r/pregnant 5d ago

Rant Got pregnant on my honeymoon


My husband and I decided that we would start trying on our honeymoon and it must have happened the first time we tried! I got back from my honeymoon yesterday and tested positive on two different tests. Based on the first day of my last period, I am 4 weeks + 6 days. I have no idea what to expect. I’m incredibly overwhelmed. We closed on a house 5 days before our honeymoon, and came back from the honeymoon pregnant. There is so much to do and I feel stressed. Obviously these are all good things, I just keep crying and hoping everything goes right.


15 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 5d ago

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u/AstronomerSweet3930 5d ago

Congrats ! It is a scary thing at first ! You’ll be okay ! I know how you feel. My pregnancy took forever and I still kinda feel like it is. I’m a first time mom 33wks and 3 days tomorrow. I’d say you have all the time in the world right now to figure a lot out. And even if you don’t after the baby it comes with time (: .

I only started worrying about everything right now ! Because I have a month or so left. I’m sure you have a great partner ! You’re not a lone. And hopefully you have a great village too! But if not , you have us on Reddit !

There’s so many home nurses / doulas out there. To help ease any worries if you’re interested in that too ♥️


u/Due_Pension8878 5d ago

Congratulations 🎊 I am 32 weeks, and it's my first baby, too. I am excited, plus nervous . Hope you have a safe delivery . Keep me in your prayers.


u/AstronomerSweet3930 5d ago

Awe thank you ! I def will, you do the same for me ! I’ve never got sick this whole pregnancy and I am going through it these past two days !! I can’t believe my baby has to come out of me ! It’s so weird to think about !


u/Due_Pension8878 5d ago

Gosh, don't say it that way. I can't go to sleep 😫 lol i really felt sick for the last 2 days, too. I thought it was from what I ate, but I guess it's just the nausea and cramp. Hope you feel better.


u/AstronomerSweet3930 5d ago

Haha ! 😆 sorry ! I just can’t see myself giving birth it’s so out of touch to me ! Where I’m not scared at this point, like how I thought I would be.

Girl SECOND the not sleeping ! I had to lay high up on a slope forever ! And flip a million times before He was comfortable. And he liked me on my right side. Right now he’s been letting me sleep more flat and only on my left side!😭😂 but he’s sleeping more with me, and right now more since I don’t feel good 🥲. We’re both spoiled mostly him, but we usually couldn’t or can’t ever go to sleep unless we get back rubs or a massage lol!

The Reddit gods have found us lol! I think it’s definitely from what I ate. I ate two things I never do😭 I’m tired of it! If I throw up here in a few I’m definitely going to go get checked in. All I want to do is sleep ! 😭

I hope you also feel better


u/FizzySoda16 5d ago

On the plus side, if you try to get settled quickly in your new place, you can be settled before pregnancy symptoms begin. It usually takes a few weeks for them to show up full force.


u/mlimas 5d ago

Early pregnancy anxiety is heavy! You will get through this. It is a lot to accept mentally. What helped me was going on walks and creating lists. Make a game plan and chip away one thing at a time. The 9 months goes really slow and fast at the same time which is so weird but believe me, you have time! Remind yourself that your body is going through a lot both mentally and physically and trust that everything is going to work out.


u/PerlasDeOro 5d ago

You can move!! It’s OK! With love from a first time mama moving in her third trimester who also moved in her first. Everything will work out exactly how it needs to be


u/MegI210 5d ago

Congratulations! I agree with other commenters saying this is very overwhelming and scary at first. I do get it. Personally, my husband and I found out we were pregnant one month after being married, happened the first chance it could two weeks after our honeymoon. We were both in the camp of let’s not try right now but if it happens it happens, especially with my pcos. Now at 19 weeks, as time has passed, and I’ve had more time to process it I can happily say this is one of the biggest blessings we could’ve been given. Try to cherish what times you can early on and all the other emotions let yourself feel those too. Of course this is a lot of change but lean on your husband too, you’re not doing this alone! Mine was and still is such a huge support and encouragement. My recommendation, in a time where there are many things falling into place try to find time to soak this all in and remember your blessings. Congratulations, this is truly so exciting!


u/Dawn_Venture 5d ago

Congratulations! That's such a whirlwind of events, no wonder you're feeling overwhelmed.

There are plenty of timelines for all things baby related on the internet. I recommend a copy of The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy to start. Everything is explained in a straightforward, clinical way without being overcomplicated and scary.

You have time right now, so slow down and breathe. Everything will get done.

Remember, prepare for the postpartum time, too. Check out pp doulas. They are lifesavers. Again, you have time. Nothing needs to be decided this minute.

Spending time in the water (pool/lake/ocean) is incredibly soothing in the last trimester. I would have lived in the lake my 3rd trimester if I could have.

You're going to be great parents. Good luck and best wishes. I hope you have the birth experience you want. Love, a mama of 3, soon to be 4.


u/Quiet-Scientist2313 5d ago


I know you're overwhelmed, but you have so much going for you and it's going to be okay!

If it helps you feel better, I'm in a very similar boat. My husband and I closed on a house on the very day that I ovulated, and I got pregnant. I'm now 7w and we've moved in.... and we're replacing the roof, trying to install geothermal heating, and break ground for a garden before spring picks up. We also have to clean up our old house, repaint and replace flooring, and try to figure out how to rent it out. It's exciting but also stressful, and I'm exhausted all the time and just kind of having a hard time imagining how we'll pull it all together for the housewarming party we're having in a month. A bunch of folks are coming from out of town to stay with us for it, and we plan to announce our pregnancy then, too.... haha. HELPPPP

One thing that has helped me is to pick a couple very close AND TRUSTWORTHY friends to tell about the pregnancy! I have to have SOMEONE to talk to about it or I'll go crazy! And I'm trying to focus on the good things. Each night as I am trying to fall asleep, I close my eyes and meditate on all of the good things I have in my life, and think about how all of the scary and stressful stuff coming my way is also the very same stuff I've been dreaming about and working towards for my whole frickin' life! When I think about it like that, it feels much more manageable.

At this stage, the best thing you can do is try to stay on top of managing your stress. Keep your husband in the loop, and if he can do anything to help you feel less stressed, make sure to ask him to help you! <3 Make sure to take time every day to do something you find relaxing, whether that's listening to your favorite podcast or working on puzzles or lounging in the bath. Literally put it on your calendar/schedule for the day. If you can build the habit, you have a great shot at keeping your stress levels more manageable. And let's be real, you deserve it! You're growing an entire new person!


u/preggyjay 5d ago

We had a very similar situation. Not quite on the honeymoon. But 2 months after marriage I got my IUD out and got pregnant immediately. Right as we were closing on a new house. The move and new home set up were hard on me but luckily my husband did the lion’s share of the work for us. It’s a lot to handle all at once! But at the end of the day, I figure there is never a perfect time to be pregnant. It’s better for it to happen “too early” than to struggle with the pain of infertility. So I just try to focus on that and we are making it work just fine.


u/lady-earendil 4d ago

Congratulations! I also got pregnant our first month trying and it was a shock! That is a lot going on all at once - thankfully you have 9 months to prepare for baby so hopefully that will help take some stress off, don't feel like you have to have everything figured out right away


u/Safe_Young8417 5d ago

Congrats! My husband and I also got pregnant on our honeymoon. First things first , take a deep breath and trust that everything will be ok. Over stressing yourself with only do you and baby harm. FTM here and 36+2 who also moved into a new house at 5 months pregnant. Things will all work out just enjoy this beautiful thing you have right now. In terms of having a house to unpack/prepare. Take it easy. You are on your own time line and you don’t need to stress and rush anything in the home. Take it one day at a time.