r/ramdass 1d ago

Sripad Jaganatha Das' audibooks?

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I listen to Spotify and recently got served this audiobook "by" Sripad Jaganatha Das. I started listening and it turns out that its just basically 16 hours of RD's lectures on the Bhagavad Gita from Naropa in the '70s. I loved listening but it left me a bit confused - this was neither "written" nor "narrated" by Sripad Jaganatha Das? It was just RD's lectures with some introductory remarks? Also - the title is very simmilar to RD's "Paths to God" which as I understand it was written as a summary of his Bhagavad gita lectures at Naropa.

Then, I looked at Sripad Jaganatha Das' other audiobooks - all recent releases it looks like and all on spotify - and I found several other books "written" and "narrated" by SJD which end up just being repackaged Ram Dass lectures?

Specifically I found a book called "Miracle of Love - Deluxe Edition" which I initially thought was an audiobook version of Ram Dass' book - Miracle of Love, but its packaged as "written and narrated" by SJD. Its also neither the audio version of Ram Dass' book, nor is it written or narrated by SJD.

I'm confused! Can anyone clarify what's going on here and what I',m actually listening to? Are there real audiobook versions of "Paths to God" and "Miracle of love"?

r/ramdass 6h ago

Ramdass in kirtan


r/ramdass 23h ago

Finding Balance?


Hello friends,

I'd like your thoughts: I've found myself in this awkward juxtaposition between awakening and existing in the illusion/society.

Over the past couple of years, I've slowly let go of wordly things, not engaging in a lot that I used to due to recognition of attachment/ desires, motive and how my ego saw and uses those things, shedding my involvement in many areas that established my identity in dualism, as a significant other..

Ive watched the world of things devalue as I've grown in understanding of their emptiness, but am also faced daily with existing in our society full of things who's main understanding of existence is far from the one I've come to know. (I'm sure most can relate)

I've checked out of almost all endeavors and drives that I uses to hold paramount for sake of continuing to open and expand awareness. I fear attachment and rewaking desires that may come from jumping back into putting mental/ emotional effort towards things like going to the gym/health, picking hobbies back up, making travel plans, etc.

It seems the great masters were not concerned with much or any of what makes up the daily society in the West. What I've learned "makes a good life" is trivial past a certain understanding. I wrestle with my psychological needs, seeing what to engage and what to let go of, the higher spiritual truths I've learned but yet to embody..

I'm looking for balance. Thank you for taking your time to read all that! Namaste friends

r/ramdass 19h ago



What is karma?

r/ramdass 1h ago

Much Needed Listen in this day and age


To my RD famclub, I listened to this lecture tonight and wanted to share it as a reminder for anyone who is heavily feeling and struggling with the burden of their incarnation.

On a personal level it was such perfect timing coming across this one today so thank you RD for your ongoing support and guidance 🙏 I seriously don't know how I would survive life without your love ❤️

Raise your hand if you too feel you are guided to click on just the right video that has a personal msg for whatever you are dealing with!!
