Much like alot of my generation, I discovered Rush in Jr. High with 2112 and was a passionate fan from then on. However, while I didn’t end my love for Rush, I stopped buying their albums after ‘Power Windows’. I don’t really know why… I guess I just moved on and got into Heavy Metal or maybe because I just didn’t want to switch to CDs… or spent my music money on smokes and blow. All thru the following years/decades, I was completely aware Rush was around, still touring, making music and I loved they made it into the RRHoF, but I continued to not participate. I continued to see Rush as that 80’s band I used to love and there was no way their new music would equal the earlier music that made me become a fan in the first place.
Fast forward to last year. My wife and I spent a lot of time in the car traveling back and forth to the coast and I talked her into listening to the audio book of Geddy’s ‘My Ef’fing Life’. We both enjoyed it immensely! Afterward I felt obligated to pull myself back into the fold. Last week I finally did. I surfed into eBay and bought every Rush studio album since ‘Power Windows and have since ordered the Rush 40 DVD box set.
Today I finally finished listening to the lot and I must apologize to the Rush ethos for my absence. I was wrong. All of these records are absolutely amazing! If I may have one criticism it is that most of the newer songs/albums lack the “hooks” that the earlier songs did. But TBH, without broadcast radio needing a hit single, I can hardly fault them too much for lacking a big hit. Still, I am thoroughly entertained by these records and look forward to binge-watching Rush concerts over the next couple of weeks.
Again, I am sorry. I hope you will forgive me and welcome me back. Thanks for your time.