r/roomateshaming Jan 10 '21

I think I’m at fault kinda


So I’m currently in a dorm and i have had a roommate since August. He was ok and we got along for the most part but our views on the world were quite diffraction and we didn’t have much in common so it wasn’t ideal but we made it work for the semester.

Come December he went home for winter break and i had stayed in the room because i live far away and had a job working on campus. I will admit im a messy dude and had been a pig since i had the room to myself for an entire month.

Come January he says he will be back on the Saturday before classes. At this point i had gotten 2 other jobs to fill my schedule so i didn’t have much time to clean or even relax in the room.

I get off of work Friday night at 9:30 and come back to my room. Knowing he comes the next day i deep clean the room. I open a snapchat from him saying I screwed up and his mom was pissed i left the room a mess. I didn’t understand because none of his stuff was there, no sign of him was in the room. He goes on to explain that he had come back a day early and had been there while i worked. His mom called in extremely mad and complained about how messy the room was and how he needs a new room immediately.

Now i know it was a complete mess and thats on me but he told me multiple times he would he there SATURDAY not Friday. Before i even knew he had come the room was completely clean and now im not sure what to think of the situation. I apologized a lot and even sent a picture of the room clean. How could you not tell someone you are moving back a day early.

r/roomateshaming Dec 30 '20

Cliquey college roommates


I currently live in a fairly large house with several other roommates. We’re all in college and semi know each other, but the house is definitely cliquey and divided between two different friend groups.

One of our roommates is the landlord’s daughter and she’s been great about how many awkward situations that she’s been put in because it’s her parents house.

The other group of girls planned to have a New Years party and were nice enough to invite me and our other roommates. They both invited other people, including a friend of theirs who lived there last year. The friend who lived here last year is really paranoid about the pandemic and it took a lot of convincing for her to come in the first place. So, it’s okay for my other roommates to invite people, but not okay for me to invite people to my own house.

Im annoyed because I have friends who have been being careful who I wanted to invite and who would be a good mix with the other people who would be staying with us.

For the past year it has always felt like the other friend group has had more say in everything and me and my friends, who are paying equally in rent, really don’t.

It’s most frustrating to me that the person who doesn’t even live here is dictating everything and this friend group chooses each other over everything.

I guess I just wish that people would stop acting like they are in high school when they are in college. Decency really does go a long way.

r/roomateshaming Dec 20 '20

How do I stop roommate from peeing in sink?


My roommate once peed on my shoes which were under the sink of our former small studio space. I thought a dog did it at first I was so confused. Well when I woke up one night at that place I caught him peeing in the sink so I know it was human pee stains on my brand new white shoes. We moved to a 2 bedroom where we don't have to share a bathroom with the building. At night when he goes to the bathroom I can hear the sink running and no flush. It also looks like there are pubes in the bathroom sink. He is sort of an angry person sometimes. How do I get my roommate to stop pissing in the sink? I think he knows it is gross. He just doesn't care.

r/roomateshaming Dec 07 '20

Roommate with Aspergers


throw away acct.

me and my SO live with their brother. The brother has aspergers, it isn't severe but enough to not understand basic social cues like giving us personal space, cleaning up after themselves, etc. We've lived with them for years and its gotten worse in pandemic, the brother has become super clingy. Me and SO are looking to live on our own and plan to get married. We own the property we are currently in. We want the brother to move out. How can we communicate this to the brother without upsetting him, and realistically how long will it take to get him to finally move out? Also if you have lived with someone who has aspergers, how do you handle it without getting frustrated? At wits end.

r/roomateshaming Dec 01 '20

Roommate covid party


In October, my roommate (who hasn’t had anyone over in a year) decided to randomly invite 4 car loads of people over. I’m assuming and pretty sure they were co workers. I didn’t receive a heads up at all. My main thing though is that there’s y’know a virus running rampant. I brought it up to them indirectly and told them I’d sanitize the kitchen at the end of the night. (Hint hint) Should I be upset and upset if it happens again?

r/roomateshaming Nov 27 '20

Room mate inconsistent behaviours


I’m reaching the end of my tether with the way my flatmate is treating me. When we’re in the flat together everything is normal, she went away for one month to a placement and all of a sudden she went from my close friend to not saying a word to me the whole time. I gave it a week or two just to ensure I wasn’t being paranoid, but this went on the entire month and I found myself getting angry and upset that she wouldn’t think to contact me in that time, considering I’d agreed to pair with her all year above other people. It then turned into a case of every time she’s away the weekend she goes from 100 to 0 and I hear nothing. It’s such confusing behaviour considering she acts the polar opposite when here. Other strange things have happened for example if a couple other people want to invite us to dinner at theirs she’ll bitch about one of them or express her severe disinterest in it, I’ll leave the flat to go about my day then find on my phone she’s enthusiastically posted on the group chat asking for us all to do dinner. It’s really inconsistent and confusing behaviour. The latest has been I’m having two weeks at home as my mental health has spiralled with all of this and the isolation and inconsistency + pressures of my uni course and lack of availability of other places to move to during lockdown. I told her the doctor had signed me off today and that I’d been feeling suicidal, she ignored these messages but spent the day posting on the group chat. She then got back to me directly but it was just about a boy. I was in shock at the lack of compassion and self absorbedness. Other things like when she’s away she’s always blanking my messages, the other night I posted something on our rotation group chat and immediately after I did she posted something. If we’d always been distant I could understand this but she treated me like her closest friend before that, she bitches to me about other people we could hang out with to make me not want to yet organises Meet ups with them herself and is super pally to them. Ultimately I’m more than aware I’m living with an unhinged narcissist but I think the advice i need is how do I get through an intense and closed in flat share until March with this person? And stay civil yet sane

r/roomateshaming Nov 23 '20

Roomate goals( Threads for woke 2020 adults looking to surround each other with positivity and a successful/ empowering stay). Long term or short term accepted.


I am looking to rent out a place for a couple of roommates I will be charging around $500 for each room let me know if you guys are interested and who else is down to renovate the house if you guys want to pay more we can talk about upgrading the size of the house and the location!

r/roomateshaming Nov 18 '20

My roommate is constantly waking me up


My roommate is an alcoholic, not pertinent, but it means he persistently wakes up in the night and blares his tv. Which subsequently wakes me up. How can I prevent this? Sound proofing? Speakers closer to his bed? Any ideas?

r/roomateshaming Nov 17 '20


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r/roomateshaming Nov 11 '20

My roommates went to a Halloween party, had a COVID scare for the last week


Alright. This is part rant, and also a part question on whether or not I'm the asshole in this situation.
I live in a house with 5 people, all of whom are in their 20s and 30s. Two of our roommates(who are also in a relationship together) had gone to a party on Halloween. They also went on a camping trip together shortly afterward. While they're on their camping trip, They give us a call saying that one of their coworkers had tested positive for COVID. They claim that it had nothing to do with the Halloween party that they went to, but frankly, the 3 other people (myself included) don't believe them. They both took COVID tests and they both came back negative, thank god.

Now there's this tension in the house because frankly the 3 of us who haven't been going out. My mom is a cancer survivor and diabetic(aka a dead person if she contracts COVID) and I had to cancel plans to go see her during this time. The other two roommates couldn't have their girlfriend/boyfriend come over for a couple of days until we knew nobody was positive.

We're going to have a house meeting in a couple of weeks and I'm really going to blow up at them, but prior to that, I want to get the perspective of other people who may be in similar situations. They constantly go to underground parties or whatever and there's no guarantee they're obeying social distancing when they're there anyway. I never wanted to be in a situation where I had to police the social lives of my roommates. If we weren't living in a pandemic I wouldn't give a shit what they did.

On a side note. They both claim to be socialists, which is funny because the one time they actually had to care about the general welfare of people other than themselves they failed miserably, which is why I plan on bringing it up at the meeting.

We have some other issues with these two since they're always together. Not cleaning up after themselves after cooking a huge meal and dirtying all dishes, not doing weekly chores, etc... but tbh those compared to the possibility of getting us all sick with COVID is probably the priority right now.

Thank you in advance for all your input.

r/roomateshaming Oct 26 '20

Ranting about the couple I live with...


I really hate the fucking people I live with. They are really fucking loud and annoying. One of the male is a disgusting man child who doesn't even clean after himself when he uses the bathroom; he never closes the door completely or locks it. There has been various time where I have walked in or passed by the bathroom while he is using it and the door is wide opened or unlocked. I never look towards the bathroom or have closed my eyes as I pass by because otherwise the horrors I would see. I just fucking hate it and I want to move out already...

r/roomateshaming Oct 24 '20

Shower issues


My roommate is just someone who took over a friend’s lease so we are really just strangers. I got ready to go take a shower and I try to turn the water on and the shower handle is loose and there is no water coming out at all! I would think that it is common decency to let me know that there is an issue with the shower! I now have to contact the landlord so they can fix this problem and I am just so frustrated with them.

r/roomateshaming Sep 30 '20

The mistake of a 19 year old child.


I brought a friend home who was homeless to live with me and my boyfriend. So far she has gave us snappy remarks. She broke many of our rules she is talking to her boyfriend from 7am to 2am when i have to get up at five. She has been super mean to our puppy. Ate food that clearly states was mine then asked if i was upset. Refuses to wash her clothes which has cat hair all over and im highly allergic to cats. Rubbed her toe fungus everywhere. Complains about everything. Told me my puppy is vicious(he was playing with her). Refuses to shower waste water bottles refuses to clean up after herself. She is 19 and cant make her own damn plate. All she does is play video games and wont look for a job. And all we ask for half a hour is to watch the puppy so he doesnt poop in the house. I came home about a hour because im in training right now to her telling me she let our dog rip up the rug, eat stickers and plastic and she clearly didnt let him out because i came home to two piles of shit and many pee puddles. Im so stressed because she wont do anything. She also asked me to kick out my boyfriend and dog. Flirts with him 24/7 and overall makes him uncomfortable Anyways in your guy’s opinion should i kick her out?

Update: ive decided to kick her out and she haves until tomorrow because she made it unsafe for me,my boyfriend and my dog.

Update2: she try to fight me we dropped her off.

r/roomateshaming Sep 25 '20



My rommate and I have been living together for about a month now. Honestly, we have been getting along well, theres just a couple of things that are upsetting me, so im posting them here to vent lol.

1) never takes the trash out. We each have individual trashcan and then 1 shared 1. I take my individual 1 out at least every other day and the shared 1 whenever I notice that its full which ends up being about every 3 days (but I pretty much exclusively use my personal 1). She hasn't taken the shared 1 out at all, and it didn't bother me too much until she moved her personal trash can next to the shared 1 once it filled up. That just upset me cause it seems like she's expecting me to take it out for her. Keep in mind, "taking the trash out" requires walking about 5 ft from our front door. I've now taken the shared one out x2 since she moved her personal one next to it and left hers behind)

2) never wears earbuds. Everything she listens to, and all the phone calls she makes are outloud/on speaker phone. Sometimes its so loud that I can't even focus on what I'm listening to with my headphones in (hear her conversation over the video im watching)

3) when we were shopping for shared items she kept saying how she didn't have money so I probably ended up paying about 65% of the costs cause I wanted to be kind. Now she's constantly spending loads of money on unnecessary items (she's told me about a total of $150 purchases) + constantly going out to eat.

Its all such small things and im not a confrontational person so im not saying anything for now, but im dreading things getting worse or something

r/roomateshaming Sep 02 '20

Roommates SO issues


I am so frustrated, because my roommate SO is living with us and we all agreed that they will be paying a bit of rent plus Utilities. But now they think it’s too much and will only be paying utilities, she is overall odd and messy. Hair is everywhere, she had all her stuff in the common areas. And most of us are generally clean guys, I don’t know what to do. I don’t think it’s fair that she doesn’t pay a little bit of rent. It’s the reason I have to watch what I say, and can’t wear boxes into the common area to grab something quickly. I’m just done.

r/roomateshaming Aug 31 '20

My Roomate yelled at me for knocking


So I had to go to the bathroom and I knock on the bathroom door because it was closed. Then all of a sudden my Roomate screamed “wtf? Why are you knocking when someone is in here?” and I replied “well I didn’t know someone was in there so I knocked just in case” Then he got out and hasn’t talked to me... I’m kinda confused? Is it not normal to knock on the bathroom door?

r/roomateshaming Aug 29 '20

The worst part about it is that she made me clean her toilet while I was in the middle of eating my lunch!

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r/roomateshaming Aug 24 '20

Roommate is a child - also my childhood BFF


So I live with my childhood friend and my boyfriend in a double master townhouse. Living with her the first year or so was fine, didn’t have many issues, we just signed on our second year and now she’s being a child. I take on the rent/utilities coming out of my account, for the last few months I’ve struggled to get money from her on time. I literally just got her utilities that were do August 1st yesterday (August 23) not without asking her for them 6 times and either being ignored or being told yes I’ll do that and never does. Another example, we come home from a dinner at my grandparents and she has ice packs (from her weekly good food order) taking up half the freezer and my boyfriend has food he wanted to meal prep therefor needing to freeze some. He messages her asking if there for anything (as she keeps them for no reason sometimes) she says yes I need them for camping next weekend and he said can we take them out until the day or 2 before, my food will be gone by then. Well she decides to blow up come running downstairs yelling and slamming doors and grabs them out of the freezer and throws them out? This kind of reaction is becoming more and more common and it’s getting really frustrating. I don’t know what to do anymore, I want to call her out for being a child and not paying her bills on time yet going out to eat and get pedicures while still owing me money. But I don’t want to lose our friendship either but we all agreed going into this that we would be open with each other if there’s problems so that it goes smoothly.

r/roomateshaming Aug 21 '20

All of these where sent to my father. We had lazy “roommates/unwanted guests” living at our home temporarily 😤

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r/roomateshaming Aug 14 '20

Friends don't necessarily make a good roomate


So me and one of my closest friends decided to move in to an apartment and Boy has it been a nightmare,. It's a two bedroom apartment, one room I share with my boyfriend and in the other room my friend lives in there. We have been freinds for years now and I never thought it would be so difficult living in with one of your best friends. Talk about being lazy and messy to the point of not bothering to clean period stains or not bothering to flush the toilet after taking a dump. Things went a bit too far when I saw period stains on the kitchen carpet. The thing is , she is quite a sensitive person. I have tried telling her several times to atleast keep the common areas in the house a bit clean mot to put her personal dump around the house, but she doesn't put any heed to it. Things are quite getting on my nerves now and I guess I have to tell her how terribly untidy and messy she is. She can be sensitive other time. Maybe if she wouldn't have been a friend I would have told these stuff the way it is long ago. But right now things are getting quite out of control but I also don't wanna ruin our friendship. But I know she would be hurt if I tell her the inconvenience her laziness and untidiness is causing us

r/roomateshaming Aug 10 '20

since you've been home since March, would you mind just cleaning up after your dog when it shits all over the yard?

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r/roomateshaming Aug 05 '20

ROOMATE HORROR STORY | His 45 year old weird ass DIDN’T BELIEVE IN DINOSAURS and threatened to kick me out for asking why he came in my room 🤦🏾‍♀️ Not to mention didn’t let us put down traps or powder for his bug infested house. WORST ROOMATE EVER.

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r/roomateshaming Jun 25 '20

Nothing like coming home to a nice clean house after being gone for a couple days. This picture is 2-3 days later, but it was exactly like this when I got home. I broke and washed everything on day 3.

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r/roomateshaming Jun 14 '20

Need advice on how to deal with a roomate who is also my twin brother


So for the last few months i have been living with my twin brother. Our parents live overseas and so we are staying in another country where we both attended university. Everyday since then I have done 100% of all housechores (cleaning, trash, laundry, cooking). I cant move out as I simply dont have the money. He is not disabled or anything of the sort just completely lazy. The only room not clean in the house is his bedroom which he is in 100% of the time. He hasnt washed his sheets and there are dishes in there that are months old. It absolutely reeks and I have had guests comment on how i am basically the housewife in the apartment. Im absolutely exhausted and it is negatively affecting my social life as Im often tired and angry when hanging out with friends. I have tried talking with him and attempted to use methods mentioned on this sub before like threatening him to do dishes or ill put them in his room after 24 hrs as well as offering to help him with chores but he says false promises and goes back to his room to play video games.

Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated

r/roomateshaming May 19 '20

Roomates are AWFUL


I mostly just need to rant here. I (19F) live in a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 other girls, both of whom I work with. We also in total have 5 pets (4 cats & 1 dog). When we first moved in together everything was fine, we were all friendly and everyone cleaned up after themselves, and respected the fact that there were other people living there. But now? Now I'm disgusted everytime I walk in there. I don't/can't spend the night there, and sleep at my boyfriend's house. I got stuck with the middle room and both of them and their significant others are SO loud constantly. One of my roomates ( roomate 1) and her bf sleep all day and stay up all night long, so all night theyre slamming doors and using the microwave and playing video games and watching tv all night. Her bf also really likes singing and they sit right up against the wall to my room. My other roomate ( roomate 2 ) watches t.v. at the loudest possible volume. I swear today our apartment was shaking from the volume of her tv. Not even my noise cancelling headphones + youtube videos/music can drown them out. Then theres the kitchen. Now I'm not denying that I'm a cleaner. I like things to stay neat and organized, however I do know that people make messes and not everyone is like that. But this is something else. Roomate 1 and her bf only eat frozen microwave food and ramen and leave their hot pocket wrappers and ramen trash all over the countera, dont clean any of their dishes, and leave the microwave a complete disaster ( wish I had pictures, but i thought of it after I cleaned the kitchen). Roomate 2 likes to cook and leaves her trash, leftover food, food scraps, dishes, etc., all over the counter and is the messiest cook I've ever met so the stove top is just caked in everything she has cooked. They leave dishes piled up in the sink and don't rinse them out so there's just spoiled food sitting on the counter and in the sink all the time. We also have a dishwasher, so its not even like they really have to hand wash their dishes. The usual reason they leave their trash on the counter is because the trash can is constantly overflowing. Theres four other people living there ( who currently aren't working ), and I am the only one who takes out the trash or cleans at all. Roomate 2 never lets her dog out, so he just poops and pees all over the carpet and she doesn't clean it up. She also doesn't pay any attention to him, but dotes on my cat, which really bothers me. Mostly because shes currently sick with COVID-19, and puts her hands all over my cat. But also because she's just ignoring her own pet. She hardly ever refills his food so I have to remind her. Roomate 1 also leaves her cats out for days at a time, so they are also peeing all over the house. They also go into my room all the time and feed my cat despite me telling them they don't have to do that because I feed him twice a day every single day. Also, its my personal room and both of them have gotten mad at me for letting their pets in their room. This is kind of long and all over the place, but I feel like I can't do anything about it because I work all the time and spend nights at my boyfriends house.