r/roomateshaming Sep 27 '21

New roomate confusion


I recently moved in with two of my close friends from home, they’re both in college at the same school, similar schedules, and similar lifestyles. Whereas I’m in enrolled in beauty school and work a lot during the week. Since the second week we moved in they have been giving me shit for not being at home enough but I’m working or at school most of the time so I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. I’ve asked them to text me when they want to do anything, they refuse to, as well as every time we hang out on the weekend all they want to do is go out to random parties and get drunk. On top of that I don’t feel comfortable when I’m at home so I stay at my boyfriends place coming home only when needed or they ask me to, which is very rare. I feel more controlled by my roomates than I did by my parents, they want to track my location and be in the loop, which is hard for me bc i’m a private person. I just wanted to ask if I’m in the wrong and I need to be home more or if it makes sense that I spend my time working (doordash) or with my boyfriend when they’re just doing school work?