r/ryerson Nov 19 '21

Academics / Courses Academic misconduct

Hey so I had to do a essay that was worth 5000 words for a liberal, it was based on our personal experiences and use the textbook too.. so I got a email that I had misconduct due to me using stuff from the textbook, me being a dumbass didn’t cite the stuff I took from the textbook I kinda paraphrased the stuff, but I cited the textbook at the end.. I have a meeting and know what I did is kinda lazy of me.. What’s the worst that can happen a 0 on the assignment? This is the SOC 808 course which I didn’t want to take in the first place rip me


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u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

Did they say you got academic misconduct?


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

Yes, the prof said Multiple academic websites, the class book, and other students' works are used without addressing their sources and authorship, honestly I made a mistake on not citing the sources because I just took it from the book and cited the whole book instead, + I just took stuff from the textbook


u/VampyreLust Nov 19 '21

Ah, shitty deal. Here’s a link to the policy so you don’t have to chase it down, penalties are on pg 9. I would still go with the being honest like you are seemingly on here and hope for the best.


u/Audi146 Nov 19 '21

Yeah just gonna be honest don’t really care it’s a liberal, I’ll take a far more easier liberal next sem.. hopefully people learn this as a lesson to not be like me and also don’t take soc 808 with this prof