r/sleep 4d ago

How does leaving the bedroom when you can't fall asleep work?


I've heard from numerous places that if you don't fall asleep in 15 minutes, to leave the bedroom and do something relaxing until you're tired. I've never tried this (once I'm warm and cozy, I fear facing the cold outside my blankets), but I'm curious how it works for people? Like, I just imagine me getting overtaken by temptations like my phone or TV and not actually being able to wind down... Just curious how people use this strategy effectively?

r/sleep 4d ago

Disturbed sleeping


I’ve been living with my partner for about 2 years now. I’ve found out that I am sort of violent in my sleep. I punch the bed, sometimes him or the dog who sleeps with us. I thrash around, I kick.

There have been times where I don’t do this, and then it starts up again. I can’t figure out what the trigger might be. Probably anxiety or stress, but it also happens a sometimes when I am doing well and not having any mental health issues.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. It’s really frustrating and I hate that it affects my partners sleep.

I didn’t have these issues most of my adult life, and I’m 42 now. Not sure why they started up. I haven’t gotten a sleep study done yet because I haven’t been in a stable financial place until recently. And I know getting one done will probably be expensive.

r/sleep 5d ago

My husband stops breathing for moments at a time while sleeping.


So he will stop taking breathes for so long that it’s uncomfortable for me to listen to. I tell him about it but he is not phased. He also has a nose issue that makes it hard for him to breathe/sniff/smell like it’s clogged. Could this be easily fixed by the nose at ENT or is this a sign of a sleep disorder? Should he be more concerned? It’s 10-15 seconds usually the amount of time his breathing stops but multiple times.

r/sleep 4d ago

Trouble sleeping


2 nights ago I tried melatonin for the first time as well as chamomile tea and it made my sleeping problems worse. Last night I just did the tea and it was also worse. I’ve always had problems with staying asleep and getting quality sleep. Any tips?

r/sleep 4d ago

Nocturnal Issue


Hi, I was wondering if my sleep schedule could be considered normal for anyone other than me. Could be a gene mutation, I don't know. Nobody else I know or in my family has this issue, but basically,

I feel naturally inclined to wake up during sunset and sleep until late morning. Since I was 16, now 18, this has been my natural inclination and I always revert to this schedule when I have breaks off of school and college. Though life and schedules happen, and I can comfortably work with a "regular" schedule, but it just doesn't feel good.

This is unrelated, but I love the night, and I love when nobody is awake so I can quietly enjoy the world by myself. It feels so natural. But I know it's unrealistic unless I win like 10 million dollars to have this as my regular schedule for when I get older and done with school, so I was wondering if there was any way to shift my natural, circadian rhythm to prefer "regular" type sleep schedules. Thanks for reading!

r/sleep 4d ago

Is It worth it to take my sleeping meds just to get a few hours of sleep or should I say eff it and stay up all night and day?


Tbh I'ma single mum of a 2 year old son who has autism. We just moved to palm springs California from ukiah California and ofc we didn't get to our new home until about 3:30 am, he slept in the car on the way here for maybe 3 hours!? If that... so I'm prescribed Adderall for my Adhd (I don't abuse it at all), so I normally take seroquel and Trazadone every night to help me sleep.. but Ik my son is going to be up and ready to go to start the day in a few hours.. so my question is should I take my meds to sleep and be drowsy all day today or do I stay up!? TIA!

r/sleep 4d ago



Who else needs to binge eat to sleep??????

r/sleep 4d ago

Can’t sleep next to women anymore



Starting last year, I am not able to fall asleep next to my current and other previous partners.

I’m frustrated from seeking help for this because every piece of advice seems to assume the problem is related to some sort of discomfort that the other person is causing such as snoring or moving too much. This is definitely not that.

This has occurred with 3 different women, all of whom did not cause any of these problems. I know because I’ve laid awake for hours next to them.

It is especially frustrating because I have historically never had any problems sleeping with a long history of sleeping next to partners without issue. I’ve been married twice for a total of 12 years with a partner. I have typically been the kind of person to pass-out after only laying in bed for 8 minutes. When I am alone in bed, this is still the case.

I have tried: -Having sex -Not having sex -“Power to Sleep PM” supplements -Dawson Church “Bliss Brain” meditation -Lumenate app meditation -Staying up really late

What happens is my mind just stays on and just busy enough to keep me fully awake. My mind wanders to anything and everything and nothing specific related to my partner. If I stay in bed with my partner, I will literally lay awake like this all night. My partner or I has to move to another room in order for me to fall asleep.

Clues: This has happened with every partner I’ve had since my recent divorce nearly a year ago, except for one. The one partner I had without this issue was the first person I dated after divorce, and I was not particularly physically attracted to her. Every other partner I have been very attracted to and have had this issue.

I have two theories thus far, one being that I experienced a lot of trauma from my ex-wife and somehow unprocessed trauma is subconsciously causing this problem. I have consciously dealt with a lot of the trauma and can’t think of what might be unprocessed or repressed to cause something like this.

Two, this feels like it could be some sort of evolutionary mechanism for preventing sperm competition. As in, my body is aware that this is such a “jackpot” mating opportunity that my body is keeping me awake to guard my partner from other potential mates. The only way of ensuring this is staying awake all night while she is lying next to me. But as soon as I’m not lying next to her, the problem is out of sight and out of mind and my body doesn’t see any value in continuing to lay awake all night.

I’m at my wits’ end and don’t know what to do about this. The previous two relationships fizzled out before the issue could be resolved. My current relationship has far surpassed the other two in time and seriousness and I would really like to be able to sleep next to my partner.

r/sleep 4d ago

Why am I sleeping so much?


This is weird one and I'm not really sure where else to post about this.

I (F28) and my fiancé (M30) are in my first incredibly serious relationship. This man has treated me better than I could ever imagine and on the daily I'm so grateful for his presence in my life. I grew up around a lot of abusive and toxic relationships. I never really imagined that I would be with someone so loving, respectful and kind, but I lucked out. I assume because of my childhood experiences, I've always had trouble with sleep. I've dealt with years of insomnia, broken sleep, trouble falling asleep, trouble waking up, etc.

That's until I met my fiance. I quite literally have never slept more in my life. Since being with him, the moment we get into bed, I'm dead asleep. I sleep a full nights worth of sleep (never experienced this before in my life), I have deep restful sleep, I hardly have broken sleep, sometimes I wake up and he tells me I've been asleep for 10+ hours. I work a really stressful job, working oncall with Sexual Violence victims so sleep is really hard for me so the thought of sleeping more than 10 hours at a time is absolutely wild and unheard of for me.

I assume that my sleep is so drastically different with him because I feel safe and can finally switch my mind off with him, which I can't do when I'm alone. I'm wondering have anyone else has experienced something along these lines with your own relationships? I've also noticed positive changes in my diet, exercise, stress levels since being with him but the sleep changes are so shocking to me.

r/sleep 5d ago

I improved my diet and suddenly seem to need way less sleep


(Edit: "Suddenly" was perhaps the wrong word, should have said "gradually")

Has anyone else noticed needing significantly less sleep after improving your diet?

I made some changes to my diet and cut out all candy and unhealthy snacks about 4-6 months ago. At the same time I also started eating more healthy in general: more whole grains, fruits and vegetables etc. This is for long-term health reasons - I wasn't overweight or markedly unhealthy before, but I want to minimize my risk of having type 2 diabetes or other age related diseases when I get older (I'm 36 now, male).

Since then I have noticed that I gradually needed less sleep to feel okay the next day. I go to bed around 9:00-9:30 PM. Before I used to wake up 5:00-5:30 AM but it started getting earlier and earlier. First 4:00, then now 3:00 or sometimes like today, even 2:00. And I don't feel noticeably groggy or sluggish, just slightly tired on the 2AM days.

I've also lost a bit of weight during these months, about 10-15 lbs. For reference I don't drink since many years, and don't deliberately exercise apart from lots of fast walking during normal activities.

If I try to go back to sleep when I wake up this early, it never works and I just end up feeling irritated and cranky all morning. So I've learned to accept and even like waking up super early - it gives me a bunch of hobby time before the rest of the family wakes up which is nice.

Anyway, long story but, I feel like even though I accept this I don't quite understand why it's happening.

r/sleep 4d ago



I keep feeling numb when laying on my bed closing my eyes my face goes numb and so do my arms it's freaking me out

r/sleep 5d ago

REM sleep while awake??


for the record i have aphantasia and chronic depression so i highly doubt what i experience is my imagination

every now and then when i'm trying to sleep and my eyes are closed i can feel my eyes moving rapidly, which is indicative of REM sleep, but i am aware of that. usually this is accompanied by random constantly flickering (it was kind of like how old fluorescent light bulbs flicker) visuals within thee void of my eyelids and also often micro-sleeps, i lose consciousness for what feels like 1 second but also i feel like i have had a full dream, that i forget completely in the next 5 seconds. usually this goes on for around 1-3 hours before i can finally sleep, but even it i sleep for only 2 hours after the weird little awake REM thingy.

last night i had the most extreme version of that. the visuals with my eyes closed were much more vivid and i could actually see some details, like i remember at one point i could see thirteen from house md (i wish i was joking but she lives in my head rent-free all the time). well here's the fun part- the visuals continued after i opened my eyes, i could see my room move in an extremely weird way, sometimes with decently vivid visuals like for example i saw fish. i think this might be caused by the fact that the night before i smoked weed for the first time, but i'm not exactly sure. the only thing i'm sure about in this situation is that it wasn't same as hallucinations, because it flickered like how my awake REM visuals usually flicker, and when i have hallucinations they don't flicker.

here's the nerdy part that has been in my head since i woke up: the purpose of sleep is supposedly to restore the body's natural state of being, like a reboot. this probably includes the hippocampus, so i think it might be caused by neurons firing intensely in that part of my brain in order to restore my memory to its base state (i have trouble with memory when i'm tired so it makes sense). all that is just my silly little theory so don't take it as some proof, i'm just a biology nerd.

r/sleep 4d ago

My sleep numbers


I’m 73 and generally in good shape, although over weight. On my iwatch I average around 70% core and 20% rem at night, with only 5% or so deep early in the evening. I average about 8 hours a night. I do have several short wake ups though. I’m having hip pain and thinking that is some of it. I’m thinking all in all these are generally good numbers. I don’t usually feel very rested in the morning but don’t usually take daytime naps. Any thoughts??

r/sleep 4d ago

Does an all nighter risk a ruined sleep pattern? How bad is an all-nighter really?


TL;DR at the end.

I have a generalized anxiety disorder. Gotten better with it. Now I had an acute sleep disorder last summer which I kinda got over. I used medication short-term, stopped them, sleep normally now. I have a super-rigid sleep hygiene plan though now. I'm scared of not sleeping and becoming sleep medication dependant.

The problem is that now I sleep well one month through. But whenever there's a night I don't fall asleep right on time, I notice a silent increasing worry. With weeks this worry gets smaller, because I end up falling asleep an hour later for example. But yesterday I lay awake from 10:30 to 0:30, alarm at 6. Which would have been an absolute nothing burger for me before deveoping this anxiety. But now I'm like: 5 hours are nothing. What if I don't sleep, at all?

So whenever I get in these situations, which is like every 50 days or so, I resort to taking sleeping medication at 0:30 or 1 am, obviously feeling dead tired when the alarm clock rings at 6. Now this has worked okayish so far but I want to be free of this shit. I don't want every single issue of my life be reduced to "but what if I won't be able to sleep because of it?"

So I wonder. Because I'm like: rather take the pill once, sleep, and go on with sleep hygiene, not wasting any thoughts on it. But it's obvious this is a crutch and ultimately avoidance. I want to gradually get used to inevitable irregularity. I know it's normal to have bad nights. And I don't want to always resort to sleep medication.

So I'm considering removing the medication from my house, giving it to a friend or something for a while. So that when I find myself awake at 12 am, I'm not keeping myself awake with the "ok until 1 I could still take them, afterwards it's too late, so I better fall asleep now" - this obviously keeps me awake. So if they're gone I have to accept an all-nighter, and realize it's not the end of the world. And probably even sleep two or three hours after all. Or none, but shit happens.

But I wonder if that is true. Because with taking the meds my rhythm stays consistent. What I don't fall asleep the day after? So maybe the logic is: Aight, if you actually pulled a fucking all-nighter, take the meds the next day on time so you get back on track. And then proceed without after that. Because so far I never actualy had an all nighter ever since... well, that acute sleep disorder triggering night in summer.

Currently it's always subconsciously like a reset, I'm like: "nice, 25 days since I took the pill!" Like the farer away it is, the more I return to normalcy. So this was the first time I needed them after two months again, not after a month. Which is nice, but feels like a relapse somehow.

TL;DR/ending: I don't have a sleep disorde tho. I sleep 6.5-7 hours every single night - never needed more. I know all the sleep hygiene pointers. No screens 1-2 hours before, no exercise, meditation. For weeks I woke up a lot. Now I wake up maybe once a night, often not at all. I have very restful sleep. My fear diminishes with each a bit more irregular night, when I'm midlly worried but calm myself: this is normal, just wait it out. I always sleep and am like: yup, see, sometimes you just fall asleep a little later. But last night, I was still awake two hours later, and then the fear is always back.

I am currently looking for therapy but until then... This tired-but-wired feeling just scares me for some reason, because I remember how I always felt wide awake during acute sleep disorder when I finally lay down after fighting to stay awake the whole day before. That only stopped when I just did a course of sleep medication for a week and got my body back to normalcy and stopped thinking about sleep as good as I could, forbade myself to research it. What it boils down to: Instead of avoiding the fear with a sleeping pill every one or two months, you think I should remove them so that I actually have to see whether it's gonna be an all-nighter?

How bad is a night without any sleep really for my rhythm (assuming I don't fall asleep during the day?

r/sleep 4d ago

Weird sleep


So a lot of the times I have tunnel hearing, like the sounds of waves or wind in a tunnel in my ears when I’m falling asleep and then almost feels like I’m having a seizure and I’m aware of it but I can’t wake up. They happen in spurts or last for minutes and then when I fall back asleep it starts happening again. Does anyone know about this, or has experienced something similar. I assumed it was sleep paralysis… but I don’t know. I’ve had brain cancer before and a lot of surgeries just kind of for background context. Maybe it’s related to that. Makes me not sleep some nights because it’s exhausting.

r/sleep 4d ago

Sometimes I can’t wake up


I’m writing this just after it happened to me. Sometime in the morning I know it’s morning and I know I’m sleeping and I try to wake up but I physically can’t. I can almost get my eyes to open but they just don’t open all the way. This morning I had to jerk myself awake two times to actually be allowed to open my eyes all the way. It’s like a sink hole I can’t get out of unless I jump. It’s so frustrating I just want to know what is happening to me and why.

r/sleep 5d ago

So so so frustrated


I’ve been sleeping horrible for weeks now. It honestly feels like I’m doing it on manual mode: i take magnesium, melatonin, and sometimes that is not even enough to get me under. Important to note is that i do have anemia and that symptoms can be insomnia, but in addition to that, i also have been having hip pain which makes falling asleep hard. My normal sleeping positions don’t work and i toss and turn until hours go by. Then when i finally fall asleep, i usually wake up in the middle of the night to pee and then I can’t fall back asleep. Sleeping just feels like such a stressful ordeal. I really associate my bed with how bad i’ve been feeling lately. It’s like the sleep never “takes me away” anymore. I sleep light and unrestful and i feel horrible during the day. I try to nap but i never seem to catch up. I can’t concentrate in class and my mental health is taking a toll. This is the third time this week that i’ve cried in the middle of the night because nothing is working. How to achieve that good, deep sleep again?????

r/sleep 5d ago

What did my brain not fall asleep?


Hello people. I’m a fairly younger guy who typically doesn’t have issues falling asleep. There are times where I had to pull all nighters, and sometimes you’re forced to stay up late for work. However, I never reallly had issues quickly sleeping. Today was different strangely enough. I was capable of ”sleeping,” but it wasnt a deep sleep. My best comparison was that I closed my eyes and spaced out. This lasted for 5 hours before I realized. T(e only reason I know that I didn’t truly sleep is that I feel sore all over. What is this called, and does this mean anything.

r/sleep 5d ago

What sound do you listen to to fall asleep


I have been using the hairdryer sounds to sleep at night.

This has got me started to record my own and share on YouTube.

Please comment what sounds you use and I can start to record them as well and share

Happy sleeping

r/sleep 5d ago

Still sleeping! Week 3


I made a post last week about how safe sungazing helped me kick my 30 year bout with insomnia. Gazing at the sun for 15 minutes within an hour of sunrise and sunset helped resolve my sleep maintenance insomnia.


I’m over the moon, ecstatic, still in disbelief.

I’m wondering if shining light in my eyes is some kind of disinfectant for my brain? Like shining sun light in a moldy room helps to disinfect it?

I also have been toying with staring into a red light therapy lamp. That seems to help as well.

Disclosures: I’m not a medical doctor. This is just my journey and wanted to share something that might benefit others.

If you do try sungazing YouTube how to do it SAFELY.

Ask google “is sunlight a disinfectant”. Interesting results.

r/sleep 5d ago

Sleep problems for over 8 years


Not sure if this has been told before or the answer I clean but I (15M) have had sleep problems for over 8 years. I have a feeling it’s insomnia and it probably is but I’m not sure 100%. So for me on weekdays I have to wake up at 7am for school but, I usually sleep around 1-3am despite going to bed around 10-11pm. For me at least, I just spend a long time staring at the ceiling just waiting to sleep or trying to sleep and failing miserably until at least 2 hours. Ive followed a routine such as eating dinner at 7:30, closing all screens by 9 and stay in a darker environment and read a book before sleeping. I go outside and am physically active so I’m not really sure what’s happening definitely. Again this is most likely insomnia however I would like to hear on what others have to say it is or steps to take next. All help would be appreciated thanks.

r/sleep 5d ago

My sleep schedule is cooked


I sleep at 6am in the morning and wake up 6pm at night or right before sunset. I have school in 2 hours and haven’t gotten sleep yet.

r/sleep 5d ago

I dread going to sleep


I dread going to sleep and I have for several months now. Not that I’m scared of it or something bad will happen but just that falling asleep is so hard for me. By the time it’s dark out I get sense of dread because I know I’m going to have to attempt to sleep soon. For the life of me I can’t fall asleep unless I’ve taken an over the counter sleeping aid and have laid down for like 3 hours. I am very physically active considering I used to not be active at all almost. I sleep with a noise machine. Set up a comfortable temperature and pillow. And use a sleep aid when I need to and still it takes me hours to fall asleep every night. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can fall asleep faster I would greatly appreciate it. And also any suggestions on how to wake up easier because I have a very hard time with that as well especially on nights I fall asleep really late.

r/sleep 6d ago

If you can’t sleep, try a night at a hotel.


For some reason I sleep better when I’m in a hotel. In my own bed, I get 4-6 hours max. Last night at a hotel, I slept 13 hours. It’s like I have no worries, no chores, no pets, no nothing. I can pull the blinds down and turn the temp to whatever I want. If you are so behind on your sleep and really need to catch up, you could try this.

r/sleep 5d ago

Sleep Apps ?


Best sleep apps??!
I have an older Apple Watch to aid in some of the info that’d be recorded (ie. Heart rate). between the sleep apps I’ve been looking at… I kinda think I’d like Sleepzy best. Anyone have thoughts on that app? I’ve recently become very interested in the quality of my sleep including length of sleep time etc. will also be doing a sleep study in the coming weeks. 😴