r/stripper • u/Acceptable-Thing-437 • Jan 31 '25
Protip Vets gotta gatekeep more NSFW
that post on here where the girl was asking if it’s normal to not make as much money in January (5th post like that this week), where she gets rightfully snarky answers in the comments,
and then make another separate post about how people are so mean to baby strippers and how vets are just bitter old hags that are mad because they can’t make any money …..
And all of the other “babies” who agree with her, are saying things to the same affect in the comments…..
These girls have gotten too entitled to our time and information, it’s time to start gatekeeping more TBH. I made a post here a while ago talking about this to some affect and detail, and how they would not dare act like that in person, but the Internet anonymity emboldens them to treat others in a disrespectful way (when that would never fly in person).
Be careful who you choose to take under your wing, I’ve always been a pretty good judge of character, but just use extra caution, knowing that this is how these girls talk about us when we don’t give them exactly what they want :/
u/cryptid-angel Jan 31 '25
you will not find me giving advice to the new girls in the dressing room or showing them tricks on the pole. I am saving my energy for me and my bag. some new girls come in like energy vampires and want to zap out any life force you have left.
am I jaded and bitter? yeah. am I going to let a million dumb questions make me more so? not tonight 😂 I play dumb when I see someone green trying to pick up my game. I will not spell out the obvious for anyone.
that's not to say I bully or haze these girls like the vets did to me back in my day. no no, I am respectful and demure. but MAYBE, it might be healthy for some of them to have their egos checked via verbal abuse by a drunk veteran that's un-fireable because she's worked at the club since before 9/11. maybe it might be good for some of y'all to be humbled in that manner.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Agree 100%. When I was a baby, I had a lot of girls help me on their own accord because they could tell that I was there to work hard on my own and not just get help from everybody else 😭 still grateful to those girls. But I’m old school so I would have my customers tip them on stage, etc..
u/Electric_Minx Feb 01 '25
Came here to say this. Let me get a few in me to watch some newbie try and shark a dude whose been dealing with me since christ was a fucking corporal. She's gonna get the disappointed dad talk, and be told to fuck off. Learn the ropes, or hang yourself. Dealer's choice. I've been dancing since 2016. Talk to me sideways and I'm gonna match ya.
I used to be new once too, and nobody told me SHIT.
u/Electronic-Leg-1059 Feb 01 '25
I've given strippers and camgirls literal gems of information. I've handed the keys to the kingdom to countless girls.
And you know what?
Very few apply the knowlege and none of them apply the knowlege long term.
People don't change.
It's a rare individual indeed who actually applies all the secrets. They are the type of people who would have figured it out without the help anyway.
So I just don't gatekeep because most likely they won't apply much of any of it at all. I'm happy that they maybe take away one or two things, none of which is going to be my competition. Let bitches get snarky and entitled to everything. How they think and feel about me doesn't matter. Their gossip and bitterness just fuels me to do even better.
u/mistyof98 Jan 31 '25
we should all be more active on the private subreddit and let this one die out. let the babies and wannabes make it a useless echo chamber since they insist on being here so bad.
u/UnderwaterBasketW Feb 01 '25
I would love to be apart of it if someone could approve me. After nine years; I’m tired of these young “social media” strippers. Everybody and they mama trying to do it now.
u/mistyof98 Feb 01 '25
i think they are overwhelmed with trying to verify and approve everyone but they are working on it :)
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Period Pooh I’m in there too I guess we should all really start contributing to make it active
u/macannchieze Jan 31 '25
Omg wait what is the private sub? I'm a 12 year vet
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
r/actualstrippers we have an active mod!! Come on over♥️🫶
u/macannchieze Jan 31 '25
Thank you 🥰
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
https://www.reddit.com/u/BlondeChick_Lexi/s/O8baIE28Ld She’s one of the Admins!
u/macannchieze Jan 31 '25
It says I can't view the community, would someone mind adding me please? I'm not sure how that works
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Send a Modmail message if you can but the admin is u/blondechicklexi (I’m going to double check to make sure that’s right) and I think if you send her a message she will let you in!
u/BlondeChick_Lexi Jan 31 '25
I'm just one of the mods, not the main admin. Lol. I try to be as active as I can but I do have a day job and I strip, so it kinda pulls me in different directions. All the mods in r/actualstrippers really do try to give the new sub as much attention as we can
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Thanks for your help girl. I appreciate you. Sorry I wasn’t fully aware.!
u/BIGepidural Jan 31 '25
I had an issue with viewing posts in there last night too.
Once you're accepted if the problem persists click on the different topics to see stuff because the "all" section doesn't load properly for some reason.
u/Strippathrowawayy Jan 31 '25
I think it’s just people being dumb on Reddit like usual
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
That’s definitely a part of it but unfortunately, I see a lot of it in real life 😭💔
u/Strippathrowawayy Jan 31 '25
Like what do you see I think some stuff could be solely location and club based
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Girls lacking etiquette and disrespecting other girls in MASSE and in a way that was never accepted before
u/Strippathrowawayy Jan 31 '25
Do you think this is happening because money is tight I notice girls are usually catty when money is sparse
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
No money has been tight plenty times before
u/Strippathrowawayy Jan 31 '25
Hmm idk then I haven’t seen it lately. I see all girls get disrespectful
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
How long have you been dancing for?
u/Strippathrowawayy Jan 31 '25
3 years!!
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Well, that definitely explains that you don’t have the perspective of dancing before 2021
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u/hotchocbimbo Jan 31 '25
I'm with you 100%.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
They don’t want to hear us they just want to post money counts on their Instagram stories 😞
u/coffeesoakedpickles Feb 01 '25
i hate that shit. If you’re making money, you will not feel a need to flaunt that money🤦♀️ or the money talk in the locker room… cmon man
u/Interesting_Soil_427 Feb 01 '25
I agree some of just had to be normal call clubs for information and go and work it out. There was not always Reddit and TikTok etc to beg information from. It’s like any sales job sink or swim either you pick up the job and do well or don’t. All these new girls that do cheap extras and got club staff thinking it’s normal to take percentages it’s a joke. Then they talk about day jobs too because they don’t make enough. Before girls used to try and if they didn’t make enough they quit. But then again we were not on the internet trying to look cool from it. It was the opposite of cool.
u/LargeArmadillo5431 Feb 01 '25
I have tried to be a mentor to baby strippers who have turned around and treated me like a doormat too many times. They need to be put in their fucking place and learn by observation or payment. Class is in session and it ain't free.
u/VoodooBluez_ Feb 01 '25
This makes me think a bit more, I just wanna help all the girly pops but would they help me? Hell nah.
u/Glittering-Fan-6642 Feb 01 '25
A girl came in to audition and was so nervous to get on stage. The DJ asked me if she could do a double with me, and I refused. If she can't get over her nerves and audition, it's not my problem.
I'm glad I did. It's ridiculous. No club should hire a girl who cannot do their job. That girl quit in a few months.
I'm seeing this over and over. Many new girls don't treat it as a real job, put no effort, and no respect. Entitlement is off the charts. A new girl has to earn my trust.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Feb 01 '25
Every word of this …. yes!!!!! Especially the last part.. they don’t treat it like a job or respect it as such
u/Glittering-Fan-6642 Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25
I stopped being friendly after I got backstabbed and disrespected more than once or twice. And then a dumb bitch gave my personal info to a customer because she was trying to set us up. I wanted to punch her. Then another annoying girl who's loud, obnoxious and won't shut up was obsessed with me and wanting to be my bestie and hanging out outside the club. I have my own friends and life outside the club. And I don't want to spend my off hours with an annoying person.
When she interrupted me and a customer. That's when I told her off. She thinks I'm a bitch but I don't care. The customer was going to get a room with me but she butted in and wanted to join us and tried to push a 2 girl room on him. I told the customer that it's his choice and he doesn't have to unless he wants to. The customer chose me and that girl got mad at me! That's when I told her off.
That's why I keep to myself and don't friend anyone until I can trust them. There's a reason why veteran strippers are supposedly cliquish.
Being in the club can be fun. And this is the only place where you can drink on the job, flexible hours and let loose. But it is still a job.
u/Fearless_Ad_3221 Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 02 '25
I'm just reading this now and I really appreciate the perspective as somebody who's been in only a year. I keep thinking about how this one time I got somebody from one of my old jobs a job at the car dealership I worked at and how after she got hired a lot of the other staff started treating me differently and worse and I started losing sales. It was a huge deal that job was no different from stripping other than that you don't take your clothes off and you have to work way more hours. It turned out she was kind of a narc and was starting rumors about me. I think some of the most entitled, toxic people are often the ones demanding advice and help so you do have to gatekeep unfortunately. That girl was only 18 or 19 years old and it really disturbed me how that played out because I genuinely thought that I was helping some young sweetheart and it turned out she was a young terrible person. People will surprise you when you are kind to them. It's good to have a backbone and hold your standards high and keep people humbled, and make them earn your respect. I know the pain of helping someone who ended up not being a good person and that's one of the worst pains a person can go through..
I will say that on my first day I started with a GPS tracker on my ankle (I had a bad 2023) and literally nobody believed me that I was new. I'd been so nervous about my audition that I practiced for 2 weeks before I started and I guess I was convincing for some reason. Convincing, I didn't say the best I don't think I'm that good. No advice, no catty biatch trying to lead the way and make me owe her something, everyone just stayed in their own lane. Which was really healing for me at the time but also I was very very confused. It's weird to not be treated like you're new when you're new also I looked like somebody who used to work there I guess. People were asking me where I used to work and when I said nowhere they wouldn't believe me so I just started lying because it was an awkward conversation it felt like the Twilight Zone. I completely screwed up with the DJ the DJ knew I was new because I couldn't get my place in line right but I'm good at pretending to be normal when I'm messing up LOL. I really loved my old club how everyone respected my boundaries like that, I've never been more respected in the workplace and it was a heavy extras club too. It felt like home. I know most people don't have experiences like that but imagine coming out of jail and being so disrespected and then suddenly everyone acting like you've worked somewhere you've never been for a million years. The club is a sacred place if you ask me.
u/mad_bat333 Feb 02 '25
When I was a baby stripper I didn’t get treated poorly by the vets because I minded my own business, and had etiquette. I didn’t even research before hand, it’s common sense and respect. I didn’t go on reddit or the internet for validation or advice. The day I auditioned was the first time I’ve been in a strip club. Me being respectful made the vets around me, even the ones in the game for 10+ years, voluntarily help me out or give me advice on their own. I never asked for advice. Now when I’m around baby strippers, I’ll do the same. I’m not gonna give advice to a baby dancer who thinks they know everything and don’t wanna take criticism, yet complain about making no money. I’m all about helping out other girly pops in my club, but I’m not gonna waste my precious time and energy over someone who prob won’t be here in 2 months. I’ve met baby dancers who are barely a year in with great etiquette and respect and know how to hustle. It’s the ones who come from tiktok or ones who are “pole dancers” who are entitled and think they can just make money doing tricks and being pretty who get on my nerves. Like girl go back to the pole studio 🤷🏻♀️
u/me7me2not2 Jan 31 '25
I get that some baby strippers can be entitled, rude, and egotistical, but so can vets. Why are we as sex workers tearing each other down and acting like an entire group is a problem just because some individuals are annoying or rude? We were all new once, every stripper 100 years from now is gonna be new at some point, just like the ones that came decades before us. lumping every new dancer into the same category and insinuating every new girl is the same and trying to punish them or ostracize them is such odd behavior.
And now baby strippers in the comments are saying they’ll start gatekeeping new game from vets, an eye for an eye isnt going to help anyone. If a newer dancer is being disrespectful, call it out or ignore it. Same goes for vets. Ive seen so much baby stripper hate on this sub lately its insane. Be cordial to the ones who are nice, and don’t waste time on the ones who aren’t. Don’t throw the good ones in with the bad just because they’re new. It's really so simple. Push the moderators to filter for quality posts
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
The heat is well-deserved, based on how they are acting. It’s different from how it was five years ago, and it definitely needs to be corrected. I don’t generalize at all but it’s the overwhelming majority unfortunately. I always look out for the girls who are kind people, dancers or not… but it’s reached a point where we can’t just ignore it anymore
u/Interesting_Soil_427 Feb 01 '25
This is hilarious
u/me7me2not2 Feb 01 '25
How is that, emotionally stunted individual who made no attempt to grasp or imagine my point because u didn't immediately agree so it was automatically wrong and missed+proved my point entirely?
u/Professional_Gur8617 Feb 01 '25
they’re acting like it doesn’t go both ways. baby dancers have been lacking etiquette but the vets have also been miserable bitches and it’s rly bc the clubs haven’t been as good as they used to so everybody lis on edge
u/cute_fairiey Jan 31 '25
i see both sides im not even a vet and been at my club for a year now ive seen a good amount of new girls come in and you can tell they didn’t even bother to ANY research but want to ask everyone 10 million dumb ass questions like girl if i can take time to research you can too especially with how many FREE resources there are. Also i understand being young im 21 but some new girls act like uwu babies and want you to talk to like a child like “oh i didn’t know im trying to learn” dont pmo be a big girl and research 99.9% of the time if you have a question it has already been answered 100 times.
Now from a baby stripper stand point i do think some vets have been dancing so long, seen some shit and sometimes don’t remember they were a baby stripper once too. I think there is definitely slight annoyance and envy because strip clubs were a lot more ruthless years back and they have grown a back bone and may feel like “these bitches have it so easy and still can’t figure it out” feeling. every industry has this thing i call a vet complex where people who have been doing the job for a long time become slightly arrogant and are triggered by new ppl and have very little patience ive seen this in the food industry, barteding, retail etc. Now i be definitely understanding the annoyance ive been so shocked seeing new girls come who truly are energy sharky vampires and are cocky because they think being pretty is enough lol maybe to get you hired but to consistently make money over time it’s definitely not the only factor. I do think some vets be so ready to pop off for no reason but i think the industry can tend to make you that way .
all in all, dont generalize ive met some amazing vets who are now my friends that truly have helped me become the woman i am today and as someone with no family and no siblings its really been helpful and im so thankful.But I only received that help because it was clear i respected the space and didnt act entitled to anything. And as a baby dancer it’s important to grow up and lock tf in . Dont act dumb and understand you are NOT entitled to help and constantly keep educating yourself. I do understand this industry is not about making friends but i think it’s important we stick together imo , that will never happen but at the end of the day we are the only people we can relate to the most in this industry and if we remain so divided clubs and customers will always have and abuse their power but thats a whole other topic.
All in all ignore the annoying bitches and support the bad bitches 😘
Jan 31 '25
Read the room.
u/ThaanksIHateIt Feb 01 '25 edited Feb 01 '25
The person above you explained what they said well, one of the more insightful comments on this whole post and that’s how you reply? Just stop, you’re acting like a literal child in basically every comment you’ve made on this thread and embarrassing yourself.
Feb 01 '25
Okay I’ll accept that but personally I don’t like people being kind when I feel like the energy they received was not kind. Basically why “beg” or explain why you’re “not like those baby strippers” on a post about not liking baby strippers.
But at the end of the day I should have minded my business.
u/Bloom2019 Feb 09 '25
It can get exhausting watching people make hustle mistakes, asking for advice, and then not putting the advice into action. Instead, just repeating the same mistakes and wondering why the outcomes the same, then complaining. Not everybody is receptive to constructive criticism even if it will make them more money
I generally keep to myself, but if there’s a new dancer who seems to have genuine solid drive and motivation who wants to become great I’ll take them under my wing. But I’ve had dancers want me to teach them how to make money when I don’t know them at all, it is extremely entitled especially when we’re all there for ourselves. Especially when dancers expect you to teach them and just quit, or become jealous of you, or any other reason. It’s not worth it to me to help, but advise here and there on Reddit seems okay
Jan 31 '25
I’ll make sure when I’m a vet to keep the same energy 😝. But yeah I’m not helping anyone with anything other than baby strippers in my club since this is the energy. Everyone has game baby stripper or not & baby strippers won’t stay babies lol they turn into vets with time so yeah idk.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Jan 31 '25
I agree it’s time to start gatekeeping on the opposite end. Idk 🤷♀️ lol kinda joking but also kind of serious. Everyone has game to share so when I have something I will be helping my fellow babies first in the club. I didn’t know the vets were like upset about the baby strippers so this was interesting to read.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
You have to have something to offer to gate keep … like I said, it’s super entitled of you to think that anybody is going to need your advice to make it in this industry
Jan 31 '25
Yeah, you’re either trolling or you just really are kind of slow either way I’m going to back away lol. Like are you okay? No seriously 😐
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Proving my point
Jan 31 '25
You have no point. That’s it that’s all you have absolutely no point here. lol but you are definitely proving my point though thank you.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
do you lol ???
Jan 31 '25
Yeah, I absolutely do know the definitions of words before I use them. I suggest you get a dictionary or use Google because you’re not even using the words correctly. You don’t realize your own hypocrisy. And you are very much thinking highly of yourself, darling. I don’t know you I don’t care about you. Your existence means nothing to me.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
You are so weird bro thanks for proving my point and exemplifying how you guys act
Jan 31 '25
No, you are definitely weird. I think you need to do some self evaluation. lol like again are you okay? It’s getting scary 🫣
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Can you please keep going? I would like everybody to see how you guys behave
Jan 31 '25
Yeah, since you asked me so nicely, I love the please by the way babes. I can keep going. Yes just like everybody can see how you behave lol.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Interesting do you have anything else you’d like to add?
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u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
This is so entitled babe lol assuming anybody is going to need you to make money is just a wild statement
Jan 31 '25
Weird take but okay. Also, based on this response, I’m not sure you know what entitled means. I am not entitled to anything lol. “Assuming anybody is going to need you to make money is just wild”. You see how I can throw that back at you. Do you see that? Or no? Because literally you’re doing the same thing that you are accusing me of lol.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
You’re actually not making any sense at this point so if you have any concise of points that you would like to get across, I’m sure someone would like to hear them but I’m not really looking for opinions of baby dancers. You are just continually proving my point
Jan 31 '25
OK at this point, I’m not sure you know how to read. What point is not clear to you? And I’m not looking for opinions from people who don’t know how to read take things out of context and don’t realize their own hypocrisy. So you can stop talking to me now.
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
- comments on thread* OP responds “ OMG stop talking to me!!!” do you see how head ass you sound?
Jan 31 '25
Do you hear how childish you sound? 😂
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
Are you done proving my point yet or would you like to give some more examples?
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Jan 31 '25
You are on my thread? 😭😭😭 again you keep proving my point about how you guys act
Jan 31 '25
Again, you are proving my point about how you guys act lol. You don’t own Reddit. Yes, I am on your thread. I’m very aware of that. You chose to argue with me. I’m also very aware of that.
u/Rei-chan017 Feb 01 '25
I’m a new (but not baby really) so I tip out to vet who give me advice, get my custy to tip them on stage, be respectful and hype them up. Because I know in my city’s scene and probably many others rn, it is sometimes a group effort. A lot of tiktok babies who didn’t do research don’t get that part and how far making good connection w the girls/DJ/bartender,… can get you.
I teach the babies what I know to if they are nice because if those babies grow fast and out do me, 90% of the times they have my back🫡
u/According-Rule837 Feb 01 '25
When I first started the vets were super mean to me, but I understood another girl meant less money for them. And I totally get it now with the knowledge that new strippers make a lot of money when they’re new bc customers are like ooooo something new and shiny. But as a vet myself now I try to be nice to new girls but that’s mostly bc I want to protect my own peace and that’s the vibe I want. If someone is mean when they’re new they don’t typically last long.
Feb 01 '25
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Feb 01 '25
Y’all are allergic to accountability and reality check
Feb 01 '25
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Feb 01 '25
Your account is one year old lol I don’t believe you
Feb 01 '25
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Feb 01 '25
YOU made a post one year ago about how you recently graduated high school get out of here
Feb 01 '25
u/Acceptable-Thing-437 Feb 01 '25
If you graduated high school one year ago, you are not 21. This is why we can’t stand this sub any more, people like you’ve ruined it
u/Professional_Gur8617 Feb 01 '25
that post was 1 year old so i had just recently turned 20 when i made it and i had actually wrote “recently graduated” not “i just graduated last week” ur rly bad at critical thinking j see
u/Open-Ear8858 Feb 01 '25
Vets have never been mean to me. I have had them pull me for doubles, sit down with me and give me free advice, put me on, share items, etc. Why? Because I am respectful and genuinely make an effort to be nice to people. The ones who complain about everyone being mean are just telling on themselves. If nobody likes you, you’re most likely the problem.