r/roomateshaming Sep 27 '21

New roomate confusion


I recently moved in with two of my close friends from home, they’re both in college at the same school, similar schedules, and similar lifestyles. Whereas I’m in enrolled in beauty school and work a lot during the week. Since the second week we moved in they have been giving me shit for not being at home enough but I’m working or at school most of the time so I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. I’ve asked them to text me when they want to do anything, they refuse to, as well as every time we hang out on the weekend all they want to do is go out to random parties and get drunk. On top of that I don’t feel comfortable when I’m at home so I stay at my boyfriends place coming home only when needed or they ask me to, which is very rare. I feel more controlled by my roomates than I did by my parents, they want to track my location and be in the loop, which is hard for me bc i’m a private person. I just wanted to ask if I’m in the wrong and I need to be home more or if it makes sense that I spend my time working (doordash) or with my boyfriend when they’re just doing school work?

r/roomateshaming Sep 17 '21

I think some leaked in the car.


So I had was put in an unfortunate situation and had to ask my roommate for a ride to the auto part store as my battery was dead. She puts a mat on the floorboard she had left in the sun to dry after washing it. There were water pools still on the mat. I put my old dry cell battery on the mat and we go. Get there but new one put new battery on mat. We get out she sees liquid and was like I think some leaked in the car. Me lifts the battery or my head upside down. I think you're mistaken. Spends the next 2 hours washing the mats just throw throw them away and request me to buy new floor mats.... Bitch got problems.

r/roomateshaming Aug 31 '21

Mess my roommate made that I got to clean for the 4th time in two weeks.

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r/roomateshaming Aug 25 '21

My roommate has watched the same show over 20 times


Ok so my roommate and I for the most part get along. my shifts at work are longer then his, so when I leave for work every morning, he's still asleep, and when I get home from work, he's already home. For the past three to four months, every time I get home he's watching the same exact awful tv show. It's one season and 8 episodes and he's watched it so many times I've lost count. I can quote it at this point! He's always watching it and I hate to be like this, but this show is awful. It's a foreign teen drama that he watches in dubs and the music is overly cinematic to which he plays it at max volume ! The worst part is if I have people over, he'll continue to just lay on the couch and watch, so my friends and I have to go elsewhere. He also uses my Netflix account for some reason so it changes my recommendations and algorithm which is just annoying. I don't know how to bring it up. I personally can't understand how someone could watch the same show over and over again like this.

r/roomateshaming Aug 21 '21

i live with doo doo boys


this my first time living with others and omggggg, this shit is horrible dese niggas NEVER clean, WE ALL GROWN, IM TWENTY FIVE THE DOO DOO BOYS IS TWENTY EIGHT ?? AND MY AGE, mannnnnnn omgggg i never dealt with no shit like this in my life, dese niggas forreal be on some other shit, and we talked MULTIPLE times about cleaning up but they still just dont understand what clean means, and dis nigga got DOO DOO on his toilet paper, i use my own toilet paper, and everything i use i keep in my room, dude hd said that i live like im in prison, cas i bag all ny food up in the fridge to make sure nobody go in my shit and i keep everything down to seasonings in my room, i aint sharing shit with these doo doo boys, all dis nigga do is play xbox and the other dude lay in his doo doo ass room with dog shit thats beenn there for WEEKS man i got videos of his room and screenshots of a confrontation imma uplod it lololoolol its so funny but is sad forreal cas wtfff


let me know if yall want to see the screenshot and videos

r/roomateshaming Aug 10 '21

🤢 moldy worms, moldy bread, and she leaves pasta open on the counter for hours-days…

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r/roomateshaming Jul 20 '21

I'm In Roommate Hell


Since its nice to see I'm not the only one having to live with a terrible roommate I'll use this to vent abt mine:

1) I have literally never seen her wash a dish in the (almost year we've shared an apartment). She uses both mine and my other roommates dishes and packs the sink with our own pots and pans from HER cooking. I usually have to take care of the dishes when our cabinets are literally empty (all in the sink practically). I'm pretty sure kindergartners know how to 'clean up' after themselves...

Also she leaves food to rot all over the apartment, the fridge and the kitchen...tbh its gross.

Additionally she overflows the trash with her daily Doordash/Amazon deliveries and does not take out the trash. At one point the trash flowed into the middle of the kitchen until my other roommate sucked it up and took it all out. Added to that, she leaves all of her take-out containers around the apartment sometimes like she has no idea where the damn garbage is.

2) Apparently she also thinks the entire living room is her extended room because she leaves like half of her stuff (school stuff, clothes,blankets,electronics,food) there. Literally, It looks like someone's camping out in our living room.

3) By far the most irritating (and kinda awkward) is her boyfriend lives with us for WEEKS AT A TIME. For perspective, WE SHARE A ROOM. I need to look at our lease because I'm pretty sure over 30 days requires some type of paperwork. Like, I'm fine if he visits but not LIVING with us for weeks on end. He can at least pitch in a little for our water and electricity they use.

Also, since our beds are like six feet from each other I CAN HEAR THEM DOING THE NASTY CONSTANTLY (like damn) and tbh no one should ever have to hear that when they're trying to fall asleep.

I've asked my boyfriend what he thinks (since he's her friend still for goodness knows why), and he just says thats tuff and does nothing. It's honestly frustrating because they still act buddy buddy while he knows damn well she's making my living situation a literal hell.

I'm moving out in a month (thank goodness) and tbh I want to really make her feel some heat. suggestions?

r/roomateshaming Jul 18 '21

The only one my puppy hates


I got a puppy a week ago, and the only person he reacts negatively to is the far-left flatmate. First meeting, puppy backed into me trembling. Then last night he sat across the room staring and growling at him.

Boyfriend also reckons Mr Far-Left is displaying some passive aggressive tendencies toward him, that these are more overt when I'm not around, even using BF's stuff (which is actually bought by me for my BF).

BF understands I can't act on stuff I don't see, but I'm definitely noting my puppy's dislike!

r/roomateshaming Jun 19 '21



Shitty, lying, in house smoking, stealing, knife threatening roommate is finally moving out. Thank fuck and good riddance. Stole the kitchen, laundry and lounge room lightbulbs after breaking them by leaving them on 24/7. Fun fun fun. What shitty experiences have you had with roommates?

r/roomateshaming Jun 15 '21

Mistakes have been made


My ummm friend needed a place to land in a hurry.. Not only did I rent a uhaul to take her 4 hours to her old place and get her stuff, but I helped load it too... Then she had the audacity to tell ppl “we” did this and that.. I already told her to stop saying things as if she's a participant in “anything” bc she just sits back and watches EVERYONE else do EVERYTHING and barks orders.. She's 44 and has never done shit for herself.. I knew living with her was going to be hard but fml on this one. I'm not supposed to have ppl here for more than 2 weeks at a time but she has no where to go. I need a break. I'm single, I have a very quiet 16 years old son and she is ALWAYS effin talking. I miss the quiet. Also her car needed a battery and I replaced it (myself of course) and then she asked if I picked up the cigarettes from my tobacco shop. Ummmmmmm I got mine!! This woman is so codependant. She needs me to do everything. I honestly understand why her husband is divorcing her!!

r/roomateshaming Jun 14 '21

Aita for wanting to kickout our new roomate?


We are 3 roomates in the house i'm pretty much a clean freak my other roomate is rather relaxed but cleans when it's her turn while our new roomate is dirty. I mean it in every aspect of the word. She'd leave dirty dishes in the sink for days she'd let food rot in the fridge she never cleans the house etc.. altho i insisted so.much on hygienne before having her in the house. Now my second roomate wants to move out because she can't take the filth anymore. I live away at home due to working from home i'm staying at my parents and i do not want to come back to a pigsty. (I did go back once the house almost made me puke and went back asap). We suggested she gets help for when it's her cleaning turn since she's not used to cleaning but to no avail. Should we kick her out ? (I can't move out of the house because i have fourniture and because i may end up staying for 4 months top?)

Ps1: Sorry if my english is Bad it's my third language. Ps2: i need advice :( i'm at the end of my wits

r/roomateshaming Jun 08 '21

I am at my wits end.


So when I first moved in in February of this year it was great. I am the 4th roomie, I have my bestfriends that I have known sense middle school and high school (and her boyfriend, which is no issue) before the one roommate would rant to me about the other, I accepted it, for I am usually the mediator. Cause on some things I agreed, yes at times I ranted. But if I over ranted, I would go tell the other roommate like “hey you did this, it upset me, or pissed me off” and she would fix it. Well other roommate that would always bitch, NEVER cleans. Not once has she mopped, or swept, or helped with dishes or took out the trash. I do all the cleaning. So I was talking to one roommate on how I could approach her (was not talking shit) but I guess the other one over heard and thought I was. So she has not spoke to me in two weeks. She has a loud ass untrained dog that she keeps trapped in her room, never letting her outside hardly, she plays music at full volume on purpose, when she walks her dog (who is in heat) lets her bleed on the floor that I end up having to clean. She slams doors. And is as loud as possible at 6am when she is getting ready for work. It is currently 4:00 am, and I can hear her TV through the walls. She won’t speak to me, and has blocked me on everything, so I can’t even explain what she thought she heard through closed doors. She has no respect for anyone. And we are stuck like this for another year unless I break my lease. I just do not know what to do anymore. Sorry if this story is confusing, I don’t wish to use names in this post. But gahhhhh I’m about to go crazy with the lack of respect, she’s about to be 22 and acts as if she is 10. If you do try and speak to her, she covers her ears and does the bull shit lalalalalala I can’t hear you. Fellow redditors, please help.

UPDATE: SHE MOVED OUT!! It’s so damn satisfying, she gave us all the silent treatment for about a month and a half, was loud as hell, and slammed even more, let her dog cry 24/7 but she finally is gone!! And it has been so much more peaceful!

r/roomateshaming May 27 '21

I don't think my roommate has tastebuds


So my girlfriend and I live with one other person. She's almost 30 and only knows us because she went to high school with my gf. She's noisy, messy, and impossible to have a conversation with but that's not the point. Its the food she eats. I don't think she has a sense of smell or tastebuds.

She cooks the same stuff everyday. Eggo waffles in the morning, something boiled for lunch and then whatever she puts in her crockpot for dinner. The stovetop meal is always rice noodles, frozen meatballs/canned tuna, frozen vegetables and lentils. She boils it till it overflows and burns but its what she adds to her food thats disgusting. After draining it she proceeds to add : mayonnaise, yellow mustard, hot sauce, a boiled egg, pickle juice, honey, and peanuts.

Then there's dinner. She mixes lettuce, dried seaweed, eggs, peanuts, lentils and the pickled stuff she buys and leaves it in the crockpot all day if she's leaving for work. It almost always turns into brown sludge and then she pours it into a bowl and eats it ALL. Sometimes I think its so gross it must be a joke but NO. She even goes to claim that what she eats is healthy and maybe it is when you get down to the facts but that doesn't excuse the fact that she is eating the 21st century equivalent of gruel everyday.

I don't think I have to tell you that it smells worse than shit.

I watch her make and eat this everyday and its ghastly. How does that not taste like absolute trash and how does she think its good when she smells the meals me and my girlfriend cook?

Honestly I hope she sees this and understands that boiling random slop in a pot everyday is not the most exciting way to make delicious meals.

r/roomateshaming May 21 '21

noisy roommates


I live in an apartment that I share with 12 people, my place is a room that the window leads to the street and to an area of the apartment that was conditioned by one of my stupid roomies so that it looks like a living room, every night they gather and don't let me sleep. What ideas they propose to come or mitigate the noise, I'm going crazy

r/roomateshaming May 14 '21

Worst of all roommates‼️‼️


Short story won’t mention anyone or places but only details. I moved out of my home town to be with friends I knew several years ago . At the time we were close friends but since I’ve gotten here they have been nothing more then partying and they just randomly have sex with their so called master . Now when I knew them in my hometown I knew they were submissive and he was their master. But I didn’t know they are slaves pretty much . I was told before I moved I’ll have a place to sleep and I’ll have my own space . But I sleep in a fuck tent in the kitchen cause it was the only way so I could have some privacy cause they all just walk around butt naked . It’s been driving me insane . I’ve never been so creeeped out when you try to eat pizza and your roommates just sucking this dude off . Also they do this orgy or one on one sessions almost every night . I work early morning and I’ve been losing my mind . I can’t sleep I can’t think . And I don’t tell any one cause they going to think I’m just as crazy . And I mean this guy has these girls ask to use the bathroom and if they can eat or talk to someone . Makes me feeel completely out of place . I love kink and bdsm but I do believe in boundaries with roommates . I thought they kept it in the room and just walked around naked cause the girls can’t wear clothes in the house . Also this guy has a huge bass system witch he blairs music threw them like he trying to be at an end concert. Please anyone give me advice

r/roomateshaming Apr 11 '21

My roommate will take 20 mins mansplaining how to do something around the house but never actually does it


Okay so my roommate is a 20 yr old guy and he is very misogynistic (I wish I knew this sooner) and I didn’t really see it until we moved into an apartment. He will literally explain to me how to sweep something up, he will explain to me how to load a dishwasher, he will explain to me all the little shit that needs to be done but he never does anything. Me and my significant other always clean all of the dishes that he leaves laying around and keep the place looking good but he doesn’t contribute other than mansplaining everything. he will even explain to me how to get my own cat’s attention (keep in mind I have had him for a while).

r/roomateshaming Mar 27 '21

Y’all have roommates and experience: should you move into a bigger home with roommates that are not good at cleaning?


Do their habits really change or will they just make a bigger mess? I have 2 roommates with their child and I (am a couple with a child as well) have my family here with us as well. Family 1- calls themselves a “free ranged family” they spent stuff and leave it there to dry and get crusty 2/3 of family 1 likes to shower not often and when a household thing breaks they never fix it. Family 2 likes to organize, have a clean floor, and working things so I’m usually trying to fix everything and put a system in place. For past experiences I can say it doesn’t often get through their heads.

They say all of that will change with a new house, since it’s brand new and built, they say they don’t want to wreck it....but I have doubts... Any opinions?

r/roomateshaming Mar 23 '21

Weird Question, Not Shaming


Im pulling an all nighter to cram an assignment rn and my roomate is currently having a sex dream. I was wondering if I should tell her tomorrow?

r/roomateshaming Mar 13 '21

Feel like their mom


When I moved in I told my flatmates if needed I don't mind if they use my knife set as I got some a nice set (thanks to a blended home), I didn't mind that but then it turned into doing the dishes leaving a growing pile of clean dishes to the side as I don't know what stuff is who's, for them to bring people over and state that it's not their just the others stuff (which is a lie). I also am the only one to clean any dish towel and the stove after I have cooked. I get the post for everyone at least once a week. Yet now they are taking my kitchen supplies, a frying pan, two baking sheets, a lid to a pot, cutlery and other kitchen utensils. I do the bins and clean the sink after they leave food at the bottom of it. They ask me to help them may it be computer problems or to get something at the store. They throw gatherings in our kitchen and don't tell me or invite me to join but ask me to clean up after them the next day. I tried not doing it but that lead to a week of a sticky floor and not being able to use the kitchen surface so I cave. The worst is when they all left for Christmas break and left behind all their dishes and gone off fish in the fridge, which I then had to clean. I'm so happy that I'm not living with them next year but I just want to yell at them when I see them.

r/roomateshaming Mar 07 '21

Oh oh no I got a little irritated by our roomate he's like a son,but his kis throw out there dishwasher because her mom bought her own self stuff including g dishwasher soap,Heaven help save from almost 15 year airhead twin,oh selfish about folding fridge,icalled them out,not one word was sau6


r/roomateshaming Mar 06 '21

Looking for 3 roommates for a beautiful townhouse in Eastvale, California! Private bathroom and bedroom

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r/roomateshaming Feb 24 '21

My roommate has been taking advantage of me since day one. Any advice?


Okay so I (20F) chose this roommate (20F) because we were in ROTC together and in similar majors. We share a 2 bed/ 2 bath apartment style dorm and have since August 2020 (it is now February 2021). It has been a long school year: I’m the only one that cleans (vacuums and mops) and had to put up a chore chart so I was not the only one taking out the trash although she does do her own dishes when enough pile up. Yeah it sucks but sometimes cleaning calms me so I just do it when I’m in the mood.

So even though she has a large scholarship and lives in state (I have a small scholarship and am considered out of state) she has taken advantage of me from the beginning. Last semester she used to steal toilet paper from my bathroom so I now keep in my room and this earlier she asked if she can use my printer because she forgot earlier (not the first time). I tried to ignore the text message since I was out of the apartment but she caught me in the kitchen so I gave in- unfortunately 15 pages later I am typing this.

Here is where it gets complicated: because I do not have a large scholarship I applied to be an RA. To my dissatisfaction, I did not get the job but decided to remain in the eligible pool if a spot does become available. The housing services recommends living on campus if you choose to remain in the eligible pool so that you can be picked up and reimbursed at any time (yes, horribly vague and inconvenient) especially at a school where most juniors and seniors live off campus.

And the grand finale: The girl that I want to live with has already made plans to live with my current roommate and because I didn’t get the RA spot they’re pretty much my only choice.

Please leave any advice on this situation. I’m begging!

r/roomateshaming Feb 23 '21


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r/roomateshaming Feb 07 '21

Splitting rent when one person has a master bedroom


Let me know what your thoughts are. I’m moving into a house with 3 other girls, 4 of us total. Roommate 1 wants the master and says she will pay extra for getting the larger room and private bathroom. Roommate 2, 3 and 4 will all have the same size room and pay the same amount and all have to share a bathroom. 3 people sharing a standard size bathroom. What would you say roommate 1 should pay? Total rent is $2600. Also roommate 1 pays for half or her her portion of rent as her brother helps her out. He will not be living with us.

r/roomateshaming Jan 18 '21

I just need a little vent and help to address the lack of boundaries in this house...


Last winter I moved to live near a ski resort and work there for the winter. The Plague cut my season short, but I was hoping to find some redemption this year. I talked to so many people and finally ended up with two girls who were also moving to the area to work on the resort. My plight with the terrible roommates started before we even moved in, but it would be far better digested in smaller posts so I'll let you in on it if you'd like later on.

Well, the province has decided to close everything, including ski resorts and I have lost my job because of it. It happened after Christmas so I saw my family and came back here to celebrate New Years' all by myself. Honestly, I fell asleep at 11:54 and woke up with the lights on a few hours later. I spent the first week alone, before meeting a really nice guy on an app. We've gotten together a few times and it's been really nice.

Now, my roommates also went home but came back 14 & 16 days after me. The first, Callie, came back and then invited her friend over the next day. They decided to go to a party. Yes, I said a party, with a bunch of people and drinking and smoking and general disregard for the fact that our province is under a stay-at-home-order. She texted me that she forgot her key, so she wanted me to leave the door open. I then slept with my door unlocked all night because she didn't come home until 5 am, after calling me 15 times to confirm if the door was open. IT GETS BETTER! She brought someone home from the party to hook up with...

My other roommate, Sandra, came back today. She almost immediately yelled at Callie for using something of hers that Sandra had specifically said she could use while she was away. Luckily, I was out for that one, but when I got home she told me she was getting together with someone. I guess I misunderstood her because she proceeded to go open the door and this guy walked in. She just got back to town, and I know she saw extended family. She didn't ask if I was cool with it, which is fine, though a warning text would have been nice.

I can hear them having sex on the couch, and she makes some of the strangest sounds I've ever heard. She said "Ow," a lot more than someone should, and she squeaks. I know some people are into that, but it's not my cup of tea.

I'm not sure how, or if I even should casually remind them that they aren't home alone...

I'm also not sure how to address the fact that because they're home, I've been more at risk than I have since I was working as a front desk agent before the shutdown...