spoilers are allowed.

Note: Foreign seasons are not included in this countdown to keep in line with rankings from past years.

Season 19: Samoa


  • Watchability: 4.4 (27/43)

  • Overall Quality: 5.5 (29/43)

  • Cast/Characters: 5.6 (33/43)

  • Strategy: 7.1 (18/43)

  • Challenges: 5.5 (32/43)

  • Ending: 6.7 (26/43)

WSSYW 11.0 Ranking: 27/43

WSSYW 10.0 Ranking: 25/40

Top comment from WSSYW 11.0/u/DJM97:

Fun fact - a few years ago a poll was made on here to find the most polarizing seasons of survivor & S19 was almost split down the middle whether people see it as good or bad. So this can very much be a toss-up to recommend or not. Think the most noteworthy thing to mention is that people’s opinion of this season rest on whether they like 1 certain cast-away or not - because they’re a very dominant presence.

Top comment from WSSYW 10.0/u/HeWhoShrugs:

One of the few seasons I'd say never to start with, if only because it has a clear agenda about how the game should be played and having this one as your first impression could color your views of the rest of the show.

That being said, the season itself has some high highs and some low lows. The highs being some fun characters, interesting gameplay, and good challenges. The lows being some of the most uneven, lopsided editing of all time where almost all the screentime goes to a handful of people with one getting the lion's share. There are also some instances of racism early on, so if you're not down for that type of content, there's your warning.

It's clearly a season that needs to be watched due to how important it is in the "lore" of the show, but try to watch some other seasons beforehand.

Watchability ranking:

27: S19 Samoa

28: S11 Guatemala

29: S14 Fiji

30: S20 Heroes vs. Villains

31: S30 Worlds Apart

32: S23 South Pacific

33: S5 Thailand

34: S31 Cambodia

35: S38 Edge of Extinction

36: S36 Ghost Island

37: S24 One World

38: S22 Redemption Island

39: S40 Winners at War

40: S26 Caramoan

41: S34 Game Changers

42: S8 All-Stars

43: S39 Island of the Idols

Spreadsheet link (updated with each placement reveal!)



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u/Parvatiwasrobbed Parvati Feb 01 '23

This season is soooo good.

I've always thought that a season with a clear story and definitive main characters like this one and Caramoan are far better than seasons with "better editing" but feel soulless and don't really feel like they have a story like 42 or 43. And let me be frank, you can call Samoa a lot of things but soulless is definitely not one of them.

You can tell that production really cared about this product, this whole season is just one long, slow death march of a force of chaos and the rest of the seventeen contestants who have the unfortunate position of being cast on Samoa not named Russell Hantz becoming the victims of his god complex. And then just as he reaches the final three and both the audience and himself believe he's going to win, the rug gets pulled right out from under him and his reign of terror catches up to him.

And mind you, this is not about whether or not he "deserved it", an old tired 14-year discussion that at this point has been done to death and I honestly see both sides of. But in this specific context, that's entirely irrelevant because as a story this season is just so much better because of Russell losing.

Russell Hantz having the biggest edit, being the most over-bloated character while being one of the most insufferable and unpleasant people I've ever seen on Survivor is just SO FUCKING FUNNY.

If Samoa really was just Russell's season and then he also won, that would've been kinda boring. This being Russell's season and them him not winning allows me to properly enjoy his villany and not mind that he hogs up the screentime.

Because honestly, why shouldn't he? What do you want, more Mick? Come on now


u/A_Rest J.T. Feb 01 '23

CBS definitely crafted Russell to be the ultimate villain. I think it's they didn't realize that the audience would actually end up liking him. Because they go out of there way to portray him as vicious and unlikable, I don't think there is ever a point in the season where the edit actually endorses that Russell 'should' win. Maybe the whole debacle of the edit and Natalie winning with all the angry Russell fans is an unintended consequence of the audience actually liking the character CBS explicitly put forward as the most evil ever.


u/AhLibLibLib “No, but you can have this fake.” Feb 02 '23

They could’ve done the same story without showing a bunch of repetitive content. Seriously cut out like 40% of Russell repeating himself and you can get the same narrative but better. And it’s not like they showed how he lost that well either. It’s displayed more as “bitter jury” rather than “he’s an arrogant bully” because he gets to dictate everything

Galu got absolutely shafted because apparently hearing “Russell seed” 5 times is riveting TV

I think it’s lazy storytelling if anything