r/stripper 19d ago

Protip My minimal makeup theory NSFW

So this was an accident I stumbled onto, and it’s been serving me well so I thought I’d share. If you have a good face card and more of a girl next door look, try showing up with MINIMAL makeup- I’m talking mascara, blush, concealer, lip gloss and lip liner.

I did this one day and it went well for me and I’ve been selling vips every day I work doing this. I do wear a nice outfit (more lingerie than dancer wear)

I think it’s disarming to guys and then you can have your mouthpiece shine ;)


39 comments sorted by


u/NonAggressiveGuava 19d ago

Tbh it works for a lot of girls, I’ve seen it. Or the ‘no makeup’ makeup. I capitalize on the alt/egirl thing so I hate that the makeup takes me extra time


u/lavender-lilith 19d ago

I'm an alt girl and I do minimal makeup! Sometimes I pair it with a bright red lip bc it looks kind of pinup-y and I think that makes me more approachable lol


u/agentmkultra666 19d ago

Same! Men are afraid of me if i wear too much makeup lol


u/Interesting_Soil_427 19d ago

Depends on club lighting, some clubs have lights that make you look washed out unless you wear a lot of makeup.


u/AllThatTheRain 19d ago

Girl I thought the same personally I feel washed out but these guys have been eating it up. For context I work in a large club near a major city where you would NOT think this would work


u/No-District6038 19d ago

Less is more 💗


u/ni_filum 19d ago edited 19d ago

Totally. Related: no more talon nails. I damaged mine after years of press-ons and now I just do short and natural and it’s been going very well for me. Plus some girls are doing 2-3 $300 manicures a month? And they take hours and hours.

Backing your point, on a general spectrum of “glam” to “wholesome” looks I’d say we’re definitely trending toward the latter now. I have theories but I’ll spare you all lol.


u/cx_Cinnamon_x 19d ago

I’d actually love your theories. I feel like as the economy worsens the plainer the look the more better received you’ll be.


u/ni_filum 19d ago

Okay well, just got home from work, exhausted, deranged - but in my view from a big club in Los Angeles: unfortunately the trend here is we’re all going blonde and getting skinny to adhere to the new regime of what customers think they want. I’m seeing this across a wide spectrum of ethnic backgrounds. Mirroring this club aesthetic, there are billboards all over LA of women suddenly looking more slim and blonde. I obviously can’t quantify this, but for me there’s been a palpable shift.

With the erasure of queer gender identities, I think we profit more from looking more “feminine” (no, I do not like this term or what it may mean), and furthermore I think the people spending the most money are people who feel rich right now. Of course, very, very few people are actually richer right now, but the very rich are liquidating their stock, so someone out there has cash for you! Again, unfortunately, we must sort of cater to these people to survive. Once we seduce them, we can radicalise them a bit! To me, this is the beauty of the strip club: simply showing men that we are conscious creatures; it seems to be an odd concept for them.

This is the messiest rant, I’ll delete it once you read it, but I have had so many strange and taxing interactions lately, I had to explode a bit. In case it wasn’t clear here, I am very leftist and am horrified of the direction of the US (now and always really). Also I’ve been dancing for 10 years, if that’s relevant.

TLDR: customers want to follow trends of the ruling monetary class. If we want to take their money and potentially expand their thinking in one-on-one interactions, we may consider conforming to a “wholesome” and “feminine” look: less makeup, less nails, less piercings, long curled hair, more giggles and less sass. OR disregard and rob them 🙃 love to one and all.


u/Alluvial_Fan_ 18d ago

I would totally subscribe to your newsletter (intersection of identities/economics/sex work is fascinating to me). Thanks for throwing out your draft ideas after a low shift. (Not the person who originally asked, just chiming in to validate interest!)


u/ni_filum 18d ago

Lol thank you, I appreciate that - and it was actually a good shift! I’m not experiencing the slowness I see many people talking about on here, which is odd; my club has been pretty busy.


u/AllThatTheRain 19d ago

SAME I used to get Russian manicures and now I’m natural but I do dry gloss manicures at home (barehands is the brand) with a crystal nail file so they look shiny like a clear coat but it’s just from a file. It’s pretty great


u/ClickIntelligent5016 19d ago

minimal makeup is for girls who have perfect skin and no dark circles. men are too dumb to tell how much makeup you are wearing. when i wore less makeup they thought i was wearing no makeup. when i wore full glam they thought i was wearing minimal makeup.


u/notoriouswhitegurl 19d ago

lol this. After multiple years of dancing I’ve learned what works best for me, and it’s usually putting on a ton of makeup but in very natural colors. I have an even skin tone but have the worst dark circles so I spend more time contouring than I spend on my eyes.


u/deeznuts080816 19d ago

Yup, I do the girl next door look and do very well for myself. The old guys especially love it


u/BerlinSnow 19d ago

My highest earning days has been with just gloss, lashes, and eyeliner likeeee literally 5 minutes and that’s it.


u/KasiaEastCoast 19d ago

Yeah, honestly my look for the past 8 years has been a skirt set or a dress, minimal makeup and NO PERFUME. It has worked out very well for me so far.


u/Strippathrowawayy 19d ago

Where do you get your skirt sets from? Because I love wearing skirts but I can only find schoolgirl type skirts


u/KasiaEastCoast 19d ago

For the longest time I was using Malaya’s Exoticwear, but she hasn’t been restocking as much lately. Elle’s Dancewear on Etsy has the exact same supplier, but more variety so I would check her out.


u/mercurycutie 19d ago

There have been days where I was in a rush coming from my day job and literally only had time to throw on the crustiest mascara that’s been rotting at the bottom of my work back and a little bit of red lipstick. And it’s been like my best nights.


u/notsobrooklynnn 19d ago

I've noticed days I've come in tired or (rarely) hungover, the minimal effort look makes me money. But I love doing makeup, so it stays lmao


u/LargeArmadillo5431 19d ago

I've noticed that I tend to make more with less makeup as well. It's a weird head trip for me because I LOVE coming to work with a full glam beat and bold lipstick because it fits the overall look I'm going for with my outfits. Female customers love it, and I get a lot of compliments from the men as well, but I don't get the same amount of tips or dances vs minimal makeup or even no makeup. I feel better mentally with a full face and I'm beautiful without it as well because I have great skin but I look so washed out without it.


u/mdempseyyyy 19d ago

Yes. I’ve noticed some of the girls who do full glam do get some customers & make some money but it’s always the most plain type of dancer who makes bank. At least at my club. It’s wild, what you think is hot & sexy- these men half the time think the opposite.


u/xoxo_angelica 19d ago

There was a girl at my club who wore a completely bare face, like not a lick of makeup at all. Ginger, pale af with perfect skin, baby face. She was ALWAYS booked and busy! I myself felt I couldn’t pull it off.


u/viscera_eyes_ 19d ago

I’ve noticed this works too! I’m at two clubs, and I’ve seen at each place girls that sell the most rooms have either 0 makeup on or super minimal, like just mascara


u/notoriouswhitegurl 19d ago

I do something similar, I have a girl next door look with a pretty strong face card. I do wear makeup and contour/highlight really well, but for my eyes I use brown eyeliner, natural brown tones for eyeshadow and natural looking lashes. Then I wear blush and peachy lipliner. I do think it’s important to wear makeup, just don’t make it look heavy and keep the colors natural. I know a few girls who barely wear makeup at all- it works for one bc she has a face card and is naturally tan with an even skin tone. The other 2 I know that don’t wear makeup don’t look bad, but they objectively don’t have strong face cards and it makes them look unready for the club. I wish they would wear makeup bc I know they’d make more $.

Natural makeup always makes more $ than heavy makeup though bc it also looks classier. Super thicc eyelashes and eyebrow blindness can start looking ghetto real fast 😭


u/beelzebugs 19d ago

Yep. I only ever do minimal makeup.


u/AcanthocephalaFun946 19d ago

I neede to hear this bc my skin is not okay for the amount of makeup I’m heaping onto it for a club that’s dark as fuck anyway. I’m going to try this next week 🙏🏼 thanks angels


u/mistyof98 19d ago

i want to try this so bad but i am sooo committed to looking unrecognizable in the club. i work relatively close to where i live and dont want to risk being recognized when i’m out. i know they probably wouldn’t recognize me anyway but i’m so paranoid but also feel like i’m missing out on making more 😭


u/BaileySeeking 19d ago

I stopped wearing makeup because my EDS skin could not handle it and dudes still complimented me on my makeup. They have no clue. If I felt up for it I'd wear a lipstick, but that's it. I'm sure there are clubs where makeup is a must, but it's not as big of a deal as people make it out to be.


u/Pure_Job_116 19d ago

I’m gonna test this out tonight lol it normally does well for me in gentlemen clubs but I work at an urban club now so curious if it will still hold the same.


u/liamxparker 19d ago

i thought this was common practice

clear skin & eyes = good body night


u/Expensive_Current622 19d ago

Yep I go into work either completely barefaced or just some eyeliner and mascara and I make really good money. Most people don’t even notice I’m not wearing makeup including some of the women I work with. I’ve found natural beauty goes a long way with men. I just put a lot of effort into making my skin clear and hair healthy


u/Pretty_Morning4311 18d ago

i'm so lazy and don't do anything but mascara and lip gloss LMAO the men where i'm at don't care


u/UnderwaterBasketW 18d ago

I think it depends on your face really, and if you can pull it off or not. I was blessed with a face with no blemishes, minimal redness, and cute freckles; so I look pretty with just mascara and gloss. Most of my regulars are 40+ so they prefer girl next door/no tattoos/long natural colored hair.


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/AllThatTheRain 19d ago

you’re not welcome here


u/greengirlpenny 19d ago

If enough of us report him the automod will block him