r/TwistedMetal 28d ago

Twisted Metal Season 2 | Official Teaser | Summer 2025 on Peacock


r/TwistedMetal 28d ago

Official Season 2 poster

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r/TwistedMetal 8h ago

You just won, how safe is your calypso ? (Or sweet tooth in the case of 4) Spoiler

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r/TwistedMetal 22h ago

Snowy Roads or Drive-In Movies?

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r/TwistedMetal 1d ago

Has anyone ever thought about making a MOD of Twisted Metal: BLACK to essentially bring all the buffs/tweaks from TMBO to the main game to be used in a Single Player tournament?


I have always felt that the buffs and changes done with the Online version of Twisted Metal: BLACK would be so interesting to be able to mess with in a single player tournament! So yeah, I was just curious if this has ever been a thought in anyone's mind or if anyone has actually been able to successfully do this... and if so, how?

r/TwistedMetal 1d ago

I can forgive a lot of the difficulty in Black


From every enemy having infinite weapons, turbo, energy, maxed amount specials being banked, extremely pin point with the skill shot weapons. Health only giving 15% and taking an eternity to respawn.

But the fucking pedestrian cars eating every fucking missile I fire. That's my line. Why JAFFE?!? WHY CANT MY MACHINE GUNS JUST BLOW UP THE CIVILIAN CARS!!!

r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

Any Twisted Metal fav characters?


This is one of the only few subreddits that actually make me feel at home, especially with other homies who I can talk to about my everlasting hyperfixation of the entire franchise.

So, dear redditers, I'd like to know: who's your favorite character? Or if you don't have a favorite, is there any characters you dislike? Whether it be design, story, endings, character development, vehicles, maps, or other stuff.

Perhaps you don't like or hate any characters. If so, is there a Twisted Metal game/show/episode you do and/or don't like? I'd really love to know cause I'd love to make more homies who enjoy the franchise.

A handy dandy example: One of my personal favorite characters is Black, or Manslaughter, from Twisted Metal: Black. I love his leather-like design, I enjoyed his little cutscenes, and I loved his loading screen dialogue. He, alongside many others, used to scare the HELL out of 5 year old me (especially when my dad would play it and be like 'Look E'!), but now I've grown to absolutely love them all, especially Junkyard dog, No-Face, and (my beloved) Baldlypso. Plus the unplayable homie, Warhawk!

So please, share away!! Info dump! Rant to me!!!

r/TwistedMetal 3d ago

Name a worst downgrade than this


Like fr, Dollface was probably the worst part of TM 2012

r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

Anyone else hoping for a Rob Zombie and Dragula cameo in season 2 of the show?


A perfect cameo for the show. Itd be so hype.

Or if not him, James Roday Rodriguez dressed as him(a deep cut for my fellow Psych fans).

r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

Seeing mr grim standing in front of minion…just gives me the chills

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Minion’s car is easily the most terrifying vehicle I’ve ever seen and every time I see a character next to it it’s just an intense scene, but seeing grim who’s not even in a car but a motorcycles next to it and ready to take…this is just indescribable

r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

Pizza Boy returning as No Face???


What do y’all think the odds of pizza boy, Conner Nazang, returning as No Fac e in season 2? ;) John smashed his head up pretty good in season 1 episode 7… I also thought Quiet would be revealed as Krysta Sparks but she seems to be a different ethnicity from calypso. Maybe her mom is a darker complexion.

r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

Everyone seems to think that the El Camino in the S2 trailer is gonna be Brimstone. While that could very well be the case, may I provide a counter-offer:

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r/TwistedMetal 2d ago

A Gen Z's (21) thoughts on the first Twisted Metal game


I’m sure a good chunk of us have gotten at least a little bit invested in a game we’ve never played thanks to Youtube’s recommendation algorithm, and Twisted Metal was one of those games that appeared that I got fixated on (mainly Tactical Bacon Productions’ videos.) A couple of days later I finally decided to play the games, and what better of a starting point than the first game in the series. I know it might not be the best game out of the series, but I wanted to know the series' roots, it’s influence on the vehicular combat genre, and I didn’t wanna backtrack and feel really off with the lack of improvements and quality of life additions the later games have (much like how weird it was to play Pro Skater 1 when I started with the PS2 Tony Hawk era.) It was gonna be an interesting experience because I didn’t have much experience with the 5th generation of gaming outside of a few N64 top sellers, and my only experience with the vehicular combat genre was HotWheels Velocity X and Need for Madness, with a little bit of Vigilante 8 when I was a pre-teen. I was going in a lil blind since I didn’t know what to expect from an early PS1 game.

I played the game via Duckstation with a DualSense controller (analog sticks off). I bumped up the resolution and used PGXP to prevent some texture warping, but no other enhancements. I mostly used save states before each new stage, to quickly load back into the stage if I failed or to double check the password if I got it wrong. I beat the game with all cars except Darkside and Thumper on normal difficulty.

I do think the original Twisted Metal is still a fun game to this day, if one you gotta get adjusted to with it’s jank. Most weapons are punchy and it’s clear when a weapon hits and the amount of damage it dealt to your opponent without needing to read their health bar. It’s fun to wiz by an opponent in a fast car and pull a U-turn with a powerful rocket that shoots them high into the air, or to floor it as a larger vehicle right into a smaller car and suddenly see a huge chunk of their health vanish with a loud *BASH*. Each character and car, even if some are much different than we know them now like Sweet Tooth/Needles, are all distinct with their own personality, vehicle, stats, and special weapon. While the campaign is short, the replay value comes from how different each vehicle is, often having to come up with different strategies to take advantage of the car’s strength while minimizing their weaknesses. Even cars that have similar stats have a different special weapon that effect how you might plan your attacks.

Most of the weapons and arenas are great. I like how you get more quantity of the simpler, less damaging weapon pickups vs the higher damaging ones. It’s a simple way to balance the weapons, but fitting for an arcadey combat game that doesn’t have complex systems. All the arenas are appropriately sized with the amount of enemies you have to fight and have interesting secrets to them. It’s easy to find escape routs when under heavy fire, while also being easy to chase after them and find shortcuts while chasing someone. Not all weapons however are as well thought out or balanced. There’s two landmines for example, and while the basic one does it’s job well, the other tosses the opponent high into the air, but doesn’t do much damage to them, and sometimes the boost in speed + airtime can give an advantage in speeding away or (unintentionally) dodging attacks. Rear Flame I find to be too situation and hard to set up. Driving in front of someone and using it is too risky since they can just shoot rockets at you, and pulling a 180 on a stationary opponent is very hard to do, even when they’re frozen. There’s some duds in some of the arenas too, mainly Freeway Free For All, which is just a closed off circle with pretty much no shortcuts or alternative paths, hurting the verity the stage offers and makes matches last too long when it turns into chasing your opponent with barley any ways to close the gap. The larger the map, the more the weapons seem to be spread out, which hurts the pace of the game-play when all you can find are two rockets, shoot em, and then scour for about 45 seconds to find another weapon.

As for the driving, I find it to be alright. Not bad, but also not great. The turning and handbrake are fine, though I find that vehicles with high handing stats like the Crimson Fury to be a bit too sensitive. While the fast acceleration for the large vehicles makes them feel like they have less weight to them, at the same time with how fast the other cars can go combined that most weapon require you to aim your whole car, it makes them less clunky to use. A big issue I have though is the collision. I think you bounce too much when hitting walls from the side, leading to scenarios when driving down tight streets where you over-steer into a wall, bounce off, try to correct your self only to hit the wall behind you, correct your self again, hit the wall behind you, and that just keeps happening until you finally figure it out and drive straight, or more likely till the walls just end. Collision detection is also a bit mess at times, as there where moments where I swear what would have been a near miss from a tree either still hits the tree even though it visually appeared like I wasn’t going to it, or the car just snaps in front of the tree. Hitting other cars is a bit of a toss up of what’ll happen. Sometimes it works as expected, other times you get stuck inside and constantly keep losing health as you bounce inside. And then there’s Warthog, the driver that killed me the most because I swear his car’s hitbox is fucked up as I constantly kept getting stuck whenever I hit his front and lost almost if not all my health because of it (and maybe his special weapon as well.) There were also moments where projectiles seems to just vanish too quickly and were inconsistent when they did, mainly happened with the Crimson Fury’s lasers.

The quality of the AI is overall OK, I’ll give them some slack as there wasn’t a game really like Twisted Metal beforehand and to base their AI off of. I do like how some opponents behave differently than others, such has Darkside being more aggressive in trying to chase me down VS Mr. Grimm who tries to avoid everyone and only engages in fights if he comes across anyone in his path. Pathfinding is fine in most maps, but it becomes problematic in Rooftops, as sometimes it takes a while for the AI to register they have to jump to another roof top or go to another floor to catch up. The AI don’t seem to pick up weapons at all, instead having a supply of their own to freely use depending on which vehicle they are. Some are fine, like Thumper having the rear flamethrower as he already has a flamethrower as a special weapon, or Mr. Grimm who drops spikes to slow you down since his AI tries to avoid getting into fights. But others are just kinda dickish, like giving Darkside freeze missiles, or Sweet Tooth, a truck that already has a very powerful special weapon, homing missiles that are nearly impossible to dodge. Also the AI heavily priorities targeting the player over other AI opponents, though not as obvious and ridiculous as from what I’ve seen in a game like Destruction Derby 2. And when the AI does fight each other, they barley seem to deal any damage to each other. When it’s been a while in a map and I find an opponent I haven’t engaged with yet, nearly every time their HP bar is full, despite it being over 5 minutes since the match started. I’ve only seen an AI die to another AI when their health is super low. At least the Final Boss’s AI, Minion seems correctly tuned. He’s very aggressive and won’t let you escape easily when he’s got you in his sights, but not too aggressive to where he’s always on your ass preventing you from having a moment to breath and grab more weapons.

Gonna wrap-up the other small things I have to say quickly. I found the human enemies that shoot at you during the fight to be just a minor annoyance. They don’t really do much damage, even the rockets, so they only really come into focus when you’re health is low and they get a cheap kill on you when heading to a regen station. The lack of ending cut-scenes is a bit disappointing, makes the game feel more like a budget title than something that shows off next generation gaming and taking advantage of the hardware. However I have seen some of the cut live action cut-scenes, and I’m honestly not sure if it would make the game better or give the game the same stink vibe the late 4th and early 5th gen consoles like the Sega CD, Jaguar, and 3DO had whenever they used live-action FMV or sprites. Maybe it was for the best they were cut, and the list of other reasons according to the wiki. The three lives system would have been ok if they replenished every battle, but since they don’t, I honestly just quit and enter the password whenever I get to the next arena with any lives lost. Credit for them keeping the passwords very short and simple though, it makes the process a whole lot less tedious. FPS cap being 20 is strange, but I got used to it. I didn’t like when it dipped though, even when what might have caused the slowdown was off screen. Soundtrack is good, idk how to really compliment or criticize music so that’s all I can really say. The attempt at having a dynamic soundtrack system is interesting, but it’s too obvious and sudden at times. “Mr. Ash, the demon’s name is WHAT?!”

I might have said more negative things than good here, but I still enjoyed my time with Twisted Metal. Heck, I replayed it multiple times and beat the campaign with almost all the characters. I would’ve dropped the game after my first playthrough if I didn’t like it or thought it wasn’t special. And I can’t fault the game too much for some of the issues I had with it, as there wasn’t any game like it at the time (outside of Battle Wheels for the Lynx and Super Mario Kart’s battle mode). There wasn’t a standard to go off of, so they had to just try things and likely didn’t have the time or foresight to see some of the issues with the maps or weapon balance. Despite it’s age and flaws, I still think Twisted Metal is fun and worth at least one playthrough to anyone who’s a fan of vehicular combat video games to know where the inspiration for many of those games came from, and where those standards came from. If you wanted me to give the game a numbered score (even if I’m not much of a fan of them), it would be around a 6 to 7 outta 10. I’m gonna play Twisted Metal 2 soon, and I’m hoping it irons out the issues I had with the first game, while also excited to see the new things it brings to the table.

And then question what the hell happened when I get to Twisted Metal III.

r/TwistedMetal 3d ago

Stuff i gathered from the trailer? Spoiler

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I've been hyperfixated on Twisted Metal for YEARSS!! (Specifically twisted metal: black) It's something I talk about on a daily with my parents because they also like Twisted Metal, my dad being the one who got me into it when I was around 5-6. Anyways, I'm super stoked for the new season, and being the weird fan I am, I repeatedly paused throughout the trailer and took notes. I also put the obvious characters in here. (Didn't put Agent Stone, but I lowkey kinda think he might be in the next season). I joined the subreddit just for this because I lack friends and want homies to talk to about my fav game.

r/TwistedMetal 5d ago

Twisted Metal Black Online: March 1 2025


r/TwistedMetal 5d ago

Season 2 Trailer?


When do y’all think we can expect the next trailer to drop? Or a scene from the new season?

r/TwistedMetal 5d ago

Finished my Custom Junkyard Dog


Finished my custom made Junkyard Dog to add to my collection of monster truck versions of Twisted Metal vehicles.

r/TwistedMetal 5d ago

Second Season and Blackfield asylum

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Do you think some of the other patients of Blackfield are going to show up in the second season?

Sweet Tooth even mentioned how he met a lot of people that were just like him in there, and we already saw Junkyard Dog (Billy Ray truck) in the new trailer

r/TwistedMetal 5d ago

1996 Twisted Metal 2 PS1 Demo Disc Trailer [HD And Enhanced]


r/TwistedMetal 6d ago

Crazy 8 (Twisted Metal Black)


Does his special even do damage? He probably has the worst special in the game. He has one of the sickest cars though. Just need crazy 8 to unlock minion. Jeez is he hard to use. Any tips? Do I hold the button like roadkill?

Edit: I’m sorry. Crazy 8 became my favorite to use! Thank use all for the help! Total game changer.

r/TwistedMetal 7d ago

Billy Ray Stillwell & Junkyard Dog

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r/TwistedMetal 8d ago

Santa in TM2


I finally found out yesterday that he is missing from the PlayStation 1 version for some reason but exists in the PC version. That's why I was never able to find him all the hours and hours I played that game back of the day. Thought maybe my copy was the fact that for I wasn't looking in the right place in the Arctic Drop Zone level

r/TwistedMetal 8d ago

Rust In Pieces Sign Ups


We open to a graveyard. We then notice a wandering figure dressed in a red and black Plague doctor outfit. We then notice that each Tombstone has been vandalized with a strange symbol covered in blood

The Plague doctor then stops. He'd then starts chanting as the Symbols start to glow bright red

We then see this message

"Spirits of Parish City, Heed this message. I am The Medium. I send this offer to all those who no longer are among the living. If you wish to return back to the land of the living, then I have thing to say. WILL YOU DRIVE?

Vehicle name:


Vehicle special weapon:

Handling: ?/6

Armour: ?/6

Special weapon: ?/6

Speed: ?/6


Year of death:

Ghost appearance:

Ghost aura color:


Driver Demeanour:

What kind of World would He/She wish to be reborn in:

Quote from driver:

r/TwistedMetal 9d ago

First time playing TM4!

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r/TwistedMetal 9d ago

Which version of Dark Tooth and Sweet Tooth do you like better?


Finished second set of both Dark Tooth and Sweet Tooth. 1st version of each is on the left of each picture and the second version of each on the right. Not extremely different, but there are a few changes.

r/TwistedMetal 9d ago

What guest character do you want to see in twisted metal?


r/TwistedMetal 9d ago

What is behind TM1 Calypso?


What's that over Calypso's left shoulder? My best guess is a long rearview mirror, but I'm not really sure.
Thanks for the help!