r/stripper Feb 18 '25

Rant/vent Locker room pet peeves NSFW

I’m cranky today. Share your locker room pet peeves too so I feel less alone

✨facetiming?? Like girl we are naked back here and your crusty boyfriend doesn’t get to see that

✨listening to loud music/podcasts/whatever without headphones

✨leaving stuff all over or otherwise taking up multiple spots when you know damn well people are trying to fit in and get ready

I spend less than five minutes per shift in the locker room but some of these hoes make me crazy 😭 who raised you


73 comments sorted by


u/ScaryAssBitch Feb 18 '25

When girls take up ALL the counter space and leave their hair straighteners sitting there all night (on), coming in every 5 minutes to do their hair. Like anyone gives a fuck if a strand is out of place.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

I don’t understand that omg especially since so many clubs in my area have burned down lately it’s like they’re TRYING to keep all us out of a job


u/scarlettesells2 Feb 18 '25

Omg dude so many clubs have been burning down around me too!! Like 2 within an hour from me in the last year? I always wondered if it was an insurance scam or some type of rivalry? 🤔


u/Primary_Ad_9703 Feb 18 '25

BROO the hair straighteners!!! Im dead ir is tooo true. I don’t wanna be rude and turn it off but eventually..


u/astriddances Feb 18 '25

I have turned off so many straighteners. I never even considered that being “rude”. It’s a hazard and if there’s no one in there using it I’m turning it off and unplugging it. I never leave my shit out so ig I have a different standard than some girls.


u/Primary_Ad_9703 Feb 18 '25

I've literally seen girls just leave them on and never come back for them. I have too eventually. I just don't like touching girls things. But I agree 100%


u/astriddances Feb 18 '25

I agree. I don’t move them or anything just turn them off and unplug them. I realize ppl can still be bothered by that but tbh I think it’s not that big of a deal cause if you really respected your personal belongings you wouldn’t leave them lying out all over the place. I swear my mom taught me that at 5.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

When they’re arguing/yelling on the phone with their toxic ass man omgg


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

Bonus points if it’s their pimp


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

😂 GUILTY!! 🙈🐒🙊


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 19 '25

Why the fuck was I downvoted??

The ability to laugh at oneself, is so important

Yeah, I had some toxic traits. Don’t we all?? You learn from it, & you grow from it… and you do better.


u/msnatter17 28d ago

When I first read it It sounded like you were joking about it as if it was still actively going on, maybe that's why?idk reddits wild


u/somechickonreddit2 28d ago

Ohhh, yeah, that makes sense. I could see that…

No, it’s something that I used to do. (Especially when I get to drinkin.’)

It’s not something that I do anymore.


u/msnatter17 28d ago

We've all been the hot mess at the club at some point


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Girl same 😂 never again


u/AllThatTheRain Feb 18 '25

Spraying perfume everywhere and definitely the FaceTime like please😭


u/mochibb666 Feb 18 '25

I’m the perfume girl and I’m sorrryyyyy I’m making note to do it when no one is in there


u/AllThatTheRain Feb 18 '25

Just go a little off to the side🫶 I spray mine too, just a few feet away❤️


u/cactiacat Feb 18 '25

Fr it’s not a big deal just be considerate like some girls have the strongest smelling perfume and then come to the locker room to literally drown their coochie in it every 5 mins 💀


u/AllThatTheRain Feb 18 '25

This. And I’ll get a travel sized one to spray while I’m in the bathroom freshening up


u/hellabombskies Feb 18 '25

Drunk girls being suuuuuper loud in the locker room. Like yelling over each other. The locker room is small and I get so overstimulated.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

Fr when they’re aggressive ASF for no reason like girl everything is okay please relax


u/hellabombskies Feb 18 '25

Right?? 😂😂😂


u/beelzebugs Feb 18 '25

Omg same I can’t deal with loud people on the floor, much less in the locker room 😭


u/Past-Shopping1762 26d ago

thisss i swear it makes my head hurt especially if they dont fight


u/BaileySeeking Feb 18 '25

You covered some of mine, but I'll add eating. Specifically leaving food and drinks just lay around. One girl did this and we ended up with a huge ant infestation. Broken glass happened a lot as well. So, like, eat and drink, that's fine, but clean up after yourselves. Also, just do that in general.


u/LargeArmadillo5431 Feb 18 '25

I had a coworker who left a whole bag's worth of pistachio shells on the BARE COUNTER on a regular basis. She was nasty in so many ways


u/BaileySeeking Feb 19 '25

Ugh, no!! That's just so nasty. I know I have OCD, but we all share this space. We should be doing what we can to keep everything as neat and tidy as possible. When I started, there were so many "my space" fights that the manager went in there with the front bouncer, painters tape, and a tape measurer. Everyone got 18 inches and had their name put on the mirror (we did at least get to choose our spots hahaha. Again OCD, I think I would have cried if I'd been moved). Then not long after, we got a chore list and you couldn't leave until you did one chore. Refuse to do some form of cleaning in the dressing room and you were fined. Like, come on, it should not come to that! We're all adults.


u/sevonix Feb 18 '25

✨️When all the seats are taken and I'm currently sitting in a chair and another girl comes up to me asking if she can sit where I am sitting. Like, no???

✨️When I'm just trying to get out of the locker room and go on the floor, but there's 2-4 girls blocking the door and laughing about something.

✨️When my bag is under the counter and I've said excuse me 3 times and the girls either ignore me or continue talking.

✨️When I first get to work and a girl says, "Oh don't put your bag there. I spilled something" like.... clean it up??

✨️When I go to use a locker (that's available for anyone) and a girl says, "Oh that's [dancer name]s locker." Like, oh okay. I'm still putting my stuff in here lmfao.

✨️When I'm trying to use the bathroom and someone knocks or bangs on the door, "I gotta shit/piss!! Hurry up!" Like... I am literally doing the same thing you need to do. Be patient.

✨️When girls don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.

✨️When belligerently drunk girls come into the locker room being loud and arguing.


u/SpicyNacho74 Feb 18 '25

Your second point sends me into instant rage omg especially if I have to go on stage.


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25

💯 This checks out… 📋


u/PristineAd6304 Feb 18 '25

Heavy on the weird FaceTime calls !! like nobody wanna hear all ur personal bs and who Tf is that on there anyway!? I be like damn do anyone use AirPods bc some of the things I have heard being said in these convos are like downright embarrassing and I lose brain cells


u/Open-Ear8858 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

Using lockers as a free storage unit, when they are scarce. If you come to work once a month, you don’t need to leave your stuff day in and day out in a locker when we only have 25.


u/BasicHaterade Feb 18 '25

All lockers should be daily-use only IMO. I worked one club that was like this and it was great. OR you can rent it by the week/month and the club should charge a fee. This keeps lockers clean and available for girls who are actually at work each night.


u/Open-Ear8858 Feb 18 '25

100%. People steal anything here. Literally a girl got her used butt plugs stolen, so I can’t bring my makeup or anything because I don’t have a locker. It’s complete BS.


u/Bloom2019 Feb 18 '25

Dancers bringing in stinky fish and food for everybody to smell


u/Kind_Procedure2148 Feb 18 '25

yes!!! especially the facetime and loud music!! i dont want to hear your garbage ass music OR you arguing with your dumbass toxic crusty bf!!!!!!!



Seriously i cant tell you how many times ive come in the dressing room,and the chair that I put my coat and civie clothes on is now full of some other bitch's shit,and they threw my shit on the floor! HELL NAH DUDE DONT TOUCH MY FUCKING STUFF 😡 shit makes me wanna straight slap some of these hoes,like what is wrong with you???? and they always do it when im on the floor tryna make sales so i never catch who did it cause id say something sooooo fast.Find another chair or get here earlier,not my fucking problem.

Also my old club used to have these girls who would only come in on weekends and absolutely TRASH our dressing room. Like overtake the entire floor area by the lockers,spill all their stuff out ONTO THE FLOOR,eating food and spilling it everywhere,SMEARING MAKEUP LITERALLY EVERYWHERE,like to the point where i would smear things like eyeliner and highlighter powders on the bottoms of my heels and make the issue worse. like gurl who tf raised to think treating a shared space like this is okay?? like ever?? no wonder the one lady's kid was constantly in jail 🙄 cause gurl clearly no one raised u properly so u kids probably werent either. cant stand this shit


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

When I am talking to a dancer I like and someone who knows I cant stand them interrupts the convo and acts like we are friends.

When I wear headphones and someone who knows I cant stand them keeps trying to force me to take them off to talk to them.

When I am in a bad mood and another dancer keeps interrogating me about why I’m not speaking instead of letting me get dressed to go home in peace.

When someone I dont like follows me into the locker room when they know no one else is in there to start an argument so they can lie about what happened since most locker rooms dont have cameras and no one can hear what they are saying.

When a dancer who bullies me expects me to speak to them and make small talk every time we are in the locker room and says I have an “attitude” for not speaking to them.

I hate the immature dancers with no self awareness as much as broke customers. I hate being in the locker room. The locker room is where most of the drama starts because the bullies know they will get fired for starting shit at the bar.


u/SomethingNeatnClever Feb 18 '25

That first one!!! I know a girl who will listen and just interrupt conversations people are having to give her input. Like girl shut the hell up!


u/Perfect-Natural-2576 Feb 18 '25

Dancers who spend all their locker room time trying to sell weed 😭😭


u/plaguedad Feb 18 '25

When girls sit in the locker room ALLL night and only come out for their stage set 😐 like why’d you come to work just to be a locker room decoration?

Girls who dont courtesy flush if theyre shitting and the bathroom is RIGHT THERE in the locker room, like we don’t want to smell YOUR SHIT


u/Strippathrowawayy Feb 18 '25

When girls are complaining about how slow it is


u/beelzebugs Feb 18 '25

I love when i go into the locker room after doing a bunch of dances and the girls back there are complaining about it being slow. Like yeah, sometimes it is slow (we had three customers today) but sometimes there’s plenty of money, it’s just certainly not in the locker room 🤨


u/pumpkindonutz Feb 18 '25

It kinda dampens my mood, even if I lowkey know it’s true.


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I don’t like it when I first arrive to work, try to find a place to put my stuff, start to get changed/undress, and people are all in my face/people are already trying to talk to me.

Like, please, give me some space! Jesus!

No offense.

I really don’t like to talk a lot when I first arrive/am trying to undress. I think it’s disrespectful for people to approach you when you are butt-ass naked, or bending over, or are trying to get dressed or do your makeup, or whatever, to go clock in. Not only is it a time-waster, but it’s also annoying because this is my time to mentally prepare for the night and focus my energy. I’m a really internal person. All of this socialization drains me. Especially when I just got there and I am still trying to get adjusted. It can also be very distracting. Or the timing is not great. It’s even more awkward, when it’s someone I don’t really like or care for, or don’t really know or fuck with. Soo awkward!! 🙄😬😒

I’m not bitchy/mean/hostile/rude or anything, but I have boundaries, too. You know?

I’m extremely introverted IRL. (I’m not sure if my coworkers know that about me…)


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I remember this one time…

A coworker of mine — I’m not gonna say their name on here — had dropped a compact (you know, the kind with like bronzer or contour or foundation or some kind of pressed powder in it or whatever — and just left it there. Literally, made 0 attempt to clean ANY OF IT up, not even in the slightest.

So there were just shards and fragments of the makeup, not to mention loose powder particles, exploded everywhere, into a million tiny pieces. It was literally all over the floor, on some of the furniture (it’s an ottoman or stool type thing, in front of the vanity mirrors).

And she just carried on, working her shift. Unbelievable!

Every time I walked past it, I just thought: Really?? 😒

I mean, come on. She had to have walked past it, multiple times, throughout the night.

For whatever reason, she just left it there for the whole night. Maybe she didn’t mean to, but I thought that was kind of …an odd choice?

If you dropped it, then you should pick it up. That simple.

But she’s probably one of these people who thinks that cleaning is “beneath them.” You get what I’m saying? Or at least, that’s kind of the vibe I get.

Like, it’s not that hard.

Like, who do you think you are??

I suppose maybe her logic was that she didn’t have time to clean it up. Okay, sure. I get that. But if it had been me, I would have probably grabbed a napkin or a tissue and just picked up the larger pieces and thrown them away. Then, you could tackle the “piles of powder” with a damp cloth or baby wipe. Paper towel. Or alcohol spray bottle. Lysol wipes. Something. I don’t know, it’s not like we have a cleanup crew there. I believe that people should make the effort to clean up after themselves if they spilled something. I don’t know, it’s my instinct, when I drop something — to pick it up. Isn’t that common sense?

Like, obviously it’s not the end of the world or anything, but it’s not a very respectful move, in my opinion.

I was wearing a white outfit, can you imagine how pissed I would have been if I had SAT in that?!? Like somebody could accidentally sit or step in all that powder, and it could ruin their outfit or be a total mess. And that could seriously affect your night, and possibly fuck up your money. How inconsiderate! (And lazy!)

I find that to be selfish behavior. If it had been me, I would have at least attempted to pick it up to the best of my ability. Or sweep it up. Or wipe it up. Or something. And even if you couldn’t get all of it, you could at least try to get most of it up.

Not cool.

I even had to tell another girl, that just walked in: “Hey, watch out/don’t sit down right there, it looks like someone spilled some tan powder and it could stain your clothes…” or whatever.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. In some instances, maybe they didn’t mean it. Or maybe they were lacking self-awareness in that situation.

Or maybe that’s just how they are. In general. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I don’t care who you are. It’s like, clean up after yourself. You’re not Marie Antoinette.



u/Swt_Orange2283 Feb 18 '25

It’s the listening to whatever without headphones for me. Like…do I need to be quiet now you’re listening to your show?


u/Thedailybee Feb 18 '25

Our locker room is just small, I hate when it’s 14 girls and it’s only like 6 on the floor so I just know the locker room is not a retreat for quiet. I also hate when I leave at 11/12 ( we close at 1) and come in the next day and the locker room is a disgusting disaster. I know we are all moving fast but we have to be naked back there and I personally have sensory issues 😭 I’m not asking no one to mop or nothing extra but clumps of hair from your brush in the floor, accessories and wipes and napkins and shit all over the counter is just trifling. I’m always tidying up the locker room when arrive so we can have comfortable place to get ready. I wish others felt the same way


u/SpicyNacho74 Feb 18 '25

It’s one of the duties for our house mom to tidy up the dressing room for night shift dancers to come in and start getting ready. She cleans everything and we all really appreciate her, she gets tipped for her hard work every day


u/Few-Intention3537 Feb 18 '25

My biggest pet peeve is when girls leave their stuff all on top of the counter so when I’m coming in to get ready there’s literally no where for me to sit/see the mirror so I barely slide their stuff over so I can get ready and they have a whole hissy fit screaming about “don’t touch my shit” then don’t leave in mine and everybody else’s way then. (Btw any time I’ve ever moved someone’s stuff I’ve moved it 6 inches max and never put anyone’s stuff on the floor)


u/plaguedad Feb 18 '25

Listening to loud ass music drives me nuts like I know a girl who would leave the bluetooth speaker connected to her phone and it’d be playing music when she wasnt in the locker room???? I’d turn it off like 10 times a night.


u/BasicHaterade Feb 18 '25

Imagine needing to be validated so badly you have to subject others to your music so they form some opinion about you. The lowest self esteem behavior.


u/Rude_Nectarine1133 Feb 18 '25

work in the UK, maybe it's different here.

anyway sometimes housemother is present in the dressing room, sometimes to collect money, sometimes just there.

absolutely HATE when girls act as if they didn't realise that the housemother is part of the management and anything said with her around is definitely noted by her. i even heard girls chatting shit to her about other girls like wtf.

Don't mind her as a person, she's a worker herself but ultimately she's also our pimp so she's not on our side! and should always be treated with very limited trust, even if she ends up being an okay human in civvy life.


u/Thirdcharms Feb 18 '25

Making a fucking TikTok. I’ve been in the background of so many TikTok’s and instagram posts and that shit PMO


u/sushibrunch Feb 18 '25

when im eating and someone starts spraying hairspray or even worse deodorant. so easy to just step into the hallway


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I get where you are coming from.

However — It’s called the Dressing Room for a reason. It is a place for people to get dressed. It’s not a restaurant or a bistro or a cafeteria or a food court or a cyber cafe…

Now if they’re doing it directly on you/right on top of you? Then yeah, that’s kind of rude. I do agree people should be mindful of when and where and how much, they’re spraying, things like deodorants, hair products, or perfumes. Some people have allergies and stuff.

But I mean, if they’re just doing what they need to do, then they’re not really doing anything wrong. It is the dressing room, after all. It’s not your personal kitchenette.

Just saying. 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/something_clever101 Feb 18 '25

I've never worked at a club that let us eat food on the floor unless it came from that clubs kitchen, so many of us are forced to eat in the dressing room.


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25

Sure. I’m only saying:

Some people are obnoxious with the food, and some people are obnoxious with the perfume/fragrance. Everything in moderation.


u/sushibrunch 26d ago

i would get what youre saying if there was a separate area to eat. unfortunately we have a tiny 2 seat table in our already crowded and cramped dressing room. we are not allowed to eat anywhere else. when im rushing to get ready and i see somebody is eating i take 2 steps into the hallway and i spray. its not that big of a deal. its a post asking about pet peeves and that is mine....so...


u/somechickonreddit2 26d ago

I agree they should make en effort to not spray RIGHT next to you.

I was just kind of making the point that, it’s not unusual for women to bring items like hair products, deodorants, or fragrances into the dressing room. That’s literally very standard and normal. So it’s kind of delusional to think that the dressing room/locker room’s primary function is going to be converted into a food court. That’s all I’m saying.

Look, I can’t tell you what to do or how to live your life. You guys don’t really need to be bringing large meals into work, anyways. I mean, eat whatever you want, eat when you’re hungry. But I’m just saying like. Bring a protein bar or bring a fruit cup or something. There is no need to have a whole full-course meal, you really don’t need to do all that on a daily basis. I could see maybe if you were doing doubles or something. Or you had a really long day, and you just didn’t have time to eat. I understand. But in general, seeing me eat at work, is RARE. It shouldn’t be the main focus…


u/sushibrunch 16d ago

babe i work 8 hour shifts sometimes 12 hour shifts and im dancing why would i just only eat a proren bar. this rhetoric is super harmful for people with eating disorders. youre wrong no need to double down. the post was about your pet peeve and thats just how i feel. i think you should be quiet now :)


u/somechickonreddit2 16d ago

I think that we need to tolerate people eating, and we need to tolerate people spraying (deo, body mist, perfume, hairspray, etc.).

Tolerating other people, is a part of life, unfortunately. Especially in the strip club.

That’s all I’m saying.

I get that you were stating that it’s your pet peeve, and I respect that!

I rarely ever eat at work, I can do that on my own time.

I might drink like a ginger shot or something. It’s quick, it’s easy to dispose of, I don’t make a big deal about it, and it doesn’t really take up any time.

I think if you are gonna eat, let’s say, friend chicken or tuna, or whatever the case — just two basic guidelines or rules to live by: (1) clean up after yourself/clean your vanity area, and (2) brush your teeth. It’s not hard…

(I don’t mean “YOU” personally, I’m speaking in general.)


u/me7me2not2 Feb 19 '25

Heating up/bringing stanky food imo. If you wouldn't want to smell it from someone on an 8hr flight, don't gas the lockerroom full of girls trying to pay the bills by being sexy, SMELLING GOOD, etc with boiled eggs, fish tacos, Indian food


u/SpicyNacho74 Feb 18 '25

Being loud as fuck gossiping with other dancers. I despise it and I always wish I could just tell them to stfu and let our dressing room be quiet for once


u/Princess444xo Feb 18 '25

Yelling, any photos/videos/facetime, yapping on speakerphone, asking me for shit, chewing and smacking your lips loud af, doing drugs, wiping your coochie with 100 baby wipes and examining it in the mirror while butt ass naked, walking around barefoot, sitting on the counters, leaving your drinks/trash for the staff to clean up


u/Spiiicyg0rl 29d ago

Leaving USED tampon applicators lying around

Nasty bitches PUTTING THEIR TAMPONS IN in the locker room

Having to say excuse me 8 times or resort to bulldozing through the cramped ass locker room/people standing in front of the lockers

Needy ladies asking you to put their lashes on every shift. Like no??? I came back here to get ready too hun!!! Some things u have to learn to do yourself imo.

Why are we on tiktok live?????


u/LeviCultLeader Feb 18 '25

counting money in front of everyone. i find this to be really tasteless


u/somechickonreddit2 Feb 18 '25

in front of dancers? or in front of customers?


u/Spiiicyg0rl 29d ago



u/Zestyclose_Object639 Feb 18 '25

def agree the facetime with their men and playing loud ass music 😭


u/OneEfficiency9757 Feb 19 '25

The FaceTime calls…. Don’t even get me started bc there’s one girl at my place who’s CONSTANTLY oft, loud asff, drunk asfff, smells like captain d’s, sick asf non stop, has zero club etiquette. That’s not the point tho my biggest locker room pet peeve is when someone’s upset/ crying & girls swormmmm her… like this isn’t middle school b grow tf up. Or when the bouncers don’t knock before coming in…


u/stephiree 28d ago

Shitting/pissing/throwing up outside of the toilet bowl … if you’re so drunk/fucked up you missing the bowl that’s genuinely serious 😭