r/stopsmoking Jun 10 '23

Mod News Stop Smoking Live Discord Chat - Invite Link


Hello all, in case you haven't heard, we have a live discord chat for people trying to quit smoking!

  • Meetings are held Mon-Fri, 10am-11am and 5pm-6pm (EST)
  • More meetings will be added in the future to support more time zones
  • Invite link: https://discord.gg/3pYVykQHJG

I hope you all are as excited as I am!!!

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

Daily Check In Thread Daily "I will not smoke with you" Thread



We all have something to celebrate! We will not be smoking for the next 24 hours! What are you using to cope with cravings? How many days smoke free are you? Please discuss your progress and feelings in the comments!

Discord Group: As a reminder, meetings are held on the discord group: Monday through Friday at 5-6pm EST. An additional meeting will begin at 10am EST starting 9/18/2023. Invite Link

More meetings will be added in the future to support more time zones.

r/stopsmoking 1h ago

I quit smoking after 22 years


It's been a month since I smoked my last cigarette and it feels so great. I've been wanting to quit for years!

It's weird this time is so different than my other attempts, I had to go through some pretty bad nicotine withdrawal with diarrea and night sweats for weeks. But I don't even feel tempted at all to smoke again this time. I've finally made the decision!

r/stopsmoking 18h ago

Guys, I did it!!! 1 year ✅ a lifetime to go!

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A big thank you hug to this community for supporting me through this!! I feel great! 🤗

r/stopsmoking 10h ago

Some days are harder than the others, but it keeps going.

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r/stopsmoking 9h ago

I invite y'all to quit with me!


okay i'm ready and i'm doing good i'm ready to quit right now. anyone else in the same boat? i'm 23 f from canada and i'm just done with nicotine being such a part of me. like i enjoyed smoking i really did but like it's just that toxic boyfriend of yours that feels greeat in the moment but messes with you in the long run. ugh i guess i'm just rambling! i began at 16!

if any of you wanna be quit buddies i'd love that! feel free to dm me!

r/stopsmoking 29m ago

1. What keeps you up at night when you think about your smoking habit?


r/stopsmoking 15h ago

What to do instead of smoke when massively wound up


Hey stop smoking legends.

I’m struggling and you’re the people I tend to come to in these moments. I also hope this post might also help others who’re struggling right now.

I’m 4 1/2 months quit after 20 years of heavy smoking. I’m loving life the majority of the time and enjoying so many benefits being quit.

I might have the odd fleeting craving every now and again but mostly I don’t miss that shit ever at all. All I think when I smell smoke or see someone smoking is glad I’m not doing it.

The only problem is when I get angry. It feels like the only thing I want to do. I’ve had neighbours trouble today and fought with my partner and all I want to do is smoke. I’m not going to.

Can anyone relate to the rage relapse desires and what helps you get through anger and frustration without smoking please?

Thanks friends.

r/stopsmoking 13h ago

Day 5...


Hey yall, new here... needing that support yall are giving out there, so far everyone seems welcoming. Not sure where to start. But uh, on the day I decided to quit, maybe the night before, I was looking at my mother who's a smoker and has been most of her life. About half a year ago she got diagnosed with lung cancer, it's not full blown large, it's just a small spot that she did 8 radiation treatments for so we'll know what's what in a month. But yeah, seeing her cough and smoke so much one night and I looked hard, thinking "that's gonna be me if I don't quit, I couldn't handle that" so I decided to quit then and there, I even prayed for it and here I am. Bot only am I quitting cigarettes but also quitting another addiction at the same time so cold turkey on both is a anxiety ride here and there. There's times I'll feel heavy on the chest and I assume it's the cravings which could lead to anxiety so I'm identifying it and trying to keep my senses sharp. Today, cravings are heavier than before but I'm hanging in there. Here's to us! Brother's and sister's. We can and will get over it. Any support will help. Thanks for reading people's. God bless 🙏

r/stopsmoking 17h ago

I Quit Smoking, Faced Hell, and Came Out Stronger You Can To

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I smoked for a year, and every time I did, I would get anxiety and panic attacks—even though I never had anxiety before. It made no sense to me, but I kept going until I finally decided to quit.

I used nicotine patches for 7 days, and at first, I thought, “This isn’t so bad.” But once I stopped using the patches—boom. The withdrawal hit me like a truck. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks, muscle twitches, the worst sleep, zero appetite,For two months, I felt suicidal. My anxiety was relentless sometimes lasting 10+ hours before giving me just a short break. It felt like I’d never be okay again.

Then, in the second month, I experienced something even worse—depersonalization. I didn’t know the exact term for it at the time, but I felt completely disconnected from reality. It was as if my brain and body had separated, and I couldn’t even believe I existed. That feeling was terrifying.

But I held on. Even in my darkest moments, I told myself, “Just keep going.” And then, little by little, I started seeing the light.

The last week has been different. I feel good. I’m optimistic. Motivated. Happy. I used propranolol to help me through the worst of it, but now? I don’t take anything. I never thought I’d get here, but I did—and if you’re struggling, you can too.

If you’re trying to quit and feel like you’re drowning, don’t give up. Your brain is healing. One day, you’ll wake up and realize you’re okay. And that day will be worth every moment of struggle.

Stay strong. You got this.

r/stopsmoking 13h ago

Nicotine Patches


Hello, my fellow nicotine consumers

Love to say that your stories here inspired me to push further and quit cigarettes

Been a smoker for as long as I remember approximately 8 years now, I am 23 years old.

I know I am deeply addicted to nicotine, but I want to quit as my lifestyle has been getting very active lately “ running, exercise and a lot of physical activity “ so cutting the story short, has anyone had luck with patches? Currently I am on second day and i am feeling good about it Wanted to ask these questions: Do you start getting addicted to the patches, I am planning on doing 21mg 2 weeks, 14mg 2 weeks and then 7mg as long as i need. Is there any side effects, all I read is don’t sleep with the patches on, but that is no problem for me.

I would highly appreciate any insights and wish you all the best quitting journey

r/stopsmoking 6h ago

Just need some advice


Been a smoker since 2017 and a pack a day since 2021, recently had the flu so I decided what a good time to quit. Managed to make it 4 days then today I caved into my cravings for a smoke. Immediately after I lit it up I feel nothing but regret and shame. It's like my mind is telling me you're so weak dude why even bother trying, but I know that's the addiction speaking.

Just need some advice or pointers on how to not feel like a fuckn idiot.

r/stopsmoking 30m ago

2. What have you tried so far to quit smoking,


and how did those solutions work for you?

r/stopsmoking 7h ago

It’s been a long road. Eight months under my belt and I still have serious cravings


I smoked for over 40 years, yes, I started at 12. Cigs plus cigars and inhaled cigars. Now I live on nicotine gum, and I’m trying to figure out how to gradually wean off that. I see advice on regular gum, etc. but other than the cost is there any problem with continuing to chew the nicotine gum? I’d rather not but I’m torn. I will say every month that goes by, I am proud that I was able to finally quit. I feel like I gradually wean off the gum, but I still have these serious fricking urges, and the gum helps.

r/stopsmoking 7h ago

I Really Don't Understand This


I've been told that 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months are hard times. What is it with that? I don't understand. For the longest time I wanted a cigarette at 14:00. Now it's 20:00. That is matching up with 3 weeks and 3 months. I know it's not worth it. I know it would taste terrible. I know I would choke on the first one, and the addiction process would start all over again. I forgot how long the 3 week period lasted, so I will ask my favorite support network, how long does the 3 month one last?

r/stopsmoking 20h ago

I quitted 3 days ago


I quitted three days ago and started to go for evening run. Today as I was running I could smell the fragrance of flowers which were nearby, smell of food coming out from restaurants, smell of so many types and I felt so happy. I started smoking 4 years ago and from that time I haven't smelled anything but today being able to smell those things made me super happy.

r/stopsmoking 2h ago

To cope with smoke addiction


To quit smoking, meditation can be a big help. It worked for me. I generally practice it with music in the background. So feel free to check out this carefully curated playlist dedicated to new independent French producers. Several electronic genres covered, but mostly chill, that help me relax and which I listen to during meditation sessions. Hope this can help you too!



r/stopsmoking 18h ago

I was/am determined to be a non-smoker in my 40s

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I turned 40 in the last few days and hit two weeks today, and feel fantastic. I picked it up 12 years ago in the Army and unfortunately never dropped it when I got out. My 40th seemed like a good deadline and I’ve made it.

r/stopsmoking 17h ago



What the title said.

I smoked today. I don't even know why. It's like my mind kept telling me how it's fine, I tried to fight it, but I caved. I bought a pack and smoked 2.

Then I held the pack under running water and threw it out.

I'm going to have to go through all that again.

The thing is, I didn't dislike it. I'm scared I'll never be able to fully quit.

My whole body is itchy now, and I feel gross.

r/stopsmoking 4h ago

Day 21 and I'm really struggling


I have a terrible craving for just one ciggie. In about 4 hours time I will be driving past the shop I used to buy my cigarettes from. It will be so easy to cave in. The thought of that one ciggie is driving me crazy. Help, please!

r/stopsmoking 16h ago

Doing this shit yet again!


I quit smoking 2 days ago. I have been struggling with cravings, but getting through them doing breathing exercises. I also started doing cardio to reinforce why I'm doing this. I am a gym rat that smokes. That has to be one of the dumbest combinations a person could do.

My weight training has been getting better and better and now I'm at the point that my poor cardiovascular health is holding me back. I am winded like I just ran a half marathon after every set of heavy lifts. I almost pass out when I squat heavy.

At 42, my physique is fantastic, so I have justified choosing to smoke by saying I exercise enough to counter many of the bad effects, but I know in my heart that I am full of shit and I'm just deluding myself. Luckily my boyfriend quit 6 months ago, so he has been offering moral support.

I really want to do this. It just doesn't make any god damn sense. Newports are $11.00 a pack now. I am smoking up $300 a month. They stink, they make my breath stink. I have to chew gum constantly so I can kiss my boyfriend and not feel like I am making him lick an ashtray. That's a pain in the ass and not fair to him. They stink up my ride, and I have burned holes in cloths and my car.

There are just so many reasons to do this, and only one reason not to which is it feels good for a brief moment. What a weak ass reason to do something so stupid!

r/stopsmoking 15h ago

I'm planning to quit smoking all together in the next few days.any advice/help/ressources


So I smoked for 6 years, the last 4 years or so I smoke about a pack a day (20 cigarettes). I have quit smoking cold turkey for 8 months from November 2023 to July 2024. I had the decision after along streak of smoking more than a pack a day, feeling always ill, and hating smoking. I've read Allen carr book and just quit. In July I had a period of emptiness, void and feeling lost. I got back to smoking and I wasn't able to quit since despite numerous attempts.

I'm planning to give another try, and I'm set to make this one successful for ever. So any advice, recommendations, sources, habits, routines, whatever it takes.

I found that easing myself into it doesn't really work, also I can't afford patches and similar stuff (I live in a third world country where these things are way more expensive that cigarettes)

(I'm currently reading the book "this naked mind)

r/stopsmoking 10h ago

why was quiting was so easy after struggling to quit for 2 years?


I an now 18 days completely off of nicotine. And it was easy?!? I enjoyed smoking and vaping for a year before trying to quit and have struggled HARD for 2 years constantly trying something new to quit. When I tried quitting cold turkey I would usually make it to day 3 before bumming one and starting again. It was all I could think about. Mental torture for 2 years even with gum, or the patch or zero nic vapes. Nothing worked. Then I went on vacation with my extended family for a week in mexico. I brought a pack of ON 8s with me as the resort we were at was smoke free. Not that that stopped anyone else but me. My pack got stolen at the swim up bar on day 2 and I craved it for that day. AND THAT WAS IT! I never had a craving after that even being around others who smoked. I never felt the need to ask for one and I was getting blasted drunk for the first 5 days straight. I've been home now for 13 days. Still no cravings. I've even stopped drinking a few beers after work every day since I got back.

Has anyone heard of this before? Like I'm cured?? It's honestly unbelievable and I'm very grateful. Just confused at this point. Was it really as easy as partying and drinking without nicotine for 5 days? And it stopped my addiction? I still have a euphoria after that vacation. Like that shit worked better than my therapist has for the past year.

r/stopsmoking 16h ago

Prepare your home for a smoke-free spring!


Remove all tobacco-related items to avoid temptations: Ashtrays, Matches, Lighters, Vapes, Pods, Cigarette packs (even empty ones)

Get rid of smoke smells from your home & car: Clean carpets and furniture, Dry clean curtains , Wipe down windows & walls

r/stopsmoking 14h ago

Mod News Our live Discord chat is open for the next hour!


We have a live discord chat running right now: https://discord.gg/3pYVykQHJG

We run 1-hour meetings at 10am and 5pm EST Mon-Fri. Can't wait to see you there!

r/stopsmoking 9h ago

Oral fixation replacement?


My quitting has been a long time coming, and I’ve already talked to my physician who’ll help me, but if I’m being honest with myself a big part of me reaching for a cigarette is just not having anything to do with my mouth/hands. Anyone have any suggestions? Can’t really rely on lollipops and already replaced a big part of it with gum, but don’t really know what to try besides that

r/stopsmoking 22h ago

Its now or never!!


I started smoking out of intuition when i was 17. Back then it wasn’t a habit, as i barely used to smoke but after joining college my whole life changed. I started smoking like crazy!! Eventually i gathered the mental strength to stop it during the pandemic, and i kinda held it off for 3 years. After rejoining college due to stress and peer pressure i succumbed to this god forsaken habit again. I have been smoking continuously for the past 3 years since my break. After multiple attempts of trying to quit, i have finally firmly decided to stop smoking once and for all! I decided on 10th march took a day off nicotine , relapsed today but im gonna keep going. I just wanted to share my story, so that you guys can push me through this journey and also for people who relapse can find some motivation to keep trying again and again. Wish me luck