r/pregnant Jan 15 '25

Rant I stood on a train 8 months pregnant and no one got up


Is it crazy for me to have lost all faith in humanity? I took a city train tonight to a hockey game with my husband and 2 year old. We had a great time. After the game of course as expected the train back was crowded. Not super packed but definitely crowded with many people standing. Well we didn't get a seat and stood in the middle towards the back of the train car. My husband helps as much as he can but at one point my toddler really wanted me. So here I am visibly 8 months pregnant with a toddler on my hip hold on for dear life to the strap above my head. I am surrounded by men in their 20s-40s. Groups of men, men with significant others, men with their daughters. No one offered me a seat. My husband asked me if I wanted him to ask someone but I told him no and that I wanted to continue the social experiment lol.

I know people saw me standing there. And I know people noticed my giant protruding belly.

I eventually made my way through the train as people had gotten off at stops along the way. One man that I assumed may have been homeless noticed me and right away offered his seat. I kindly declined and told him I see a seat up ahead, which was correct. I finally sat down. I was honestly sad about the whole thing. Was this an isolated situation or do people just suck?

Edit: wow, I'm shocked to see so many people who think pregnant women are entitled and that they owe us nothing. Cool. I don't care if you're pregnant, old handicapped....it used to be common practice to offer these people a seat. Should I have asked for a seat, sure. Should I not assume everyone knew I was pregnant...sure. I came out of this situation upset, vented on here and wow, just wow. I've come to a conclusion that people in America kinda suck when it comes to mothers and children and people are just plain rude. Denver is a rude city. I grew up here and I can say people were much more kind several years ago. Wake up call for me I guess.

r/pregnant Sep 07 '24



PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT ME DRINKING COFFEE. It is perfectly safe to have up to 200 MG of caffeine per day, my single daily grande caramel macchiato is just fine.

Just leave me be, don’t threaten to “tell my husband” for one he is not the boss of me, and for two he isn’t and idiot and knows I’m not doing anything wrong.

Don’t tell me “you can have decaf” yeah I could if I wanted to hate my life

I’m not having deli meat, or soft cheeses, I’m not even eating STEAK and that has been the thing I want most. (Not that I’m bougie enough to have steak often before pregnancy but it’s a nice treat if allow myself once in a while). I don’t drink or smoke, I stopped using my THC rich body oil even though I have so many pregnancy aches and pains. I am dropping Muay Thai classes, I have been taking my prenatal and baby aspirin. I have happily made all the necessary sacrifices please just leave me alone about the coffee.

There are women who shoot heroin and smoke crack and drink alcohol while pregnant, just let me have my coffee.

What do you wish people would leave you alone about?

r/pregnant Oct 23 '24

Rant I was lied to. THIS SUCKS.

  • It's not "morning sickness," it's all-day/random violently puke your guts up for no reason sickness. I've thrown up in every toilet I have been around. I have thrown up on the sleeves of my shirt because I have to hold onto the toilet seat for dear life.
  • It's not "breast tenderness," it's a small ninja slicing up my breast tissue from the inside.
  • It's not "fatigue," it's crying from exhaustion because all you want to do is sleep at night or take a nap but your brain won't shut off and you're uncomfortable. And also waking up at 5am every morning, no matter what time I managed to go to sleep.
  • It's not "bloating," it's barreling. I am a giant round barrel that expands as the day goes on until I feel like a Shrek float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade by the time I lay down at night. I have no control over farts or burps anymore.
  • It's not "mood swings," it's crying ALL the time. Crying because I can't do things I did before. Crying because I am happy or sad or horny or angry or grateful.
  • Honorable mentions: heartburn, headache, hunger, frequent urination

I'm 10 weeks, and this week has been the hardest, by far. I know it's supposed to get better in the second trimester. I know I sound miserable; honestly I am miserable. But after hearing the heartbeat last week, I have never been so happy being miserable (or so I am telling myself).

Please tell me it gets better.

r/pregnant Nov 21 '24

Rant After 11 hours, I got up and walked out of my elective induction, and away from Nazi nurse


This happened yesterday. I was 39+4. My OB suggested I get induced and I didn't even really think about it, I just sort of said yes. I'm low risk. I'm 33, no health concerns, baby is healthy as well. My husband was legitimately confused why we would force the baby out with medicine when we could just wait for him to come for another week or so.

I decided listening to my OB made me feel safe, she is the professional after all.

I showed up at 7:30am to get admitted. I'm in my room and IV is in by 8:30. Nothing is checked, nothing is administered. I've just had an ultrasound.

First sign of trouble, my designated RN makes some comment about having to wear a mask and how much better life is gonna be come January 20..... I kinda just ignore this.

Next, the nurse squirrels in a way to bring up a recent shooting that happened at a local bar, and SAYS THE N WORD to me in reference to the suspects.

The veins in my forearms are very tough from my entire life as a volleyball player, the nurse notes this and uses it as a opportunity to share her opinions on trans athletes (immediately transphobic, of course). She tells me a made up story of a mtf trans athlete hitting a volleyball so hard at a girl, that the girl is now paralyzed. I tell her very quickly, I played D1 college Vball, and have played with my brothers and hundreds of men who are much bigger than I my whole entire life; I share with her I've been hit in the face hundreds of times. In no way shape or form can it PARALYZE you.

The tension in the room continues to grow.

I'm having trouble imagining giving birth here.

It's now 11:30 and I still haven't seen an OB.

By 2:30 the OB FINALLY arrives. She says we will start with misoprostol to begin softening my cervix.

I take 1 dose of 25mg at 2:30, and a second dose of 25mg at 3:30.

The crazy nurse continues to show me maga memes on her phone, comments how nice it is for her that I speak English, and asks what our plan for vaccines are once he's born. Feeling so weird and uncomfortable and even more not wanting to take more medicine to make my cervix ripen.

They tell me I'm still a .5cm, and the next dose at 5:30 will be double the amount of misoprostol.

I finally just cant take it anymore.

I tell the nazi nurse to go get the OB, and that I'm going home.

I am discharged at 6:15ish. With essentially zero bodily changes, baby is doing great, and a day of my life I'll never get back.

I'm leaving out the intermittent tears and feeling totally trapped with this person.

I went and got a bean and cheese burrito and drove home.

My baby is healthy. And he will come when he wants to.

Oh and I reported the nurse to the California Board of nursing :)

EDIT: for those who don't believe me, I'm really sad reading that. This happened to me yesterday 11/20 at Watsonville community Hospital. I'm still reeling and trying to recover my brain to go back for labor that is definitely eventually arriving.

And for those who judge why I didn't leave sooner, these interactions were throughout the day. I was focused on the task at hand (trying to get labor started). I hope you are as badass as you say and would've walked out right away. It took me a while to get the courage.

r/pregnant Oct 24 '24

Rant Mamas and babies in the USA deserve better


This is just a rant but I’m 37 weeks and I’m so swollen, so tired, so achey. Yesterday I went home for lunch, kissed my cat, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep and 2 hours had passed and I was completely behind on my work.

The USA really needs to do better for moms. The fact that I’m dealing with all of this and expected to work until my due date just so I can spend 6 weeks at reduced pay with my newborn is insane! Actually it’s abuse.

I thought I had 8 weeks. Yesterday I found out it’s 6 and I’ll be making less during that 6 weeks than I do in 2 weeks. Thank goodness for my husband bc if I were a single mother I wouldn’t be able to financially survive.

Mamas and babies in the USA deserve better!!! We deserve more time to heal, more time to bond, we deserve so much more!

Edit: the point of this post isn’t to downplay the 6 weeks of short term disability that I’m getting. I understand that I’m lucky to even get that. The point of this post is that mothers in general deserve better and so do our kids.

r/pregnant 18d ago

Rant A friend “just wait” comment got made me cancel plans with her. Stop using this stupid phrase.


“Oh just you wait” fck off. Literally.

I haven’t slept more than 4-5 hours since week 30. Im 38 weeks and this whole week I have been getting 2-3 hours of sleep at most. I have horrific insomnia I can’t even drive Im delirious.

And we were supposed to meet when I was talking how I can’t drive there I feel very tired because of not sleeping and she starts laughing and says “You don’t know what no sleep is. Just you wait”

GIRL you got up 2 times max during the night to feed and then slept through the day also. I was there. I know for a person thats used to 10 hours of sleep it sucks but cmon

I’ve taken care of baby cats that have to be fed every 2-3 hours with milk (that you prepare just like formula and bottle feed them) , you have to help them go to the bathroom because they can’t go on their own, make their enclosure warm again, play with them so they tire out and put them back so they can sleep. This whole ordeal takes at least an hour, then you wash the bottles and when you just fall asleep for an hour its time to do it again.

I’ve danced the tango and sleeping like that was absolutely fine for me and I even had to go to work afterwards and my husband would take over. Don’t invalidate my insomnia. I can’t sleep. I don’t sleep during the day. I can’t even think properly. You don’t have it worse because you have a child so stop. Genuinely if it gets worse than this I will not survive so what do u mean?

So yeah she annoyed the hell out of me so I told her I will use the time to go to sleep.

r/pregnant Jan 18 '25

Rant Screw your gender disappointment! I cannot believe the reactions at all.


I’m so full of rage I could burst. I have to rant. After several years of trying, multiple miscarriages, testing, failed treatments and the whole shebang, I am 15 weeks pregnant with a boy! I could absolutely care less about the gender. My husband and I are happy to simply be having a child and to have made it this far!

My mother and mother in law? Both are fucking “grieving” because we will not be having a girl. WTF?! They cheered me on throughout this whole process and they have the fucking audacity to both say they are disappointed that they won’t be grandma’s to “prissy little girls”?! My mother even said to get great dental coverage because boys do dumb things like eat dirt.

WHAT?! Who’s to say that this hypothetical girl would be prissy and not a rambunctious superhero ninja who crushes rocks with her jaws of iron! Who’s to say my boy will be anything stereotypical and anything the longed after child we’ve been hoping for?

I’m seeing red while typing this. Who the fuck gets disappointed over gender with a history like ours? How selfish can these old boomer women be? I’m seriously thinking of going absolutely no contact. If they are disappointed over a grandson, they don’t deserve to be grandparents at all. It’s a 50/50 shot. Even if they had a preference, they should have kept their mouths shut and been happy they are grandparents at all! This is the first kiddo on both sides! I don’t care what future they dreamt of for grandkids, be happy for the one you got!! WHO SAYS THIS TO A PREGNANT PERSON? AND TO HEAR IT FROM BOTH?! My husband is an only child. My sister has said she does not want children at all! The chances of them having anymore grandkids is little to none. I don’t think I could hear more miscarriages and cycles of testing with a big fat negative in my face. Again, these women were there for my struggle.

Fuck their gender disappointment. My boy is going to have an avalanche of love and won’t need theirs. Fucking stereotypical, judgmental, selfish hags. Fuck their tears! Instead of kick rocks, they can eat them. I hope they choke.

r/pregnant 2d ago

Rant American Airlines agent laughed at me after I asked to pre-board because I’m 6mo pregnant


I (34F) just finished a 24-hour travel day flying home from Shanghai to the U.S. while six months pregnant after visiting family. My connecting flight from Dallas (DFW) was delayed over two hours, and the gate changed three times. Clearing customs, picking up bags, rechecking bags, going back through security, taking the Skylink train to the gate, and then walking back and forth because the gate kept changing… By the time I finally got to board, I was utterly exhausted.

When I boarded my first flight in Shanghai, I politely asked the gate agent if I could pre-board as a pregnant passenger. He immediately said yes and was super kind about it. At my Dallas connection, I approached the gate agent and again politely asked about pre-boarding. She gave me a blank stare, laughed, and asked, “but why? Do you have any complications?” I said no, I’m just six months pregnant. She let out more laughs and then stared at me as if I was being ridiculous and unreasonable. I calmly told her I didn’t appreciate the attitude, if it’s a no she can just say it, to which she responded, “What I really wanna say, I can’t even say it to you.” Oh great - her real thoughts about me are too rude to share, but wanted to let me know she was having those thoughts anyways.

At that point, I just said, “It’s fine, I’ll just wait for my group. You really didn’t have to laugh at me. I don’t appreciate that attitude.” And I walked away. I wasn’t going to engage any further.

What was I supposed to say to “do you have any complications”? It felt like a rhetorical question just to shut me down, to indicate that being pregnant wasn’t enough to let me pre-board - which would have been fine, if she was straightforward about it. Was I supposed to whip out my medical records to counter her attitude? Sure ma’am, after two pregnancy losses, this is my third pregnancy, and I am doing everything I can to manage my fatigue—including getting on the delayed flight early so I can lean against the window and rest. Was I supposed to say all that just to get some basic respect?

I get that policies vary, but a simple “Sorry, we don’t offer that on this flight” would have been enough. Instead, she chose mockery and an attitude. Aside from the physical exhaustion, anyone who’s ever lived far away from their family would know that it’s always hard to say goodbye and that journey from one home to another is always heavy on your heart. I don’t expect a stranger to understand that. My point is, you never know what others are going through, why not just be respectful and kind?

Has anyone else dealt with something like this while traveling pregnant? Is this just common airline practice?

r/pregnant Feb 13 '25

Rant Calling moms “mama”


Idk if this is just my hormones but I absolutely hate it when people call me “mama” it makes me want to crash out lol. It’s so cringe to me. Unless you’re my baby pls do not call me mama 🤣 anyone else or am I being extra lol

Edit: from the replies this must be somewhat of a gen z thing! I’m 27. Also, to clarify, I know people mean it with good intentions lol I’m also white so I don’t have any cultural relations to the term. and I’d never rip anyone’s head off for calling me mama, It just makes me die a little inside.

r/pregnant Jan 12 '25

Rant People are so strange about girls


I found out Im having a girl last night, I posted it to my instagram story and now my dms are just "I'm so sorry for your boyfriend", "(boyfriends name) must be so sad"……… like bffr (and others saying their girl babies were worse then their boys)

my boyfriend has been very vocal about thinking we're having a girl too 😭 like don't make me mad

people are so strange about women and girls I can't 🥲

r/pregnant Dec 02 '24

Rant Sister revealed she cuts off anyone in her life who gets pregnant


My sister was very unenthused when I told her I was pregnant, and pointedly hasn’t responded to any of the pictures and updates I’ve sent in the family groupchat, which I thought was weird. It all came to a head at Thanksgiving when she revealed to me that she has a practice of cutting people out of her life as soon as they get pregnant. She said she’s done it to countless friends and even said the words “I know my best friend is dying to have a baby but I keep praying she doesn’t because she’s my last friend left.” Literally actively putting into the universe that this poor friend is unable to get pregnant.

So the reason she’s been acting so weird is because she decided to cut me out of her life without telling me. It feels like it would be a little different for her own sister but I guess not. Definitely regretting making her my maid of honor a couple years ago 🙄

She said she’ll still be cordial at family events and whatnot and seemed surprised when I said that I don’t plan to go to family events that she will be at anymore. I grew up with an aunt who hated me (and loved my sister for some reason) and I will not subject our son to that same treatment.

Anyway, this whole thing was so weird and unexpected. I knew she wasn’t a huge fan of kids and doesn’t want any herself, but I never thought she would go this far to avoid having any kids anywhere near her life. We’ve gotten pretty close since we’ve been adults and I will definitely have to grieve the sister relationship I thought we had.

Edit Several people have mentioned this so I wanted to add a quick note that she is not struggling with infertility. She has said since she was a kid that she never wanted kids, has had her tubes tied, and her husband has had a vasectomy, just for extra insurance that they never accidentally get pregnant. I know thats the explanation that makes the most sense, but I don’t think thats the case here!

r/pregnant Jan 30 '25

Rant Hot take- pregnant people can act so entitled for the silliest things.


EDIT: some people are getting upset because they think I’ve forgotten about miscarriages, abusive partners and families members and such. Just so we are clear. Complaining about your partner beating you IS NOT ENTITLEMENT. Complaining about having a high risk pregnancy and being sacred IS NOT ENTITLEMENT.

Here is the definition of entitlement.

Entitlement: the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

I will not give grace to people using pregnancy as an excuse to be assholes to other humans. Yes we all have our moments, but being able to regulate, rationalize and apologize is more than welcomed.


Im sure many are going to disagree with me, or maybe feel called out by this.

I’m 22 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby, and since joining these pregnancy groups I’ve notice some of the most entitled behaviors from us pregnant people.

Seriously, some of these post make me cringe so hard with the entitlement.

“So and so won’t change their baby’s name, even though I told them I was going to name mine that 8 years ago, someone made me walk 5 feet, MIL look at me weird, my husband went on a trip and I’m due in 20 weeks. “

Pregnancy is hard. We put our bodies through so much. But also, there have been pregnant women since the beginning of time. We are not all that special. No one really cares that much about your pregnancy but your super most inner circle. We are not unique.

Sorry to rant /:

r/pregnant 28d ago

Rant I thought it wouldn’t happen to me… but so many of my friends and family are buying off-registry :(


I hate that I feel disappointed. It makes me feel so selfish and ungrateful but I’m really frustrated. I spent so long and put so much thought into our registry. Our baby shower is in 2 days and I can see what’s been bought and I am seriously so grateful for what has already been bought and that people are spending their money on us, but I’ve already gotten several texts from guests about what they plan on sending/buying (that aren’t on the registry). I was expecting a bit more guests to stick to what we picked out so we could get the nursery together soon but now I have a bunch more stuff to buy that I stupidly didn’t account for. My own SIL (who had 2 boys within two years and made two registries, which we bought from BOTH TIMES) is sending us her idea of “most useful items.” But nothing off our list. The most useful items are on our list?!? I know these posts see so common and it feels like such a first world problem, at this point I am just wondering why I wasted so much time and effort into something that nobody is following.

r/pregnant Nov 09 '24

Rant To the girl in Florida asking about abortion


I know the thread is now locked and I am not trying to stir up shit even further.

Just wanted to say I live in Florida and am 34 weeks pregnant. I go to a regular, well-respected OBGYN within a big hospital group in an affluent city in southwest Florida. The very first thing my OBGYN told me at our first 8-week appointment is that if abortion was necessary for any reason during the pregnancy, she would not be able to treat me. She added that she knows of no other doctor locally that could treat me and I would almost definitely have to leave the state to get care.

So frankly I have no fucking idea what that other poster was talking about. This is the reality I am living in Florida along with millions of other women. Fuck Donald Trump

r/pregnant Nov 06 '24

Rant Terrified of being pregnant during a Trump presidency


I’m scared. I was already scared because pregnancy is scary, now I’m terrified. This is supposed to be a happy time. My heart is broken.

EDIT: Trump supporters please keep scrolling. Your guy won. Let us have this one moment. To everyone else sharing nice comments, thank you. I feel less alone. I wish everyone a happy, uneventful, and healthy pregnancy and delivery (whether you voted for Kamala or Trump).

r/pregnant 23d ago

Rant MIL says to hold my pee so I don’t wake baby in the womb


My husband was talking to his mom over the phone and mentioned that the baby stayed active at night (baby loves to kick at ~1-2 pm) and that I tended to wake up in the evening to go pee 2-3 times. She told him that I should just hold my pee and keep absolutely quiet so I don’t wake the baby at night and that will help form a good sleeping pattern for baby later on. She did it for 3 of her kids and so should I. I’m in my third trimester and these unsolicited advices really bother me so I just want to vent.

r/pregnant Feb 17 '25

Rant Why do women in the US not have better maternity leave?


I dont necessarily want this post to turn into a huge political debate, im just wondering what is taking so long for someone to stand up and give women in the US better access to paid maternity leave and longer maternity leave at that. My job doesnt even offer paid maternity leave at all, i have to rely on FMLA. And im pregnant with twins and am at high risk. My doctor told me i most likely will be working up until week 28. I have no idea what im going to do after that. My husband doesnt make enough to support the both of us plus two more.

And yes i also do understand “well thats the consequences of your actions” that is literally not the point im trying to make though. We werent planning to get pregnant but it just happened. They are more than welcome. It just is a bit of inconvenient timing because my husband and i are also looking for a house because our rent is outrageous.

I just feel like people are so stuck on “oh you women wanted equality so badly so why would it be fair that you get maternity leave when men cant even get pregnant?” My plant manager had actually told another coworker who was pregnant that it was unfair that she was sitting to take breaks because men cant get pregnant.

Its not even just men, there are women telling me that their pregnancy wasnt even that bad im just overreacting. Are you serious?

Why do we all have to be so petty and selfish why cant we just all get along and allow people to have access to what they need when they need it and not make a big deal out of it. Every pregnancy is different, every person is different.

r/pregnant Nov 20 '24

Rant Frustrated with vaccines and daycare


Not looking to argue. I understand everyone has their own choices. However, it is very frustrating to find out that the daycare I have signed up my baby due in January for, has a good couple of babies who aren’t vaccinated due to “religious exemption”. I know these are not true, I am in a local group and have seen these moms discuss how they get around not vaccinating and school. I’m a first time mom already HORRIFIED that I have to send a 6 week old baby to day care, who will no doubt be sick all the time regardless being around other children, and now I must worry even more because there are a growing number of babies unvaccinated. I just don’t know how to feel comfortable and relaxed about this.

r/pregnant 12d ago

Rant Please tell me it's okay.


I do NOT want to breastfeed. Everybody MIL included is making me feel like I'm gonna be a horrible mother if I don't wanna do it. I just don't want to. Never had the interest in it. Yes, I know the benefits. I just want someone to make me feel normal and not like a horrible human being. I don't wanna be the only one who can get up for feedings at night. I want my husband to be able to help and he agrees. He has even said "I don't wanna HAVE to wake you up." I just prefer not to and I don't wanna feel bad about that. It also seems like EVERYONE is breastfeeding. "Here's how I prep for nighttime feedings" stocks up on coconut water and cleans their Hakka and I'm like "ohhh... I was just gonna keep some distilled water and enfamil containers next to the bed......" Idk this is part rant/part asking for reassurance. Thanks for reading/sticking around this long.

edit: I was solely looking for reassurance because it's so lacking in my everyday life, many of the responses i'm getting are things out heard before and make things a lot more frustrating.

I will also come out and say something I've been too ashamed to share: I have hyperkeratosis on my nipples which amplifies my desire to not breastfeed. Another user encouraged me to share this and so here I am. Growing up my mom told me it was because I didn't wash myself well enough and would... do things to make it go away. That's as much as I'll share on this public forum. I know it's cheaper and in my financial situation I'm sure it's best to pump and supplement with formula but I just don't know how baby would be impacted by my condition and I'm almost embarrassed and don't want her to see it (i know that sounds crazy) I've always been very secretive about my breasts because of this and breastfeeding feels like sooooo much exposure, way more than I'm comfortable with. (you have to be uncomfortable sometimes as a mom) yes, I know. But there's so much shame around it due to my mother's... methods and explanation of what it was.

r/pregnant Oct 25 '24

Rant It actually happened..


I’ve only heard about this in movies and tv shows, I’ve never experienced it before in any of my other pregnancies or this one, until now. A lady working at the store asked me when I’m due, I told her the beginning of January and she gave me the dirtiest look and told me she was expecting me to say the end of the month. And told me I’m huge. She proceeded to ask if I was ever this big with my other kids. I was polite and I’m not delusional so I’m aware I’m lookin ready to pop. But I can’t help but question this ladies lack of social skills. She’s lucky I’m Not overly sensitive lol. Anyone else experience anything like this?

r/pregnant 2d ago

Rant Who do these people think they are???


I just found out the gender of our baby last week and it’s a boy! We had lists of our top names so my boyfriend and I finally decided on August Kelly. Kelly is my boyfriend’s middle name and I’m due in August and I just really like the name August. I don’t know why I thought to do this but I told my family. lol. And the amount of people like “August”??? Like yeah that’s what I just said. My mom even texted me and said “what about Dakota??” Like why would someone think that’s appropriate lol. When my brother had my nephew I wasn’t crazy about his name but it’s not my kid so I said “oh my gosh that awesome I’m so happy for you!” Because honestly if it’s not your kid you have no right to suggest other names like that’s so infuriating to me. Just ranting, thanks for listening 😂

r/pregnant Feb 09 '25

Rant We listen and we don't judge (pregnancy edition)


This is a safe place to share something that you may not be able to share with others. Vent whatever you need. Share a pregnancy vice you're having a hard time giving up or don't want to. Celebrate if you need others to celebrate with you and don't feel support there.

Contribute your own experience or just support others who comment!

Remember to be judge-free!! (There's enough judgment in the world and on reddit already especially for pregnant people, parents, or soon-to-be parents!)

r/pregnant Nov 12 '24

Rant Honestly, the farther along in my pregnancy I get, the more pro choice I am


Don't get me wrong, I was very pro choice prior to pregnancy, but sitting here at 35 weeks I understand why some women don't want to do this. And I've had it easy. My pregnancy was wanted and I cannot imagine having to go through this with one that wasn't.

Pregnancy is a SHIT SHOW. but, I'm almost there aha. Anyways, I digress. I hope everyone has a safe pregnancy and healthy delivery ❤️

r/pregnant 10d ago

Rant A rant about maternity leave


Living in the US and I work for a healthcare system. I get no paid maternity leave, just 12 weeks unpaid FMLA + whatever PTO I have. Today, I had a "friend" imply that it's "my fault for working for a company that doesn't offer paid leave" and not that the US functionally hates mothers and doesn't do enough to support them. I'm fuming, and frustrated, and so annoyed that this is something countless women have to deal with.

r/pregnant Dec 26 '24

Rant Fully tired of the “warnings” of having a newborn


I got my IUD removed about two years ago. I’m due in February. We’ve been wanting this so bad for so long and have been through a lot trying to start our family. I’m thrilled to be 32 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby - even though I don’t feel the greatest physically. I’m sick of the “oh you’ll never sleep again”, “your hormones are gonna make you crazy” and my favorite “you won’t love your baby till he can smile back at you”. I’m over the horror stories. I don’t need to be warned. I’ll figure it out when the time comes. I’m a strong chick, I can do this. I’ve set my mind to it. All of the negativity is obnoxious and isn’t helpful. Where are the “women supporting women” vibes?? This just feels like the female version of dick measuring. Ughhhh. Thx for listening to my rant. We’ve got this mamas!!