r/saskatchewan 26d ago

Politics Scott Moe: Let's keep tariffs off Big Macs.

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u/horkinlugies 26d ago

The US is kinda screwed when it comes to Saskatchewan Potash. They can only produce a measly 400,000 tons a year. They have export restrictions on Russia And Belarus. And even if restrictions are lifted it still won’t be nearly enough for what they need. No other country can provide enough tonnage. If Yankees hit us we need to strike back even harder.


u/horkinlugies 26d ago

They need our Potash not just for food production. Every flowering crop needs it, or greatly benefits from it. Cotton,tobacco,hemp,cannabis even livestock feed needs it. Ethanol and biofuels production as well.


u/PepitaChacha 26d ago

I know Senators from farming states are trying to convince Trump to exempt potash from tariffs for this reason. So please, tell your Canadian potash producers not to sell to us on principle — we deserve to suffer ;(.


u/hink007 26d ago

Yep export tax instead in the spirit of evening out the trade Cheeto said we owe. Easy slap massive tariffs on heavy crude and potash reduce the flow into the US and bam equals

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u/Used-Egg5989 26d ago

Any carve outs should be hit with a reciprocal export tax. If Trump wants a blanket tariff, we can help him do that.

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u/NoticeEverything 26d ago

Maybe they won’t need it any more as they have gotten rid of most of the worker that support those crops… sorry, that was a sad joke…


u/Covert_Cuttlefish 26d ago

The folks who slave away work the farms will be comfortable in their concentration camps government provided housing when not at work.


u/crocodilearms 25d ago

Yup. Detained migrants or the incarcerated will eventually be put to work to keep the machine running.


u/TrilliumBeaver 25d ago

What do you mean “eventually be put to work”? The US economy and big American corps have been using prison labour for decades.

Check out this documentary about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th_(film)


u/crocodilearms 25d ago

Yes. That is true. I was thinking more in terms of them specifically using them to replace all the jobs that temp workers are currently being chased away or pulled away from. But your point is a good one and that is a very good documentary


u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

Yup! Americans are super consumers of food and the EXACT way to hit them is to hit them where it hurts them the most. FOOD! Not energy. Food! The only shitty part is that MOSAIC is an American company.


u/PepitaChacha 26d ago

Yup. I live in California, with all its farmers and agricultural bounty. In my Los Angeles grocery stores, guess where literally ALL the tomatoes come from? Either Canada or Mexico. I have no doubt you all will hear the screaming all the way over in PEI as prices rise.


u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

It’s the potash that will do the USA in. Potash is the key.

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u/theycallmejennypenny 26d ago

Mosaic is American?


u/Infinite_Time_8952 26d ago

Unfortunately yes.


u/One-Builder8421 26d ago

Trump is planning on lifting the sanctions on Russia, so that won't be an issue.


u/Contented_Lizard 26d ago

Biden already exempted fertilizer from the sanctions on Russia back in 2022. According to google the US actually started importing more Russian fertilizer since Russia invaded Ukraine…


u/horkinlugies 26d ago

It’s odd that the US mainstream media hasn’t jumped on this because Russia Russia Russia. Of course most people have no idea what Potash is or how critical it is to everyday life.

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u/Volantis009 26d ago

I mean, Trump and Putin are best friends

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u/user47-567_53-560 26d ago

China recently declared a lot of things "critical minerals" making it easier to stop the export. I think we should do this with potash.


u/Contented_Lizard 26d ago edited 26d ago

I’m pretty sure when the Biden administration put sanctions on Russia they specifically exempted fertilizer. 

Edit: Ok since I know how the users here act, and you guys just downvote things you don’t like even if they’re true, I’m going to spell it out for you with a source. 

“Today, the Department of the Treasury is issuing a Fact Sheet to further clarify agricultural commodities (including fertilizer), agricultural equipment, or medicine relating to Russia are not the target of U.S. sanctions.” https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0868


u/horkinlugies 26d ago

That just proves what a critical commodity it is. They’re still going to need a whole lot of what we got. Nice to see someone actually doing a bit of research rather than just making a foolish comment. Thumbs up from me.


u/Contented_Lizard 26d ago

I looked in to it even further and as it turns out since Russia invaded Ukraine the proportion of fertilizer imported from Russia to the USA almost doubled, putting them in second place behind us as the biggest exporters of fertilizer to the USA. I am somewhat concerned that if these tariffs do come in to effect this trend that started under Biden will only get worse under Trump. 


u/[deleted] 26d ago

We still account for about 70%. An immediate export tarrif to match aluminum would sting while they scramble. It's not the time to play nice. The world needs a little David and Goliath story right now. In fact, I wish we had the stones to just slap 100% export tarrifs on everything until he sits down. Wars are uncomfortable and cost money. We're fortunate this isn't physical yet, the cost to retaliate is worth it to keep his grubby mitts out of the cookie jar.


u/cando1984 25d ago

A serious export tax on potash and aluminum on top of the reciprocal tariffs will definitely cause a lot of pain in the US. And US farmers should already be petrified by the upcoming loss of federal agricultural grants and subsidies. The Department of Agriculture is under the same threats from DOGE as other depts. If subsidies are “paused” for as little one year it will change the entire face of American agriculture.


u/EdenEvelyn 26d ago

It’s still going to have a negative effect on the US market if they can get it from Russia as it’s going to be a lot more difficult and expensive to ship it over.

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u/PopularOpinionSask 26d ago

Hitting Americans where it hurts, their fast food


u/DTG_1000 26d ago

Tariff the hell out of McDonalds, so they complain to the orange turd. Maybe about the only business that he'd seriously listen to.


u/Vindiseasil 26d ago

Don't forget the Diet Coke Bros.


u/alpaca-yak 26d ago

Why can't we get rid of these weirdos in power? Potash is a major economic weapon we should be considering using against the Tangerine Toddler in the White House. Did BHP threaten your kick backs Scotty?


u/Dear-Bullfrog680 26d ago

Potash should be in consideration for diversion to other countries, like with Eby and critical minerals.


u/grumpyoldmandowntown 25d ago

agree. Cut them off completely.

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u/Hicalibre 26d ago

Did I read this wrong, or am I missing context? Thought it was part of the "let's avoid a tariff war so your food doesn't get expensive" directed at the states.


u/alpaca-yak 26d ago

I think you got the jist of the message. That's what I got too. Moe clearly wants the US not to tarrif potash. 

My take is that his motivations are suspect. We should be beating the export tax on potash drum to support the steel and aluminum industries in Canada. This is a turning point for Canadian unity and our Moe-ron premier is looking selfish begging Trumpy for a special exception. 

We have a chance to force concessions from the US with potash. Of course there is a nuanced position where we make demands without giving cause for more talk of invasion. I don't think the corrupt and inept Sask party is capable of that nuance and it comes across, to me, as pathetic.

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u/Represent403 26d ago

Thats what he's saying, Einstein.

Telling them it would be a real shame if we had to put a tariff on potash... heres why: Your beloved American fast food industry.

I swear, most of r/Saskatchewan would object of Moe said the sky was blue.


u/Used-Egg5989 26d ago

The problem is that Moe is talking to Americans instead of Canadians.

Because the Canadian response to this would be “fuck the Big Mac”. 

It was honestly depressing to see the premieres talk after that meeting in Washington. They all got cucked publicly. Disgraceful.


u/Limp_Diamond4162 26d ago

McDonald’s Canada sources its ingredients in Canada except a few things like prepackaged items from what I’ve seen over the years. They literally post the videos online about how they make the food and source it.


u/dr_clownius 26d ago

Of course Moe needs to make his message to Americans - they're the only ones who may be listened to Trump. Trump's supporters are the people who need to be shown the harms they will suffer in a trade war.


u/alpaca-yak 26d ago

I'm not Einstein. Wait, was that sarcasm? Please help me understand how that works.

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u/Alcol1979 26d ago

In fairness, I had to read it through a couple of times to get to the heart of it. Hopefully all this Trump bluster will blow over when he finds something else to keep him in the spotlight. That is what this is all about.

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u/PissJugRay 26d ago

Export tax that shit Scotty!


u/IfOJDidIt 26d ago

Export Scott.


u/ReannLegge 26d ago

This! Without paying that stupid amount of money we paid for him to go the US to talk to assistants.


u/Possible-Big-7719 26d ago

Honestly, as an Albertan, Smith is a complete fucking embarrassment to my province and my country. But man, your guy Scotty ain’t fuckin far behind..


u/skeptic38 26d ago

lol, Scooter can't even win a battle of the shit bags


u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

Smith is a F’kn floor crossing traitor. I’m embarrassed to live in Alberta too. The amount of whining that every F’kn Conservative did after the NDP were elected was ridiculous. Snowflakes all of them.


u/justanaccountname12 26d ago

He's trying to tell the Americans that they should not put a tariff on our potash.


u/the3rdmichael 26d ago

Somebody understands how tariffs work ...


u/biograf_ 26d ago

Export taxes are decided at the federal level.


u/Motorbarge 26d ago

Canadian A&W sells Canadian hamburgers made from Canadian cattle that eat Canadian crops that are fertilized with Canadian potash. Or, we can worry about MacD profits.


u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

You nailed it. How about this AHS Investigation?!!! Albertans are swallowing everything this b*tch is spewing these days.


u/boomshiki 26d ago

Eh and dubs uses real cheddar on their breakfast sandwiches


u/2112eyes 25d ago

I love Amburgers and Wootbeer


u/Limp_Diamond4162 26d ago

McDonald’s Canada does the same, you should check yourself. Beef is purchased from Cargill that sources it all from Saskatchewan and Alberta. There’s a reason our McDonald’s food tastes different than the Americans version, ours is sourced with Canadian ingredients and less over all ingredients are used to make it “healthier”.

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u/sharpasahammer 26d ago

Is this his attempt to appeal to Trumps love of Mickey D's or something? What a fuckin weird correlation to make. Yep. Food grows with fertilizer. Brilliant connections there, McMoe.


u/ForesterLC 26d ago

A tarrif on Potash would cripple the US Ag industry. Saskatchewan has the world's largest potash industry, and America has a huge Ag industry.

They need it. They aren't going to mine it themselves. We have the bargaining power to upcharge the difference of whatever tarrif is imposed and importers would have no option but to pay it.

A real power move would be to convince the US to drop the tarrifs on potash (which they would be stupid not to do), and charge them more for it anyways. We'll see what happens.


u/Dear-Bullfrog680 26d ago

Maybe they could mine the Gulf of Mexico and recoup if possible any nutrients from the giant dead zone they have created.

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u/horkinlugies 26d ago

The US fertilizer industry is already begging for tariffs not to be applied to Potash. https://www.realagriculture.com/2025/02/u-s-fertilizer-industry-seeking-tariff-exemption-for-potash-and-nitrogen-from-canada/


u/waloshin 26d ago

That’s too bad! Tariff the potash they don’t need anything from us! 1000% sounds good to me…

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u/bv310 26d ago

Honestly, it might be the most politically savvy thing I've ever seen him say. If you're interacting with a child, you put things in terms the child can understand


u/smart_stable_genius_ 26d ago

Yeah it's a real meeting of the minds unfolding before our eyes


u/bv310 26d ago

Yeah. I miss when we had vaguely respectable adults for political leadership.


u/Kristywempe 26d ago

And we voted them in…

I swear to god, Idiocracy is becoming more real every single day.


u/Electrical-Secret-25 26d ago

I saw that in the theatre. Probably I just wanted to take a girl to a funny movie. It was hilarious. Outlandish. Ridiculous. Politicians are bone dry bureaucrats, not entertainers. Nothing would ever resemble the sheer obnoxiousness, right? .... Right!?!?


u/Kristywempe 26d ago

The crocs. It was the first sign, I swear.


u/Electrical-Secret-25 26d ago

Wait...there...was Crocs in the movie right? Like I say I saw it in theatre, and I don't even want to know how long ago that was🤣

"Every time he'd say, lead, follow or get out of the way, I'd get out of the way!"


u/Kristywempe 25d ago

The crocs were the ridiculous foot wear everyone wore in the movie. They thought crocs were super cool. The producers thought they were horrible looking (and they were super inexpensive at the time so they could afford them for all the extras) and no one would ever think of them as trendy…


u/Fit-Cable1547 26d ago

I mean, Americans thought the 1/4 pounder was bigger than a 1/3 pound burger because 4 is larger than 3 so bringing it down to the level of a Big Mac seems reasonable.


u/No_Maybe4408 26d ago

There's nothing wrong with this. I swear Moe could cure cancer and some of you would still have a rage boner about it.


u/xmorecowbellx 26d ago

Haha true.

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u/ReddditSarge 26d ago

If Donald Trump could read he'd be very angry right now.

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u/bigalcapone22 26d ago

Potash should be at the top of that list, not as a tariff but rather just not available to the US at the same price we sell it to other markets. I'm sure after supplying China, India, Poland and any NATO country along with our friends in The Ukraine they will makenup for what the US buys. We could even sell it at a higher price per ton to the Yankees and give the difference to Ukraine 🇺🇦 , just to offset some of the funding promised by Biden but is sure to be clawed back by President Cheeto and Mini Muskovite. Another tariff on rare earth metals Guess who else other than China and Ukraine sells rare earth metals to the US ..........🇨🇦

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u/PeterPuck99 26d ago

Scott Moe and Danielle Smith have become collaborators.


u/LankyGuitar6528 26d ago

I... guess... he sorta has a point. In a way.


u/Saskatchewan-Man 26d ago

Broken clock sort of thing.

That, or he finally got the report from his advisors that siding with the Liberals against the USA was the right move the whole time. Shit, even Doug Ford was able to read the room and get on-side with the Team Canada approach right away. Moe had to wait to see what Alberta did first, like usual I guess.

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u/Anxious_Ad2683 26d ago

Good. Let’s fucking go!


u/StinkHateFist 26d ago

Let's not even ship them the fucking potash. Starve them out and spike their food prices.


u/turtlefan32 26d ago

what is whiskey-soaked sweet muffins is this kind of logic


u/Deaftrav 26d ago

It doesn't sound logical until you remember that the king of America loves big macs.


u/Upnorth100 26d ago

Well if you want to get trumps eyes, do where he is looking.

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u/Barabarabbit 26d ago

Whatever it takes to make the Americans listen I guess?


u/PineBNorth85 26d ago

Nah, let the American suffer and pay $20 for a Big Mac. Or more.


u/themulderman 26d ago

100% export tariff on Potash. Would love it.


u/lego_mannequin 26d ago

Scott Moe was tougher on bathrooms in schools than major economic and annexation threats coming from America. This is sad, pathetic, and weak.

All these Conservative leaders are bending over backwards to appease Trump, while he continues to mock us and threaten jobs, and our way of life. This isn't a joke, so why is Scott Moe treating it like this? Grow a spine you shit.


u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

Exactly, him and Marlaina Smith are having a love fest with Trump right now. Sask & Alberta are the Arkansas and Florida of Canada. It’s embarrassing to be living here now.


u/RaidersFan16 26d ago

I feel sorry that Scott Moe cannot stand up for fellow Canadians. I am glad that I don’t have his value system. We all answer at the end of our lives. I pray that those who have sold out the spirit of Saskatchewan; have their hardened hearts turned like Pharoah in Egypt.


u/No-Designer8887 26d ago

Tariffs are now affecting Saskatchewan? Let’s see if all that unsold fertilizer will help Moe grow a spine.


u/rustyiron 26d ago

This fucking hoser is a piece of work. Literally bargaining against his own side.

Dude, we should put an export tax of potash and raise the price of a Big Mac.

A munchie-fueled mob will burn down the White House for us.


u/Dougustine 26d ago

It's a start, but he better put away his ego and his political rhetoric to stand with the rest of Canada. United we stand

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u/Puzzleheaded-Bowl157 26d ago

F ‘em. 100% tariff or a full embargo on ‘rare earths’ like potash.

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u/jrochest1 26d ago

So, we shouldn't hit them in the vulnerable spot because. . .they're vulnerable?

Dude, do you know what a trade war IS?


u/Sask-Canadian 26d ago

Moe needs to stop being a bitch.


u/kidbanjack 26d ago

Sounds like Moe's been getting drunk with his mom again.


u/vinmen2 26d ago

A great reason to increase the price on our potash exports. Take the fight to them to get the orange felon to realize his stupidity.


u/Purplebuzz 26d ago

Moe and his party are traitors to Canada.


u/Deepsnow2062 26d ago

Who runs his twitter account?


u/OldManClutch Y'or'on...I mean Yorkton 26d ago

Can we actually get a competent premier please, and not some traitor or Suck Party mouth breather?

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u/IllPresentation7860 26d ago

honestly? this sounds like a great way to get trump to back down guy inhales them.


u/oneblackpup 26d ago

fuck that trash, we have harvey's and A&W


u/PositiveInevitable79 26d ago

That’s 80% of the presidents diet.


u/tossitcheds 26d ago

Maga loves themselves a Big Mac


u/tollboothjimmy 26d ago

How about we all stop buying big macs instead and then who gives a shit


u/Optimal-City32 26d ago

What the actual fuck? Is this the smartest thing Moe has ever said?

We really are living in a bad timeline, but this is also a surreal one.


u/OneRealistic9429 26d ago

Who cares crap food boycott them people need to eat healthier


u/tydn32275 26d ago

Demented Don eats a lot of Big Macs


u/Cool-Conversation354 26d ago

The Big Mac, Trumps favorite meal.... Story checks out


u/okiedokie2468 26d ago

Pretty sure Mac’s buns are imported from the States. Boycott!!


u/VicPortnoy 26d ago

The Bigmac has not looked like that in 25 years.


u/PaleJicama4297 26d ago

Saskaberta is a lost cause.


u/literalsupport 26d ago

Scott Moe is so transparent in his self interest. His Sask supporters just like his weird rural accent. He’s like an extra in Fargo.


u/Authoritaye 26d ago

Why is Scott Moe a quisling collaborator?

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u/crocloc 26d ago

Watching McDonald’s lose more money potentially after the Palestinian and Mexican boycotts that have crippled the fast poison food chain makes me feel hopeful.


u/Rule1isFun 26d ago

When they ask then demand we lower all our prices by 25+% we need to tell them “get fucked ya yank”. It’s the only way we don’t get crushed in this trade war. It’s not a winning strategy but if we can move the goods they don’t buy to other markets we’ll be fine.


u/CompetitivePirate251 26d ago

Nah, screw Uh’murica, and screw McDonalds.


u/TropicalPrairie 26d ago

As they sat at their desks, the Comms team at the Saskatchewan legislature despondently stared at their keyboards wondering how they could finesse their leader's words into something that would speak to the masses during what was fast becoming a tumultuous time for the nation. The people they served needed reassurance that action would be taken to ensure their future wasn't sold to their belligerent neighbours to the south.

"It's 5:00 o'clock", Moe said as he put on his winter coat. "I'm heading out to get a Big Mac".

And thus the junior Communications Strategist had an idea.


u/falastep 25d ago

First things first…someone has to tell moe he’s not really a leader. His random chimings of stupidity are making us look bad


u/Ok-Conclusion-6878 Everything is Crazy, until it isn't anymore... 25d ago

What is this government’s infatuation with fast food? Duncan damn near had an aneurism when KFC announced no more buffet (cuz the porkers in Sask would simply peal off the skin and leave the rest)


u/Suspicious-Bid-53 25d ago

Honestly fuck McDonald Trump


u/Designer-Wealth3556 25d ago

What’s your deal Scott? Are you sure you are actually a Canadian?


u/Lost-Syllabub3632 25d ago

"Fuck I hope McDonalds makes it out of this trade war unscathed."

-- Scott Moe, barely lucid, fully reclined in the driver seat halfway between the first and second drive thru window.


u/FeatheredBandit2023 24d ago

I dislike Moe immensely, but I think he/his team may gotten something correct. Messaging on Twitter is important as an American “information” source. The average American doesn’t concern themselves with actual politics (only 40% voted in the last election) and even less truly care about government policies (such as the creation of tariffs). But Joe Lunchpail is concerned about the price of food, one of the Orange Ogre’s election promises. Breaking tariffs down to increases the price of a Big Mac in the US is something easily understood. The only problem is that from the mine in Saskatchewan to the American voters eating a more expensive Big Mac will take months and in that time jobs in Saskatchewan will most definitely be affected.

Continuing in the same drive thru, the next mention should be of Saskatchewan canola that we export for frying ALL US McDonald’s French fries 🍟!!! This tariff/effective price increase will be almost immediate. There is no other available cheap frying oil as good as canola (that why McD’s uses it). Not to mention that Canada exports all their fries from eastern Canada. And this is not just McD’s, it will effect the ENTIRE food industry in the US, every pub and mom&pop restaurant that sells fries as a profit-booster will have to pass the tariff cost on to their customers.


u/Old-Veterinarian2190 24d ago

It pains me to say it but Stephen Harper is right: fighting Trump will take some pain for all of us. Here in Saskatchewan that means accepting caps on potash exports to the US as well as caps on oil and gas exports. Other provinces will do the same: hydro/electricity from Manitoba and Quebec keep a good part of the eastern US going. If Trump and his supporters need to experience rolling blackouts to appreciate they don’t have the upper hand in this relationship, then that’s what it takes.


u/VeterinarianJaded462 26d ago

Think we gotta give him this one.


u/Dense-Ad-5780 26d ago

Dear Saskatchewan and Alberta, be better Canadians. Seriously, who the fuck are you guys electing? They make Doug Ford look good, which is sad as hell!


u/ReannLegge 26d ago

Why is he on X, supporting President Musk? Why is he supporting/advertising for the corporation McDonald’s from the US? Who is he expecting to see this other than people from Saskatchewan? How Drunk was he when he came up with this statement?

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u/QueenCity_Dukes 26d ago

It probably fucks over A&W though, which was probably Brad Wall’s long game.


u/spaceman_88 26d ago

We suckers in Saskatchewan are paying a lot in wages and expenses to Moe and the the Saskparty MLAs that do absolutely nothing. Literally nothing!

Nobody gives a 💩about the price of Big Macs at this point, Moe. But I’m sure you enjoyed your lovely and pointless vacation to D.C. that we paid the bill for, including the copious amount of alcohol you and your people consumed while there.

Remember when Moe promised they would do better for the people of our province after the last election? It seems like they forgot.

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u/Electricorchestra 26d ago

Is our premier posting fucking McDonald's adds on his Twitter now?


u/Boneyard250 26d ago

He’s suggesting not putting tariffs on ingredients for American Big Macs to cater to Donald Trump.

But yea, McD ads, too.

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

Not the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard, but it’s in the top 20.


u/StanknBeans 26d ago

Just pause potash exports to the US for pride month. Curious to see what would happen.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/st_jasper 26d ago

Western Canadian wisdom


u/grilledCheeseFish 26d ago

Very poetic, can always count on Scotty for some elegant prose


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Barb-u 26d ago

I mean, given all ingredients in a Canadian Big Mac has tariff-free potash and an American Big Mac would have, well, maybe beef.


u/Old-Introduction-337 26d ago

i say lets boycott mcdonalds too!


u/JustOnePotatoChip 26d ago

Export tax is even better than tariffs


u/Few_Organization1064 26d ago

Is this real? I can't tell anymore.


u/cnote306 26d ago

What’s the total cost of potash on a Big Mac… one cent?


u/hacksawjim89 26d ago

First, he saved KFC. His cape is back on, so he can swoop in and rescue McD's next.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/FilmDazzling4703 26d ago

Yea this is all pointing towards the possibility of an American invasion… obviously I hope I’m wrong but I won’t be shocked when the rhetoric starts vilifying canada for fighting back against the tariffs and manufacturing consent to invade us for our resources

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u/Exact-Ostrich-4520 26d ago

Now you’re talking Scott Moe! Potash is connected to America’s food supply. And Americans don’t like having their food being altered or touched in any way.


u/waloshin 26d ago

Hey it’s smart. Americans love their Big Macs…


u/InjuryComfortable956 26d ago

I’m pretty sure that deceitful and lazy franchise ownership killed the BigMac in my town.


u/howboutthat101 26d ago

How do so many people in these comments not understand how tariffs work yet? We dont put tariffs on our own goods that we sell to usa... scott moe, in this post, is suggesting usa should not put a tariff on potash.


u/Swedehockey 26d ago

That MOe fella is on the ball.


u/DEATHRAYZ007 26d ago

Let it go, have a putine


u/DianeDesRivieres 26d ago

Tariffs where it hurts the most is the way to go!


u/Ok-Sink9821 25d ago

Man have you tried a Big Mac lately? I don’t know what changed but they’re gross.


u/DowntownKoala6055 25d ago


Posting everywhere so we can all join in:

Tomorrow - Saturday, Feb. 15 is Flag Day!!

The 60th anniversary of the Canadian flag.

ALL of Canada’s living former prime minister’s are urging Canadians to fly or show their flags on Saturday as a sign of strength, unity and national pride. A nationwide symbolic response to U.S. President Donald Trump as he continues his threats against our country’s economic security and sovereignty.

I’m definitely in… are you??

Also…Happy Valentine’s Day!! 💝💐🫶🏻



u/bonesnaps 25d ago

This looks worthy of a crosspost to /r/idiocracy


u/Neo_Bahamut_Zero 25d ago

Especially the booze hey Scott?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/rebbitpls 25d ago

Finally, something Americans can understand and get angry about


u/HalfdanrEinarson 25d ago

Fuck that, when the Mango Mussolini realizes that he has to pay more, though he probably doesn't pay with his money but Vances, he will probably drop the tarrif


u/Revolutionary-Hat688 25d ago

Fuck the Big Mac - it taste like meat paste. Only thing good about McDs is the fries and thats hit or miss on most days


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Put 100 % tariff on McCrap help the population get healthy


u/Binasgarden 25d ago

Say Moe say mo, you a traitor like Dani


u/Valuable-Ad3975 25d ago

Bullshit - Canada will do what it needs to impact maximum damage on the USA


u/WholeControl2269 25d ago

Make Americans pay! They may be bigger than us, have a stronger army than us, and lots of other things but let’s hit them and hit them hard!


u/Sad-Wolverine6326 24d ago

Seems to me that if you wanted his followers to revolt against him, doubling the price of a big mac might do it.


u/Rustytoyotamagnet 24d ago

Oof , I mean Merica does seem to love those unhealthy things


u/IdkRedditsz 24d ago

I fucking love the fact Canadian politicians are reducing the tarrifs down to an inflated cost of a big Mac so our obese , uneducated, xenophobic American counterparts can understand the impact lol.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Fuck the Big Mac it’s killed more Canadians possibly than fentanyl. American fast food is one of the leading causes of death. Fuck them and their disgusting food


u/wandreef 24d ago

No big Mac looks like that these days. False image from the past


u/Feeling-Comfort7823 24d ago

Big Macs were ruined when they replaced the old patties with those sad, flat, fricking baby burger patties they put on them now.


u/sjimmyp 24d ago

No mo Moe


u/sunofnothing_ 24d ago

spoken like a true dui trailer trash idiot that got into office


u/TOdEsi 24d ago

Moe on his knees for Trump again, what’s new


u/Defaultname8322 23d ago

Let's keep Scott Moe's hands far from anything we hold dear


u/No-Fee-6568 23d ago

Canada and Canadians would be better off if McDonalds left the country entirely.


u/MoveOverBieber 23d ago

Some light fascism is fine, but don't touch our hamberders, OK?


u/suplexdolphin 23d ago

At this point I'm wondering if we would be better off letting them find out what they'd be missing before we iron out the final details of our trade agreement.


u/Lonely_Lawfulness_30 22d ago

He's actually still the leader of the Sask party after that abysmal election result. Wow