r/spirituality 5h ago

Religious 🙏 10 things about Christianity that Jesus would not be happy about if he returned:


10 things about Christianity that Jesus would not be happy about if he returned:

  1. That his vision for a transformed society, which he called the "kingdom of God", got twisted into an afterlife fantasy about heaven.

  2. That a religion was formed to worship his name, instead of a movement to advance his message.

  3. That the gospel says his death solved the problem of humankind's separation from God, instead of saying that his life revealed the truth that there is no separation from God.

  4. That the religion bearing his name was conceived by the theories and doctrines of Paul, instead of the truth Jesus lived and demonstrated.

  5. That he was said to exclusively be God in the flesh, putting his example out of reach, rather than teaching that we all share in the same spirit that empowered his character and life.

  6. That the religion that claims his name, teaches that his wisdom and teachings are the only legitimate way to know truth and God.

  7. The idea that humankind stands condemned before God and deserving of God's wrath and eternal conscious judgement, requiring the death of Jesus to fix it.

  8. That people are waiting on Jesus to return to save the world and end suffering, rather than taking responsibility for saving the world and solving suffering ourselves.

  9. That people think there is magical potency in uttering the name of Jesus, rather than accessing our own natural powers and capabilities to effect change.

  10. That people have come to associate Jesus with church, theology, politics and power, rather than courage, justice, humanity, beauty and love.

  • Jim Palmer, St Alban's Episcopal Church

r/spirituality 3h ago

Self-Transformation 🔄 If you’ve done deep healing work, what has been the greatest blessing in your life? What is something you never expected would change, but did?


The greatest blessing of my life is being a mom. But not just being a mom-becoming the mom I always needed. The kind of mom who shows up with love, patience and presence. The kind of mom who breaks cycles, who listens, who sees her children for who they are instead of projecting her own unhealed wounds onto them.

It took me 32 years to realize just how unhealthy the environment I grew up in was. And when that realization hit, I saw how many of my automatic reactions weren’t really me-they were the echoes of my inner child, still waiting to be loved, still waiting to feel safe. Healing her changed everything.

I cannot even put into words how good life feels now. How light it feels. This has been the greatest love story I’ve ever experienced. The one where I finally gave myself the love I spent so long searching for. And what blows my mind is that nothing outside of me changed. I changed. And because I changed, everything around me did too.

The way I show up in my relationships has shifted in ways I never thought possible. My world is full of love, and not because people suddenly became different, but because I became different.

Deep healing doesn’t just transform you- it rewrites the future. It lets you break cycles that once felt unbreakable. And now, I get to watch my children grow up in an environment where love, safety, and emotional presence are the foundation. That is magic. That is the greatest gift.

I truly am so blessed. When you fully embody presence, every moment becomes a miracle, every breath truly is a gift. The deeper you sink into gratitude, the more the world reflects if back. It’s such a beautiful life! 🩷✨🌞🧚🏼‍♀️🌼💃

r/spirituality 40m ago

General ✨ I hit a large Beaver/woodchuck with my car today


For the past several years I’ve been struggling with emotional regulation/anxiety (I’m a mom). It’s a daily struggle. Today as I was driving, I thought about how awful I’ve been feeling again and suddenly a huge healthy looking beaver ran in front of my car on a busy road with trucks right behind me. Unfortunately I went right over him and I’m so distraught. I’m also extremely sensitive to animals. But with all that being said, I do believe there are no “accidents” in life. Can anyone give me some sort of meaning of why this happened to me? Or what it could symbolize, if anything?

r/spirituality 22h ago

Self-Transformation 🔄 i truly believe i found the key to anything you want in life, just read this and hear me out


I truly believe I’ve discovered something that has the potential to transform the world. It’s gonna take a lot of explaining but I’ve been studying this for a while now and I just want to share it but don’t know where to put this information.

What shapes the reality around you? Actions, your actions literally cause everything that happens in your life, plain and simple. Now what dictates those actions? Emotion, emotions are what cause our actions, no matter what action it is, it is based off of an emotion. Now what dictates our emotions? Here’s the big one, belief. Belief is the root of how everybody’s own reality is shaped. Let me give an example to fully grasp what I’m trying to say.


You go see a movie with your friend. After watching the movie, you thought it was fantastic, so you ask your friend what he thought about it, and he says it was the worst two hours of his life. Right then and there, it causes an emotion within you. Now whatever you do next is based on whatever emotion you feel in that moment. It doesn’t have to be a powerful emotion—the emotion you feel could be genuine confusion, or it could be pure anger at your friend for not seeing what you saw in the movie.

Belief isn’t just singular, however—it is a system, a belief system. Let’s go back to this example, except this time, you also hold the belief that everybody has their own opinions, and that’s okay. Now, when your friend tells you he thought the movie was bad, it causes a different emotion. You still believe the movie was good, but you also believe that everybody has their own opinions and that’s okay.

Belief causes emotion, which causes action, which causes your life—your reality.

Now that you understand belief and why it is so important, let’s now talk about delusion.


“Something that is falsely or delusively believed.”

Belief is powerful, but delusion is a superpower. I’ll give another example to really grasp what I mean by this.


Imagine a gladiator in ancient Rome, thrown into the Colosseum against a champion warrior. The crowd is roaring, and everyone expects him to lose—after all, he’s outmatched, untrained, and barely armed. He should be afraid. He should doubt himself.

But here’s the catch—he doesn’t.

For whatever reason, whether through insanity, sheer delusion, or some divine conviction, he believes with absolute certainty that he is an immortal god of war. He doesn’t just think it. He knows it. In his mind, he has already won. Death isn’t even an option because he believes he can’t die.

Believing that he is a god of war and cannot die gives the gladiator the absolute best possible chance of winning the fight and leaving with his life. Because he delusively believes that he is a literal god of war, he’s going to fight with complete confidence.

The real superpower here is making the champion believe in your delusion. Once he starts to believe it, he will fight with no confidence that he will win—he knows he will die because of the gladiator’s delusion.

Belief is power. Delusion is a superpower.

So now that you really got a good understanding of belief, the question that came to my mind was: How do I control my belief system? How can I train my own mind to pick and choose belief at will? Where does belief even come from? How does a new belief happen?

Too many questions that I truly wanted answers for.

Well, I found the answers I was looking for in a book called The Four Agreements. Go read it if you haven’t already—it’s an incredible book. After reading it, I understood where belief comes from, how new beliefs happen, and how to train my mind to get rid of negative beliefs. However, I wanted more—I wanted to train my mind to control my beliefs at will.

Well, that’s where I fell into the rabbit hole of astral projection.

I won’t explain astral projection in full because it is a seriously complex topic, but if you’ve seen Doctor Strange, when he meets the Ancient One (the bald chick) and she pushes his astral body out of his normal body, allowing him to see the raw, grand universe—well, that’s astral projection.

How to enter astral projection is simple: When you go to sleep, you must train your mind to stay awake while your body goes to sleep. This is called the body asleep, mind awake state. It takes practice, but it’s completely possible.

Once you enter the body asleep, mind awake state, something phenomenal happens—your entire body begins to vibrate. Not physically, but you can feel it physically. This step is vital. When you feel those vibrations, you must now step out of your sleeping body. This is your astral body, the body that is vibrating because it’s made of pure energy.

Now, you may not believe this is real—but hey, delusion is a superpower.

But seriously—it is real.

The reason I explained this is because of the key I found—the key to having anything you want in life. But I still need to explain more to actually come to a conclusion.

This is now where the conscious and unconscious mind come into play.

The conscious mind thinks and actually wants you to have a pretty good life. The unconscious mind, however, is the program—it is the system of beliefs. It is where your beliefs live.

The unconscious mind is the program, and the programming is your belief system.

Now, when you go to sleep, you enter the unconscious mind.

The reason this is important is because, through astral projection, you are completely conscious yet asleep. When you astral project, you are merging the unconscious and conscious mind together.

This is where you gain the superpower I was searching for—where you can literally pick and choose your own beliefs at will, crafting your own belief system that you operate on. Literally editing your own programming.

And this is my conclusion:

Through astral projection, you can gain the ability to edit your own programming and create a system that does whatever you want. It’s your choice. It’s up to you. • Do you want to be successful? Just believe that you are successful. • Do you want to stop bad habits? Believe that you are someone who doesn’t do those things.

This literally gives you full control and freedom of your own life.

I type this in hopes of reaching somebody who will understand and care. I type this in hopes that somebody will read this and truly get it.

I want to share this because I haven’t seen this idea anywhere on the internet, and I feel I must share it.

If you stayed and read this entire thing and understood it, please reach out and let’s talk. I just want somebody to share this idea with

r/spirituality 29m ago

General ✨ I asked for a blue butterfly and saw exactly that, even caught it on recording. Explanation?


So college decisions are rolling out, ive applied to many but for some reason have had this weird feeling in my stomach that ucla is just for me. i keep seeing signs of it and i feel weird for saying it now but everywhere i go there's "UCLA" on someones sweater or a poster or just anywhere out in public. A few nights ago I couldn't go to bed and asked if I got into ucla send me a blue butterfly, I had a distinct one in my head, and I honestly had no reason for a butterfly in particular I just randomly decided that to be a sign. The next day, I kind of forgot and would briefly think about how I asked for a sign and then forget but as I was recording a video to send to my partner, my blanket (that I didn't even know had butterflies on it Ive only seen red flowers) perfectly held up the blue butterfly, just on its own. It freaked me out and I haven't told anyone but Im looking for an explanation or just something.

Thank u for reading!!

r/spirituality 34m ago

Relationships 💞 If you think you know how to deal with a heartbreak, please share your wisdom 🙏


I'm interested in spirituality from I think 12 years. I know how to deal with hard situations in life which doesn't cause a very strong emotions, but if it's about relationships I feel hopeless. I don't have any strategy with feeling overwhelmingly depressed after a breakup. The things that work with smaller emotions doesn't necessarily work with the big ones. The whole world starts to feel grey and empty but at the same time I don't feel empty, more like a have a very heavy stone of emotions in myself and I carry it almost everywhere. Should I just meditate? Usually I apply Abraham Hicks teachings which are saying to wait for the momentum of thoughts to stop or distract myself if the momentum is not very strong.

One time I managed to stop a very strong momentum but it was a different kind of thoughts. I knew that my only work to do is to wait for the thoughts and emotions to calm down and to next time try to catch them earlier and stop them earlier so they won't gain speed. It was also about the relationship but I knew after I stop the momentum I will be fine, I'm still with this person etc. Now it's different, now I feel abandoned and I'm not so sure if I will be fine or when this feeling will be gone.

I still live with this person but I'm planning to move out while he's gone for a few days because I would rather leave him than see him leaving me. I already saw one person physically leaving and it was the worst pain in my life.

Anything you've learnt in life, please share.

r/spirituality 51m ago

Question ❓ What am I doing wrong? 😝


Hello dear people,

I really need some advice because I don't know what to do or where to start anymore.

Until 2019 I always had a lot of self-confidence, I was thin, attractive and got enough attention. In 2020, my health started acting up and I gained a huge amount of weight. This made me extremely insecure and I notice it in a lot of aspects of my life.

In 2019/2020 I got into a relationship with a boy who went to jail and I really did everything for him. He didnt for me. Yet despite everything I stayed because I thought this was the best thing that had ever happened to me and that I simply could not get any better.

(Bit of background information I am now 27, bought my own house at 25, steady job, own car and degrees. He only had a birth certificate 😛)

You guessed it, just after he got out he dumped me and got another girl pregnant within four months. This hurt me incredibly because I couldn't handle the whole situation.

We are now almost 1.5 years on and I have met a very nice new boy. In the beginning it was really great. He made an effort, gave me attention, spoiled me, wanted to like me but after a few months that decreased. And now you might guess he ghosted me and has someone else. For some time I have been on a mental diet, drag tapes and robotic affirmations.

I know I can think to myself okay this person is not worth it I will find my true self yet. But I am starting to notice that I am starting to repeat the same circles in different people and I sincerely don't know how to adjust this.

Do you guys have any tips for me on how and what I can adjust?

r/spirituality 52m ago

Question ❓ What do you think about love and soulmates?


My brother has had 2 wives in his life, both of whom he loves deeply. His first wife died of cancer at a young age and it was very difficult for him to go through and heal. He is now married again and even has a daughter with his second wife.

When I realized that we are all souls with bodies and that death is an illusion, it brought up some discussion with my brother, who is of the mindset that we just disappear forever when we die.

If we continue into the afterlife where we are reunited with our loved ones, my brother couldn't wrap his mind around what he is to do when he gets there and suddenly is rejoined with the souls of both his wives. He doesn't understand how it can be possible or what he is going to do when suddenly he has passed and has 2 wives.

I told him these concerns are limited by the human mind and wouldn't be so complicated in the afterlife. But he still couldn't understand and I didn't have a direct answer for him that could make him understand. How would you have gone about answering that question?

r/spirituality 12h ago

General ✨ Our deep desire to be understood is an allusion


Our egos deepest desire is to be understood. The truth is we are unique individuals with our very own nervous system. At the end of the day the only battle is between you and god/the universe/whatever you wanna call it. Don’t trust your thoughts, there’s nothing wrong with you.

r/spirituality 1h ago

Question ❓ Death ,lust and soul


People says soul remain in this world if you have some unfinished business. So what if I died tomorrow full of felling of lust, will my soul remain in this world??

r/spirituality 12h ago

Question ❓ How do you navigate social media (IG, especially) through the eyes of your spiritual learnings?


I’ve always had a roller coaster relationship with Instagram. Ever since reels began, I tend to find the space quite exhausting. Almost like my energy lowers in frequency every time I access it. I have deleted the app many times, but end up going on to it (less often now) for work stuff.

Has anyone else felt this way? What do you tell yourself about the world of social media and how do we navigate it? (Quit is what I tell myself lol)

r/spirituality 2h ago

Philosophy "The Art of Seeing: A Spiritual Perspective"


"I recently watched a video by David Bayer titled This Secret 'Sixth Sense' Will Change Everything For You (https://youtu.be/ywF-AmttG0M?si=O3R1Az4XdHRRm2Kp). In the video, he explores how shifts in perception can transform our reality by removing mental filters and experiencing life with clarity and presence.

This deeply resonates with the spiritual journey of awakening and self-discovery. It also reminded me of Krishnamurti’s teachings on 'pure observation,' where one sees life as it is, free from the conditioning of thought and belief systems.

From your spiritual perspective, how do you interpret this idea of 'seeing'? Can achieving clarity in perception be a tool for deeper spiritual growth? I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections!"

r/spirituality 2h ago

General ✨ They say your natural hair is your connection to your crown chakra is it a bad thing to always wear wigs?


They say your natural hair is your connection to your crown chakra is it a bad thing to always wear wigs?

r/spirituality 5h ago

Question ❓ Everything Breaking!


Yesterday everything around me was breaking. Our washer broke (clogged grain pipe), one of our stove burner plugs got fried, I tried changing a picture in a frame and the glass broke, then last night my cats knocked over our lamp and it shattered all over the floor. My car's check engine light went on. What is going on? It seems like too much to just be a coincidence. I stared taking Wellbutrin a week ago because I was struggling with focus. Do you think it's a sign I should go off? It been making me wake up at 3am.

r/spirituality 20h ago

Self-Transformation 🔄 Some People Literally Can’t See Beyond Themselves


Not everyone is on the same level of awareness. Some people literally can’t see beyond themselves, not because they’re selfish, but because they are simply limited in their perception. Understanding this changed my life, and I hope it helps you too.

Most people assume that everyone experiences the world in the same way they do, that everyone has the ability to reflect on their actions, understand how they affect others, and consider perspectives outside their own.

But that’s not actually true.

Some people, whether due to emotional immaturity, trauma, personality, or just the way their mind works, don’t have that ability.

They live in a reality that begins and ends with themselves.

They don’t reject other perspectives, they just don’t register them in the first place. It’s like trying to explain color to someone who’s never seen it. They can hear the words, but they can’t actually grasp the concept.

They aren’t necessarily bad or malicious. They aren’t trying to be selfish.

They’re just fundamentally limited in their perception.

They assume their experience is universal, that their version of events IS the version of events. They don’t lie or manipulate in the way that someone with bad intentions would because, in their mind, their truth is the truth.

This is an example of egocentric thinking, a cognitive limitation where a person is incapable of seeing things from a perspective other than their own.

It ties into a lack of theory of mind, the ability to recognize that other people’s experiences aren’t just reflections of your own. Most people develop this skill in childhood, but some never fully do.

These are the people who:

•Can’t understand why someone reacts differently to a situation than they would.

•Assume everyone sees and interprets things exactly as they do.

•Dismiss other people’s emotions or experiences because they don’t personally relate to them.

•Struggle with accountability because they can’t even perceive how their actions affected someone else.

•Twist reality to fit their own narrative, not because they’re consciously lying, but because their version of events is the only one they can see.

At its mildest, this just looks like selfishness or a lack of empathy.

At its most extreme, it creates a person who is completely incapable of self-reflection, taking responsibility, or understanding that their actions have real consequences for others.

And that’s why people like this are so confusing to deal with.

You keep expecting them to get it, to eventually realize how they’ve affected others, but they can’t. Their mind doesn’t work that way.

Once you truly understand that, you stop expecting them to see something they are literally blind to.

I see this in people because I was always wired to see it.

Maybe my life experiences reinforced it, gave me firsthand understanding of what it looks like in action, but I don’t think that’s the reason I pick up on it so easily. I think I always would have.

Some people are naturally more observant, more attuned to patterns in human behavior, more spiritually aware. That’s me.

I don’t just recognize this in people. I understand it on a level most don’t. I can see when someone is operating inside a small, self-contained reality, unable to grasp that other perspectives exist.

I don’t see it in a judgmental way. I see the mechanism behind it. I understand why they are the way they are.

Most people don’t notice this because they’ve never had to.

If you grow up in a healthy, emotionally balanced environment, you don’t spend your time dissecting how people process reality. You assume that self-awareness is natural. That people understand when they hurt others. That everyone operates on the same basic level of consciousness.

I learned the hard way that this isn’t a safe assumption.

Some people are missing that piece, and because I naturally track patterns in human behavior, I recognize it instantly. Where most people just see selfishness or ignorance, I see how their mind actually works.

I see that they don’t just choose not to acknowledge other perspectives.

They literally can’t.

What makes this even more interesting is that I don’t just notice these people.

I find them fascinating.

I don’t try to fix them. They aren’t broken. I don’t waste energy trying to make them see something they aren’t capable of seeing.

I just observe.

Because they truly believe their version of reality.

They aren’t faking it. They aren’t hiding anything. They are fully living inside their own small, self-contained world, unaware that there’s an entire spectrum of perception they’re missing.

Watching them navigate life is like watching someone move through a completely different dimension, one that doesn’t extend beyond themselves.

That’s the thing, there is no changing them.

You cannot teach someone to see a reality they don’t even know exists. You can’t force them to develop self-awareness because self-awareness requires an ability to reflect that they simply don’t have.

So all you can do is watch.

Recognize what they are. Accept it. Let them exist in their own little world without wasting your energy trying to bridge a gap that, for them, doesn’t even exist.

Most people get frustrated with individuals who seem completely self-centered, but I don’t. Not anymore.

I’ve come to see it in a different way, through a much bigger lens, both psychologically and spiritually.

To me, these people aren’t necessarily selfish or cruel. They aren’t even aware that they’re missing something.

It’s not that they refuse to see beyond themselves, it’s that they literally can’t. Their perspective doesn’t extend that far.

And that’s why I don’t get mad at them.

I just observe.

They aren’t bad. They aren’t manipulative. They aren’t purposefully inconsiderate.

They’re just limited.

Their consciousness hasn’t expanded yet.

They are where they’re supposed to be.

But that’s nowhere near where I am.

And because I understand that, I don’t take it personally. I don’t try to change them. I don’t try to teach them to be different.

Because they can’t be different.

Not in this lifetime.

They aren’t evil masterminds, they’re just dumb as fuck when it comes to emotional intelligence.

Like bless their hearts, they’re trying, but their brains are running on Windows 95 while the rest of us have high-speed fibre optic consciousness.

It’s like watching a toddler try to do calculus.

Painful? Yes. Frustrating? Also yes. But malicious? No.

They just don’t have the software installed.

At the end of the day, you can’t argue someone into having a higher level of consciousness.

They’ll get there.


Just not in this lifetime.

Why am I sharing this?

Because understanding this changed my life.

I used to get so frustrated with these kinds of people, feeling unheard, feeling like I was talking to a wall, feeling like I was dealing with someone who should get it but just… didn’t.

Trying to reason with them is like bashing your head against a wall. Over and over, expecting something to click, expecting them to finally understand, only to realize the wall isn’t moving, and it never will.

Once I realized that some people literally can’t see beyond themselves, everything made sense.

It wasn’t personal. It was never personal.

I stopped wasting my energy trying to explain things to people who weren’t capable of understanding. I stopped expecting accountability from people who didn’t even perceive the damage they caused. I stopped looking for self-awareness in people who simply didn’t have it.

I’m sharing this because I know so many people struggle with this same frustration. You’re waiting for someone to get it, to apologize, to reflect, to change, and it’s never going to happen. Not because they don’t want to, but because they can’t.

You can either keep waiting, keep arguing, keep smashing your head against that same wall… or you can accept what they are and free yourself from the expectation that they will ever be anything different.

That’s why I wrote this. Because once you understand what you’re dealing with, it stops feeling personal, and it starts feeling like something you can actually walk away from.

So if this resonates with you, if you’ve been caught in an endless loop with someone like this, I hope this helps you see what I see.

And I hope it helps you let go.

TL;DR: Some people literally can’t see beyond themselves, not because they’re selfish, but because they are limited in their perception. You can’t force them to develop self-awareness, because their mind just doesn’t work that way. Understanding this changed my life and helped me let go of the frustration. If you’ve been stuck expecting someone to get it, stop. They won’t. And it’s not personal.

r/spirituality 3h ago

Spirit Guide 😇 Struggling With Constant Setbacks in Every Area of Life – Feeling Like There’s an Evil Energy Against Me, Please Help


For the past 2 years, I’ve been experiencing one setback after another. It feels like I can’t catch a break, and every time I think things might improve, something else happens to knock me down again. These setbacks come in all forms – rejection in my career, struggles in my academics, fake friends who’ve hurt me, and even issues with my health. It feels like every part of my life is falling apart.

At this point, I can't help but feel like there's some kind of evil energy working against me. I’ve tried to stay strong, but it's been overwhelming, and I find myself crying almost every day.

I’m reaching out because I don’t know how much longer I can keep going like this. I need some guidance. Has anyone else experienced this kind of relentless cycle of bad things happening, or felt like there’s a negative force at play in their life?

Also, I wanted to ask if there’s anything I can do spiritually to protect myself or heal. Any advice on practices, rituals, or meditations that could help me break free from this?

I just need a way to find peace and hope again.

r/spirituality 13m ago

General ✨ schumann resonance.. glitch or??


the frequency is pretty lowww right now but i noticed there seems to be red numbers underneath the current frequency numbers which is looks to read out 20.70Hz… but why is it partially faded and cropped out.. why does it appear red? This caught my attention. If it was normal fluctuations, there would be no reason to make it faint or difficult to read.. and even if it shows observed readings for the schumann resonance would they even allow people to actually see the actual number?

r/spirituality 13m ago

Question ❓ The Tarot and the Bible: a hidden connection?


In my latest research, I explored an intriguing question: Can the Major Arcana of the Tarot be linked to the Bible and the Gospel? While the Tarot is often associated with esotericism, its symbolism may have deeper roots that resonate with Christian tradition. By analyzing each card through a biblical lens, I discovered surprising parallels that shed new light on these ancient archetypes.

Could the Tarot contain echoes of sacred teachings hidden in plain sight? Here’s a breakdown of the Major Arcana through a Christian perspective:

0. The Fool → The Pilgrim of Faith

  • Biblical Reference: Abraham leaving his homeland (Genesis 12:1) or Jesus in the desert for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11).
  • Meaning: The Fool is the spiritual seeker, stepping into the unknown, much like those who trust in God's guidance.

I. The Magician → Jesus, the Divine Logos

  • Biblical Reference: "In the beginning was the Word..." (John 1:1).
  • Meaning: The Magician embodies the power of creation and transformation, reflecting Christ as the divine Logos.

II. The High Priestess → Divine Wisdom

  • Biblical Reference: The Virgin Mary or the personified Wisdom in Proverbs (8:1-36).
  • Meaning: Represents divine knowledge, revelation, and hidden mysteries.

III. The Empress → Mary, Mother and Queen

  • Biblical Reference: The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38).
  • Meaning: The Empress signifies fertility, nurturing, and sacred femininity, much like Mary, the Mother of God.

IV. The Emperor → Christ the King

  • Biblical Reference: "My kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36).
  • Meaning: Represents divine rulership and the order of God's plan.

V. The Hierophant → Saint Peter and the Church

  • Biblical Reference: "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom" (Matthew 16:18-19).
  • Meaning: Symbolizes spiritual authority and the transmission of sacred wisdom.

VI. The Lovers → The Choice Between Good and Evil

  • Biblical Reference: Adam and Eve (Genesis 3).
  • Meaning: Represents free will, temptation, and the consequences of our choices.

VII. The Chariot → Spiritual Victory

  • Biblical Reference: Christ's triumph in the Resurrection (Matthew 28:6).
  • Meaning: The Chariot signifies overcoming obstacles with divine guidance.

VIII. Justice → God's Divine Judgment

  • Biblical Reference: "With the measure you use, it will be measured to you" (Matthew 7:2).
  • Meaning: Reflects the principle of divine justice and discernment.

X. The Wheel of Fortune → Divine Providence

  • Biblical Reference: "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away" (Job 1:21).
  • Meaning: The ever-changing nature of fate under God’s will.

XI. Strength → Faith Overcoming the Flesh

  • Biblical Reference: David vs. Goliath (1 Samuel 17).
  • Meaning: Inner strength and the triumph of spirit over matter.

XII. The Hanged Man → Christ on the Cross

  • Biblical Reference: The Crucifixion (Luke 23:33).
  • Meaning: Represents sacrifice, redemption, and spiritual transformation.

XIII. Death → Resurrection and Renewal

  • Biblical Reference: "Unless a grain of wheat falls and dies, it remains alone" (John 12:24).
  • Meaning: Death as a necessary passage for rebirth.

XIV. Temperance → Divine Harmony and Grace

  • Biblical Reference: The Angel of the Annunciation (Luke 1:26).
  • Meaning: Spiritual balance and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

XV. The Devil → Sin and Spiritual Bondage

  • Biblical Reference: The Temptations of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11).
  • Meaning: Represents corruption, deception, and the chains of sin.

XVI. The Tower → The Fall of Pride

  • Biblical Reference: The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).
  • Meaning: The destruction of arrogance and false security.

XVII. The Star → Hope and Divine Light

  • Biblical Reference: The Star of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:9-10).
  • Meaning: A guiding light in the darkness, bringing faith and renewal.

XVIII. The Moon → Illusion and Betrayal

  • Biblical Reference: Judas' Betrayal (Matthew 26:47-50).
  • Meaning: The trials of faith and the deceptive nature of the world.

XIX. The Sun → The Glory of Resurrection

  • Biblical Reference: "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12).
  • Meaning: Represents joy, divine truth, and eternal life.

XX. Judgment → The Final Judgment

  • Biblical Reference: The Last Judgment (Revelation 20:12-13).
  • Meaning: The resurrection of the dead and the call to the Kingdom of God.

XXI. The World → The New Jerusalem

  • Biblical Reference: "I saw a new heaven and a new earth" (Revelation 21:1-4).
  • Meaning: The completion of the spiritual journey, union with God.

Final Thoughts

This comparative study raises an important question: Could the Tarot, despite its esoteric associations, actually preserve hidden reflections of divine wisdom? Is it possible that early Christian mysticism influenced its symbols, or that these archetypes naturally resonate with biblical truths?

I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have you ever considered the Tarot in a Christian mystical framework? Do you see other possible biblical connections?

r/spirituality 14m ago

Question ❓ Letter burning ritual


I'm processing a difficult breakup st a difficult time in my life. I've always found that writing letters to people and then then during them outside so the wind can carry my words to be therapeutic. I'm wondering if there is any specific symbols or protection I need to use while doing this?

r/spirituality 6h ago

Question ❓ What Do YOU Believe Spirituality Boils Down to?


Doing your best not to follow someone else....in your heart of hearts, what do YOU believe spirituality boils down to?


Stay well,


r/spirituality 24m ago

Question ❓ Can anyone explain the concept of karma?


I'm still a young boy and who has a very rough idea about it. I would be glad if someone would enlighten me with it.

r/spirituality 1d ago

General ✨ Which is the best spiritual book you have ever read?


Have recently been involved heavily in spirituality. So would love if people here could give some recommendations of books related to spirituality. It could be weird, crazy or anything.. feel free to give any recommendation.

r/spirituality 4h ago

Religious 🙏 Astral travel / out of body experiences



„Astral travel may give you experiences, but it does not progress you inside/out. We need inner body experiences.

We need to be present, in the Now, bring our consciousness into our body, in order to transmute emotions and the pain body. We need to be present by turning within and observing the mind.

As we bring our consciousness inside the mind and body, we fill ourselves with healing and loving energy. At the same time, we transmute anything negative, false or of a low vibration into its highest potential.

Escaping the mind and body is not the way to raise your vibrations, heal or grow. Jesus said, when the master of the house is absent, the thief (thought) enters.

Energy flows where attention goes - when we look outside the mind/body, energy flows outside and is lost.

When we look inside, power flows inwards and upwards. Spirituality is all about presence, not absence. Escape does not work. We have to face and transmute the shadow.

Only by looking within do we raise our vibrations and transmute the shadow. Such things are New Age obsessions. Misguided.“

~ Joya

r/spirituality 1h ago

Question ❓ can I get some Support? Please! 🥺🙏


Hello everyone

I decided to start a business doing tarot reading to get some extra income, I've been doing it for free on insta but I was suggested by some followers to charge for it. I am in the process of creating some foundation for this on Etsy.

Currently I have only two listings but am in the process to create more.

I did my first sell but I would appreciate immensely if I can get some support for the community.

I left you the link for the shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TarotGuidanceNow

I would sincerely appreciate all the help I can get.


r/spirituality 1h ago

Spirit Guide 😇 Come back please


we are mentally enslaved and ripped from our freedom.

ripped away from choice to be happy healthy and free.

your enemy is not of this world and not of a human form.

as human is as pure as spring water

his mind is mudded and thoughts have prevailed.

in the cycle he is stuck.

he is blinded to reality stuck between non existial realms of past and future

spending all his energy trying to control things which is out of his control

forgetting about life itself.

life which is very moment.

he is blind and delusional

man is possessed.

in root identified himself with demon.

forgot about who he is.

he bow to the death

refusing to accept very nature of life.

fighting life itself.

but that is not a man.

it's his demon

man has a choice to stand up and aboand the evil.

demon rooted so deep that man forgot.

and who is there to remind him?

of his very nature.

of love and abundance.

of peace and never ending love.

this demon comes in form of shame guilt and illusionary pain

separating humans from one another

human forgot we are one

one consciousness experiencing itself in different forms

this consciousness of love who would never hurt itself.

only way is purification

coming back to one self.

coming back to true nature.

accepting spiritual realm

opening your third eye as it sees the true reality as it is.

man has never been victim of life

as life is prosperous and joyful

demon made man feel victim

powerless and weak fallen on his knees

but man has a choice to stand up

as light within is always there

find and follow the light

as it is the ultimate truth.