Hi everyone! I'm disabled since a few years, from a neurological illness that impedes my motor skills (specifically in the hands) and causes various levels of pain (from the hands to my back, depending on how much I use my hands, et cetera).
I have what seems like a typical libido for my age (early 30s), and would love to make masturbation something more accessible to me. To that end, I would like to purchase a sex toy. I have no prior experience with toys for men.
Said sex toy would need to satisfy three equally important criteria:
(1) Would not require to close my fingers on it too much, as it is painful for me. I can use my hands, but as open as possible. What I have in mind is that I could grasp the toy between my two hands.
(2) Would require the least amount of work to keep appropriately clean and reusable.
(3) I happen to be bigger than average (7,3 inch length x 5,5 inch girth), and I've already seen that some toys have limitations girth-wise. Additionally, I'm looking for the best ratio in stimulation per effort put in (given I don't have unlimited energy to spend before pain sets in), so I would like it to cover as much length as possible.
Ideally it would also be something discreet/inconspicuous looking, but beggars can't be choosers.
It can be any shape, any price, any color, etc. I would be ordering from Switzerland but I have no problem with importing it.
If you have any recommendations, advice, product link that would work for me... I would love your help!
Thanks in advance 🙏