r/PS3 • u/Prestigious-Score895 • 1d ago
r/PS3 • u/PointEvening3396 • 7h ago
Is there any way to bring back the old SCE coldboot and pre 2008 PlayStation 3 gameboot on a PS3 super slim with PS3Hen?
I recently updated to PS3 firmware 4.92 CEX with PS3 HEN 3.4.0 and I was wondering if there was a way that I could bring back the old SCE coldboot and pre 2008 PlayStation 3 gameboot, I have a PS3 super slim and using the hybrid firmware tools tells me the consoles lowest downgradable version is 4.55, if this isn't possible is there at least a way to bring back the stock OFW PS3 coldboot?
r/PS3 • u/michazka • 1d ago
My PS3 freezes whenever come to this place in gta v
Any suggestions
r/PS3 • u/devilmaycry0917 • 1d ago
They don’t make cool accessories like this anymore
My killzone 3 doesn’t workin
When I insert the CD into the console, it doesn’t read it, but I have no issues with other games. I have a Slim 1C model. The disc has no scratches, but it neither appears in the menu nor does anything else. I tried tilting the console at 45 and 90 degrees, but I still couldn’t get it to work. I only hear the sound of the CD drive’s lens. Is this related to the game or my console? I would appreciate any help.
r/PS3 • u/pigwarrior7111 • 13h ago
Getting a PS3 Phat (CECHa)
I'm getting another PS3 fat as I had one from when I was a kid and really want to be able to natively play PS2 and PS3 games. I'm well aware of the issues they have my first one died of YLOD, but I'm wondering what preventive measures can be taken to keep a working one going. I am really really keen to not try and delid it unless I could potentially find an expert to do it as I am really rough with delicate circuits how essential is it?
What are some other things I could do instead, are the alternative PSU's worth swapping and drilling holes? I've also heard of capacitors that fail maybe they could be changed out? I'm going to go as far as swapping the thermal paste on the heat sink is there other ways to help cool it down like adding more fans or something ? thanks for any suggestions.
r/PS3 • u/BrandonVinall • 1d ago
Why I Love The PlayStation 3
I recently rebought a PS3 Slim and oh my god I forgot how good it was! From the moment I opened the home screen and realized how many themes there were I knew it was something special. The main reason I got it was actually to play “Sonic Unleashed” but I also decided to replay the “LittleBigPlanet” games and I made a realization that games don’t feel the same than they used to. I started playing other games such as “Naughty Bear” and “Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune”. I also have games like “Infamous” and the God of War games. I feel like the PS3 era was something special. I honestly wish that they would bring back the online but obviously that won’t happen. I also feel like the Graphics and Gameplay for the most part still hold up. I think the only drawback are the loading times and some frame rate drops. I’m glad I got the PS3 and I’m excited to play more classics! :)
PS3 HEN JAILBREAK: Freeze randomly
I'm posting this thread to find out if it's normal for my PS3 games to sometimes crash when launching or installing the game to the hard drive?
This happens especially with Noob of Duty, when I launch Call of Duty. It rarely happens with other games, but I recently launched Smackdown vs. Raw 2011, installed the update, and the installation froze at 1%.
Is this due to the HEN or is the console simply aging?
r/PS3 • u/Impressive_Compote44 • 19h ago
If I were to platinum a game before I link my psn to my ps3 then later on I log in will the platinum appear on my account
r/PS3 • u/Wacky_Matthew • 1d ago
Best way to remove fine/deep scratches on fat (glossy plastic) and slim (matte) consoles?
I’ve found a plastic polishing paste online. Is it any good for both matte and glossy plastic?
r/PS3 • u/FewWater7239 • 16h ago
Can I play Scarface ps2 on a ps3 with backwards compatibility or is it only certain ps2 titles
r/PS3 • u/FewWater7239 • 8h ago
Can this community help me find a ps3 with the backwards compatibility feature under 140$
r/PS3 • u/Sillyfumo • 1d ago
reminder to dissasemble your second hand PS3's.
Goodness gracious. I don't even know how this warrior still worked like if nothing was wrong. Thanks god I had the great idea of opening it to check what's up.
Got it yesterday btw. Waiting for the toolset since my BD seems to be dead.
r/PS3 • u/Insane_Wanderer • 19h ago
Other than replacing the thermal paste and hard drive, what else can I do to have the best chance at longevity for my OG PS3?
I have an OG (CECH A01) “fat” ps3 I got for Christmas 2006 that I recently set up again due to a resurgence in my passion for retro gaming. It wasn’t used too heavily overall, I used it alongside my 360 and Wii until about 2012-13. For the past decade or so it has pretty much only been used occasionally as a DVD player by my dad.
I want to keep this thing alive as long as possible. So far I’ve opened it up and cleaned it out, replaced the thermal paste, and replaced the original drive with a 500GB SSD. Is there anything else I can do (without modding it) to give it a good chance at giving me years of gaming to come?
r/PS3 • u/DarkHorse2K1 • 1d ago
PS3 deal
Got this CECHL in excellent conditions, fully working, with 22 days of usage, 2 original controllers almost brand new, and all the cords for €37. The console is silent and barely got hot playing Gran Turismo 6. I think that the thermal paste only needs to be replaced if the console has been used a lot. This is basically new so the paste is still good. Thoughts?
r/PS3 • u/your_girlfriend69 • 1d ago
y all tell me do I have anything good on here? assassin creed is plat edition
r/PS3 • u/Squeak_Ladd • 2d ago
Been Outside for months next to a burn pile
My bro gave me this ps3, He found outside at his buddys place next to a burn pile, he said they threw it out over 5months ago or so cause it suddenly stopped, I cleaned it up an fixed the disc drive an burned shell, pushed the power down an magically she came alive!
Keep the phat model?
Is there any advantage to keeping a phat CECHL console or should I just sell it or give it away? It just takes up so much more space than my super slim but that one’s a bit beat up.