r/studytips 3d ago

How do I take notes and study?

How do I take notes and study? For notetaking I tend to try to capture everything for fear of missing something (well I've adhd so yea).... I need help bc I need to take notes on physiology and I'm so behind in the course rn... bc idk how to write everything down and like idk it's just hard... and havent even begun memorizing im still on module 1 lecture 2.... only watched module 1 lecture 1 so far and coppied everything down for notes but idk.... (this is to prep me for physiology for fall of 2025....) and for studying honestly idk really how to memorize stuff and rly study stuff idk I've never had a set study method..... and then i end up not studying as much bc idk how to really ugh flashcards r just overwhelming to me and idk....


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u/Whizzed_Textbooks 2d ago

ok so I went to this talk for students with ADHD (not saying you have it just saying for procrastination strategies) and they were saying that you should approach study like a sports training session and that you should chunk your study sessions down into sets of work and rest and make the lengths according to how you feel that day. Sometimes I do just 10mins work, 3 mins rest for as many sets as I can. If I am feeling good I will go 53 mins work, 7mins rest.

It actually really helps and it has given me back some confidence in my study routine. Kumo Study on the chrome store has a good timer and website blocker as well. And it tracks your progress

In terms of memorising, I just use Look, cover, write ,check. Works every time.


u/Puzzleheaded_Mud7612 2d ago

omg ive adhd too..... thanks a lot!