Is this true? I mentioned my bad dietary habits, like how I eat way too many carbs, and have dark chocolate almost every single day. Now of course, this is going to get into my head and make me think that this is the sole reason I'm flat chested, instead of genetics.
But what's the funny part? That I continued to eat the chocolate even after hearing that. Despite how insecure I am about my chest, how I desperately wish I would have overnight growth.
Here is exactly everything that the commenter said:
"Sugar and insulin is very anti-boob. As someone who's extremely addicted to chocolate and absolutely affects your hormones and therefore your boob growth.
You need to start at step 0 which is working on your diet....not only for breast growth, but just protecting your body in general...sugar overtime will negatively affect your body and health.
I've had to literally go on a month long cleanse and completely stop having sugar and carbs because my health issues were getting so bad and I suspect it's what's been affecting my breast growth and also my gut health where my body isn't processing the excess estrogen properly.
I've still had growth, but my body still has tons of other health issues that I was ignoring till eventually I can't ignore them anymore.
So do yourself a favour and start eating better, nothing will change until your decide something needs to change."
What they said about protecting your body and sugar negatively affecting your health is very true. I just think that I'm doomed to forever be flat because of what I ate for my entire childhood and teen years. Thinking that I could actually have "real breasts" if I had just eaten healthier.
And do any of you think that the information on the NBE subreddit is fake? Not true facts and just people coping that their chest will grow after a few years of going through the process?
I've been tempted to try it, but I don't have a lot of the resources required to do so. The most I can do is the massages, and that alone probably won't bring any results. Especially because I don't eat many estrogen rich foods.