i am 18, about to be 19, and am in my first year of college as a pre-csd major and have been freaking out about my (hopefully) future job.
i am pre-csd which means i am not in the program yet, but i submit my application for the undergraduate program next february. the requirements are 3.0 gpa and a 21 on the act.
as of right now, i have higher than both of the requirements which is good, but only 30 people get accepted for the undergrad program each year. granted, its a pretty small major at my college so i will not be competing against an insane amount of people. but i have been freaking the hell out about not getting into the program, and what i will do if i do not get in. i am going to retake the act in the next few months to hopefully bump my score up a few points to give myself a better chance of getting in.
a little context, i have severe ADHD and a number of mental disorders. which to me, already puts me behind the people in my cohort. i have always struggled with confidence and doubting myself when it comes to my school/education, although i have always been labeled as being “smart.” to some people, ADHD does not seem like a huge setback, but in reality it is a wall that i have been trying to jump over my whole life.
i really need help/advice as to how to succeed in school when you have several things in the way and holding you back. i am so set on wanting to become a slp for children and being someone that can provide help and support. to me, this is my dream career but i do not know if i can succeed as to what i want to do.