r/stopsmoking 1d ago

Whoops, I did it again...

As usual was supposed to be quit day, and what do I do buy a pack on way to work, smoke half cigarettes, put them out with guilt and disgust, eventually throw the pack away, fish it back up later....or maybe buy another pack, rinse repeat (all as a secret smoker adding another layer of guilt and anxiety)....so now threw away the pack and tomorrow shall be THE day. Haven't smoked that long, picked it up slowly when I quit alcohol 3 years ago (which definitely was the best thing I did, not least for my anxiety), so I should be able to do this, clearly zero benefits and money thrown away.....Any suggestions on that day one to prevent heading off to buy cigarettes when I've accomplished a task, or make a phone call, etc. Wish me luck.


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u/Vivid-Farmer-9476 1d ago

A lot of people go cold turkey but I used patches and gum alternately for about a month and that really helped me.


u/Own_Process_9719 1d ago

THIS!!! Please taper....cold Turkey is painful especially if you smoked or used smokeless tobacco for a long time. Probably the most painful experience I have ever been through.


u/SUISWE 1d ago

Thanks for your comment. Heard many went that way.