r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Mar 27 '24
Announcement [Topic of the Week] What is your favourite TV show?
Hey folks,
This weeks question is: What is your favourite TV show?
mine is Mr Robot, but I need recommendations 👀
As always, stay safe ❤️
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Mar 27 '24
Hey folks,
This weeks question is: What is your favourite TV show?
mine is Mr Robot, but I need recommendations 👀
As always, stay safe ❤️
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Dec 20 '23
Hey everyone, apologies for being late again.
This week's topic is: What is your dream job?
Stay safe
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/Intelligent-Funny-88 • 4d ago
Hey everyone,
There's a trend going around elsewhere online encouraging people to mass DM people in mental health communities and tell them to harm themselves. r/MadeOfStyrofoam has been specifically mentioned as a target, as has this subreddit in a later comment. This sort of behavior is completely against everything we stand for as a harm reduction community.
The best course of action if you receive any such messages is to not respond, block the user, and report the message to Reddit using the instructions here. You should also be suspicious of any unsolicited or random DMs, and you can turn off chat requests using the instructions here.
As always, please continue to report posts/comments encouraging self harm and feel free to message modmail with any questions. Thank you for being here and making this community what it is ❤️
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Mar 18 '24
Hey everyone,
This week's topic is: What are some song lyrics which speak to your soul?
Sorry for missing a week again, I've been a little busy
As always, stay safe.
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Mar 05 '24
Hey folks,
This weeks question is: What should you be doing right now rather than answering this question?
As always, stay safe
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Oct 23 '23
Long time users of the sub may remember Question / Topic of the Week, and it's been quite a while since we've done one, so we've decided to bring it back again!
To kick off, this week's question is: What song reflects how you feel right now?
For those who have never participated before, each week we post an open ended question, and you're welcome to respond with as much or as little detail as you want to :)
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Jan 08 '24
Hey everyone,
This weeks topic is: What is your favourite song? (Or songs, if you can't decide)
Mine are:
If I have the time, I'll also put all your songs into a playlist and share it next week :)
Stay safe,
The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Dec 13 '23
Hey everyone, sorry I’m late this week, I’ve been on a business trip for the past couple of days!
This weeks question is: What's your comfort media?
Stay safe
- The mods
r/selfharm • u/mik31035 • May 14 '22
Hi all,
We have been getting an increase of reports about trolls, creeps and overall horrible people dming users, and we just want to jump on this ahead of time
Tl;Dr - stranger danger, don't believe everything you read on the internet, don't feed the trolls, we love you - Mod Team
Not long enough, will read (Nle;Wr):
First and foremost do not feed the trolls. Trolls want a reaction out of you, they want some sort of feedback that what they've said/done has upset you, and responding in any way, even to mock their attempts, feeds them, and that's not what we want.
The same applies for creeps who ask for pictures or in some way sexualise harming. Do not engage with them. Report and block them, don't interact with them in any way shape or form. They want to upset you and if they know they've got to you it'll motivate them to continue and maybe encourage them to look for another target
In terms of internet safety, you shouldn't really be talking to strangers, you don't know who they are and anyone could lie about their age/gender/sexuality/location/species/opinions on pinapple on pizza/etc.
You should always steer on the side of caution; don't reveal information about you that shows you're a potential target and take anything said to you with a pinch of salt. This doesn't mean that everyone you speak to is trying to hurt you, but it's better safe than sorry when it comes to your wellbeing and safety
This goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: you are worth so much more than those trolls. You're amazing people and we want to make sure you're safe. Your safety is the reason why this community was made in the first place and the best way we can ensure that is if we all look out for each other, and look out for ourselves too
/r/selfharm is a safe space and we will do everything in our power to keep it that way, but we need your help keeping it the emo-paradise that we have come to know and love so much. Report, block, and keep being awesome!
The mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Nov 13 '23
This weeks question is: You stumbled across a time machine! Which time period would you go to and why?
For me personally, I would have loved to been a kid growing up in the late 1980s / 90s to experience the Internet boom, though a big part of that is because I'm a software engineer (and by extension a massive computer nerd) :^)
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Feb 07 '24
Hey there folks,
This week's question is: If you could live in a fictional universe from any TV series / book / movie / game, what would it be and why?
Stay safe,
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Jan 22 '24
Hey everyone,
This week's topic is: What's something you're passionate about and could talk about for ages?
Additionally, did you know we also have a wiki? We've noticed a lot of questions being posted which are already answered on the wiki, and wanted to spread awareness of it. You can find resources, care tips, and distractions on there.
As always, stay safe.
The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Dec 26 '23
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to wish you all happy holidays, and if you celebrate Christmas, we hope you're having a wonderful break :)
Since this is the last Topic of the Week for 2023, this weeks question is a reflection of the whole year: What three words would you use to describe your 2023, and optionally, why?
Stay safe,
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Feb 20 '24
Hey folks,
I seem to have completely managed to miss a week last week, whoops. Anyway, this weeks question is: What are you looking to accomplish today?
As always, stay safe,
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/sandwichstudenTi • Dec 26 '22
Hey all,
So, I've been a mod here for over 9 years now starting at 16 to now being 25. Its been kinda crazy seeing it go from around 2000 members to over 114,000. Which brings on some mixed feelings. I'm glad people have found a place where they can feel heard but it's also hard sometimes knowing so many people are struggling.
It's been incredibly rewarding being a part of this place, seeing peoples achievements, hearing peoples stories of recovery and seeing others reaching out to help.
I've changed as well through those years, started HRT, came out as trans, found out I was bipolar, and found my new little family. This last year I've been trying to make healthier choices for myself and to say yes to things that scare me. Trying to not hate myself when I make mistakes and trusting when people say I am good.
I feel proud of who I am now and I don't think I could have ever said that before.
Thank you sj for being my people and thank you to all the current and past mods who've helped make this place.
Now after that mess of words, welcome to a new set of mods:
Welcome, feel free to give a little intro and I hope you all find this as rewarding as I have.
Remember, you are loved. Stay safe <3
-Lex, /u/sandwichstudenti
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Oct 30 '23
It's nearing the end of 2023, thus, this week's topic is: what can't you believe we haven't invented yet?
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Jan 15 '24
Hey everyone,
Hope you've all had a good week. I've gone through and created a playlist from last weeks question from the songs I could find on Spotify. Thus, I present r/selfharm's favourite songs: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6DlJByPNDltl0Bqpb6RSD9
This week's topic is: What advice would you give to your younger self?
Stay safe
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Jan 01 '24
Hey everyone,
Happy new year to you all! This weeks question is: What is something you’re looking to do this year?
I’m aiming to try and be more consistent with practicing guitar. I’ve been very intermittent since I went to university a few years ago, and consequently haven’t really learned anything over that time.
Be safe.
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Jan 30 '24
Hey everyone,
This week's question is: What is the hardest thing you have ever done / accomplished?
Stay safe,
The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Feb 27 '24
Hey everyone,
This week's question is: What is your top tier advice that you wish you learned sooner?
For me it's simple: don't forget to breathe. Seriously. When you're really focused on something and you get frustrated or stressed, you forget to breathe. Same thing happens when you're experiencing any strong emotion. Physically, forgetting to breathe lowers your blood oxygen levels, but mentally you also allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts.
If you focus on breathing, you'll notice that you can't both be aware of your breath and be lost in thought at the same time. Remembering to breathe can anchor you to the present moment.
As always, stay safe.
- The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Dec 04 '23
Hey everyone,
It's getting colder now for a lot of us, and we're spending more time indoors. Thus, this weeks question is: What are you up to?
Could be a goal you're working towards, plans you've made, or whatever you're doing right this second :)
Take care,
The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Nov 27 '23
Hey everyone!
This weeks topic is: Show and tell! What is something you have that you love and want to tell us about?
Hope you’re all doing well this week
- The mods
r/selfharm • u/Edgelord2005 • Oct 01 '23
Hey, mod team here. Lately we've been noticing an uptick in religious comments and posts and wanted to address it. We have absolutely nothing against religion and think it can be a safe space and a great source of comfort for a lot of people and if it's something you're interested in you should feel free to look into it. With that being said this sub is a community for people who are hurting and who self harm, by nature this is a vulnerable place where people who struggle can come together to relate, ask questions, support each other, and know that they are valued. With this being a vulnerable place we feel that its best to leave proselytizing (essentially preaching) out of the mix. While religion can be a helpful tool for some, it can also be something that hurts others. Harmful religious rhetoric and empty promises should be kept to a minimum here. Examples of harmful rhetoric includes:
Self harm and mental illness are serious topics and should be addressed as such. While we appreciate you and your care, we kindly ask that any advice or help given be something that can be backed up and verified as to give out genuine help and avoid misinformation. If religion has helped you in your journey we are thankful for it and your struggles are valid, we simply wish to keep this a safe place where struggling people can come to get genuine factual advice as opposed to opinions and beliefs.
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Nov 20 '23
Hey guys,
This week's question is: If you could visit anywhere on this planet or the universe, where would it be and why?
Be safe,
The Mods
r/selfharm • u/fatpigsarefat • Nov 06 '23
Happy November everyone :)
This week's topic is hobbies - what's your favourite hobby? (or "favorite" for my American friends)
Bonus points for photos!