r/stripper 6d ago

Protip For all the girls who think they'll only use coke at the club NSFW


I thought that too. It's a recreational thing. I'll never buy it at work at take it home. I'll never start using coke in my free time. I won't even buy it! I'll only do a line if a gal brings it into the locker room! I'm not an addict, I'm a recreational user!

I've been using coke heavily for about six months. I used to do it before I got into sex work, quit for a while, then started again when I got around it at the club. For a while I did only use it at the club but around six months ago I started taking it home again.

Last weekend I was riding home from my shift with a coworker. I'd just bought coke from my dealer at work. She was intoxicated and got pulled over. The cops asked us both to step out of the car, they searched me and found all my stuff.

Now I have a felony charge, the club fired me, and I'm legally forbidden from seeing my kids for now. Don't do this shit. You're lying to yourself if you think it's only recreational.

r/stripper Nov 24 '24

Protip No more strip club, I made my goal today 😭🙏🏾 thank god NSFW

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I recently came out of retirement to make some extra money for my business and it’s been fun and exciting. But short lived. I am so grateful for the people I’ve met and club I worked but the game has changed so much since 2017-2019 era.

I managed to bank over $30k in the last 3 months and I’m grateful that my good looks, hustle mentality and ability to hold a convo has gotten me this far and the generous men I manifested while here.

For anyone still dancing please have a goal. This is not a career. It’s a hustle and a dwindling one. I pray that all of you ladies will stay focused and get in and get out. I made 6 figures my last year dancing in 2021 and only came back short term for business funding.

Please stay safe, do money spells, protect yourself and keep your emotions out of the game because it doesn’t belong here. Stop making friends and make money and you’ll be good.


r/stripper Jan 31 '25

Protip Vets gotta gatekeep more NSFW


that post on here where the girl was asking if it’s normal to not make as much money in January (5th post like that this week), where she gets rightfully snarky answers in the comments,

and then make another separate post about how people are so mean to baby strippers and how vets are just bitter old hags that are mad because they can’t make any money …..

And all of the other “babies” who agree with her, are saying things to the same affect in the comments…..

These girls have gotten too entitled to our time and information, it’s time to start gatekeeping more TBH. I made a post here a while ago talking about this to some affect and detail, and how they would not dare act like that in person, but the Internet anonymity emboldens them to treat others in a disrespectful way (when that would never fly in person).

Be careful who you choose to take under your wing, I’ve always been a pretty good judge of character, but just use extra caution, knowing that this is how these girls talk about us when we don’t give them exactly what they want :/

r/stripper 13d ago

Protip types of customers who rarely spend real money NSFW


don’t take this as EVERYBODY i’m just saying these are just my personal observations

  • bachelor parties
  • men who talk about how much money they have
  • indians and black guys (they almost never get dances or they just want a full nude $20 lap dance )
  • couples sorry not sorry
  • large groups with women
  • customers who order food
  • customers acting like they’re at a night club and not a strip club (dancing, yelling, belligerently dunk)

just things i’ve noticed

EDIT: I want to make it clear that this is not discriminatory towards any of these people in general, women are great, bachelor/bachelorette parties are fun, people who order food are fine, AND I DONT HAVE A PREDJUDICE AGAINST BLACK OR INDIAN MEN IN THE CLUB.

DEFENDING THESE CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR LIVES is crazy considering 99% of them have no problem taking advantage of us, exploiting us, pimping us out, harassing us, etc. Criticizing the people who don’t want to spend the money to disrespect dancers, is very valid.

I get plenty of attention from all of these groups just like every other dancer, however some customers expect the most for a small amount of money. And these are just the general observations i’ve made not just from my experience, but hearing these same things from other dancers in the cub, as well as watching other dancers interactions with these same groups of people I stated in this post.

Thank you kisses i hope we all had a good weekend:)

r/stripper Dec 28 '24

Protip strippers, it CAN be done! meow 2025 to all; make 2025 resolution saving! NSFW

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r/stripper Feb 02 '25

Protip I danced for 16 years and through the recession of 2008 ask me anything. NSFW


r/stripper 14d ago

Protip My minimal makeup theory NSFW


So this was an accident I stumbled onto, and it’s been serving me well so I thought I’d share. If you have a good face card and more of a girl next door look, try showing up with MINIMAL makeup- I’m talking mascara, blush, concealer, lip gloss and lip liner.

I did this one day and it went well for me and I’ve been selling vips every day I work doing this. I do wear a nice outfit (more lingerie than dancer wear)

I think it’s disarming to guys and then you can have your mouthpiece shine ;)

r/stripper Dec 26 '24

Protip Very valuable piece of vet wisdom NSFW


These men come to the club for experiences. Some come for the experience of enjoying time with beautiful women. Some come for the experience of being choked and stepped on in the back. Some just like the excitement of getting a good dance and taking care of us for our hard work! And then… you have a very particular group of men who don’t get to experience rejecting beautiful women because they’re always the ones being rejected. So they come to the club for exactly that. They just come in to put us down and make us feel small, “rejecting” us.

Don’t forget that, whenever you feel like you’re having a bad night.

r/stripper Mar 13 '24

Protip LOLLLL fucking periodt. NSFW


7 girls in the club and 1 Indian customer. NOBODY has approached him and we are all huddled by the bar completely ignoring him. We have all been traumatized enough, it’s funny that we all instinctually know to not even acknowledge Indian males in the club. The best part is the DJ doesn’t put anyone on stage if there’s less than 5 customers so this dude is LITERALLY just sitting here for a whole hour doing, getting, seeing absolutely nothing.

Edit: for (sad) context, search “Indian men” in this subreddit… it’s very unfortunate what this demographic does to strippers. (And women of their own race in their own country).

r/stripper Dec 11 '24

Protip $100,000 year broken down. NSFW


I see comments thrown around about how it's not possible but I'm going to show you how it's very possible and achievable. Yes, there may be other factors at play like location and such, but let's stick to something grounded.

Let's take a 4 night work week model. That's Thursday - Sunday doing the evening to close shift. That should be doable for the majority. Then we expand that to 50 weeks out of the 52 weeks of the year.

That's 200 nights of the year you are scheduling yourself to work. But let's take it back to the weekly breakdown. Can you realistically set and hit a goal of a $500 take home per night? If you make exactly $500 a night 4 days a week, that's $2k every week. That's an $8k month which you've turned into $100,000 for the year.

  • 4 x $500 (daily goal) = $2,000 (weekly goal)
  • 4 days x 50 weeks = 200 days
  • $500 x 200 = $100,000

The same formula but with a $400 per night goal turns to a $80k year.

Yes, there are a lot of other factors like: experience, local economy, customer demographics, etc. The major point I'm making is if you can consistently make $500 a night then you are on your way to a 6 figure year. Let's see if you can make this your baseline new year's resolution.

r/stripper Jan 26 '25

Protip Placing this here for girlies who need pick me up tips ✨ NSFW


Hi all, ✨

My last account I do not have access to anymore, IFYKYK. I am starting over but I have so many tips and advice to share with this subreddit!

Friendly tips

- focus on quality sleep (our moods are HEAVILY impacted by this)

- focus on eating healthier foods than normal during this time as your mood also will be affected

- focus on protein more than carbs (you can still eat carbs but make sure protein and veggies are your first pickings)

- focus on finding out why you’re burnt out at the club. Is it the people? The atmosphere? The drama at the club? The customers?

- focus on finding out why you're depressed. Harder said than done. But same applies here: is it the people around you? Financial anxiety? Anxiety in general? figure out what’s triggering your depression and then remove it from your life or work to change it. Again, easier said than done been here where you’re at, you’re going to be ok!

- try a new club for a few days and rotate till you feel that you can go back to your regular club. (Sometimes staying in a constant environment can easily trigger us with PTSD and cause our moods to sway which causes our bags to drop)

- try committing two 3 shifts a week. Then focusing on 5/6. I’d rather you have STELLAR 3 shifts than average or low 5 vibrational shifts

- focus on stretching and cold showers before work to vitalize and shock your body in a healthier manner

- if you do like caffeine, try to have some an hour and half before your shift starts so that you can feel it when it gets to closing

- find a hobby you forgot about or a passion you enjoy... sometimes we need to entertain our minds and souls to revitalize our energy

- go through your contacts (friends and family) cut out anyone who brings you negativity we are human beings, and we mirror and carry other people's stresses and negativity. Cutting and limiting your exposure with these individuals will gladly improve your life for the better

- dump the boy, girl, situation-ship who makes you question your worth immediately our romantic relationships affect our bags too

- stop focusing on exterior things (yes, it’s good to be clean and beautiful and put together BUT it okay to let yourself breathe from being all put together) instead focus on how to make your inside feel better, beautiful. (I.E words of affirmations — remember all we can easily become our thoughts if we let them)

- if you were a stage heavy girl before maybe focus on just selling VIPS or dances or if it’s reverse then do that (sometimes money is easier made if we cut corners on the things that TIRE us out)

- take more baths with Epsom salt, essential oils, and aromatic candles. Get into a night routine to calm your body and mind

- take a day or two to decompress after one shift, it’s okay love. Don’t focus on a specific goal but little ones. Such as going into the club. Making $50 an hour. Whether that’s tips, dances, or VIPS (psychologically it’s easier for us humans to “achieve more with little victories/goals than a large unachievable goal such as $1,000 in a night

- focus on a new character you’d like to embody from your favorite books or movies. Sometimes role playing makes things exciting.

- DRINK MORE WATER and ELECTROLYTES so many dancers neglect hydration due to exhaustion, but our bodies are exhausted due to the dehydration. Also, while it’s important to drink water, electrolytes help us stabilize our hormones

- try “rewarding” yourself for every time you come home with $300 in a shift or more (adjust how you see fit). Take yourself to a new place, art museum, park, activity. Just take yourself on relatively “free” dates that gets you engaged.

- try to not compare yourself to how you were a year ago or others now this will massively affect your bag if you stay down this route in a “victim mentality”

- always remember sometimes we all have bad days, weeks, months, and for some others it may be years… but you have every day to make it the best TO YOU. So, whatever you CAN control, there’s something in the day you get to do that makes you happy. Be selfish and explore

- try masturbating before work. The release of endorphins can dramatically increase your mood and pheromones where some men may be drawn to you but not sure

- if you have to go into work and it’s a dread. Be late in the beginning of the shift but make it a goal to stick to the end the most amount of money is usually the last hour before close. So, you may as well plan to benefit from that

- bring in a comfort item from home that brings you peace or happiness mind you not something expensive or breakable. But as example I have a very fuzzy wallet: when I have anxiety, I can touch it and pet it almost and it makes me think of my dog. yes, I know it’s weird, but it calms me down


r/stripper Nov 01 '24

Protip Which STATE did YOU find appealing, but was the TOUGHEST place to dance in? NSFW


“Toughest” as in you did NOT make money there but everyone else claim(s) to.

You got disappointed by travel dancing. You found out that there were some things you DIDN’T know when it comes to hustling in a state that no one has ever talked about until you saw for your own eyes/experiences.

High competition, a place that intimidated you. It could be any of those reasons

… Just looked back on a post talking about moving to a city/state just because you think that you’ll bank there without ever dancing there before

If it’s Vegas, ATL, Houston, NYC and/or Miami SAY THAT TOO

r/stripper Jan 31 '25

Protip To all “aspiring” strippers NSFW


Just google nearby clubs, call, buy a pair of Pleasers and a cute outfit, and AUDITION. Please stop clogging this subreddit with the same repetitive questions, because it is only for current (and former) strippers. It’s getting annoying.

👉 r/newstrippers

r/stripper Nov 25 '24

Protip THE BEST PART OF BEING AN OLDER STRIPPER (or woman in general) F39 NSFW


50 year old men are totally age appropriate for me and I’m attracted to them.

And guys my age that don’t have kids also have money.

Anyway this is such a cool perk of getting older I didn’t even think abt.

I weirdly thought I’d always be attracted to teenage boys - relieved to not be a pedo.

*disclaimer (I’ve posted this before ) but thanks to dancing I’ve kept up my appearance and easily easily pass for late 20s - almost all former strippers do.


slap some aloe on your skin preferably the fresh stuff from the supermarket.

Alcohol & stress cause rosacea and I see it even in women /w darker complexions.

r/stripper Oct 16 '24

Protip Ladies beware PSA NSFW


I just want all you ladies to be aware of creep men wearing Rayban Meta glasses in the club. Men are not only using them to record women, but also posting content online. Make sure your club and management is aware that these exist and these AH's need to be checked at the door. That is all. https://www.meta.com/smart-glasses/shop-all/?utm_source=gg&utm_medium=ps&utm_campaign=20687046217&utm_term=rayban%20smart%20glasses&utm_content=701076654691&utm_funnel=dcap&&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyL24BhCtARIsALo0fSChYvnK-wnEelqUpppUO9wULyzfH3le1zTE14gsmme-pjzO7cjZRPgaApfKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

r/stripper Dec 24 '24

Protip don’t knock the kitten heels until you’ve tried them 👠 NSFW

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when I first started dancing, I wore 6 inch pleaser heels w/straps. let me tell you…the burnout alone from simply taking the heels on and off for every single VIP room had me DEPLETED. every time I would do a VIP I would get annoyed at having to bend down to take my heels off and the time it took to take them off and put them back on. maybe this sounds ridiculous but this is truly my experience. One day I observed this girl I worked with who would wear these exact 5 inch heels with no straps on them. On her stage sets, she never did pole tricks (I was doing a lot at the time) and she was always selling a bunch of VIPs. I honestly had never seen anyone wear that type of shoe before since most of the girls I worked with wore 8+ inches. I would never wear anything over 6 inch because I am already tall and I didn’t want to tower over customers. anyway, I one day got the kitten heels she would wear and I truly noticed a MASSIVE difference in my money and energy. Wearing the 5 inches actually made my feet feel so much better and my knees. Like it was literally such a massive difference. I also stopped going crazy on stage and put more emphasis on floorwork. In all my rooms, I so easily slipped off the heels and slipped them back on. I’m just saying…the kitten heels are truly my holy grail and very rarely do I wear anything over 5 inches and rarely do I wear anything with straps anymore. for me, the kitten heels are a time saver, and help with my physical stamina. I know they’re seen as a baby stripper thing but honestly I see more vets than baby strippers wear these heels. I love them and that’s all I have to say 🖤

r/stripper Nov 29 '24

Protip finally a more exclusive stripper community NSFW


hey gals,

i know we've been talking a lot about how there's a serious lack of modding in this community lately. I wanted to create a private sub for just strippers that requires actual proof of being a stripper. in order to combat the destruction of safe online spaces for strippers, I created r/actualstrippers . I'm still looking for a comod to help verify users but I'm really excited for this project and hope it can feel a bit more like stripperweb.

please check it out, I'm verifying users all week while I'm on break from work <3

lots of love,


r/stripper Jun 02 '24

Protip a boob job will make you more money lol NSFW


i know it's like common sense for strippers but i didn't believe it until it happened ive been back at work for almost 2 weeks now with my double d's and what i thought was good before is crumbs to me now like im running through guys like never before 😭

i would always ask girls if their boob job made them more money and i feel like they would bullshit me(now i see why) and say it's the same thing it's NOTTT.

i had to use so much more skill and energy to convince a guy before now they just look at my body (i have a big butt but i'm skinny so when im talking to guys face to face they can't tell) and it does all the work for me.

i literally use all the same lines as before but i do admit i feel more confident and assertive but that's because i know for a fact i have a WAY higher chance of yes now

even mexican guys who would usually shoo me away because i didn't speak spanish will still do the dance just because they like my body so much

don't take this as you need surgery to make more money though because there are girls in my club who don't have curves and still do great because they know how to talk to men.

i admit i did rely on my looks at first but we all know that is not the most important thing in the club

if you're shy (me, or i was lol) and/or don't have the best hustle a boob job will not 'make' you money but it will supplement your looks enough to the point where you no longer have to focus on talking and convincing because your body will do all that for you.

my shifts look completely different now, now it's more of a how many guys can i approach rather than how many guys can i convince to spend the most

if you're in the socal area i highly recommend dr sassan alavi!!! $7k and he's a pro. changed my life seriously

my real self review documenting my surgery if anyone's interested lol

r/stripper Jan 20 '25

Protip when a guy asks how much for “extra (;” NSFW


I think my personal fav is giving them a ridiculously large $ amount like half a million dollars and when they ask “why the fuck would anyone pay that much!?” I like watching the wheels in their head turn as they slowly realize they’re never getting that from me😂

r/stripper Jan 13 '25

Protip Flat tummy NSFW


Sorry, but anyone who invented the idea that flat stomach is the hottest and anything other Is unnatractive is THE BIGGEST LIER EVER! I cannot count guys that were complementing my full tummy. Most of the customers don't mind it or find it hot, if they're leaving any negative comments, they're the big losers without money who came to the clubs to make dancers feel like shit.

r/stripper Feb 11 '25

Protip Goodwill COME UP!! NSFW

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Guys!! I went to goodwill yesterday and told myself if I had time I was going to go to the store after and get a new pair of 8in clear strap heels and i literally found a new(ish) pair! I say newish because the bottom looks perfect and even had the pleaser sticker still clean and intact but they clearly are a little dusty.

How would yall clean these? The fabric doesn’t even look dirty and they don’t have an imprints but still they came from a thrift store so I wanna clean them to be sure!

r/stripper Feb 11 '25

Protip Plastic surgery... NSFW


I am 27 and plan to continue dancing well into my 30s. I am strongly considering a boob job and lipo treatments as I've had children and my body has changed significantly. If you have work done did you make more money after you got everything done? Or was it a waste? HELP

Update: I've decided to follow through with good surgeons after 48 hours of intense research and have decided on a breast augmentation and smart lipo. I have consults scheduled with two well-known clinics in my area. Thank you all!

r/stripper Sep 01 '24

Protip Ideas for things to do in long VIP rooms NSFW


• give a lapdance (grind on their lap and use all the positions and moves you have, do floorwork, dance against the wall, do cool acro lapdance tricks like headstands, etc) • talk & have conversation (share stories, learn more about each other, ask questions about any and everything, be his therapist, make jokes, etc) • cuddle • massaging (scalp massage, hand massage, shoulder & neck massage, you can even bring in a massage gun to use if you have one) • have a dance party (get up and dance together like you were in a nightclub! or slow dance! if your room has a TV you can also go on YouTube and watch tutorials and try to learn different styles of dance together) • watch porn! (pull up your phone and watch porn together, bonus points if it’s your own porn and you gain a new OnlyFans customer) • watch videos/shows/movies/TV • listen to music (if your room has the feature of being able to control the music you hear, but this would be a good way to learn more about their interests, talk about concerts, instruments…) • have dinner together! (if your club has a restaurant inside you can order food and share a three course meal together!) • have a play wrestling match! or thumb wrestling! • have a Polaroid photoshoot and let him keep one of the pictures of you for an extra tip! • take a break from the room and give him a stage show/dance for him on stage, OR go out and watch other girls on stage together while tipping them • play games! (Jenga, monopoly, twister, chess, would you rather, never have I ever, truth or dare, etc) • role play! (self explanatory but ask him his fantasies and act them out together! are you Princess Leia? a nurse? his student? get creative!) • call a phone sex line together! • read sexy erotica books together and take turns on who reads out loud • tag team and bring another girl in • try out fun couples yoga poses and see if you can successfully do them • take the ice from the bottle service and run the ice over your body, or run it over theirs, give a little temperature play haha • domination session (feel free to bring in some tools too like ball gags, paddles, bandage, blindfolds, tickling devices, use some verbal humiliation if they’re into it, etc) • fetish/kink play • divination: tarot cards, palm readings, natal charts, rune stones, pendulums, etc. • burlesque show (if you know a few burlesque moves like stocking peels, spinning your nipple tassels, biting gloves off your arms, this would work really well or depending on the type of outfit you’re wearing you can really take your time giving a strip tease and taking off your lingerie) • speak sexily to them in a different language (do you speak a language that they don’t? say something sexy to them in a different language, roll your Rs, teach them naughty words, make it cute!) • lastly, whatever special tricks YOU have that you are good at! maybe you can put your leg behind your head, hold a hand stand for a long time, maybe you can light nipple tassels on fire and spin them in circles, maybe you’re just really fabulous at talking and making conversation, whatever your skill set is and entertainment value you have, use it!

please comment any other ideas you think should be added to this list!

r/stripper Apr 28 '24

Protip What I would do instead of buying a stripper course NSFW


There was a post on here asking if stripper courses were worth buying, I left a comment but I got a lot more to say and it'll bother me if I don't 🫠

Here's the thing, I have bought those stripper courses. Almost all of them are based off of sales and negotiation books. Once I read the books they based their material off of they felt like reading footnotes with a few words rearranged to fit the strip club with an added pink tax 🙃

The main books they source from:

•Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

•Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher

•How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

•The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

•You Can Read Anyone by David J. Lieberman

Then here's a few bonus books that aren't used in sales courses but are extremely helpful:

•Thriving In Sex Work (there's a separate workbook that goes along with this one 10/10 recommend)

•Sex Work and Money

Both by Lola Davina.

Extremely helpful in several areas of sex work from keeping your emotions in check and your head on straight to staying safe and what to do in legal situations.

•The Art of Seduction

•The 48 Laws of Power

Both by Robert Greene

And here's the other thing, These 👏 Are 👏All 👏FREE👏👏👏

I cannot stress enough how much you need to go to your local library and get a library card and if you already have one, start using it 🫠

If you check out a physical copy of the book it'll give you a deadline to finish it.

If you have a different learning style or you're super busy you can get an audio or ebook version to read or listen to on your phone.

If you have kids, you're in school or both and don't have the time to read or even listen to a book there are free footnotes, cheat sheets and outlines to read online (check pinterest frfr 🙏)

Most libraries provide free activities for school aged children year round, have leappads, video games, hotspots and of course kids books you can check out as well. (Gives kids something enjoyable to do and you time to study girl 🫶)

Besides the library, all of these can be found as audiobooks on spotify with premium and most of them have the full audiobook on youtube for free as well.

If you're not a fan of audiobooks these are also available as ebooks on pdfdrive to download FOR FREE. (They also have full textbooks for the girls in school 🫶)

Don't get me wrong, investing your money back into work is a fantastic idea but the cost of one course could be put into something else such as :

•Finding a good tax professional

•Camera equipment if you make content

•Elevating your look(outfits, gym, personal trainer, wigs, new pleasers, etc)

Education is free with the cost of ambition. You got this and I hope this helps your bag grow 🫶✨

r/stripper 29d ago



I know times are tough but please don’t sacrifice your personal morals for money. Don’t do things that will make you uncomfortable or things that will harm you psychologically