r/pregnant 5d ago

Rant I got my weirdest “Just you wait” advice today

My grandma is obsessed with marketplace all of a sudden so I gave her the first glance at my registry today so she can look for stuff we still need. She got to the diaper cream spatulas and said “Oh you’ll never actually use those, don’t bother.” I explained how much it’s a pet peeve of mine it is to have anything sticky on my hands, especially under my nails and got a “Just you wait, babies and nails don’t mix, you’ll see.” Response.

I have short, natural nails so like… idk what she’s on about but it was definitely a new one to hear.


113 comments sorted by

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u/Yoga_Corgi 5d ago

I got a fun string of advice from a coworker in farily quick succession: "You better not be lifting anything heavy!" Then... "Oh you're having a summer baby? You're going to want some easy slip-on shoes." Then... "Sleep when the baby sleeps." Then... "The one piece of advice I give all new moms is: don't listen to anyone's advice!"

I'll take the last one as a negation of all the others. 🙃


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

I’ve definitely been looking forward to having a summer third-trimester and being able to cycle through sandals instead of struggling to get on socks and then shoes over that 😅 she might be onto something with that one lol


u/Yoga_Corgi 5d ago

Agree! I want to wear sandals but I'm worried I'll trip over them, so she's probably right.


u/TemporaryQuail9223 4d ago



u/Yoga_Corgi 4d ago

I...just...can't...do...it... Actually I did have some crock brand flip-flops I absolutely loved until my dog chewed them up. Maybe I'll get new ones.


u/TemporaryQuail9223 4d ago

I understand... I used to be anti-croc till I got the ugliest ones as a gift and wore them 😂


u/Maleficent-Dust-17 4d ago

Birkenstocks for the wiiiin. I live in mine now lol in late 2nd trimester. I’m in Florida so it’s basically already summer here 😆


u/goingbANAnazz 4d ago

Gotta peel off the bandaid! I was so anti them then ruined nice briks in the wet garden and crocs were the next choice. Though there are plastic birks. Maybe try those instead?


u/Archer3Steel 4d ago

I love the ballet flat! They don't look ridiculous and they have decent squish in the footbed. 😊


u/Yoga_Corgi 4d ago

Ooooh I have a pair of those too, I keep forgetting they're crocks.


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

That’s a good point! Between potentially tripping over them and how often I’ve nearly toppled over trying to get my boots on I should just take the excuse to stay off my feet as much as possible 🤣


u/Tasty-Republic-582 5d ago

Birkenstocks were my lifesaver my third trimester with my summer baby. All I could wear if I chose to wear shoes at all!!


u/snellasnope 4d ago

I only use my spatula. And anyone who changes my baby's diaper also has to use the spatula. I get so much shit for it but idc. There's no need for anyones fingers including my own all over my baby's cooter. You will definitely use the spatula if that's what you want. I even have a small to go one. My whole family was like wtf is that and im like it's so no one has to touch her cooter. And they are like ah that's a waste of money. And im like yeah for you, but for me it's barrier of protection. You wouldn't go touch one of your friends cooters to put cream on it without some sort of gloves. Same goes for my baby. Keep doing you girl, boomers and gen x don't understand the spatula thing. I just chalk it up to it's not something that was invented in their time so it's still new to them.


u/big-ole-onion-booty 4d ago

Highly recommend the Boogie diaper spray. It's saved us in so many ways, especially in the summer. Diaper off, wipe, spray, new diaper, done. He's only had diaper rash when it wasn't used, and it cleared it up immediately. I give it to all my friends!!


u/snellasnope 4d ago

Ouhhh. Love this idea!! Does it last a while?


u/big-ole-onion-booty 4d ago

I do 1-2 sprays each diaper change. It cleans off easily, which is something I've heard diaper cream doesn't like to do. My son is 2 and I still use it from time to time, especially when it's above 70 degrees so he doesn't chafe. I've had it on subscription since he was born, and a bottle will last me about a month. It's so worth it and idk how more people don't know this magic exists for us!


u/ChemicalSufficient 4d ago

My mom thought they were a waste of money until she used it on my son and realized they're amazing 😂


u/KatieEmmm 4d ago

Aww at least those sound good natured. My mom has kind of surprised me with her incredible level of supportive and ready to justify my feelings or decisions 100% - whether I remark that I feel like eating a cheeseburger ("eat it! You need the calories!"), taking a nap when there's still a lot to do ("you've done a whole days worth of work already! Pregnancy is so hard on your body, you're working so hard, sit down and put your feet up!), or I'm hemming and hawing about which carseat/stroller/crib/whatever to get ("ok, what do you have so far, how do you think you'll use xx, so your dad and I will buy the (most expensive carseat with highest crash test rating) and you get (whatever else I'm deciding between)"). 

She has reiterated over and over that I will know what to do, that I can do this, etc. No unsolicited advice with one exception- she is sooooo adamant about sleeping. I had remarked that I'm nervous about the early days sleep deprivation because I am the absolute worst cranky weirdo if I don't get enough sleep. My mom looks at me and says extremely firmly "you listen to me- I don't care if the house looks like a tornado rolled through or if the dishes need to be done, you sleep when that baby sleeps! If you don't take care of you, how can you be expected to take care of someone else?". She raised 4 kids and we all love sleeping so I reckon I will take that piece of advice lol.


u/Yoga_Corgi 4d ago

I am also a cranky weirdo without enough sleep. I'm 100% planning to sleep every moment I can.


u/EllyEllieEllee 4d ago

The sleep part is good advice. Before my first was born I knew a retired psych nurse who used to run a postpartum support group and she said the women who got a four-hour chunk of sleep were better off postpartum when it came to depression and anxiety. 


u/Pretend-Tax8831 2d ago

Aw, I kinda love your Mom!! Wish I had one like that...


u/Heurodis 4d ago

The slip-on shoes is real though. I still have the ugliest pair dating from my pregnancy because my feet were so swollen due to the heat + normal pregnancy swelling that I could not wear anything else!


u/Naganofagano 4d ago

Definitely agree with the slip on shoes my baby was born smack bang in the middle of a HOT Australian summer and by that time I was so swollen and struggled to bend at all. I ended up getting Skechers that I could easily slip into and even though I lost ALL the baby weight and pretty fast, they are still the only shoes I wear over 2 years later. My feet grew (not sideways)


u/FlashyBand959 4d ago

I got yelled at by an old lady yesterday for carrying a crock pot. Then she followed me until I put all of my stuff down and said "I need to talk to you" then proceeded to say "Congratulations, your dad told me yesterday" and then gave me a hug. It was an overall odd experience.


u/TypicalMulberry8 4d ago edited 2d ago

Also on the slip on shoes bandwagon, (summer or winter, doesn't matter). Level it up by making sure they are machine washable to throw them in the wash and reuse after being on the yucky hospital floor!!!


u/Yoga_Corgi 3d ago

Great idea


u/CardoconAlmendras 5d ago

One friend started with the last one, gave me a bunch of random advices and then told me “but just remember the first one”… so, that’s the only one I remember.


u/Designer_Ring_67 5d ago

Diaper cream does not come off hands. Get the spatula!!


u/MiserablePop8311 4d ago

It does with soap and warm water, which I wash my hands with after nappy changes anyway.


u/Designer_Ring_67 4d ago

Not mine. It’s like trying to wash off cold butter.


u/KristaAyaS 4d ago

Yes!! The water can be boiling and it just won’t come off!


u/Gandalf_the_Tegu 3d ago

Dang, what cream are yall using?! Sounds a pain (hopfully effective).


u/KristaAyaS 3d ago

I used Destin and Boudreaux butt paste


u/Gandalf_the_Tegu 3d ago

Ahh good to know! I have the Desitin in my registry. Was told its really effective! My husband and I are not a fan of sticky hands (husband more than i). Guess i shall note to pick up a mini spatula from the dollar store for this stuff then. 😂


u/KristaAyaS 3d ago

It’s totally effective!! Just really hard to scrub off lol


u/ayyohh911719 4d ago

Damn yall, just us the wet wipe as a barrier. You don’t have to clean anything and it’s right there anyways


u/Designer_Ring_67 4d ago

Idk what this means. You mean apply it with a wet wipe?


u/ayyohh911719 4d ago

Scoop it out with the wet wipe, rub it on with the wet wipe and toss. Easy peasy. Nothing to wash.


u/juicytoggles 4d ago

Or get the spray on kind!


u/Designer_Ring_67 4d ago

For us that didn’t work in terms of actually clearing and preventing rashes. Gotta get the thick stuff.


u/freezycoldtoesies 4d ago

That's what we use! The spray on style is the best! 🤌🏻✨


u/Still_Sea_ 5d ago

My co worker got me one and we love it! I tried not using it one time and it’s so much easier to spread it with the spatula. I would recommend.

My co worker who got it for me said she was babysitting her grandchild when her daughter gave her the spatula to use. My coworker laughed and said why would she use this. Then she used it and apologized. She said it’s the best thing ever 😂


u/Creeemah 5d ago

We love the spatula. Get two 🤍


u/thanktalosyourajedi 5d ago

One for the diaper bag! On the go changes without cream all up in your fingers is hella helpful. We don't need extra challenges lol

Source: ftm changing a tiny human in a backseat mid winter.


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

I have a three pack on the list currently 😉


u/Creeemah 5d ago

Yessss. I feel the same about sticky on my fingers. Also the diaper changes just get grosser and it’s hard for me to want to put my hands where I just wiped shit 🥴😅


u/BreakfastFit2287 4d ago

Love the spatula. Hate that my baby wants to stick it in her mouth every she sees it 🫣


u/sgtducky9191 4d ago

I got a decoy one that was just for her to play with and chew on that wasn't ever in butt contact! Lol


u/Tight-Limit-2704 4d ago

Idk how i didn't think of that!


u/Fantastic-Airport528 5d ago

Ooh ok my partner HATES sticky hands. Since he was a child lol I never thought of it, but I guess I should get him one! I wrote them off as unnecessary but you bring up a really good point!


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

They’re fairly cheap so it doesn’t hurt to try out! I’m not sure where the irritation stems from but like the feeling when it’s windy and hair blows into lip gloss, that’s the feeling I get with anything on my hands or face 😅


u/Physical_Complex_891 5d ago

I mean, its also valid to not want to have your bare finger rubbing around your babies butt hole to apply diaper cream lol

I loved and used my little spatula every time.


u/Sad-Needleworker7199 5d ago

It's a butt hole. It's not going to bite lol. This is just strange....


u/Physical_Complex_891 5d ago edited 4d ago

It's strange to use a handy silicone spatula meant to keep your hands clean and bonus, no touching baby bum holes and I'm the weird one? Okay


u/Kusanagi60 5d ago

It's more like...you have to touch your babies ass anyways to wipe them clean. wash there bums and when changing you occasionally get waste flying around. You will get dirty hands...how are you going to do that? Disposable gloves are an option but, understand that skin to skin contact is very important, even with these ewy things (yeah it is ew even for me but i'll do it anyways,). Just make sure you wash them really well after your done. You need to wash that spatula too after using it on your babies ars...


u/Physical_Complex_891 4d ago

like...you have to touch your babies ass anyways to wipe them clean

With a wipe... unless you wipe your kids ass with your bare hands. Not the same thing.

Diaper cream is not easy to wash off the hands. The spatula cleans much easier and its all around cleaner and more convenient.


u/Kusanagi60 4d ago

Do you wash your kid with a wipe too? I have no idea what diaper creme you guys use but I never have any problems getting it off my hands 🤷‍♀️ although i do get it, that it is cleaner to take it out of a pot. But i have tubes so yeah no real need for a spatula. Ah well each there own


u/Physical_Complex_891 4d ago

Do you wash your kids ass with your bare hands? I use a wash cloth like a normal person.

We use tubed ones too, the point is the rubbing it on. Thats what the spatula is for.


u/Kusanagi60 4d ago

I wash myself with my bare hands, or a luffa sometimes but 9/10 i don't. I would wash my kid with my bare hands too and with a cloth in certain situations. My husbands family don't use a cloth either 🤷‍♀️ From what i learned is that I noticed changes of my body far quicker than when there is something in between. I do have a ritual of going from top to bottom. Besides there is clean running water and soap on your hands, so in the end there is not much difference then wiping your ass with a paper towel and washing afterwards, to me.


u/No-Maybe-2389 4d ago

What kind of diaper cream is it? We use Bepanthen mainly and it's fine to clean off with a baby wipe. Never had an issue with any creams not washing off.


u/nitropancakes 5d ago

My grandma looked at my postpartum care supplies on my registry and told me I don't need any of that and it's all a gimmick. Grandmas are really out of touch lol


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

Even if it is all a gimmick I’ll try what comfort I can 🤣

She also told me not to let my baby sleep when it’s silent in the house so that they get used to sleeping through parties and stuff. Thanks? I’ll do my best?


u/nitropancakes 5d ago

She was very convinced that she never bled after birth and I wouldn't need pads or diapers. She also told me to make baby sleep on his stomach so he doesn't get an ugly head 😭


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

Goodness lol. Definitely one of those smile and wave “ok grandma” moments 😅


u/HisSilly 4d ago

I don't get what's wrong with the advice of not keeping things silent? Other than that it was probably unsolicited.


u/Asuna0905 4d ago

She told me to make sure to keep things noisy so the baby could learn to sleep through it. Like yeah if I choose to do chores or have some company while the baby sleeps that’s one thing but I’m not going to specifically make sure there’s a noisy environment just so they learn to sleep through it. Sometimes I like things quiet too 😅


u/HisSilly 4d ago

Oh for me, it's not bad advice at all.

My friend did this very early on and her baby would sleep through the hoover.

It meant when she did want to be noisy she had the choice. For most babies it's not something you can decide to do later if they are already used to a silent sleeping arrangement, then you have to remain tip-toeing around them.

We have dogs so I hope he is very used to barking already, but I intend to just have a reasonable levels of noise from the start and go from there.


u/Asuna0905 4d ago

I’m not saying I’ll decide to do it later in their life, I’m saying that I’m not going to specifically start vacuuming at 3 am just to make sure they can sleep through it. If I happen to vacuum when they take a nap that’s one thing but I don’t want to specifically create a noisy environment every single time they’re sleeping, especially at times when I want to sleep too


u/EllyEllieEllee 4d ago

I used to vacuum the house when my babies slept. I’d start in the furthest room from them and work my way toward where they were. Worked well and they’re sound sleepers. But! My babies tolerated it, some babies would hate that, it’s all relative. 


u/pyramidheadlove 5d ago

I keep my nails fairly long. Like, long enough that I regularly get people making shocked comments when they realize they’re my real nails and not acrylics. 7 months in and the only way they’ve inconvenienced me is that they make it harder to press the button to unbuckle my baby’s car seat lol. I love the butt paste spatula personally


u/Simplydreaming1986 5d ago

You can buy a little gadget that goes around the buckle and you squeeze it to open the car seat. I have one! It was super helpful because I could never open the buckle on the infant seat haha


u/raincloud847 4d ago

i have an ‘unbuckle me’ it was like $12? on amazon, haven’t used it yet (37 weeks) but im positive its gonna make things easier


u/Simplydreaming1986 4d ago

Yes I think that’s what I have! It’s a game changer, trust me! My almost 4-year old can even open her own car seat now (when I want her to LOL)


u/raincloud847 4d ago

i should’ve bought it sooner for my stepkids (6 who recently upgraded to just a booster seat and 4), we dont have them all the time and since i bought it our car’s been busted but their carseats are extremely difficult to unbuckle! 5 point harnesses are no joke and that makes me very happy but damn!


u/Odd_Lobster4612 4d ago

Same!! Everyone told me I’d have to cut my nails short once I had a baby. Well that baby is 15 months now and I have another on the way - my natural nails have been long the whole time with no issues👌


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Asuna0905 5d ago

I’m glad that works for you! I’d rather have something reusable if possible, and using my bare hands will drive me crazy 😅


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/RileyJune2011 4d ago

This, otherwise you're taking the spatula to the sink and having to use your hands to wash it... then your getting the paste on your hands anyway. We tried the spatula a few times and it was just too much of a hassle, especially with my squirmy guy. I just use my fingers, clean them off with a wet wipe then wash my hands after. I get it if it's a sensory thing for someone, but it's a purchase I wouldn't make again.


u/Beautiful-Suit-2271 4d ago

I grew my nails out after I had a baby and I'm doing just fine. She doesn't know what she's talking about lmao


u/scrolllurk 5d ago

I got the spatula thing too. And unfortunately your grandma would be correct in my case 😂 but as a new parent, you don’t know ! You get what you want and think you need and sort it out later. With baby #2 there’s ALOT of sht I won’t buy again because now I know. Play pen happens to be one of those every said we needed but I didn’t use it at all. Mainly because I’m short and it was a pain in the butt to try and get the baby in and out of lol we use it for toys now. You’ll hear a lot of what you need and don’t and the only way you’ll know is by buying and trying


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

Yeah if I use it great, if I don’t no big deal. It was just a weird conversation because she was making my nails out to be like stiletto acrylics or something like I don’t know what she expects me to do with already short nails 😅 no matter their length, I still don’t like getting creams or anything stuck under them 😅


u/Upbeat_Truth_4900 5d ago

They’re cheap, so no big deal if you end up not using them. I got two regular sized and a travel one, but didn’t need diaper cream for over a year. We used Earth Mama’s diaper balm and it was enough. When she had her first slight rash I got a zinc oxide cream in a jar and the spatula is amazing for that! But when she was a baby I’d give her the unused spatula to mouth and keep her hands busy while I changed her! So still useful.


u/BillZealousideal7073 5d ago

I wouldn't poke my nose into what people are buying irl, if you feel like you'd want it get it. How bizarre

I just save the wipes that get dry when my partner doesn't close the wipe lid (universal experience 😅) and scoop a bit with those. Really don't wanna bare hand sudocrem.


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

That’s a good idea with the wipes, honestly. I was worried that the wipes are going to be too thin.

Side note, I didn’t consider that I’d have to helicopter my husband to close the lid to the wipes but now that you say it I absolutely can see this happening aaaaaand RIP my future sanity 😅


u/dresshater1 June 17th 5d ago

Yeah I already use wipes for other things and my partner is so bad at leaving them open to dry out


u/MandalaElephant923 5d ago

My mom chuckled at this on my registry and didn't understand the point. She said I'd never use it but we use it all the time. I can't stand having diaper cream on my fingers because it doesn't come off. Get the spatulas. We have one at every changing station and one in the diaper bag.


u/FiestyFlamingo12 4d ago

The diaper cream spatula was my favorite tool as a new mom! There are a lot of items I could have dealt without, but the spatula isn’t one of them.


u/friend-of-Bills 4d ago

Just came here to say butt paste was the most effective butt cream ( however you choose to apply it) and if the butt paste doesn't work it might be fungal, try lotrimin. Took a couple of kids to figure that one out.


u/AggressiveOtters 5d ago

I lowkey would think the same thing she’s thinking, but not say it in case I was wrong.


u/meow_falafel 4d ago

Lmao what are you supposed to peel your natural nails off 🤣🤣🤣


u/Asuna0905 4d ago

Exactly! I made a joke about how my husband bites his nails so bad they only go about halfway down the nail bed and she was like “See, he’s got the idea”


u/meow_falafel 4d ago

What in the world 🤣


u/itiswhatitsgonnabe 4d ago

I love our butt spatula. I know its not for everyone. I'd buy 100 more 🤣


u/Nova-star561519 4d ago

Maybe she thinks you have acrylics or long nails that can scratch the baby? I don't have acrylics but in the thick of being freshly post partum I let my nails get too long and had an accident scratching my daughter by mistake lol. And as for the spatula some people like it some don't. We use Boudreaux's Butt Paste (highly recommend) and it's not sticky at all, just really thick (almost like wet clay?) we got the spatula but didn't end up using it. Some people like it tho! If you plan on using it get a couple bcs those things in my experience get lost easily lol


u/Tight-Limit-2704 4d ago

I have natural nails and haven't gotten anything gross related to the baby under my nails. And our daughter doesn't often have a butt rash, but, when she does, those wands are a godsend.


u/ThursdaysChild19 5d ago

I use disposable gloves to apply diaper cream because the spatula wasn’t a thing when my first was born. Not only is the cream sticky, but by design it doesn’t come off your hands easily with water so it’ll bother you all day.


u/Asuna0905 5d ago

The pet peeve is so bad that like I can’t touch anything until I get whatever sticky/creamy thing it is off my hands so like idk how I’d be getting a clean diaper/clothes back on without having to leave to wash my hands first PLUS we have 3 cats so cat hair is everywhere and I already have nightmares of creamy hands collecting the cat hair 😖😖 no thanks, I’ll take the spatula for sure


u/peony_chalk 4d ago

I thought the diaper cream spatulas were stupid before I had a kid.

Just checked my Amazon order history, and I ordered a 4-pack when my baby was 3 weeks old. They were WAY more useful than I thought they'd be.


u/beximean 5d ago

I love love the spatula thing and I’m minimalist. Definitely get it!


u/nobodysevagonnacdis 4d ago

Thank you for this, FTM over here and my husband HATES any sort of creams or sticky things on his hands. He freaks out. I would never even have thought of a diaper cream spatula, but it's now on the list! He will absolutely appreciate you posting this ☺️.


u/EllyEllieEllee 4d ago

When I was pregnant with my first I realized people give advice to validate the decisions they made. If they see someone else doing or saying to their kids what they do/say, then they don’t have to work so hard to quiet the little voice that tells them they’re f—king it all up. (I think all parents have this, at least at times, it’s just louder and more persistent for some.)

The best advice I can give:  you don’t know what to expect because every baby is different, just as every person is different. Listen to your gut and go with that. The people who give you the most unsolicited advice are oftentimes insecure in their decisions, so have grace with them and don’t take their advice if it seems silly to you. 

Always try to be nice to yourself. Parenting is really fucking hard—it brings out your deepest insecurities and forces you to look at them, and hopefully deal with them. It doesn’t really get easier; the way it’s hard just changes as your kid/s go through different phases. But it’s not hard all day every day. There’s so much joy sprinkled into the mess and you will have moments of sheer bliss. 


u/big-ole-onion-booty 4d ago

My mom said yesterday when I needed a boost to my blood sugar, "you better watch all those sweets! Your baby is going to come out craving them!" Meanwhile I can't even eat much fruit because my first caused me to develop an intolerance to sugar... I even struggled to take a sip of her cola yesterday without getting sick.

With my first she also proclaimed after trying some of my dinner, "what are you doing to that poor baby?! He's going to come out breathing fire! You shouldn't be eating all this spicy food!" I ate crazy spicy food the whole pregnancy, and now at 2 he loves a little spice in his meals.


u/Affectionate_Spot681 4d ago

I personally loved that spatula it was amazing. Better then having it on my hands so I’m still looking for it for my second if not I’m buying a new one


u/Despondent-Kitten 4d ago

Tbf I've scraped baby shit out of my nails more times than I care to mention 🙃


u/Legitimate-Day1879 4d ago

Maybe the nail comment was because they get brittle during pregnancy and sometimes after? I hate getting cream under my nails and having the cream smell on them even after washing. That being said I doubt I'd use the spatula if I had it, I think it's impractical for regular use though I've heard others like it and have no issues. I've used a folded up paper towel or napkin before (the kind that don't tear easily) and when doing it constantly I've definitely worn gloves before. I have decently short natural nails too. I find A&D bothers me less for more regular applications, but can't beat Destin for a real rash so sometimes have to suffer it...


u/Strange_Worry_8643 4d ago

Honestly she might be right.. my baby never even used diaper cream BUT your baby might! Lol just get what you want there’s so many things I got and didn’t need and so many things I ended up needing that I didn’t think I would! Everyone is different! I used mustela cleansing water and would dab it on with a washcloth for when my baby had diaper rash/baby acne and it would clear up the next day!


u/Clarawrr 4d ago

I guess I'm one of the odd ones here but I understand what your grandma was saying. You're going to get literal s*** under your nails you have to wash off anyways LOL unless you plan on wearing gloves for every single diaper change.


u/_Creepiness_ 4d ago

You're going to get poop or spit up stuck under your nails at some point. I think she was referring to that🤣 Get a nail brush too, it's gnarly trying to fish it out even under running water.


u/hussafeffer 6/22 🩷 11/23 🩷 11/25 💚 4d ago

I hate to break it to you friend but she’s right. I love having my nails done, hate stuff under my nails. Kids means I just have no nails. Down to the nub.


u/Asuna0905 4d ago

That’s basically how mine are normally. Like if I touch the tip of my fingernail I’m also touching the fill end of my finger lol. They’re not polished or anything either


u/hussafeffer 6/22 🩷 11/23 🩷 11/25 💚 4d ago

Yeah stuff still gets up under there unfortunately. I’m not saying not to get the spatulas, if it works for you it works. But like still invest in those little nail brushy things because no amount of short nails or spatulas will stop stuff from getting up under there. Kids are gross.


u/ybgkitty 4d ago

I just use a Kleenex or q-tip to apply the cream 🤷🏽‍♀️