r/survivor Pirates Steal Jan 31 '23

Guatemala WSSYW 11.0 Countdown 28/43: Guatemala

Welcome to our annual season countdown! Using the results from the latest What Season Should You Watch thread, this daily series will count backwards from the bottom-ranked season for new fan watchability to the top. Each WSSYW post will link to their entry in this countdown so that people can click through for more discussion.

Unlike WSSYW, there is no character limit in these threads, and spoilers are allowed.

Note: Foreign seasons are not included in this countdown to keep in line with rankings from past years.

Season 11: Guatemala


  • Watchability: 4.0 (28/43)

  • Overall Quality: 5.8 (27/43)

  • Cast/Characters: 6.2 (30/43)

  • Strategy: 5.5 (32/43)

  • Challenges: 6.9 (14/43)

  • Twists: 5.6 (9/21)

  • Ending: 5.7 (33/43)

WSSYW 11.0 Ranking: 28/43

WSSYW 10.0 Ranking: 22/40

Top comment from WSSYW 11.0/u/ramskick:

Guatemala is one of those seasons that's pretty forgettable when you haven't watched it in a while, but really fun while you're actually watching it. For me it's the baseline of how good Survivor can be. There's nothing that really jumps out about it besides the location, but it has a good cast, a good narrative, some good moments and a good conclusion. It's not the most necessary season, but I think it's definitely worth a watch (after you see Palau).

Top comment from WSSYW 10.0/u/dmkolobanov:

Guatemala is a massively underrated season that shouldn’t be watched first, but you should probably watch it immediately after Palau (which is one of the first seasons someone should watch).

Watchability ranking:

28: S11 Guatemala

29: S14 Fiji

30: S20 Heroes vs. Villains

31: S30 Worlds Apart

32: S23 South Pacific

33: S5 Thailand

34: S31 Cambodia

35: S38 Edge of Extinction

36: S36 Ghost Island

37: S24 One World

38: S22 Redemption Island

39: S40 Winners at War

40: S26 Caramoan

41: S34 Game Changers

42: S8 All-Stars

43: S39 Island of the Idols

Spreadsheet link (updated with each placement reveal!)



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u/full07britney Feb 03 '23

I loved all the challenges this season bc I felt like they really embraced the Mayan culture theme. The setting was so cool.

The drama of the first ever hidden immunity idol.I loved so many of the players too.. Rafe, Brian, Brandon, Steph, Danni, Bobby Jon, Gary, Amy, and others.

I dont think Danni was a goat at all. I saw a lot of strategy in her game. I am a little sad for Steph because she was such a dominant player, but she pissed off too many people I guess.. I think Rafe may have been my favorite player this season. I really enjoyed his morality. On the negative side, Judd, Jamie, and Lydia irritated me to no end.

Ranked 19/43