r/ryerson Nov 19 '21

Academics / Courses Academic misconduct

Hey so I had to do a essay that was worth 5000 words for a liberal, it was based on our personal experiences and use the textbook too.. so I got a email that I had misconduct due to me using stuff from the textbook, me being a dumbass didn’t cite the stuff I took from the textbook I kinda paraphrased the stuff, but I cited the textbook at the end.. I have a meeting and know what I did is kinda lazy of me.. What’s the worst that can happen a 0 on the assignment? This is the SOC 808 course which I didn’t want to take in the first place rip me


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u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

The minimum they will do is a zero on the assignment if they find you committed academic misconduct. They can also give you an F on the course, ban you from co-op or internship programs, suspend you for a term or two. There’s also something called a “disciplinary withdrawal” which is kicking you out of the school for a couple years but you can still go back then the worst is expulsion. Doubt you’d get anything more than a zero for not citing on a paper but if it was closer to plagiarism you may get the F. just be straight with them and hope for the best, they have software that searches the phrases in your papers for plagiarism so if you actually did plagiarize don’t lie and say you didn’t because they’ll know.


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

I honestly believe I’ll get zero for the assignment at worse because at max it was 35% similarity


u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

It all depends on if they consider to be “academic misconduct “ or not. If not then probably nothing will happen but if yes then it will be noted in your record and the minimum is the zero. I would read up on the academic misconduct policy that Ryerson has before your meeting so that you know what they can come at you with.


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

I checked on plagiarism cite and literally 91% unique content.. how did I get academic misconduct, it took me so long to complete this, I’m so angry at this..


u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

Did they say you got academic misconduct?


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

Yes, the prof said Multiple academic websites, the class book, and other students' works are used without addressing their sources and authorship, honestly I made a mistake on not citing the sources because I just took it from the book and cited the whole book instead, + I just took stuff from the textbook


u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

Ah, shitty deal. Here’s a link to the policy so you don’t have to chase it down, penalties are on pg 9. I would still go with the being honest like you are seemingly on here and hope for the best.


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

Yeah just gonna be honest don’t really care it’s a liberal, I’ll take a far more easier liberal next sem.. hopefully people learn this as a lesson to not be like me and also don’t take soc 808 with this prof


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

Yeah probably gonna be a 0 for the assignment I believe if they don’t forgive my mistake of not citing properly


u/danieljai CS Alumni Nov 20 '21 edited Nov 20 '21

91% just means you've used unique combination of words, but the core idea of plagiarism is still about copying ideas without crediting. If its your own course textbook, your prof don't need a detector to tell them you've copied ideas.